Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4240 White clothes break the formation!

Demon Emperor Harrison did not speak any more, but looked at the four major masters in the center of the human army.

Unexpectedly, a young person from the Thunder Clan could actually call on these masters who stood at the top of the Immortal Realm to help out.

He knew in his heart that if he lost this battle, everything would be back to square one.

Everything I had done before was in vain.

Not only that, the ace legions of the three upper-level demon races will also suffer heavy losses.

But he was even more convinced that Queen Keveli would be able to successfully break through.

Once she is promoted to the ancestor level, she will have enough appeal to lead those old demons in the Demon Realm who have long been hidden in the world, into battlefields outside the realm.

By then, the Demon Army will be victorious, and not only will they be able to defend the Star Source Fortress, but they will also be able to break through the Soul Fortress, which is just around the corner!

At the same time, among the human army, Wan Jun was also looking in the direction of Star Source Fortress.

His eyes were full of determination and confidence.

Four masters, millions of elite troops, this kind of power is enough to give him the confidence to sweep everything.

"Lord Emperor, Wan Jun will definitely live up to your trust!"

Wan Jun took a deep breath, then jumped up onto the high platform, raised his arms and shouted: "Send the order, carry out an all-out attack, and we will not withdraw our troops until we break the Star Source Fortress!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The war drums thundered, and in an instant, the human army surged towards Star Source Fortress like a tide.

The war is about to break out.

"Open the battle in full force!"

On the top of the Star Source Fortress, looking at the menacing human army, Demon Emperor Harrison showed a solemn look on his face, and immediately issued an order to fully activate the city defense formation.

"The pressure is coming!"

Demon King Udyr, a chill flashed in his eyes, "Don't think it's so easy!"

With a loud shout, Demon Emperor Udyr directly summoned the commander of the troll army, mobilized the top mutant trolls, and lined up close to the city tower.

"Throw it to me!"

The mutant troll, which was more than a hundred feet tall, immediately lifted up boulders weighing more than 10,000 tons and threw them wildly towards the human camp.

With the tyrannical physical strength of these mutated trolls, they throw boulders with all their strength, and the explosive power can be said to be devastating!

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, dust was billowing on the battlefield.

The major armies of the human race descended, while holding back the boulders thrown at them, they continued to charge, striving to get close to the walls of the Star Source Fortress in the shortest possible time.

"The Fallen Angel Legion obeys my orders!"

Behind Pharos, the four wings spread out and flew up into the air.

Although Pharos's cultivation is only in the early stages of fragmentation, Kavli has already appointed him as the chief director of the Council of Lords. Even extremely senior clan elders such as Old Demon Tok must obey Pharos's orders at this moment. .

Under the control of Falos, tens of thousands of the elites of the Fallen Angel Legion flew into the sky at the same time, and a black mass almost enveloped the entire Star Source Fortress.

The next moment, all the elite members of the Fallen Angel Legion switched their weapons to long bows.

Draw your bow and shoot!

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, a dense rain of arrows poured out, and there was a trace of restless original demonic energy on the arrowheads.

The moment it approached the human army, it exploded in mid-air.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The terrifying energy storm was unleashed wantonly, immediately strangling large swaths of the human army.

Everywhere you can see flesh and blood flying everywhere, bleeding and floating oars!

Among them, the ones with the most casualties were naturally the Holy Dragon Legion who rushed to the front and acted as cannon fodder.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

On top of the Star Source Fortress, Demon King Udyr laughed wildly, "Despicable and shameless humans! Go to hell! Hahaha!"

However, Demon Emperor Harrison on the side was not as optimistic as Udyr.

"Udyr, haven't you noticed yet? Although the human forward army seems to have suffered heavy losses, it has been pushing forward! They are so crazy that they even sacrifice their lives to clear the way. Don't you think it's weird?"

Udyr frowned, "What? What do they want to do?"

Harrison's face became a little solemn and he said in a deep voice: "They want to rush into the city tower at all costs. Is there any way to break through the city defense formation?"

As he spoke, Demon Emperor Harrison's eyelids twitched suddenly, "No, we must not let them continue to advance the front! Pass the emperor's order to bring up all the human race's divine weapons and demon-slaying cannons!"

There was a sense of urgency in Demon Emperor Harrison's voice, and the issuance of the order was like a bolt of lightning piercing the silent sky. On top of the city tower of Xingyuan Fortress, the demon soldiers immediately took action and moved a door-shenwu demon-slaying cannon out of the warehouse and quickly placed it on the city wall.

These Shenwu demon-slaying cannons were originally weapons of war that the human race spent countless resources to build. Each cannon contained destructive power, but now they were used to deal with the human race army.

"Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon is ready!"

Demon King Harrison's voice sounded again, echoing over the battlefield.

At the same time, among the human army, Wan Jun also noticed the changes in the demons, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Of course he knew that there was still a stockpile of Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannons within the Star Source Fortress.

He was also more aware of how terrifying the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon would be inflicting on such a dense human army during a frontal impact.

However, as long as the demons are forced to use up the ammunition of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, the pressure behind them will be reduced a lot.

Wan Jun took a deep breath, looked at the Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun of the Xantian Mountain Clan, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Yuan Kun, I leave it to you!"

A flash of coldness flashed in Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun's eyes, and he said coldly: "Then let's see, which one is more destructive, the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, or the defensive power of our mountain tribe's elites!"

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Holy Emperor Dayu, and he glanced over.

This Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon itself was designed by the skilled craftsmen of Dayu Xianting Tiangong Manufacturing Company.

In a sense, it is a product of Dayu Immortal Court.

The Shan Clan and the Great Yu Immortal Court had no dealings with each other, so it was not surprising that they were always fighting each other like this.

The next moment, the figure of Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun flew out and landed directly in the vanguard army of the Xantian Mountain Clan.

Immediately afterwards, the earth rumbled and trembled, and mountains of thousands of feet rose up in an instant, blocking the front of the coalition forces.

The mountains serve as a screen, and they continue to move forward. On the surfaces of the huge peaks, there are countless mysterious and complicated inscriptions flashing, which seem to be enough to withstand all attacks.

At this moment, the morale of the human army reached its peak.

With those high mountain barriers in place, the human coalition forces immediately charged forward desperately, hoping to break through the demon clan's defense line in the shortest possible time.

On the tower of Star Source Fortress, Demon Emperor Udyr looked at the desperate charge of the human army, snorted coldly, and shouted loudly: "Stupid humans, let you also have a taste of the power of this magical demon-slaying cannon." taste!"

Following Demon King Udyr's order, the muzzle of a door-powered demon-slaying cannon suddenly raised, and powerful energy fluctuations gathered in the muzzle.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of cannons rang out, and huge cannonballs pierced the sky like meteors, hitting the human army.

"Cangshan is the furnace!"

At this moment, a low roar resounded throughout the sky, but it was Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun, giving orders to the Shan Clan army.

In an instant, the mountains split apart from the middle, and blazing flames spewed out from the broken mountains.

Immediately afterwards, it was like a huge mouth of the abyss, sucking countless cannonballs into the foothills.

The artillery fire that could crush everything was swallowed up by the mountains at this moment, and was turned into fly ash under the burning of the fire at the foot of the mountain.

The invincible and invincible divine demon-slaying cannon was completely disabled in the mountains!

Within the human alliance's position, Holy Emperor Dayu snorted.

I didn't expect that this old guy, Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun, would actually create such a skill. I'm afraid it was specially used to restrain the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon.

But at this moment, on the tower of Star Source Fortress, Demon Emperor Udyr's expression was extremely ugly.

He never imagined that he could use the Divine Martial Demon-Slaying Cannon to retaliate against the humans and let them taste the feeling of being devoured by gunfire. He never expected that they would be restrained by the Xantian Mountain Clan in this way.

The power of the artillery fire was actually burned by those mountains. After a whole round of artillery fire, not even a hair of the human army was hurt.

And in this short period of less than a quarter of an hour, the first batch of forward troops among the human coalition forces had basically reached the tower of Xingyuan Fortress.

"Your Majesty!"

Wan Jun's eyes flashed with excitement, and he immediately looked at the Lord in White.

"Yes." The Lord in White nodded slightly, "Leave it to me to break the formation! Buy some more time for me!"

"How long do you need?"

Wan Jun took a deep breath, and his body began to tremble with excitement.

He never expected that after the intervention of Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun, the vanguard army would reach the tower of Xingyuan Fortress so quickly.

"An hour!"

The master in white clothes slowly raised a finger.


Wan Jun nodded heavily and looked at the other two dominating immortal emperors beside him, Haorong and Holy Emperor Dayu.

"Two seniors..."

Before Wan Jun could ask for help, Immortal Emperor Haorong had already said with a smile: "Within one hour, I can guarantee that no one will be able to harass Brother Bai in close proximity!"

Holy Emperor Dayu also nodded slightly, "Brother Bai Yi, just let go of your hands and feet!"

The white-clothed master's gaze condensed, and his figure suddenly turned into a white rainbow and flew out.

The expressions of Saint Emperor Dayu and Immortal Emperor Haorong changed.

These people are all strong men standing on the top of the Immortal Realm. How can they not see that the realm of the Lord in White has probably improved again.

Taking a deep breath, both of them followed closely.

The moment the white-clothed master flew out, the eyes of the two demon kings, Udyr and Harrison, were fixed on him.

With the master's cultivation in white, it was easy to get past the rain of arrows and cannons from the demonic army.

But at this moment, they frequently left footprints everywhere on the battlefield, as if they were planning some kind of special formation.

As everyone knows, every time the Lord in White sets foot on a location, he will leave a mark on the ground.

This is probably the reason why the Lord in White had to wait until the human coalition forces advanced the battle line under the city tower before taking action.

It is said that the time, place and people are favorable. Once the spell is cast, everything in the magic circle, heaven, earth and people, will change.

And when the Lord in White finally landed under the tower of Star Source Fortress, looking from above, it seemed that there was a strange yin and yang totem that had sealed the entire Star Source Fortress.

"Yin and Yang are in chaos! Turning the world upside down! Get up!"

As the white-clothed master formed a seal with his hands, the sky suddenly became gloomy and dark clouds gathered. In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and poured into his palms. The surrounding stars began to twinkle, releasing a faint light, as if responding to the call of the Lord in White.

The Lord in White was mumbling words, and his voice echoed in the night sky, intertwined with the twinkling of stars and the surge of air. As he sang, the dark clouds in the sky began to surge, as if there were countless mysterious forces surging in them. .

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the palm of the white-clothed statue and shot straight into the sky.

Under the golden light, the barrier formation covering the sky above Star Source Fortress actually began to tremble slightly.

For a moment, Harrison was terrified and stared in the direction of the white-clothed master.

Seeing the city defense formation collapsing, it was as if an invisible hand was tightly strangling his throat.

He knew very well that with the defensive strength of Star Source Fortress at the moment, it would definitely not be able to compete head-on with the human coalition forces.

"Quick, stop him!"

Demon King Harrison shouted loudly, his voice full of anxiety and anger.

His body flashed, turned into a black smoke, and quickly rushed towards the white-clothed master.

Demon King Udyr also directly summoned the troll slaves, roared and rushed towards the white-clothed master.

"Humph, don't even think about it!"

A cold low roar came, and then, a giant statue of Vulcan suddenly intercepted in front of Demon Emperor Harrison.

It was Immortal Emperor Haorong who stopped Harrison.

"Heavenly Flame Fire God, burn all things!"

Immortal Emperor Haorong stood on top of the flame god king, his eyes cold and stern.

"Devil, suffer death!"

With a loud shout, the Flame God Lord at the feet of Immortal Emperor Haorong punched out hard, and the world trembled violently under this punch.

On the other side, Holy Emperor Dayu also took action boldly, blocking the way of Demon Emperor Udyr.

Holy Emperor Dayu looked careless, but he was not in a hurry to take action. He just said lightly: "Your Excellency, you and I are of the same level. Even if the fight lasts for three days and three nights, the outcome will be difficult to determine! Why don't we all sit down and wait and see? ?”

"Watch your uncle!"

Demon King Udyr was a man with a violent temper. With a fierce look in his eyes, he shouted violently and controlled the mutated troll to attack Holy Emperor Dayu together.


Holy Emperor Dayu sighed softly and murmured: "My poor old bones, I didn't expect that I would have to be tortured like this. It's a hard life, a hard life!"

However, he said that he looked like a bad old man who was declining in his twilight years, but in appearance he only looked like a middle-aged man, and when he raised his hand, he actually shattered the mutant head of Demon King Udyr with one punch. One of the troll's arms.

The strength of the Great Yu Saint Emperor has already reached the eighth level of brokenness! (End of chapter)

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