Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4231 Victory or defeat?

The gods govern the heavenly realm and the Yuanyang realm.

On a huge disk floating in the sky, stood several powerful men with powerful momentum.

These people are all the supreme masters of the Emperor Star Pavilion, and they are also the true foundation of Tianzhi.

Right in front of the golden disk, on the main seat, sat a middle-aged man in white.

It was none other than Tianzhi’s lord, Li Baiyi.

Not long ago, several blockbuster news came back from the battlefield outside the territory.

First, Emperor Yi Ting was ambushed by the demon clan and the ancient demons in the Luan Lin Death Swamp.

What's even more terrifying is that the person behind all this is actually the current leader of the Shenlong clan, Sheng Lin.

It can be said that Elder Shenglin has been planning everything since the establishment of Ningkun Demon Soul Palace. Even earlier, he was secretly planning everything.

This person's scheming, city government, is truly unfathomable.

But in the end, it still fell short.

What shocked your Majesty even more was that he didn't expect Ling Feng to be involved in this matter.

And the eight-star war god Shui Han, who has recently become famous in the battlefields outside the territory, turned out to be the incarnation of Ling Feng.

"Unexpectedly, he still took action in advance!"

The Lord in white sighed softly. He once said that day that although he could not use the power of Tianzhi to fight against Yi Ting together.

But he can help Ling Feng from his personal standpoint.

But in the end, Ling Feng did not let him intervene.

Perhaps, he didn't want to involve Tianzhi.

It's a pity that even though Ling Feng, the demon clan and the ancient demon lineage combined, he still fell short in the end.

However, after this battle, Yi Ting returned to the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Territory.

At the same time, he also brought a woman with him.

Although the Zhanzhan Alliance has blocked the news, there is no airtight wall in the world. What's more, Empress Qingluo, who was patrolling the Wind Clan at the same time, has also been missing for a long time.

Presumably the woman Yi Ting brought back to the Tianchu Thunder Territory must be Qing Luo.

All along, the attitude of the Wind Clan Empress towards Yi Ting has been obvious to all.

This time Qing Luo was seriously injured, probably not because she joined forces with Yi Ting to fight against the enemy, but more like she was injured by Yi Ting.

But even so, Yi Ting did not anger the Xantian Feng Clan because of this.

This Emperor is not as ruthless as he seems on the surface.

But, I'm afraid it's just for Qingluo!

Your Majesty in white is a person of the utmost love and nature. Otherwise, you would not have trapped Ling Ruoshui on the island in the middle of the lake for tens of millions of years, just to protect her.

Therefore, he can also understand Yi Ting's preference for Qingluo.

However, he was still full of contempt for Yi Ting's character.

At this moment, one of the elders bowed to the white-clothed master and said, "Your Majesty, before Emperor Yiting returned to the Tianchu Thunder Territory, he ordered Wan Jun, the Holy Son of the Thunder Clan, to summon all forces to unite. Attack the Xingyuan Fortress, and my Tianzhi’s Zhitian Fortress also received the order from the Holy Son. "


Your Majesty raised his eyes and looked at the elder, "It's just an ordinary order, just cooperate with it."

Although the Lei Clan acted domineeringly, and Yi Ting was once a regicide and rebellious person, their positions were consistent with those of the Demon Clan only when it came to fighting against the demons.

He has experienced the ancient demon-slaying war and witnessed the cruel and tragic war, which brought huge disasters to the entire fairyland.

No matter what, he didn't want to see the flames of war ignite again in the fairyland world.

"It's just that this time the edict..."

The elder was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "I hope that your Majesty will come forward to cooperate."

Your Majesty's eyes narrowed.

In fact, he has already prepared to come to the battlefield outside the territory.

Ling Ruoshui died for his love with the Great Evil King, and his Majesty also gained his own liberation.

Once he let go of the knot he had held in his heart for thousands of years, his state of mind reached another level.

With a clear mind, many new insights came one after another.

Perhaps at this moment, he has become the one closest to the ninth level of brokenness among the seven major forces in the Immortal Realm, other than Yi Ting.

It is precisely because of this that he practiced in seclusion within the Yuanyang Realm and did not come to the battlefield outside the realm.

But now, it seems inevitable.

"Then let's take a walk."

The Lord in white took a deep breath.

With so many changes happening one after another, the morale of the major human race fortresses in the foreign battlefields must have been quite low.

At this time, a victory is indeed needed to revive morale.

Retaking the Star Source Fortress is a very critical and important step.

Dayu Imperial City, inside a luxurious palace.

At this moment, in the palace, a middle-aged man wearing a plain gown was holding a chess book in his hand. He was placing black and white chess pieces on the chessboard in front of him.

This person has an elegant face and an outstanding temperament, and his whole body exudes a trace of returning to nature.

Under the chess table, there was a man wearing a golden dragon robe, bowing to the middle-aged man.

"There is news from the battlefield outside our ancestors' territory that the Eight-Star War God Shui Han is the remnant of Heaven, Ling Feng!"

The identity of the person who can wear the five-clawed golden dragon robe in this palace hall will naturally be revealed.

Besides His Majesty Emperor Yu, who else is there?

And the person whom Emperor Yu calls his ancestor is naturally the real controller of the Dayu Royal Family, the Holy Emperor of Dayu.

However, this ancestor looked much younger than Emperor Yu.


Holy Emperor Dayu gently placed a black chess piece, but he did not show too much surprise at the news sent back by Emperor Yu.

With his state of mind, he had already reached the point where he could not change his expression even if the mountain collapsed in front of him.

What's more, when he summoned Shui Han into the palace before, Holy Emperor Dayu had already met Ling Feng with a wisp of his spiritual thoughts.

At that time, Holy Emperor Dayu had already guessed that Shui Han's identity was by no means simple.

But I didn't expect that he would be a descendant of the Tiandao clan.

Holy Emperor Dayu looked calm, raised his head to look at Emperor Yu, and said warmly: "Look at the current situation in this chess game, do the black stones have the upper hand, or do the white stones have the upper hand?"

Emperor Yu looked helpless, "Ancestor, did you hear what I said? That Shui Han is Ling Feng, a remnant of the Heavenly Dao. With Emperor Yi Ting's attitude towards the Heavenly Dao clan, he is afraid that he will implicate me, the Great Yu Immortal Court!" "

Holy Emperor Dayu frowned slightly, finally put down the chess book and turned to look at Emperor Yu.

"Those who are kings must not be impatient."

He stood up slowly, pointed to the chessboard in front of him, and said calmly: "Before the last piece is dropped, the entire chess game is still full of countless variables. Who do you know whether this dead move will become a fatal move in the near future? A good hand?"

"Ancestor, I understand the truth, but the current situation..."

Emperor Yu sighed, "The soldiers of Wangshu Fortress all regarded Shui Han as their spiritual belief. It's good now that Shui Han suddenly became a remnant of heaven and colluded with the demons. All the reputation that Wangshu Fortress had established before, now, All of a sudden it was all in vain!”

"Aren't these reputations all built up by that remnant of heaven you call me?"

Holy Emperor Dayu smiled faintly and patted Emperor Yu's shoulder gently, "Is there any other action on Yi Ting's side?"

"After the battle in Luan Lin Death Ze, Emperor Yi Ting returned to the Tianchu Domain. It is said that he also brought the empress of the Wind Clan with him. Her Majesty, the empress, seemed to have been seriously injured..."

Immediately, Emperor Yu told Holy Emperor Yu as much detail as possible about the situation he knew.

"That is to say, at least for now, Yi Ting has no time to hold Dayu Xianting accountable. So, what are you panicking about?"

Holy Emperor Dayu said calmly: "What's more, there are still two opinions on who is the orthodox one, Heavenly Dao or Xuntian. Ling Feng's current prestige is enough to stir up the storm."


Emperor Yu was stunned, but he never thought that this ancestor actually had such a plan in his heart.

He swallowed hard and said in a deep voice: "Ancestor, how can Ling Feng, alone, compete with Emperor Yi Ting? In the battle at Luan Lin Death Lake, wasn't the winner already decided? ?”

"It's too early, it's too early!"

Holy Emperor Dayu smiled slightly, "Why do you think Empress Qingluo was injured?"

"Um..." Emperor Yu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I think he was injured when he teamed up with Emperor Yi Ting to fight against the powerful demon clan. Queen Keveli of the Gulando clan has a Promoted to the ancestral level of Void Overlord!"


Holy Emperor Dayu smiled coldly, "The female emperor of the Wind Clan has never forgotten for a moment that the Xantian lineage is a vassal of the Tiandao lineage. She has been dormant so far just to maintain her heritage for the Tiandao lineage. ”

"Besides, that Ling Feng has been practicing in Tianzhi for ten years. During these ten years, do you think that Li Baiyi is really just a drunkard and a rice bag, and you didn't notice anything at all?"

A bright light flashed in the eyes of Holy Emperor Dayu, "Li Baiyi was obsessed with Ling Ruoshui of the Tiandao clan back then. It is only logical and reasonable that he would protect Ling Feng. As for the Xuntian Ice Clan, this person in Ling Feng's body , there is clearly an aura from the Xantian Ice Clan, presumably originating from the saint who was imprisoned back then.”

"That old boy Hao Cang, on the surface, seems to obey Yi Ting, but in fact he has a lot of thoughts! If Ling Feng also has half of the Xantian Ice Clan bloodline in his body, do you think that Hao Cang will eventually Which side will you be on?"

After a pause, Holy Emperor Dayu continued: "So, do you still think that Ling Feng is alone?"

Emperor Yu opened his eyes wide and looked at the ancestor in front of him with admiration in his heart.

"What about us?"

Emperor Yu's eyelids twitched, "Ancestor, are you also optimistic about this Ling Feng?"

"Given the relationship between Ling Feng and that girl Bingqing, it would indeed be a good thing if Ling Feng could replace Yi Ting."

Saint Dayu took a deep breath, but finally shook his head, "But Yi Ting's background is extraordinary. Did you know that Yi Ting has been building a mysterious tower that reaches the sky over the years! This tower may be just like the legendary one. It’s related to the Celestial Clan.”

"Then who can win?"

Emperor Yu was confused by Holy Emperor Yu, and he didn't know which side to stand at all.

Holy Emperor Dayu smiled and looked at the chessboard again, "As I said before, no one knows who will win this game until the last piece. It is not advisable to act rashly until the situation is clear."

"What about Bingqing and Shuihan's engagement?"

"It won't change for the time being, and I won't mention it."

Holy Emperor Dayu took a deep breath and said, "In the final analysis, if you are hesitant and vacillating, you will eventually be completely defeated. But in this storm whirlpool, how many people can act entirely according to their own wishes? Alas..."

After a long while, Holy Emperor Dayu said calmly: "That girl can activate the giant statue of the gods. In the future, her achievements will definitely be on top of this throne. Unfortunately, how far will it be in the future?"

Holy Emperor Dayu shook his head, walked back to the chess table, carefully put the chess records into his sleeves, and said calmly: "It seems that I will also go to the battlefield outside the territory."

On this side of the Immortal Realm, forces from all sides are surging.

At the same time, within the Star Source Fortress, the demon army also felt a sense of urgency that a storm was coming.

On top of the city tower.

Demon King Udyr frowned and looked at the wasteland in the distance.

Although on the surface, the human army respected the armistice agreement that day and did not launch an offensive.

But as the human army accumulated at the end of the wasteland, more and more people gathered.

Even a fool can understand the intention.

"Damn it, these humans are trying to catch us in a trap!"

Udyr clenched his fists and cursed.

Demon Emperor Harrison on the side couldn't help but roll his eyes at this guy, you are such a turtle!

However, the words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

But at this time, Queen Keveli, the most powerful among the three demon emperors, suddenly disappeared.

In this regard, the intelligence work of the demons is far inferior to that of the humans.

Now, the great battle in Luan Lin Death Ze has spread to almost all the fortresses of the major forces in the Immortal Realm.

But as for the demons, they basically know nothing about it.

Of course, this is also related to the final disastrous defeat of the demon clan, and even Keweili could only flee back to the demon realm in panic with Ling Feng.

"The Queen is not here. If these humans attack in large numbers, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle!"

Harrison said in a deep voice.

"Fight, let's fight, who the hell is afraid of whom!"

Udyr raised his fists and said, "My hands are still itchy!"

At this moment, Pharos, who was from the Gulando clan, quickly climbed onto the tower.

Pharos bowed his hands to the two Demon Emperors, and then said: "Your Majesty the Demon Emperors, there is news from the Queen!"

But it turned out that the guard sent by Keveli finally successfully passed the message to Falos.

Immediately, Pharos told the two of them all the news he knew.

Kvelli didn't say much, she just told them to rely on the defensive barrier of the Star Source Fortress to defend the city until she came back.


Demon King Udyr frowned and was a little displeased, "Damn it, can Guang Shou be able to hold on to this situation? At this time, he suddenly went into seclusion? It's really unreasonable!"

However, he could only complain a few times. In the final analysis, Keveli was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and her orders were the highest orders of the demons. (End of chapter)

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