While the Great Yu Saint Emperor and the Demon Emperor Udyr were fighting fiercely, the golden light above the head of the White-robed Venerable became more and more dazzling.

As he continued to chant the spell, the barrier array covering the Xingyuan Fortress trembled more and more violently.

And the White-robed Venerable's aura at this moment became more and more fierce.

It seemed that there was endless power hidden in his body, just waiting for this moment to burst out.


Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the golden light in the palm of the White-robed Venerable suddenly burst out, like a golden dragon, rushing straight into the sky.

Under the impact of the golden light, the barrier array on the Xingyuan Fortress finally couldn't bear it, and made a deafening sound of shattering!


Cracks appeared on the barrier light curtain, and then spread rapidly like a spider web.

This solid array was actually cracked!

At this moment, the entire battlefield fell into a brief silence.

Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes, as if they couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

Compared with the shock and panic of the high-level elders of the demon clan.

The morale of the human race was greatly boosted.

Although the White-robed Lord was the original designer of the defense formations of the major fortresses.

But after all, after so many years of improvement and optimization, it was unexpected that the White-robed Lord's move still played a decisive role.

Once the formation was broken, the human coalition would no longer be blocked and all the demons in the Xingyuan Fortress would be wiped out.

"Damn it!"

Harrison Demon Emperor's eyes were red. How could he not know the consequences of the broken barrier? He shouted and rushed towards the direction of the White-robed Lord, determined to interrupt the White-robed Lord's spell.

"Don't even think about it!"

Hao Rong Immortal Emperor controlled the giant statue of the Flame God and punched Harrison hard.

Harrison frowned and roared, and then the Puppet Ancestor appeared and offered a Heavenly Demon Banner, which collided with the Flame God's heavy fist.


With a loud noise, both sides retreated more than ten steps, fighting evenly.

However, seeing that the white-robed master's spell was about to be completed, Harrison Demon King became more and more anxious, and could only shout and roar wildly in his heart: Queen Keweili, if we don't arrive in time, the demon clan will probably be seriously injured today!


Demon Realm, Demon Palace.

After the end of the Heavenly Dao Tribulation, Ling Feng fell into a coma.

It was unknown how long it took before Ling Feng finally woke up.


Ling Feng groaned and tried to move his body, but found that he was lying on a soft bed, warm all over, indescribably comfortable.

There was also a fragrant aroma between the wings of his nose.

It was like...

Ling Feng couldn't help but flash the figure of Keweili in his mind.

It was the fragrance of Keweili, right? Could it be that he was lying on the bed of this queen?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he looked around. The surroundings were indeed full of elegance and luxury.

I fucking got on Keweili's bed? ? ?

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly heard a gentle sound of footsteps.

Then, a soft light shone in the room.

The light faded, revealing a beautiful face.


Ling Feng was also slightly stunned when he saw the person coming.

His last memory was the final outbreak of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment when he and Ajin fought together.

The memories after that disappeared.

It seemed that he was not dead, and he barely survived the broken catastrophe.

After being unconscious, he should have been brought back by Keweili.

"Are you awake?"

Keweili smiled when she saw Ling Feng wake up. Her beautiful face was like a blooming plum blossom in the snow, which made Ling Feng a little stunned.

"I... why am I here?"

Ling Feng scratched his head and asked awkwardly.

"If I didn't bring you back, do you still count on others?"

Keweili rolled her eyes at Ling Feng in annoyance, and then showed a coquettish expression, saying: "Why, do you still want to default on your debt?"

"Defend... default on your debt?"

Ling Feng was even more confused, and his heart skipped a beat, "What... what do you mean?"

"Didn't you forget what you did?"

Keweili said, and a seductive blush appeared on her face.

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. Wasn't he in a coma after he passed the tribulation?

What could he do in a coma?

"That... Keweili, you... you should explain clearly. I... what did I do?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched violently. How could he wake up in Keweili's bed? Did I really...

This is impossible!

"What do you mean, do you still want to be irresponsible?"

Keweili glared at him and said coquettishly.

Responsible? ? ?

Now, even if Ling Feng was slow, he could still hear the hidden meaning, but it shouldn't be like that, he had just woken up!

His heart was in his throat, and he lifted the corner of the quilt to look inside.

My goodness, she is really naked!

Did she really do something?

Ling Feng's old face turned red, and he almost didn't dare to look directly at Ke Weili's eyes, "I... I... I..."


Just when Ling Feng was still brainstorming, he saw Ke Weili holding her belly and laughing in front of him so hard that she almost couldn't stand up straight.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Kvelli laughed so hard that she almost shed tears, "Where did you think you were going? I just said that you slept in my bed naked and soiled my bedding. You are not responsible for cleaning it?"


Ling Feng's head went dark. As soon as he woke up, he was almost deceived by this bitch!

He really thought that when he was unconscious, his body was too honest and he did something!


Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, suddenly remembered something, and blurted out: "By the way, Ah Jin!"

He immediately sent out a ray of spiritual thought and swept across the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

But they found that Jianlu, Zifeng and Xiaodie were all there, but Ajin was not there.

"Where's Ah Jin?"

Ling Feng's eyes widened. At the last moment, he still remembered that he and Ah Jin performed a perfect beast soul fusion. With the chaotic black and yellow energy, they could withstand the thunder of the God of Punishment.


Keveli bit her silver teeth, a trace of sadness appeared on her peerless face, and then she shook her head and sighed.

Ling Feng had a bad premonition in his heart and quickly grabbed Keveli's hand and asked anxiously: "What? Could it be that Ah Jin..."

"Don't worry, Ah Jin was not annihilated by the thunder of the God of Punishment."

Kavli quickly explained: "It's just that he doesn't seem to have fully recovered. His whole body is still filled with a terrifying and ferocious aura, and he seems to be about to fall into a rage at any time. He is afraid that he will be in an uncontrollable situation. I accidentally hurt you, so I chose to leave alone.”


Ling Feng clenched his fists.

This is probably the first time he has left his side since Ah Jin became an egg boy and hatched.

"Okay Ling Feng, you don't have to worry too much. With that little guy's current strength, I'm afraid no one in the Demon Realm can pose a threat to him."

Kweli raised her hand and put it on Ling Feng's shoulder, and said softly: "Because of you, Ajin has not completely lost his mind. Give him some time, he will recover, and when he can control his body The power will definitely come back to you.”

Ling Feng took a deep breath, raised his eyes and stared at Keweili.

After a long while, he gritted his teeth and cast a grateful look at Keveli, "Thank you, Keveli!"

She just teased herself like this on purpose, just to make herself feel a little more cheerful and not to feel too heavy because of A Jin's departure.

As for Ah Jin, Kveli was right. Ah Jin was a different species from heaven and earth. He had been "locked" in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace by herself, but he lacked mental growth.

He also needs his own experience and his own tempering.

This departure may be an opportunity for growth.

"Why, are you thanking me all of a sudden?"

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and changed the subject: "You should still be worried about the situation on the battlefield outside the territory, but you have stayed here for me."

"The fusion disaster caused a lot of loss of my energy. I also need to rest, but it's not all for you."

Kavli shrugged, but as to whether it was true or false, only she knew in her heart.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched again, "Keweili, you said that if we can survive the catastrophe of the Eye of Punishment, tell me a secret."

Ling Feng's eyes were tightly fixed on Keweili, "What is the secret? Does it have anything to do with my Tiandao clan? Is it something about the ancestor of my Tiandao clan?"


Keweili glared at Ling Feng angrily, frowned, and her voice became colder, "It seems that the secret I want to say is not the secret you want to know, so there is no point in telling it." !snort!"

After saying that, he stood up directly by the bed, paused for a moment, glanced at Ling Feng again, and said coldly: "Since you have nothing to do, I can leave with peace of mind. I am going to return to the battlefield outside the territory. As for you, Whether you want to stay or go, it’s up to you!”

Then, he turned around and left.

Ling Feng looked at Keweili's angry look and was immediately confused.

It is said that this woman has a deep heart, and she will change her face as soon as she says it. Did you say something wrong?

After Kavli strode out of the room, she bit her silver teeth angrily and cursed in her heart.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!"

The so-called secret was just the moment she faced the test of life and death, and she finally discovered that Ling Feng was no longer anyone's substitute.

He was him, the unique him, bit by bit, slowly occupying her already cold heart.

It's a pity that this slow guy failed to realize his intention.

As the queen of the demon clan, Keweili naturally has her own share of arrogance, and it is impossible for her to take the initiative to express her feelings to Ling Feng.

A long while.

Kvelli took a deep breath and finally regained her peace of mind.

The queen is the queen after all. Although she was very angry at Ling Feng, the guy who didn't understand gentleness, she quickly adjusted her mentality and focused on her career.

At this moment, those powerful demons who had come from all over the Demon Realm were still waiting outside the King's City of Gulando.

And once this force is put into the battlefield outside the territory, it can open up the situation and break through the major fortresses of the human race in one fell swoop!

Of course, Kavli didn't know yet that the Star Source Fortress was already facing an extremely severe test at this moment.

"Did I say something wrong?"

At this moment, Ling Feng's mind was still full of doubts, and he didn't understand why Keweili suddenly left in anger.

She obviously said she had a secret to tell her, but now that she was fine, she stopped telling it and suddenly became angry for no reason.

Ling Feng sighed softly. He thought hard for a long time and couldn't figure it out, so he simply threw it all behind him.

He suddenly stood up from the bed, and the quilt slid down his angular muscles.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed, and a stupid donkey jumped out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"Hey, I'm in a good mood. I'm walking the birds!"

The bitch stared at Ling Feng with a strange smile on his face.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily, a faint light flashed around his body, and he had already put on a new set of clothes.

This fusion disaster was full of dangers, forcing him into desperate situations several times, almost risking his own life.

However, the more severe the calamity thunder is, the benefits one gains after overcoming the calamity are also obvious.

He used the magic power in his body for a little bit, and was surprised to find that his cultivation level actually reached the peak of the third level of brokenness in one breath!

There is only one level left to be among the immortal and powerful.

Not only that, the origin of chaos seems to be fused with part of Ajin's chaotic black and yellow energy.

In fact, even the power of the Eye of Punishment was robbed by him.

Although it has not yet reached the level where it can directly condense the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, the power of Heavenly Punishment is enough to make any immortal strong person tremble with fear.

"What a good guy, you can actually get the divine mark of the power of heaven's punishment! You kid is against the will of heaven!"

The bitch's eyes widened, watching as the original divine pattern on Ling Feng's eyebrows gradually dissipated, and his mouth opened so wide that it could almost fit several eggs.

Ling Feng shrugged and ignored the bitch.

Glancing at it, he saw a kit beside the bed.

There seemed to be some lingering scent of Kavli on it.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and took the kit into the palm of his hand. When he opened it, he found a bag of dark clay inside.

This is……

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, this was obviously the dirt-free soil used to build the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death.

Unexpectedly, she remembered everything that Keveli promised her.

Ling Feng clenched the bag of tips in his hand, and everything he had experienced with Keweili before could not help but flash through his mind.

Perhaps, deep down in his heart, he always believed that the root of all Keveli's tolerance and preference for him was because she regarded herself as a substitute for Ling Taixu, the ancestor of heaven.

Because of this, Ling Feng always felt that there was an invisible and intangible barrier between himself and Ke Weili.

But at this moment, Ling Feng was a little confused.

Perhaps, this so-called barrier is entirely due to the imbalance in my heart!

He took a deep breath and resisted the urge to catch up with Keveli and fight alongside her.

Whether it's helping the humans suppress the demons, or helping the demons counterattack the fairyland, this is not what he should do.

Now that he has been promoted to Broken, it is time to find the path to enlightenment for the Tiandao clan and obtain the key strength to fight against Yi Ting.

Only by killing Yi Ting can we truly stop the war between immortals and demons and expose the Celestial Clan's conspiracy to the world!

However, before that...

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the words Ning Kun said to him before he died flashed in his mind.

Next, he should return to the Xunfeng Heavenly Territory, look for Senior Sister Su Liuli, and retrieve the amber crystal that seals the origin of the Immortal Lord’s soul.

In addition, during the battle at Luan Lin and Death Lake that day, Empress Qingluo fell into the hands of Yi Ting.

This time I returned to the Immortal Realm and asked for clues about the Empress. If the Empress was still alive, Empress Qingluo must be rescued no matter what the cost!

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