Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4232 The Pagoda of Life and Death!

"OK OK."

Demon King Harrison patted Udyr on the shoulder. Compared to the impulsive and reckless Udyr, his scheming was much higher.

At such a critical moment, Queen Keveli would never go into seclusion for no reason, and she even deliberately ran back to the Demon Realm.

Either he was injured, or he was about to take that crucial step.

Harrison is naturally more inclined to the latter.

Once Her Majesty the Queen is promoted to the realm of the ancestors, she will be joined by her Void Overlord Ebert.

Maybe this time, he can really lead the demon army and enter the fairyland again.

"Since Her Majesty the Queen has given instructions, we will obey her orders and wait for her return."

After saying that, Harrison turned to look at the guards and said in a deep voice: "Send the order, the entire army is on alert, and the city defenses are reinforced. No matter how offensive the human race takes, the entire army will defend and never leave the city to fight!"


After receiving the order, the bodyguards immediately jumped down from the tower and immediately announced the highest order from the Demon Queen.


Udyr snorted softly. Although he was somewhat unconvinced, since even Harrison chose to obey Kavli, it was not good for him to jump out and sing the opposite at this time.

They can only order to continue, and the Troll Legion will go all out to strengthen the city wall. With the original barrier formation of Star Source Fortress, as long as there are enough Demon Emperor-level experts to maintain it at the same time, even if those master Immortal Emperors come in person, in a short time, Don't even think about breaking the barrier.

Unless Yi Ting takes action himself.

At the same time, the dead souls, the elite armies of the two Thunder Clan fortresses in Tianshu, were already stationed in Thunder Canyon.

The defenders of Xingyuan Fortress were trapped here that day.

The human coalition forces fought an extremely fierce battle with the demons here.

To this day, in this thundering canyon, the traces left by the battle that day can be vaguely seen.

In the center of the camp is a huge temporary tent.

On the periphery of the position were the Holy Dragon Legion soldiers wrapped in chains.

Because of Elder Sheng Lin's "betrayal" again, the Holy Dragon Legion's current situation is even worse than cannon fodder.

They built trenches and fortifications outside the camp, and they were the ones doing the dirty work. When the fight broke out, they were the ones who rushed to the front and died. There was no doubt that they were the ones who died.

And when the army is marching, they must transform into their true bodies, replace the lowly earth dragons, and become the foot power to pull the cart!

They were all once extremely proud dragons, but in the end, they ended up like this.

At this moment, in the handsome tent in the center of the camp.

From the dead souls, the generals from the two fortresses of Tianshu, and the elders from the Conquest Alliance.

As well as several immortal strong men stationed in the Fortress of the Dead Souls, they have all gathered here.

The main seat directly in front of the camp was empty, and no one dared to sit down.

After all, before Yi Ting hurriedly returned to the Immortal Realm, he only appointed Wan Jun as the temporary commander-in-chief of the Fortress of the Dead.

Apart from ordering Wan Jun to lead the army to attack Xingyuan Fortress, there were no other instructions.

Although Yi Ting personally appointed him, his qualifications are still relatively young after all. Most of the people here are broken level experts, and even the ones standing next to them are at the half-step level.

Wanjun is only a moon wheel, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public.

Therefore, although the elders of the Alliance of War strongly urged Wan Jun to sit in the main seat, he declined several times and finally added a seat to the right side of the main seat.

Wan Jun reluctantly sat on the side, which not only showed that she was the commander-in-chief of this operation, but at the same time, she would not overstep too much and offend the elders.

Although he had temporarily summoned an army to rescue the Star Source Fortress army trapped in Thunder Canyon before, Wan Jun's experience in commanding operations in the true sense was still infinitely close to zero.

But after all, he was trained as the inheritor of Emperor Yi Ting, so Wan Jun naturally does not lack the magnanimity and magnanimity of the superior.

He took a deep breath and looked at the elders.

Prior to this, he had already issued orders to the nearby fortresses to cooperate with the operation.

Therefore, the reason why the army is stationed here and has not yet taken action is actually waiting for reinforcements from other major fortresses.

Of course, the main one is the one from Tianzhi.

Your Majesty in white is skilled in the art of magic formations.

When the major forces in the Immortal Realm struggled to open up the first fortress of dead souls on the battlefield outside the territory, it was with the help of the enchantment formation established by this lord that they finally expanded into the two major forces of immortals and demons. The forces are competing against each other on the battlefield outside the territory.

After all, an environment like a foreign battlefield is extremely unfavorable to human soldiers.

If we hadn't successfully built fortresses one after another, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to hold on to where we are now.

Except for the Fortress of the Dead Souls, the boundary formations of other major fortresses were actually derived from the original layout of the Lord in White.

Although it has undergone adjustments and improvements time and time again, the layout of the Lord in White is always the master version.

As the saying goes, everything changes without departing from the origin.

Only this lord knows best how to break the barrier formation of Star Source Fortress.

After all, if the demon army cannot defend itself, even if Queen Nakweli is injured, relying on the three trump cards of the demon army: the fallen angel army, the troll army and the demon soul puppet army, it will probably take several months to defend. Time may not bring results.

And they don't have a fortress to rely on. The longer they stay in the outside world, they will only continue to lose under the alternation of dark red blood moon and light red blood moon.

This is extremely detrimental to their major legions.

Therefore, this battle must be fought quickly.

This is also the reason why Wan Jun sent people to Zhitian Fortress to ask the Lord in White to descend.

"How about it? Is there any news from Zhitian Fortress?"

Wan Jun took a deep breath and looked at the elder of the Zhanzhan Alliance who was responsible for liaising with Zhitian Fortress.

"Reporting to Your Majesty the Holy Son, the Zhitian Fortress has sent someone back to Tianzhi to request Your Majesty to come forward. However, it will take time to come back and forth. It will take an hour and a half. I'm afraid there will be no reply."


Wan Jun pondered for a moment, "Where are the other major fortresses? Fire Clan? Mountain Clan? Dayu? No news about any of them?"


Elder Tianyu of the Dayu Immortal Courtyard sighed softly, "Your Highness the Holy Son, you also know that our Wangshu Fortress is the closest to the Soul Burial Canyon. We need to always be wary of the movements of the demon army over there. What's more, we have been consumed by the previous several battles. There are a lot of troops, I'm afraid this time..."

"Hmph, they are all excuses! Who knows if your Great Yu Immortal Court has colluded with the remnants of the Heavenly Dao for a long time!"

The Nanlu elder of the Xantian Mountain Clan finally found an opportunity to add insult to injury. How could it go to waste?

He had been severely "educated" by Shui Han several times before. Now that he knew that Shui Han was Ling Feng, he would naturally not let anyone who had anything to do with Ling Feng go.

What's more, the Xuntian Mountain Clan and Dayu Xianting are not at odds with each other.

"You!" Elder Tianyu frowned and was so angry that he was speechless.

After all, Ling Feng almost became the consort of the eldest princess of Dayu Xianting, and this matter could not stop the public from talking about it.


The elder of Nanlu sneered sinisterly, "What? Did I tell you wrong? Since Ling Feng dared to collude with the demons, God knows if the people in your Dayu Immortal Courtyard have already colluded with the demons. You are probably hoping that the demons will keep occupying the Star Source Fortress and even attack our alliance! Huh! Are you still acting here?"


Elder Tianyu's eyes widened, "Don't spit on others!"


Elder Nanlu sneered and said, "I'm afraid I'll expose you and become angry from shame!"

Just as the two elders were criticizing each other, Wan Jun frowned and shouted loudly, "That's enough!"

For a moment, the two elders shrank back and did not dare to say anything more.

"Don't use doubters, don't doubt people when you employ them."

Wan Jun took a deep breath and said, "Dayu Immortal Court has a deep foundation in the Immortal Realm and is dominant. Is it necessary to collude with the demon clan? Elder Nanlu doesn't need to say these words again in the future!"


Elder Nanlu lowered his head and did not dare to say any more.

"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty the Holy Son."

Elder Tianyu let out a long breath and bowed to Wanjun, "I and the soldiers of Dayu Immortal Court will definitely atone for their sins!"


Wan Jun nodded slightly, and at this moment, a burst of hearty laughter came from outside the big tent.

"Holy Son Wanjun, his magnanimity is extraordinary, I admire him, I admire him!"

Then, I saw a flash of dim light, the tent door curtain swayed slightly, and the next moment, I saw a middle-aged man wearing rich clothes appearing in the big tent.

"Holy Emperor Dayu!"

For a moment, a group of broken, immortal-level elders bowed to Holy Emperor Dayu one after another.

"See His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

Of course, except for the elders of the Xantian Mountain Clan.

After all, they were originally the orthodox ones in charge of the entire Great Yu Immortal Territory.

Wan Jun also quickly stood up and saluted Holy Emperor Dayu, "This junior has met His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

Holy Emperor Dayu gently raised his hand, and a lifting force supported Wanjun.

"Wan Shengzi, now you are the commander-in-chief of the three armies, how can you salute the old man? What's more, the old man has already retired behind the scenes for many years. If it hadn't been for this battle, the old man would really not want to disturb this muddy water again!"

He sighed softly at first, and then said calmly: "We, the Great Yu Immortal Court Wangshu, and the two fortresses of Xihe are unable to draw off the excess troops for the time being. However, I still have a hundred thousand personal guards under my command, who are willing to be mobilized by Wan Shengzi. "

"Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

Wan Jun's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that the first person to support him would be Dayu Xianting.

However, Dayu Xianting will be somewhat implicated because of Ling Feng. This time Dayu Holy Emperor went to the battlefield in person, probably because he wanted to use this matter to eliminate these negative influences.

It is really not easy for this person to replace Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun!

But no matter what, with Holy Emperor Dayu sitting in charge, he finally had a little more confidence.

Wan Jun smiled slightly, raised his hand towards Holy Emperor Dayu and said: "Since His Majesty the Holy Emperor is here in person, you will naturally take the vacant main seat!"

"No no no..."

Holy Emperor Dayu waved his hands repeatedly, "You're welcome, Wan Shengzi. I'm just here to help you, how can I overshadow the guest?"

"Hmph, is he worthy of sitting on the main seat? Nephew Wan Xian, are you confused?"

At the same time, another powerful and domineering momentum suddenly descended.

Immediately afterwards, a fist burst out, heading towards Holy Emperor Dayu.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Holy Emperor Dayu's mouth, he raised his hand to wipe away the wind from the fist, and said calmly: "Brother Yuan Kun, long time no see!"

The person who came was none other than Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun.

After all, the five Xuntian clans came from the same lineage, and Wan Jun was Yi Ting's direct disciple. Therefore, it was not wrong for Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun to call Wan Jun his nephew.

Moreover, invisibly, many relationships have been brought closer.

In comparison, Holy Emperor Dayu could only be regarded as an outsider.

As the voice of Holy Emperor Dayu fell, the door curtain opened, and it was Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun who walked in.

Seeing that his master finally arrived, the Nanlu elder let out a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere just now almost made him suffocate.

"Stop calling us brothers!"

Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun didn't know that the guy in front of him who seemed to be indifferent to the world and seemed to be retiring was actually a smiling tiger.

He snorted coldly and passed directly over Holy Emperor Dayu.

Although he hated Holy Emperor Dayu, he also knew that now was definitely not the time for civil strife.

Otherwise, the punch just now would not have been so light and without any lethality.

"Nephew Wan Xian, I have brought 300,000 elites from the mountain clan, waiting for your dispatch! This time, not only do we have to recapture the star source, but also the fact that my Quexie fortress has been breached, we are going to go out together!"

"Thank you, senior!"

A hint of joy appeared on Wan Jun's face. This time, two master immortal emperors came one after another.

As soon as the Lord in White arrives, the army can march in.

This time, Star Source Fortress is bound to be recaptured.

Before the emperor returns to the battlefield outside the territory, give him a great victory!

Demonic realm.

The Holy Palace of Heavenly Demons, the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death.

In order to improve the efficiency of recovery, Ling Feng took the initiative to propose that a screen be erected between the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death, so that he and Keweili could use the impure spiritual power in the spring water to recover in the shortest time.

However, he did not expect that some unpredictable changes would occur due to the yin and yang energy and the power of immortals and demons in the two people's bodies, thus achieving twice the result with half the effort.

A full seven days.

Ling Feng and Ke Weili were almost completely immersed in a mysterious and mysterious realm.

Not only the original injuries in the body were completely healed.

Even under the nourishment of the Immaculate Divine Spring, he began to hit a new realm.

In just seven days, Ling Feng not only completely refined the power of Xuantian Xuanlei that he had forcibly sucked into the chaotic dantian, but also transformed it into his own chaotic origin.

Because of this, his cultivation level has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has been directly promoted to the peak of the ninth level of the Sun!

As for Kavli, she has perfectly integrated the Sea Demon King's heritage.

We have already entered the threshold of the ninth level of brokenness!


At this moment, the sky suddenly surged with wind and clouds, but it was the ninth level of broken catastrophe that belonged to Keveli that had begun to gather.

Outside the cave, Jianlu suddenly trembled. When he saw dark clouds rolling in the sky, his expression suddenly changed.

"What...what's going on?"

Jianlu raised his head and stared at the sky. Although the calamity clouds had not yet completely condensed, the immortal and demon pagodas suspended in the air had begun to appear.

"Nine realms of gods and demons, the Pagoda of Life and Death?"

The bitch's eyes widened, "My dear, I'm afraid this is not the catastrophe of the ninth level of Brokenness! Is that witch going to be promoted to the Ancestor level? Or is that kid going to be promoted to the Broken Level?"

The main reason is that he has experienced too much. Every time Ling Feng overcomes a tribulation, it is much more terrifying than the tribulation thunder at the same level.

Therefore, Jianlu subconsciously equated Ling Feng's Shattered Catastrophe with the general Nine Shattered Catastrophes.

However, according to the trend and speed of the gathering of calamity clouds, there may not be anyone within the scope of the Heavenly Demon Holy Palace.

Regardless of whether it was Ling Feng's thunder or not, he might not be able to survive this catastrophe.

In an instant, the bitch took a deep breath, picked up Ajin, and grabbed Xiaodie on the other hand. At the same time, he yelled at Zifeng, "Damn bug, why are you still standing there, run away!"

(PS: Hey, I’m tired. I won’t update this month. Let’s talk about it next month. Brothers, please understand.) (End of this chapter)

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