Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4224 The ancestor of the new generation of dragon demons!

"Wait a minute, Lord Emperor, the Shui Han Shi Shen returns..."

Wan Jun turned around and glanced at the depths of the Luan Lin Death Lake.

This trip was to explore the Luan Lin Death Swamp. When he came, in addition to him and the traitor Yun Ting, there were also Wei Wuji and the three shadow guards from the Xuntian Ice Tribe, plus the Shui Han War God from the Dayu Immortal Courtyard.

In order to cover their escape and pass the information to Emperor Yi Ting, these people all chose to stay in Luan Lin Death Swamp to intercept the enemy.

Among them, the three major shadow guards and Wei Wuji had all been used as bait by the Obsidian Demon Emperor, and eventually died tragically on the battlefield.

And the Shuihan God of War...

He stayed to stop the guy who was known as "Young Master Xuance". Now, the war was over, and neither Xuance nor Shui Han showed up.

After all, Shui Han had saved his life several times, and Wan Jun was not willing to leave without confirming Shui Han's safety.


Yi Ting smiled coldly, "Wan Jun, are you really stupid? Or are you just lucky and don't want to believe it? Do you really think that Ling Feng's appearance here is just a coincidence?"


Wan Jun felt a "thump" in his heart.

Maybe he is obsessed with the authorities, or maybe he trusts Shui Han too much.

So much so that Wan Jun never thought about it.

But Yi Ting was so broken, everything seemed to fall into place.

Yes, how could such an eternal monster suddenly appear?

When the figures of these two people were overlapped, Wan Jun finally realized.

If Shui Han is Ling Feng, then everything makes perfect sense.

"Lord Emperor, you have already seen that Shui Hanzhan... Shui Han is Ling Feng?"

Wan Jun clenched his fists. It turned out that he was the one who was kept in the dark from the beginning.

And Emperor Yi Ting, from the beginning, wanted to catch all the dragon jade fragments in Ling Feng and the demon soul hall master Ning Kun!

"Originally it was just a guess, but it was not completely certain. But now, it is completely certain."

Yi Ting snorted coldly, "It is impossible for him to return directly to Wangshu Fortress with the Demon Queen. And although the Demon Queen did not die immediately, she was also seriously injured and it will not be easy to recover. Get up!”

After saying that, Yi Ting took another deep look at Wan Jun and said in a deep voice: "After you return, you will pass on my order to integrate the dead souls. The elite armies of the two fortresses of Tianshu will attack Xingyuan with all their strength! Xingyuan Fortress was destroyed The demons have occupied it for so long, it’s time to take it back!”


Wan Jun's expression changed slightly, "Lord Emperor, the previous temporary truce agreement..."

"The one who made the agreement with me is the Demon Queen Keveli. Now, can she go back and take charge of the overall situation?"

Yi Ting took a deep look at Wan Jun without saying anything, and immediately hugged Qing Luo. A curtain of light flashed around him, enveloping Wan Jun, and then his figure turned into a bolt of lightning and soared into the sky.

And after Yi Ting's aura completely disappeared.

A piece of scorched earth suddenly trembled slightly.

The next moment, the scorched earth exploded, and a figure whose whole body had been almost burned into coke appeared inside.

Surprisingly, it was Elder Shenglin.

But it turned out that Sheng Lin did not die suddenly under Yi Ting's last thunder attack.

However, his aura was completely hidden by Young Master Xuance using the chessboard magic weapon.

However, even though he had saved his life, Sheng Lin was almost dead at this moment.

His whole body, apart from being able to move his eyes a little, was basically completely useless.

Moreover, every minute and every second, he was tortured by Xantian Xuanlei, and life was worse than death.

The next moment, a whirlpool opened in the void, and the figure of Young Master Xuance slowly walked out of the whirlpool.

He walked straight to Elder Shenglin and squatted down.

"Isn't it painful?"

Xuance took a deep look at Elder Shenglin. His whole body was covered with shocking scars.

Sheng Lin's pupils shrank and focused tightly on Xuance, as if he wanted to say something.

It's a pity that all it can do is make a hoarse "Woo" sound.

"It seems that you and my predecessor were both wrong after all. Whether you were forbearing or dormant, all your plans were in vain. And next, I will use my own method..."

His eyes gradually fell on Elder Shenglin.

"Surviving with your appearance is a kind of torture. Why not pass on these powers in another way."

After saying that, he gently raised his palm and pressed it on Elder Shenglin's charcoal-like chest.

Elder Shenglin's eyes widened and he stared at Xuance.

From disbelief, to shock, anger, and then to relief, relief...

Perhaps, death is indeed a relief for him now.

Not long after, all the power in Elder Shenglin's body that originally belonged to the previous generation of Dragon Lord returned to Xuance's body.

And the power of the ancestor of the dragon demon was also absorbed by him.

This power, in Elder Shenglin's body, has gone through a run-in and been "tempered" by Yi Ting's Xuan Tian Xuan Lei. In a sense, it has been almost perfectly integrated.

If Elder Sheng Lin's body had not completely collapsed, perhaps he would have been a blessing in disguise and successfully harnessed this power.

But now, everyone has made wedding clothes for Xuance.

And as all these powers were taken away by Xuance, Elder Shenglin's aura gradually dissipated.

He took a deep look at the charcoal on the ground. When the last ray of dragon power was drained away, there was only a "click" sound, and Elder Shenglin's body instantly disintegrated and was annihilated in ashes.

Xuance sighed softly, looked at Shenglin's scattered dust, and murmured: "Shenglin, I will do it for you what you can't do, but I will do it in my own way."

At this moment, he was already the ancestor of the new generation of dragon demons.

And with this power in hand, he can do anything!

at the same time.

Ling Feng hugged the seriously injured Ke Weili and fled from the Luan Lin Death Lake in a hurry.

At this moment, Ling Feng hugged Keweili tightly, feeling her weakness and powerlessness, and his heart was filled with endless guilt and anger.

After all, he miscalculated Yi Ting's background.

He also miscalculated the horror of that miraculous civilization.

Who would have thought that the three ancestor-level combat powers would end up like this when facing a cursed Yi Ting?

Just a projection of the black tower and the divine light coming down caused Yi Ting to recover quickly. Not only did he clear away the curse of the Great Evil King, he even almost got promoted to the divine way!

If it weren't for Kweli, Bai Qi and Elder Shenglin, who had tried their best, coupled with Ah Jin's explosion, they would have delayed long enough to exhaust the power of the projection and forcibly stopped Yi Ting's promotion to the divine way.

I'm afraid that I don't even have a chance to escape.

And at the last moment...

Recalling Empress Qingluo's determined gaze, she clearly had the consciousness of death!

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, hating his own incompetence and his own weakness!

"Kavli, hold on, no matter what, hold on! I don't want to lose anyone anymore!"

Ling Feng's eyes were bloodshot.

After running for who knows how long, Ling Feng took Ke Weili to a desolate mountain range.

The terrain here is difficult and the environment is harsh, but it is this kind of place that is most likely to be his hiding place.

Not long after, Ling Feng found a relatively secluded cave and placed numerous magic circles around it. Then he entered the cave and gently placed Keveli on a flat boulder.

He carefully examined Keveli's injuries and found that her life force was rapidly draining away.

The power of Xantian Xuanlei was frantically destroying the vitality in her body.

The power of thunder is the nemesis of all evil spirits.

Even the ancestral demonic energy belonging to the Sea Demon King in Keveli's body was completely unable to expel Xuntian Xuanlei from her body.

Yi Ting's claw almost tore Keveli's heart completely open.

All the internal organs are filled with the terrifying Xantian Xuanlei power.

If this continues, Keveli may really die.

Large beads of sweat rolled down Ling Feng's forehead.

Although he had used the Taixuan Golden Needle in time to seal off Keveli's heart.

But judging from the results, Keveli's situation is still very bad at this moment.

For the first time, Ling Feng looked so panicked when facing the injured.

Even his hands were trembling slightly.

He took deep breaths several times. At this moment, he could no longer be affected by other distracting thoughts.

Be it Brother Bai Qi or Empress Qingluo...

He must first forget all these things and concentrate on them before he can have a chance to take back Kavli's life.

After all, Kavli is a demon, and the essence of life is not exactly the same as that of humans.

Pills that are generally used to heal humans are not much different from poison to demons.

Ling Feng could only use the source of chaos to convert his own mana into demonic energy, and poured it into Keveli's body bit by bit, forcibly renewing her life.

Although my Taixuan Acupuncture Technique can have a certain effect, it is still difficult to get rid of all the Xuantianxuan Lei that remains in Keveli's body.

The only way now is to introduce all this domineering thunder power into his body.

However, although the power of chaos is overbearing, after all, it is the original power of thunder that belongs to Emperor Yi Ting.

The terrifying origin of thunder at the ancestor level is no joke.

Considering that Ling Feng's cultivation level is only comparable to that of Sun Lun, he may not be able to withstand this power.

However, we can't just watch Kavli die like this!

After Ling Feng continued to transfer the demonic energy into Keweili's body, about half an hour later.

Kvelli finally slowly opened her eyes.

However, at this moment, she was still in an extremely weak state. Feeling that Ling Feng was guiding the power of the Sky Patrol Mysterious Thunder in her body, she quickly gritted her teeth and said, "You brat, are you crazy?"

Ling Feng did not respond, but said through his spiritual consciousness: "Keep your mind tight, don't think wildly, and don't talk. If you vent your anger, the situation will become more serious."

Kweli smiled bitterly, "I know my situation well. That old dog Yi Ting never thought of leaving a way for me to survive. His current strength is much stronger than before. Back then, he was just Being able to suppress and seal me with the Five Elements and Three Miracles Boundary Monument,, being able to forcibly kill all the ancestor-level experts, cough cough cough..."

"I told you, don't talk anymore..."

Ling Feng felt anxious in his heart, "If you continue like this, you will really die!"

"What, you can't bear to leave me?"

Instead, Keveli showed a sad smile, "Or are you kid, did you realize that you actually like me?"

"It's already this time, Her Majesty the Queen, why don't you take the opportunity to share the occasion when you're joking!"

"You're about to die, so why bother?"

Keveli looked at Ling Feng intently and said in a deep voice: "I... after my death, Ebert will be entrusted to you, and... also, I don't ask you to help the demons invade the fairyland. But at least... I can also keep my ancient... Gulando..."

Before she finished speaking, a look of extreme pain appeared on Keveli's face again, and another mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

"You woman, why are you disobedient?"

Ling Feng's eyes widened, and without caring about anything else, he suddenly activated the source of chaos and madly introduced the Xuanxuan Lei in Keweili's body into his own body.

Even if you die, you have to fight!


In an instant, a violent arc of electricity danced between the two of them.

As soon as he came into contact with the power of Xuan Tian Xuan Lei, Ling Feng felt that the origin of his soul seemed to be paralyzed.

It is worthy of the power of a strong person at the peak level of Shattering, but it is so overbearing!

It's hard to imagine what kind of pain Keveli is suffering at this moment.

"Ling Feng, don't mess around!"

Kweli forced herself to cheer up and stared at Ling Feng, "Do you really think that I will like you? From the beginning to the end, I have only used you! After all, I am also the Queen of the Demon Race. If you are like this It's such a shame and shame for the unknown people to die together! That's enough, I want you to stop, stop!"

"You... cough cough cough... you are still... not worthy of dying with me!"

The words in Keweili's mouth became more and more cold and vicious, but Ling Feng knew that she just didn't want to risk her life.

"Okay, Keveli, don't say these things against your will again! Remember, I rescued you from the seal. You haven't repaid my kindness to you yet. If I don't let you die, you can't die!" Did you hear that?”

"This is...this is the first time that someone dares to say such things to the emperor. Okay, then my life will be in your hands!"

Kavli forced out a smile, "Now, are we sharing a life again? The situation seemed to be similar last time in the original void of the Void Siren Kraken, right?"

Ling Feng nodded, then took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "We managed to survive last time, and the result is the same this time!"

After saying that, Ling Feng let out a low roar and began to suck the Xuan Tian Xuan Lei into his Chaos Dantian.


In an instant, Ling Feng let out an extremely painful roar, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

His eyes widened, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Even with his tyrannical body, when Yi Ting's Sky Patrol Mysterious Thunder invaded his body, the pain of every muscle and vein exploding in an instant made him unable to help but howl in pain.

What follows is an almost endless baptism of thunder. (End of chapter)

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