Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4238 A sky-shattering blow!


Ling Feng was dumbfounded. Ah Jin's appetite must have been too big, and he even swallowed the Tianyin Divine Stone directly.

However, this is indeed Akin's style.

As the Tianyin Divine Stone was directly swallowed by Ah Jin, dazzling golden light began to burst out from Ah Jin's body, and there seemed to be a layer of golden inscriptions flowing on the surface of the body.

That aura was full of nobility and majesty, as if a supreme emperor was awakening.

"This is……"

Ling Feng's heart moved and he remembered something.

Ajin was born in the battlefield of all races. Later, by chance, he was taken out of the battlefield of all races by the Holy Lord of Nothingness and transformed into a little goldfish. After the death of the Holy Lord of Nothingness, he has been guarding the Saint of Nothingness. Inside the mausoleum.

It wasn't until he met Ling Feng later that he escaped from the void lotus pond and reappeared in the human world.

Jianlu had long ago told Ling Feng that the body of this little goldfish contained the aura of fairies, demons, ancestral dragons and the void at the same time.

Later, Ling Feng arrived in Zhongyuan Domain, participated in the so-called Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunt, and returned to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Clans with the little goldfish.

But this time, the fruit of yin and yang bred in the mother tree of hell finally matured.

The little goldfish also transformed into a strange egg because it swallowed the Yang Fruit.

This deep sleep lasted for more than ten years.

In the end, he evolved step by step and became the Ajin he is today.

And Ling Feng had already guessed that Ah Jin was the legendary "immortal and demon seed".

Now, Ajin has devoured the Tianyin Divine Stone and made up for the missing part of the Yin Fruit's Zhiyin Spiritual Energy. Will he finally awaken to the perfect bloodline in the true sense?

In an instant, the surging immortal and demonic energy spread wildly around Ah Jin.

Behind him, a majestic divine magic figure slowly rose up, like the king of heaven and earth, the master of the vast galaxy.

"What is the origin of this little guy?"

Kavli looked at Akin in surprise. The aura that erupted from Ajin, in a sense, even surpassed Ebert at his peak.

Ling Feng also swallowed hard and was silent for a long time before murmuring in a low voice: "I only know that this guy may be an immortal demon. Until now, even I didn't know how much potential he had." . But today, I finally understand!”

Even though the collision between the Yin Shen Stone and the Eye of Punishment that day consumed most of the spiritual power, it is basically an empty shell now.

But even so, it is an existence that can compete with the Eye of Punishment.

How far will Ah Jin evolve if he swallows the Tianyin Divine Stone whole?

Ling Feng simply couldn't imagine it.

"Master, don't be too happy! There seems to be something wrong with that guy!"

At this moment, the tentacle monster reminded him: "He doesn't seem to recognize you anymore!"

Just as the tentacle monster said, at this moment, Ah Jin's state looked really weird.

He seemed to be still in a coma, and his eyes had not been opened.

But as the power of the Tianyin Divine Stone was swallowed and refined by him bit by bit, a blood-colored vertical pupil actually opened on his forehead!

This is probably because Ajin absorbed part of Ling Feng's natal blood essence when he hatched from the egg-boy form, allowing him to gain the power of blood belonging to the Tiandao clan.

But Ling Feng had never experienced the situation of Ah Jin opening his third vertical pupil alone.

And the moment Ah Jin's blood-colored vertical pupils opened, a terrifying and vicious aura erupted with him as the center, sweeping across.

This kind of breath was so unfamiliar that even Ling Feng felt chills running down his spine.


Is it still my own Ah Jin?

Keweili's expression also changed slightly, "Ling Feng, you can't control your spiritual pet, right? Is he out of control?"

"No, Ah Jin is always my most trusted companion!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, of course he didn't want to believe that A Jin would attack him, but at this moment, feeling the terrifying evil energy erupting from A Jin, Ling Feng actually felt a little unsure.


At this moment, the entire Gulanduo King City shook violently again.

The Tianyin Profound Vein, which was originally full of cracks, completely shattered at this moment.

Countless strands of Yin Qi overflowed, permeating the entire Gulanduo King City.

After all, the power of the Eye of Punishment is superior.

The entire Tianyin Xuanmai was shattered, which also meant that the last barrier of King Gulanduo's city was completely ineffective.

"I didn't expect that the Tianyin Mysterious Vein that protects our clan would be completely destroyed by the Eye of Punishment as soon as it appeared..."

Keveli sighed softly, but under the protection of the Tianyin Mysterious Vein, King Gulanduo's city was not razed to the ground by the terrifying impact just now.

This can be regarded as Tianyin Xuanmai completing its final mission.

However, Ah Jin, who may go berserk at any time, and the other half of the Eye of Punishment hanging high in the sky that has not yet completely collapsed, are still two huge threats.


There was another earth-shaking tremor, and then, an extremely terrifying aura surged out crazily from the torn eyeball of the Eye of Punishment.

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment, which carried the power of the will of this world, also burst out with its final remaining power before it was on the verge of collapse.

Whoosh whoosh!

Dazzling golden light burst out, and then, a figure wearing armor and holding a weapon descended from the sky.

These figures are not cultivators in this world, but are condensed by the power of Heavenly Punishment, and are the embodiment of the will of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

Each figure exudes an extremely terrifying aura.

The flashes of swords and shadows interweave, and the cold and terrifying murderous aura locks on Ling Feng.

"It's the Heavenly Punishment Envoy!"

The voice of the donkey sounded again in his mind, "Ling Feng boy, the appearance of the Heavenly Punishment Envoy is both good news and bad news for you."

"The good news is that as long as you withstand the attacks of these Envoys, the Eye of Heavenly Punishment will dissipate. As for the bad news, this divine beast thinks you can't resist it. Every Heavenly Punishment Envoy, even if it is only the initial stage of the ninth level of the Broken Layer, count how many Heavenly Punishment Envoys there are now?"

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped, and he saw a stream of golden light bursting out from the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, and each golden light turned into a Heavenly Punishment Envoy.

There are already more than thirty of them that have already condensed into shape.

Not to mention that the Heavenly Punishment Envoys are still condensing into shape continuously.

Let alone myself, even if that old guy Yi Ting came, I would have a hard time resisting.

Even so, I still relied on the power of the Tianyin Divine Stone to destroy most of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment. Otherwise, I would have been dead this time.

Ling Feng's scalp was slightly numb, but after just a moment of fear, he regained his fighting spirit.

He took a deep breath, with a firm light in his eyes, "Hmph, who cares about the Heavenly Punishment Envoy, it has come to this point, I will never sit and wait for death! Come on!"

He took a step forward, and the immortal and demonic energy around him suddenly boiled. He roared to the sky, waving the Fang Tian Huaji transformed by the Ten Directions Annihilation, and greeted those Heavenly Punishment Envoys.

And Ke Weili followed closely behind, fighting side by side with Ling Feng.

Ebert also ignored his already scarred body, roared and directly waved his thick arms, grabbing those Heavenly Punishment Envoys directly.


At this moment, Ajin, who had been sitting still, finally turned into a ball of golden fire and rushed directly to the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

Although he became very unfamiliar and even did not distinguish between friend and foe.

But it was obvious that the Eye of Heavenly Punishment was more attractive to him.

Or, the power of Heavenly Punishment emitted by the Eye of Heavenly Punishment also made Ajin feel depressed, so he wanted to completely destroy the Eye of Heavenly Punishment hanging high above the sky.

And the facts proved that Ajin seemed to have such terrible power.

Amid the roar, Ajin had turned into a thick golden flash and rushed directly to the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

Wherever he passed, those Heavenly Punishment Messengers were actually melted directly by the golden light around Ajin.

Ling Feng took a breath of cold air. What a terrible power!

And the Eye of Heavenly Punishment obviously felt the provocation from Ajin. Countless Heavenly Punishment Messengers attacked Ajin at the same time. At the same time, the Heavenly Punishment Thunders gathered into a thunder net and directly covered Ajin.

Boom boom boom!

Ajin broke through the layers of blockades, and even though he was hit by the divine thunder and pierced by the sharp blade, he still did not slow down at all.

In less than thirty breaths, Ajin was almost as tall as the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

With a roar that shook the nine heavens, Ajin had already hit the Eye of Heavenly Punishment heavily.

In an instant, the terrifying power of Heavenly Punishment directly tore Ajin's body apart, and cracks suddenly appeared on Ajin's body.

But Ajin's figure was also like a golden torrent, rushing out heavily, passing through the center of the eyeball of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be still, the heaven and earth were stagnant, and time and space seemed to solidify.

Ling Feng stared at the sky, the blazing and dazzling light was so bright that even his Eye of the Son of Heaven could not fully see through it, and he could only hear the low and shocking roar echoing continuously.

Indistinctly, it seemed that Ajin's golden figure, like a sword that could break the sky, pierced through the Eye of Heavenly Punishment. The powerful force directly tore the Eye of Heavenly Punishment in half.


The terrifying power in the Eye of Heavenly Punishment erupted in an instant, and countless golden lights burst out from it, instantly submerging Ajin's figure. However, what was unexpected was that the golden light did not rage for too long and gradually dissipated, while Ajin's figure remained standing, but the originally golden body had become dilapidated at this moment, like a broken sculpture.


Ling Feng's exclamation sounded, and he rushed towards Ajin quickly, and Keweili followed closely behind, fearing that Ling Feng would act emotionally and fall into crisis.

However, just as they were about to reach Ajin, they saw Ajin's dilapidated body suddenly vibrate violently.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Golden cracks spread across his body, as if some power was trying to break out of his body. Then, a deafening roar sounded, and Ajin's body suddenly exploded. A brand new figure flashed out from the broken shell.

Instantly, the dark golden light was dazzling, like a blood-red sun.

At this moment, Ajin's three eyes were fully opened, like three blood-red gems, emitting strange blood light at the same time.

The blood light was full of violence and madness, as if it was going to swallow up the whole world.

Even Ling Feng, who was very familiar with Ajin, felt a tremor from the depths of his soul on Ajin at this moment.

Sensing that someone was approaching, Ajin's three eyes flashed with blood-red light and locked onto Ling Feng at the same time.

The sinister aura exuding from his body became even stronger at this moment.

The supreme yin energy of the Tianyin Divine Stone is still much higher in grade than the yin fruit conceived by the hell mother tree.

At this moment, the yin and yang qi in Ah Jin's body were seriously imbalanced, which probably caused him to fall into such a violent state.

"Ajin, what's wrong with you? I am Ling Feng, your master!"

Ling Feng approached carefully, trying to awaken Ah Jin's consciousness, but Ah Jin seemed to be trapped in a crazy demonic barrier and could not hear Ling Feng's voice at all.

"Ling Feng, be careful!"

At this moment, Keweili suddenly shouted, and Ah Jin's figure flashed, and he directly tore Ling Feng with a claw.

Ling Feng was completely unable to avoid it. In an instant, his chest was torn open and blood spilled out.


The violent impact almost shattered Ling Feng's internal organs at the same time. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were always staring at Ajin.

"Ling Feng!"

Keweili was shocked and rushed over to check on Ling Feng. Ajin, however, had no intention of stopping. He roared, waved his sharp claws and slapped Kavli.

"Stop it!"

Ling Feng roared, and the next moment, he muttered something, but he started chanting the "Qianling God-Relieving Curse" that he used when he made the blood contract with Ah Jin.

At the beginning, Ah Jin also showed his evil and violent side. Ling Feng learned this spell from Lan Bing'er, who was patrolling the Tianbing Tribe, and suppressed the viciousness in Ah Jin's body, becoming Ah Jin. Jin is the true master of the blood contract.

Now, Ling Feng once again cast the Qianling God-Relieving Curse, and indeed, to a certain extent, it had a restraining effect on Ah Jin.

"Listen to me, Ah Jin, I know you must be in great pain and discomfort right now! But you must control the raging power in your body, I believe in you!"

While Ling Feng was casting the God-Eliminating Curse of Qianling, he was calling upon the origin of Ah Jin's soul through the spiritual pet contract.

"Me, Bitch, Zifeng, Xiaodie, we are all waiting for you! You are our partner and our comrade! So, wake up quickly! Ah Jin!!!"

Ling Feng shouted and roared almost hysterically.

He opened his hands, jumped up, and rushed directly in front of Ajin, holding his head tightly in his arms.

If Ah Jin really turns into a monster who only knows how to kill, then he himself cannot escape the blame.

If all this cannot be stopped, then let's make a last attempt with our own blood.


Under the Qianling God-Resolving Curse and Ling Feng's call, Ajin's fierce eyes gradually showed a trace of hesitation and pain.

He growled hoarsely a few times, as if he could barely recognize that the person in front of him was his master.

But soon, she howled in pain again and seemed to be struggling.

Ling Feng felt the same as his own, and could only continue to call on Ajin's consciousness through the spiritual pet contract.

"Hold on, Ah Jin, don't give up! You can do it, you can find yourself! Because, you are my most trusted companion, Ling Feng!"

But at this moment, a blazing white light suddenly condensed in the depths of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, which had almost completely collapsed and dissipated.

The last divine thunder of punishment comes again!

Like a dying counterattack, along with the destruction of the Eye of Punishment, that terrifying Divine Thunder of Punishment finally locked onto Ling Feng!

"Be careful! Ling Feng!"

Kavli's eyes widened. This time, the distance between them and the God of Punishment was almost within reach, and there was no way to avoid it.

At such a close range, the Divine Thunder of Punishment was enough to completely annihilate all of them.

Ling Feng's eyes widened, the shadow of death already looming over him.


In that flash of lightning, a violent roar was heard, and a storm erupted with Ah Jin as the center, and at the same time, Ling Feng and Ke Weili were thrown away heavily.

Then, Ah Jin's figure turned into a ball of blood and crashed directly into the last divine thunder of punishment. (End of chapter)

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