Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4239 All Demons Surrender!


The world is quiet!

Only Ajin's violent and painful roar was left, echoing between heaven and earth.

Ling Feng and Ke Weili were thrown away by the power that A Jin had just exploded, and now they were lying in the ruins.

Above the sky, Ajin has completely transformed into a violent giant beast, with blood shining all over his body. His three eyes are like blood-colored gems, shooting out crazy and violent light. With a decisive gesture, he directly faced the last divine thunder of punishment.

The divine thunder was like a giant silver dragon, churning in the sky, releasing the power to destroy the world. However, Ah Jin was not afraid. He let out a roar that shook the sky, and then seemed to turn into a golden lion and suddenly pounced on the divine thunder.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, as if the whole world was shaking at this moment. That day, the power of the God of Punishment Thunder collided with Ah Jin's body, bursting out with bright light. However, Ah Jin did not fall because of this. Instead, he took over the power of the divine thunder in an even more violent manner.

This last divine thunder of divine punishment is the final outburst of the Eye of Punishment, its final fury, its terrifying degree can be imagined.

Boom boom boom boom!

The thunder was like a waterfall, reflecting the entire sky in a blazing white light.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, unable to see that Ah Jin was burning his divine origin to resist the last divine thunder of punishment.


Ling Feng shouted, his eyes filled with worry and pain.

However, Ah Jin didn't seem to hear his call. He just accepted the baptism of the divine thunder with a decisive attitude.


He screamed and roared crazily, and his dark golden body kept shaking under the sky, but he never fell.

At that moment, Ajin seemed to have turned into an unyielding god of war, protecting his master with his own life.

Ling Feng struggled to get up from the ruins, looking at A Jin who was fighting against the thunder of the God of Punishment above the sky, clenching his fists tightly.

He wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes seemed to be ignited with a blazing flame.

Even in this state, Ah Jin was still protecting himself.

And how could he let Ah Jin fight alone!

With a loud shout, Ling Feng's figure turned into a ball of black light and shot straight into the sky.

"Ling Feng!"

Keveli's beautiful eyes widened, but she was already at the end of her strength and could only watch as Ling Feng's figure disappeared in the blazing thunder.

Whoosh whoosh!

Thunder rolled and pierced the sky.

Ling Feng's figure shuttled in the thunder and kept approaching Ajin's direction.

His eyes were filled with firmness and determination.

"Ajin, I'm coming!"

He shouted loudly, accelerated suddenly, and rushed directly to the center of the battle between A Jin and the God of Punishment. At that moment, he seemed to be transformed into an unsheathed sword, and with determination and fearlessness, he rushed towards the divine thunder of punishment that could destroy everything.

"A sword of chaos in heaven and earth!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ling Feng mobilized all the power he could and unleashed the craziest and most powerful attack so far.

At the same time, Ajin's three bloody pupils were all staring at Ling Feng.

A trace of tears flashed across those violent and ferocious eyes, and the word "Master" was slowly spoken in a hoarse voice.

Seeing that Ling Feng actually used the Chaos Sword of Heaven and Earth to draw the God of Punishment towards him and let out a low roar, turning into a ball of golden light and rushing towards Ling Feng.

Without the guidance of Bitch, Ajin actually completed a perfect beast soul fusion with Ling Feng!

Chaos black and yellow energy circulates in the body.

Feeling the fanatical belief and protective power belonging to Ah Jin, Ling Feng burst into tears.

"Okay! No matter what kind of disaster, we will face it together!"

Ling Feng smiled, his sword energy flowing freely!

In an instant, the blue water filled the sky, the fire was burning, thousands of leaves were flying, and the wind was howling...

Eight completely different sword energies intertwined and merged into one.

The Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique, combined with Ah Jin's chaotic black and yellow energy, exploded into an unprecedented terrifying force.

"When this sword comes out, all directions will be destroyed!"

Ling Feng's three eyes opened at the same time, and an astonishing chill shot out, penetrating the endless sky.


The last divine thunder of divine punishment also exploded with all its power at this moment.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

However, at the moment when the divine thunder was about to completely engulf Ling Feng's figure, a terrifying sword energy rushed directly into the center of the divine thunder like a black meteor.

boom! ! !

The sky of thousands of miles seemed to be annihilated in this moment.

The thunder, the calamity cloud, and the pagoda of life and death that enveloped almost the entire Demon Realm all dissipated at that moment.

Keveli stood among the ruins, looking up at the sky.

She stared at the sky nervously, and her heart seemed to be clenched.

In her perception, Ling Feng's aura had completely disappeared.

"Ling Feng..."

Kavli clenched her fists tightly, with a trace of tears in her beautiful eyes.

This horrific catastrophe is finally over.

But the price seems...

However, at this moment, a golden beam of light suddenly shot down in the dark sky.

The beam of light fell slowly, dispelling the darkness bit by bit.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of colorful clouds came from the sky, and the world that was almost completely destroyed was rejuvenated with infinite vitality.

Little bits of starlight fell down, gradually extinguishing the rolling magma on the earth.

The vertical and horizontal fractured ravines are being bridged little by little, and the endless stretches of scorched earth are also growing green grass again.

Keveli's body slowly floated up under the infusion of a vast aura of heaven and earth.

After successfully surviving such a terrible catastrophe, the benefits obtained are naturally inestimable.

However, Keveli couldn't be happy no matter what.

She clenched her fists tightly. If she had a choice, she would rather spend her whole life not being able to advance to the ninth level of brokenness, or seeing Ling Feng disappear into ashes.

Tears fell uncontrollably from his cheeks.

However, at this moment, a golden light fell from the sky.

But it was Ah Jin who flew down in front of Kweli, carrying Ling Feng who had fallen into a coma.

"Ling Feng!"

Keveli looked at the person and the beast in front of her in surprise. They were all still alive!

Ajin's three pupils were still shining with blood, and there was a trace of ferocity and violence all over his body.

He seemed to be trying his best to restrain something, and said slowly in a hoarse voice: "Take care of... the master..."

After saying that, he sent Ling Feng's body directly to Keweili.

Kweli's eyelids twitched, and she quickly reached out to catch Ling Feng, staring at Ah Jin, and said in a deep voice: "A Jin, what do you mean?"

"I...don't want to...hurt the Lord...Master..."

Ah Jin looked back at Ling Feng, a trace of reluctance flashed through his blood-colored pupils, but in the end, he turned around and left, his figure turning into a ball of blood and disappearing in the blink of an eye.


Kweli wanted to call out to Ajin, but unfortunately, the other person's aura had completely disappeared in this space and time.

The speed was so fast that even Kavli, who had been promoted to the ninth level of brokenness, could not completely catch it.


Kvelli sighed softly, and Kvelli was also moved by Akin's loyalty.

Taking a deep breath, he lowered his eyes and looked at Ling Feng in his arms.

Although this guy fell into a coma, his body was still absorbing the energy of heaven and earth that came after the great catastrophe.

What's even more astonishing is that between his eyebrows, there are several more complicated lines among the already very complicated original divine patterns.

It looks a bit like the Eye of Punishment.

Could it be that this kid actually robbed a ray of the power of heaven's punishment in the end?

"What a monster!"

Keweili murmured a few words in a low voice, and felt a burst of intense joy in her heart when she saw that Ling Feng was still alive.

He is still alive!

We are all still alive!

At this moment, the elders of the Gulando clan who were lucky enough to save a life, as well as countless demon giants who had gathered from all directions and had long since disappeared, all moved towards Keveli's body. direction, coming together.

"Meet Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen on your promotion to the First Ancestor!"

Keveli successfully survived the catastrophe of life and death and became the first new ancestor-level strongman of the demon clan since the era of the ancient demon-slaying war.

All of a sudden, all the demons surrendered!

As the founder, he can summon all the demons to attack the fairyland with all his strength!

Kavli concealed her tears without leaving a trace. In fact, with the power of her ancestor, no one at the Broken level or the Immortal level dared to look directly at the Lord of Kavli. It was really unnecessary.

She waved her sleeves gently and said calmly: "Dear elders and seniors, you have done a good job in protecting the formation! After this emperor goes into seclusion, he will be rewarded based on his merits!"

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen!"

Under the worship of all the powerful demons, Keweili hugged the unconscious Ling Feng and flew directly towards the Demon Palace.

At the same time, there are battlefields outside the territory.

Outside Xingyuan Fortress, a large army was already pressing on the territory.

With the reinforcements of hundreds of thousands of troops from the Xuntian Mountain Clan and the Great Yu Immortal Courtyard, as well as the two great masters, the Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun and the Holy Emperor Dayu, are in charge.

With Wan Jun feeling confident, he naturally began to mobilize his troops and prepare for a full-scale attack on Xingyuan Fortress.

After the two masters arrived one after another, the white-clothed Lord Tianzhi finally arrived at Thunder Canyon the next day.

In addition, Immortal Emperor Haorong from the Xantian Fire Tribe came unexpectedly.

After all, the Fire Clan are the Thunder Clan's most loyal lackeys.

Seeing that several other masters had arrived, the Fire Tribe was afraid that they would not be able to catch up with the opportunity to show their loyalty and would delay.

For a time, the four masters arrived at the same time, and even gathered under Wan Jun's command.

This gave Wan Jun an unreal feeling, almost like a dream.

For the first time, he was in charge of the three armies as a commander-in-chief, and he was actually assisted by four powerful masters.

If you can't win this battle, it will be unforgivable!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, outside the Star Source Fortress, war drums were beating.

Groups of elite human armies began to form formations under the command of the generals of each battalion.

Of course, those who rush to the front and serve as cannon fodder are the Holy Dragon Legion of the Shenlong Clan.

The Xuntian Fire Clan and the Xuntianshan Clan served as the two vanguards, advancing the front from the flanks.

Tianzhi's white-clothed lord is responsible for breaking through the core formation of Xingyuan Fortress.

After all, if the demon army cannot hold out, it can hold on for more than a month with the help of the Star Source Fortress's defensive formation.

Such a long time is enough to produce too many variables.

The key to breaking the formation is the Lord in White who once designed the barrier formations of major fortresses.

Once the barrier is broken, the four masters, plus the elite armies of the major fortresses, are enough to completely defeat the demon army gathered in the Star Source Fortress.

At this moment, on top of the tower of Xingyuan Fortress.

"damn it!"

Looking at the dark human army in front of him, Demon King Udyr couldn't help but cursed, "Human beings are really a bunch of scum with no credibility. Talking is no different than farting!"

There was a temporary truce agreed upon at the beginning, but how long has it only taken?

These human beings can’t hold back anymore?

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have let those prisoners go, it would have been better to have killed them all!

"Grandma, fire!"

Udyr shouted loudly and ordered his soldiers to fire the Divine Demon-Slaying Cannon towards the human camp.

"Not urgent!"

Demon King Harrison shook his head and said in a deep voice: "There are very few Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannons left. If we fire them all out at this time, it will not have much impact on the human race. It will just be a waste of firepower!"


Demon King Udyr snorted coldly, "Then what do you think we should do?"

"Just follow Her Majesty the Queen's wishes! Don't hold on!"

Demon Emperor Harrison took a deep breath and said slowly: "What we have to admit is that the human race's barrier formation is far better than our demon race. If Feng Gulando hadn't used it to lure the enemy, We are planning to lure the human army out of the city to fight, and it is impossible for us to break through the Star Source Fortress in a short time.

"Now, haven't you learned your lesson when it comes to attacking and defending foreign positions? With our current military strength and maintaining the magic circle with all our strength, they will not be able to easily capture the Star Source Fortress within a month! During this period, as long as Queen Keveli successfully breaks through, Rush to the battlefield and our army will win!"

Although Udyr is warlike and reckless, he is not an ignorant idiot. Before, he just watched the human army coming to destroy the city in a mighty manner, and he held a breath in his heart.

"If you don't want to fight, don't fight! I'm just shrinking, who can't do that?"

Demon King Udyr snorted softly, "I would like to see if it is true that you said that Queen Keveli will be promoted to the ancestor level!"

...(End of chapter)

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