Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4222 Bloodshed!


Bai Qi slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although it took a lot of effort, he finally succeeded in killing one of Yi Ting's external incarnations.

He glanced at Keveli, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

Without the guidance of the Demon Queen, even if he has the rich foundation of Tianbai Emperor, he may not be able to exert his true power.

As soon as the figure flashed, Bai Qi flew to follow Keweili's figure.

Although immortals and demons are not at odds with each other, given the current situation, releasing Ebert as soon as possible is the key to their decisive battle with Yi Ting.

As for the high heaven, the fierce battle between Elder Shenglin and the Chaos Thunder Dragon has reached a fever pitch.

The battle between the ancestral dragon and the dragon demon may not be able to tell the difference in a short period of time.

The next moment, Bai Qi and Ke Weili had flown to the place where Ebert was trapped.

A cage made of endless thunder, suspended in the void, exuding waves of heart-stopping fluctuations.

Within the cage, the Chaos Thunder Beast relied on the power of the Thunder Prison to almost completely suppress Ebert.

Countless thunderbolts formed chains of thunder that wrapped around Erbert's six arms, leaving traces of scorched black marks.


Kavli gritted her silver teeth. This thunder prison almost completely cut off all connections between her and Ebert. Even if Kavli wanted to send Ebert back to the void, she was completely unable to do so.

The twelve purple wings behind her flapped, whipping up a storm of demonic energy and crashing into the Thunder Prison crazily.

However, the Xuantian Xuanlei that shrouded the endless thunder prison was quite restrained from the power of the ancestor of the sea demon that she exerted.

"Damn it!"

Keveli stared at the endless thunder prison and suddenly cursed.

"This Thunder Prison is a great source weapon, the Demon Suppressing Thunder Prison. It is the nemesis of all demons, and it was reforged three times by Yi Ting using the Demon Suppressing Golden Essence. Even if your Void Overlord possesses The combat power is comparable to that of the ancestor, but it is suppressed in the Demon Suppressing Thunder Prison, and there is no way to escape. "

Empress Qingluo stepped on Luanfeng, flew to the vicinity of Thunder Prison, and said in a deep voice: "Not only that, the Chaos Thunder Beast guarding the Thunder Prison was refined with the original power of Yi Ting's thunder. It is quite powerful." Yu Yiting's other external incarnation, in the Thunder Prison, has the terrifying power to suppress the ancestor-level powerhouses!"

Keveli frowned, "Stop talking nonsense, you woman, can't you just say the important point!"

Empress Qingluo took a deep breath, managed to pull herself together, and gritted her teeth and said: "If Yi Ting is still here, it would be almost impossible to break through this thunder prison, but it is just a dead thing after all. Now Yi Ting's soul has been captured by Ling Feng That strange beast is involved in another spiritual space, which gives me an opportunity to take advantage of!"

When Bai Qi heard this, his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he nodded, "What Her Majesty the Empress said is absolutely true!"


Kweli snorted coldly, and once again activated the demonic energy of the ancestor of the demon clan to turn into a black claw, and fiercely grabbed at the Demon-Suppressing Thunder Prison.


The devil's claws hit the Thunder Prison hard, making a deafening roar.

However, the light curtain of the cage only trembled slightly before returning to calm.

"Don't waste your efforts. Although your ancestor's demonic energy is powerful, it is restrained by this demon-suppressing thunder prison. No matter how you attack, it will be in vain!"

Empress Qingluo said, looking at Bai Qi, "Elder Bai Qi, the only person who has a chance to break through this demon-suppressing thunder prison is you."

Kweli's eyes narrowed. This was probably the reason why Qing Luo asked her to help Bai Qi deal with the incarnation of Yi Ting first.

"Then let me try it!"

Bai Qi's figure swept away and offered sacrifices to the Cangtian Divine Palace again.

The power of the ancestor surged in his body, and the Cangtian Divine Tower turned into a golden stream of light and crashed directly into the Demon-Suppressing Thunder Prison.


There was a loud noise, and the Demon-Suppressing Thunder Prison trembled violently. Although it seemed to have no effect, Bai Qi could feel that the forbidden magic patterns on the cage seemed to be gradually weakening.

"It's working!"

Bai Qi's eyes narrowed, and in an instant, ninety-nine and eighty-one huge divine palaces appeared directly on the horizon, turning into meteors and crashing crazily into the Demon-Suppressing Thunder Prison.

There is not much time left for them, and Ebert must be released as soon as possible.

After all, no one knows the battle situation at Ling Feng.

Under Bai Qi's extremely violent offensive, a black crack slowly spread above the Demon Suppressing Thunder Prison.

A hint of joy suddenly flashed through Keveli's beautiful eyes, and she said loudly: "Hurry! Hurry up! Time is running out!"

She could feel that the power of the Nine Nether Sky Demon Pill could only last for less than half an hour at most.

Bai Qi took a deep breath and let out a low roar. Then, the figure exploded and transformed into thousands of clones.

The billowing ancient energy surged, and countless clones condensed into golden sword lights, which all shot towards the Demon-Suppressing Thunder Prison.


There was another loud noise, and the cracks on the Demon Suppressing Thunder Prison became more and more dense. Finally, they could not withstand Bai Qi's stormy offensive, and the light curtain shrouding the endless Thunder Prison shattered. Cracked.


Immediately afterwards, a powerful demonic energy rushed out of the cage and swept the entire battlefield in an instant.

I saw a majestic body that shook the sky and the earth, emerging from the fragments of the prison cage.

Whoosh whoosh!

Six arms broke free from the thunder chains at the same time, and then, a pair of iron-like claws firmly grasped the thunder beast in front of them.


There was a loud noise, and the thunder beast was torn into two halves!


In an instant, Ebert's three heads raised their heads to the sky and roared at the same time. Although this overlord of the void was covered in scars, he did not lose the slightest bit of dominance.

A purple light flashed in Keveli's eyes, and she finally reestablished contact with Erbert.

As streaks of purple light circulated around Ebert, the wounds on its huge body were also rapidly healing.

Kavli's Eye of the Void can bring out all of Ebert's potential to the greatest extent.

Of course, it also includes the ability to heal yourself.

However, at this moment, streaks of black and yellow energy suddenly burst out from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a loud shout came.

"Be careful!"

Everyone looked towards the direction where the roar came from, but they didn't notice a flash of lightning.


The sound of violent thunder shook the entire sky.

Then, a flash of sword light cut through the sky, and then there was a loud "crash" sound, like a ten-thousand-ton waterfall falling.

Ebert's huge head fell directly from his neck as if it were ripe.

That waterfall like a torrential rain was actually the hot blood spraying out from Erbert's severed neck!

Immediately afterwards, a stream of blood splattered from the neck of the second head.

Although the wound could not be completely cut off, half of the neck was deeply penetrated.

Only then did the power of the sword light dissipate!

"Ebert! No!"

Keveli's eyes widened and she looked at everything in front of her in disbelief. Her body was also trembling with anger.

The next moment, the figures of Yi Ting and Ling Feng were thrown out of the whirlpool.

In Ling Feng's arms, he held tightly a cub that was only the size of a cat, but it was Ah Jin who had exhausted all his spiritual power.

Ling Feng's body was dripping with blood, and he glared at Yi Ting opposite him.

Finally, relying on the pressure of Ancestral Dragon's will, Yi Ting was temporarily suppressed in the spiritual battlefield.

But he didn't expect that at the last moment, Yi Ting would break through Ah Jin's chaotic void.

Because of this, Ah Jin suffered an extremely terrifying mental backlash.

At this moment, he was almost dying and fell into an extremely weak state.

And that Yi Ting had just returned to the outside world. When he saw Erbert being released, he immediately launched a sneak attack.

Ebert tore apart Yi Ting's thunder beast, but one and a half of its heads were cut off by Yi Ting's sword.

The bloody scene shocked everyone instantly.

"Old dog Yi Ting, go to hell!"

The angry Keveli flapped her twelve purple wings crazily on her back, and storms of demonic energy surged toward Yi Ting.

However, at this moment, the figure of "Ling Feng" appeared behind Keweili in an extremely strange way.

Before Keveli could react, a palm passed through her back and through her heart.


Keweili spat out a mouthful of blood and turned around to stare at Ling Feng in disbelief, "You..."

However, a sinister smile appeared on "Ling Feng's" face, and then he transformed into Yi Ting.

The Yi Ting on the opposite side also launched an offensive in an instant. The sword in his hand flashed, and before he could make a move, he already penetrated Bai Qi's chest with his sword.

But it turned out that the two figures who had just "escaped" from the whirlpool, whether they were Yi Ting or Ling Feng, were just mental illusions performed by Yi Ting.

They did escape from Ajin's mental space.

However, it is not close at hand, but still some distance away.

Yi Ting took advantage of this distance difference to project the illusion in front of Keveli and others, making them believe it to be true.

In normal times, they may not fall into such illusions.

But concern leads to chaos. They were all so worried about Ling Feng's condition that for a while, they didn't have any doubts at all.

At this moment, Yi Ting replaced these illusions and was able to launch a surprise attack when everyone was unprepared.

"Yi Ting, you despicable and shameless scum!!!"

In the distance, Ling Feng, who was witnessing all this, immediately sent Ah Jin back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and flew towards him with a roar.

He roared and roared, the anger in his eyes almost burning.

However, he could only watch all this happen, unable to stop it.

Although they escaped from the Chaos Void almost at the same time, Yi Ting's speed was far beyond what Ling Feng could match.

He killed Kavli and Bai Qi in two brutal sneak attacks in succession.

I'm afraid there is no suspense in this battle.


Yi Ting slowly pulled out the long sword that was buried in Bai Qi's chest, and at the same time slapped out a palm, knocking Bai Qi away.

Bang, there was an explosion, and Bai Qi's figure turned into a cloud of blood and exploded.

"Brother Bai Qi! No!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened with bloodshot eyes, and he wished he could cut Yi Ting into pieces with a thousand knives.

"You beast!"

Empress Qingluo's eyes widened, and she urged the luan bird under her feet to kill Yi Ting desperately.

However, Yi Ting pierced the frosty wings of the Luan Feng with a single finger. Luan Feng immediately lost her balance, and Empress Qingluo also fell heavily from Luan Feng's back.

At the same time, the lightning flashed, and the thunder intertwined into a large net, directly blocking the Qingluo Empress.

However, Yi Ting's gaze was coldly fixed on the already crazy Ling Feng from beginning to end, and he sneered: "Did you see it? Ling Feng, all this is because of your incompetence. You guys have no chance." !”

After the words fell, Yi Ting drew his sword again.

This time, the target is Kavli.

Although that palm completely penetrated Kavli's heart, the injury was not enough to completely kill Kavli.

The sword light suddenly slashed down, but a roar was heard. Although Erbert was also seriously injured, he still stretched out six arms without hesitation to protect Keveli in his palms.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In an instant, an arm was cut off at the root. Erbert was in pain and let out a cry of pain, but he threw Keveli's body heavily towards Ling Feng.

At the same time, he roared and attacked Yi Ting, blocking Yi Ting's pursuit.

Although it is not good at human language, it does not mean that it has no intelligence.

It knew very well that at this moment, only Ling Feng could heal his master, and sending Keweili to Ling Feng's side was the best choice.

Ling Feng could be considered half of Erbert's master. Of course he understood Erbert's intentions. He jumped up, hugged Keveli's delicate body, and sealed it with Taixuan Golden Needle with a single stroke of his hand. Several acupoints near Keveli's heart channel.

At this moment, Keveli's vitality was rapidly draining away.

The power of Yi Ting's Sky Patrol Mysterious Thunder had invaded her internal organs, and her aura quickly withered, like a candle left in the wind.


Yi Ting glanced coldly in the direction of Keveli, but did not get entangled with Erbert. His figure flashed and turned directly into a bolt of thunder, rushing up to the sky, joining the Chaos Thunder Dragon and the hurriedly launched Battle of the Sky. middle.

Almost instantly, a scream came from the voice of Elder Shenglin!

The next moment, a black mist was like a storm, escaping into the distance. Yi Ting smiled coldly, struck out with a palm, and directly hit the black mist. In an instant, thunder surged, and the black mist was annihilated and turned into nothingness. .

After doing all this, Yi Ting's figure appeared in front of everyone again.

Three attacks almost caused the death of the three powerful ancestors.

Although it was a sneak attack, which was really despicable and shameless, his strength could only be described as "terrifying".

He slowly exhaled a breath and finally locked his eyes on Ling Feng.

Erbert roared and took the initiative to block Ling Feng.

However, in its current state, I am afraid that it is no longer able to compete with Yi Ting.

"This farce must end."

Yi Ting slowly raised his palm, "The Tiandao clan will be completely exterminated today!"

Ling Feng's body was trembling with anger.

He hugged Keveli's body tightly, his eyes flashing with angry blood.

The next moment, the demon's Yin body reappeared, protecting him.

In Ling Feng's hand, he secretly held a Nine Nether Sky Demonic Pill.

This is his only trump card that can finally fight against Yi Ting.

However, at this moment, a bolt of lightning rushed out of the ruins.

But it was none other than Wan Jun, the Holy Son of the Thunder Clan.

Wan Jun took a deep breath, stood in front of Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Lord Emperor, you are about to ascend to the Divine Way, why bother to kill all the Tiandao clan again?"

"Step aside!"

However, Wan Jun's response was Yi Ting's cold words without any emotion.

Wan Jun tightened his fists and said bravely: "Master Emperor, this kid alone can no longer pose any threat to you! You simply..."

"Step aside!"

Yi Ting's voice became a bit colder.


Wan Jun wanted to say something more, but at this moment, he saw a black energy suddenly surge around Yi Ting.

A series of shrill and ghostly roars roared, resounding throughout the sky above the Luan Lin Death Lake.

The next moment, the black energy condensed into an extremely ferocious face.

Surprisingly it is Ning Kun! (End of chapter)

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