Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4223 Burning blood! Qingluo’s determination!

Ning Kun's resentment has not completely dissipated!

In an instant, the ghostly face formed by the black mist was seen circling crazily around Yi Ting, making bursts of shrill and ghostly howling sounds.

In that ferocious face, a pair of eyes full of malice and hatred stared at Yi Ting, roaring loudly! Howling! Roaring! Screaming!

That strong unwillingness almost condensed into substance, turning into a terrifying resentful spirit!

Waves of extremely terrifying death energy suddenly filled the air from Ning Kun's face, turned directly into grimaces, and spread out in all directions.

In an instant, the sky above the entire Chaotic Dead Swamp became extremely dark. The ghostly faces all over the sky were hideous and terrifying, and the shrill roars seemed to tear the entire world apart.

"How can it be……"

Yi Ting's brows furrowed tightly, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

The light from the Black Tower of God has clearly purified the curses and underworld magic in his body.

Now, Ning Kun's resentment has condensed and taken shape again.

In fact, he could clearly feel that the death energy emanating from Ning Kun was even more terrifying than before.

The power of the ancestral dragon in the body was eroded by this death energy even faster than before.

"It really worked!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ling Feng didn't show much surprise.

It can even be said that Ning Kun's "recovery" was planned by Ling Feng.

In the spiritual space created by Ah Jin, within Ling Feng's body, the five ancestral dragon souls erupted at the same time, nearly suppressing the origin of Yi Ting's soul.

However, this is just an appearance.

Of course Ling Feng knew that with Yi Ting's strength and cultivation, it was only a matter of time before he could break through the chaotic void.

However, in this spiritual battlefield, besides a few of them, there is actually a fourth person!

That is the terrifying resentment belonging to Ning Kun.

Since he has merged with the dragon jade fragment, this resentment will never be completely eradicated before Yi Ting completely transforms the ancestral dragon dragon source into the thunder source that ascends to the divine way.

And Ling Feng actually possesses the sixth kind of ancestral dragon power.

The dragon of decay and curse—the ancient wizard dragon!

Although Ling Feng did not directly obtain the power of the ancient witch dragon, before the ancient witch dragon completely dissipated, some of its witchcraft power was left in the Star Stone Necklace.

When Yi Ting fought against the five great ancestral dragons, Ling Feng used this ray of witchcraft to rekindle Ning Kun's resentment.

Unfortunately, it was too late for this resentment to break out.

In other words, it was precisely because Yi Ting used all his strength to defeat Kweli, Bai Qi and Elder Shenglin one after another that Ning Kun's resentment was able to burst out in an instant.

"Pointless struggle!"

Anger surged in Yi Ting's eyes, and he slapped Wan Jun who was blocking him in front of him, sending him to a safe area.

At the same time, rolling thunder erupted all over the body.

Although Ning Kun's previous resentment did catch him off guard, and he almost suffered under the combined efforts of the three of them.

But at this moment, there is no curse from the Great Evil King Yifeng.

His current state cannot be compared to what he was in before.

The ghost face condensed with resentment was still around him, circling crazily.

Ning Kun shouted low, and in an instant, thunder surged around his body, transforming into countless thunder dragons, roaring and rushing towards the faces made of resentment.


In an instant, the thunder dragon and the ghost face collided together, erupting with an earth-shattering loud noise.

However, the death energy released by Ning Kun seemed to be endless and inexhaustible.

Those ghostly faces roared in the thunder, erupting with terrifying power, constantly devouring the body of the thunder dragon.

And Ning Kun's face became more and more distorted, and he let out shrill roars, like a fierce ghost demanding his life.

Ling Feng hugged Keweili tightly, while protecting the vitality in Keweili's body, he handed the Nine Nether Heavenly Demonic Pill to the inner demon of killing evil. .

"God damn it, this time, it's up to you!"

Ling Feng stared at the shadowy form of the demon beside him, or in other words, his murderous inner demon.

Tiansha glanced at Ling Feng coldly, was silent for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice: "Although I have never given up on replacing you from the beginning to the end, since I want to replace you, it is equivalent to Inheriting your identity as a descendant of Tiandao! The hatred between you and Yi Ting is the same as mine!"

Damn it, the inner demon born out of Ling Feng is naturally equivalent to the Tiandao clan.


Ling Feng nodded and laughed loudly, "Although I will never let you succeed, this time, please!"

At this moment, the original skeleton of the Heavenly Demon's Yin Body is held in Ling Feng's palm. Even if the Heavenly Demon's Yin Body swallows the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon Pill and temporarily explodes with combat power comparable to the ancestor level, Ling Feng is still confident that he can Take control of God damn it.

Tiansha swallowed the pill without hesitation, and the aura in his body began to surge crazily.

Even if he swallowed the Nine Nether Heavenly Demonic Pill at the early stage of his shattering, it would be difficult for him to explode into a level of power comparable to that of Kavli and the others before.

However, it can be regarded as crossing the threshold of the ancestor level.

As for Yi Ting, who was resisting Ning Kun's resentment at the moment, he might not have a chance.


As if sensing Ling Feng's thoughts, Erbert roared up to the sky and issued his own response.

Unfortunately, his three heads were almost cut off in half, and after the elixir was exhausted, it gradually began to bite him back.

In its current state, it is basically just a living target against Yi Ting, and can only be beaten unilaterally.

However, due to its rough skin and thick flesh, it can be used as a shield to withstand several attacks.

"Elbert, take a rest for now!"

Ling Feng comforted Erbert for a while, then nodded to Tiansha and said solemnly: "Old Sha, if I can do it, I will give you your freedom in the future!"

Tiansha smiled coldly, then shouted loudly, the billowing demonic energy condensed into a long sword as black as ink, and he rushed towards Yi Ting with the sword.

"Ling Feng, these methods of yours are just a desperate struggle!"

Yi Ting's voice was cold and ruthless, "Today, your Tiandao clan is destined to be exterminated!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the thunder around him became more and more violent. Above the sky, those thunder dragons became more and more violent, rushing towards those ghost faces crazily.

Boom boom boom!

Above the sky, deafening sounds of explosions erupted.

Ning Kun's ghost face still made a shrill wail, which made Yi Ting extremely upset.

At the same time, the sword of God was already coming towards him.

"court death!"

Yi Ting snorted coldly and raised his hand to hold the edge of Tiansha's sword. Hearing a "click", the blade shattered into countless fragments.

However, the next moment, the fragments seemed to turn into steel needles, shooting towards Yi Ting.

The figure of Tiansha flashed and suddenly appeared above Jiutian.

The moment those fragments blocked Yi Ting, they had already condensed into a thousand-foot giant sword.

"Great killing technique!"

Yi Ting's eyes narrowed, and he immediately recognized that what the other party was performing was the great killing technique created by the Great Evil King Yi Feng.

In a sense, the Great Evil King actually died from the backlash of this overbearing mass killing technique.

Yi Feng spent his whole life, but could not solve the side effects caused by killing the inner demon.

Unexpectedly, he was trained by Ling Feng.

I have to admit, that kid does have his own uniqueness.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any more time.

"Is that all?"

Yi Ting took a deep breath, and an extremely cold light flashed in his eyes, "Then, let's get it over with!"

After the words fell, a giant thunder statue rose up behind Ning Kun.

The Thunder Colossus shattered the giant sword formed by the Heavenly Slayer with one palm, and the next moment, Yi Ting's figure slowly floated up.

Immediately afterwards, a palm was slapped directly on his chest.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened and they stared at Yi Ting in disbelief.

What on earth is he doing?


Yi Ting spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the next moment, he slowly opened his mouth and spat out the Taixu Zhoulong Dragon Jade that had been integrated into his body.

At this moment, the entire piece of dragon jade has basically become complete. Only the last dragon head and a small half of the dragon body are left, which is almost complete.

And on one of the dragon claws, there was billowing black smoke.

It is the part that was refined by Ning Kun before.

With almost no hesitation, with a "click", Yi Ting tore the dragon claws apart.

Then, he used the hand gesture to directly seal the fragments of the dragon claw.

He had to forcibly refine this dragon claw in order to suppress the curse of the Great Evil King.

Now, the curse of the Great Evil King has been removed. Since it is not yet time to advance to the divine way, we will temporarily seal this dragon claw and find another opportunity to completely eliminate the ghost magic inside.

Otherwise, sooner or later it will still be a hidden danger.

As the dragon's claw was sealed, Ning Kun lost the source of his power and could only roar a few times at Yi Ting unwillingly.

Thousands of ghost faces all blasted towards Yi Ting.


Yi Ting smiled coldly, raised his hand and slapped it with a palm.

The majestic power of thunder shattered all those ghostly faces in an instant, and Ning Kun's roar completely disappeared.

At this point, the hidden dangers from within were finally completely resolved.

Although he was forced to peel off the ancestor dragon, he also suffered serious injuries.

But at the moment, all those who can threaten him, including Demon Queen Keweili, Tianbai Emperor Bai Qi, Elder Shenglin who has refined the power of the Dragon Demon Ancestor, and even Ling Feng's strange beast, have already All lost the ability to fight again.

Just with the remaining demon body?

Even after swallowing the power of the Nine Nether Sky Demonic Pill, he even mastered the great killing technique.

To him, it was nothing more than that.

He wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "This time, let's see what other tricks you can do?"

Ling Feng's face darkened. At this moment, Tiansha finally got rid of Yi Ting's thunderous form, shouted loudly, and attacked Yi Ting again with his sword.

"While you are sick, I will kill you!"

At this moment, Yi Ting is just at the end of his strength.

"By you?"

Yi Ting waved his sleeves, and the shadow of the Chaos Thunder Dragon reappeared.

In an instant, the thunder dragon directly wrapped around Tiansha's body and took him up into the sky.


The overbearing Chaos Divine Thunder instantly disintegrated the billowing demonic energy around Tiansha's body. The violent power of thunder flowed through his whole body, causing Tiansha to scream in agony.

"now you!"

Yi Ting stared at Ling Feng with his cold eyes, "If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too weak!"

As soon as the words fell, Yi Ting's figure suddenly shot out.

However, at this moment, a loud shout came from below.

"Ling Feng, leave quickly!"

But it was Empress Qingluo who actually forcibly broke through Yi Ting's thunder cage.

Her whole body seemed to be burning with a ball of blood-red flames, and her figure turned into a ball of fireballs, rushing directly towards Yi Ting at a terrifying speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

"Qingluo, are you crazy!"

Yi Ting's eyes widened. At this moment, Qing Luo actually used the power of burning blood!

Burning one's own original essence and blood is a secret technique used to counterattack when one is about to die.

Even though Yi Ting had betrayed everyone in the world, he was still unwilling to kill Qing Luo.

The reason why he used a cage to trap Qing Luo was also to prevent Qing Luo from having a chance to fight.

I never imagined that this woman could be so strong!

Qing Luo glared at Yi Ting, but what she responded to was Qing Luo's surging attack with all her blood and essence!

"Senior Empress!"

Ling Feng looked at Qing Luo's back and clenched his fists tightly.

Too many people have died!

This battle has already paid a too heavy price.

Kweli, Erbert, and Ajin were seriously injured, while Bai Qi, Shenglin, and Ning Kun died tragically.

At this moment, even Empress Qingluo actually performed this suicidal secret technique.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Qing Luo slammed into Yi Ting, knocking him back thousands of feet, and at the same time let out a final roar towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, and tears welled up in his eyes.

He lowered his head and glanced at Kavli, who had already fallen into a coma, and at the seriously injured Erbert. Although he was holding on forcefully, Ling Feng knew that this void overlord had already reached its final limit.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes fiercely, and without hesitation, he directly released the demon's Yin body, and at the same time teleported Ebert back into the void, hugged Kavli tightly, turned around and ran away.

In an instant, the golden light barrier that enveloped the periphery of the Luan Lin Death Lake also opened in cooperation, seeming to have opened a passage especially for Ling Feng.

"Want to run?"

Yi Ting snorted coldly and wanted to catch up with Ling Feng, but was tightly entangled by Qing Luo.

Feeling that Qing Luo was igniting the original essence and blood, Yi Ting finally showed a trace of panic in his eyes. He stared at Qing Luo and gritted his teeth and said, "Qing Luo, do you have to do this?"

"You, a regicide and rebellious scum, do you know what loyalty is?"

Qing Luo spat out a mouthful of blood, "If you want to get there, you have to step over my body first!"

Yi Ting stared at the direction of Ling Feng's escape and finally let out a long sigh.

The next moment, Yi Ting's figure flashed and appeared in front of Qing Luo. He raised his hand and directly sealed the energy, blood and mana that were raging in Qing Luo's body.

Qing Luo glared at Yi Ting angrily and wanted to scold her again, but the origin of her soul was completely sealed by Yi Ting. The next moment, Qing Luo fainted.

"You want to die, but it's not that easy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Ting picked up Qing Luo and then made a weak grab in Wan Jun's direction before grabbing Wan Jun beside him.

"Lord Emperor, do you... still want to pursue me?"

Wan Jun looked at Yi Ting, a little at a loss.

"You got your wish! Let's go back!"

Yi Ting gave Wan Jun a cold look, then hugged Qing Luo and flew towards the direction of the Fortress of the Dead.

Qing Luo's current situation, if not dealt with in time, she would definitely die.

After all, Yi Ting still couldn't completely let go of all the emotions in his heart, and chose the latter between chasing Ling Feng and saving Qing Luo's life. (End of chapter)

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