Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4242 You all, come together!

Extraterritorial battlefield, Star Source Fortress.

In order to end the spell of the Lord in White, Demon Emperor Harrison and Demon Emperor Udyr tried their best, but the only ones who stopped them were the two powerful masters, Immortal Emperor Haorong and Holy Emperor Dayu.

They are both at the eighth level of brokenness and have profound knowledge. How can they be able to tell the winner in a short period of time?

"Get out of my way!"

Demon King Udyr shouted loudly and punched hard. The mutated troll simultaneously let out an earth-shattering roar, held a giant tree in both hands, and swept towards Holy Emperor Dayu.

Holy Emperor Dayu, however, just went on the defensive with all his strength, repelling Demon Emperor Udyr's fierce offensives time and time again. At the same time, he yawned and said lazily: "I told you that neither of us can do anything to the other, so why bother with this extra step and waste it?" Where’s the physical strength?”

Udyr was so angry that he was shaking. Of course he had plenty of time to waste time here, but the demons were in dire straits.

Now the human alliance has heavily surrounded Xingyuan Fortress. Once the barrier is broken, the demon army gathered in Xingyuan Fortress will be like a turtle in a urn, with no room for escape.

On the other side of the battlefield, the master in white has completed the last step of his technique.

I saw the white-clothed statue fluttering all over his body, the strong wind sweeping around him, and above his palm, another golden light rose into the sky, reflecting the sky.


The void trembled, as if an unprecedented surging offensive was brewing.

What was even more frightening was that the entire Star Source Fortress's defense formation began to tremble violently.

The art of the Lord in White is about to be completely completed!

"not good!"

Demon King Harrison's heart sank, and he felt the destructive power that was about to come.

Once this technique is completed, the barrier of Star Source Fortress will instantly collapse and cease to exist.

No matter how many times he calculated, he never expected that among the human race, there would be a formation master like the Lord in White who could break the city defense formation.


In an instant, the bloodshot eyes of Demon Emperor Harrison almost turned blood red. Amidst the violent shouts, the puppet ancestor beside him turned into a streak of blood and rushed straight towards the white-clothed master.

In order to stop the Lord in White, Demon Emperor Harrison gave up his own defense and let the puppet ancestor attack with all his strength.

At the same time, the Flame God Lord controlled by Immortal Emperor Haorong had punched hard, knocking Demon Emperor Harrison away.


Demon Emperor Harrison spat out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were always fixed on the direction of the puppet ancestor.

All hopes are pinned on Puppet Zu's final blow.

"Mountain Furnace!"

At this moment, Immortal Emperor Yuan Kun, who was forming a formation on the front battlefield to resist the attack of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, directly raised a mountain furnace and stood in front of the Lord in White.

In terms of defensive methods, probably no one in the entire Immortal Realm can match him.


The mountain cracked directly in the middle, spewing out scorching terrestrial magma, and was about to seal the entire puppet ancestor within the furnace.

On the tower of Star Source Fortress, Pharos widened his eyes, waved the command flag in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Fallen Angel Legion, attack the mountain furnace with all your strength! We must not let the puppet ancestor be trapped!"

For a moment, the entire fallen angel army turned their heads and fired thousands of arrows towards the mountain that was blocking the way of the Lord in White.

Boom boom boom boom!

Arrows sank into the furnace one after another, making a series of loud explosions.

The puppet ancestor also took the opportunity to get rid of the blockade of the mountain furnace, and his figure turned into a bolt of lightning again, attacking the white-clothed master directly.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late after all!


Above the sky, golden light suddenly appeared.

The art performed by the Lord in White is now complete.

The terrifying spell that had been brewing for a long time turned into a thunderbolt, piercing the sky, and seemed to split the entire world into two.

The momentum of thunder is unstoppable!

"Damn it!"


Amidst the desperate roars of the two demon kings, the golden thunderbolt landed impartially over the Star Source Fortress.

The world seemed to quiet down for a moment.


The barrier that was already full of cracks and holes was shattered like an egg shell at this moment.

And the residual power of that terrifying spell released an extremely terrifying high-heat steam in an instant, instantly evaporating nearly half of the elite fallen angels entrenched in the air!

You know, these elite fallen angels are all powerful men above the Demon Emperor level!

ah! ——

The screams are endless!

In just an instant, the Fallen Angel Legion, one of the three trump cards of the demon clan, was almost completely defeated!

At the same time, the demon soul flag in the hand of the puppet ancestor also stabbed the white-clothed master fiercely.

The white-clothed master's eyes narrowed, and he struck out with his backhand. Although he forced the puppet ancestor to retreat, he was also knocked back dozens of steps, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

Although he suffered some injuries, he was still able to avoid this blow while concentrating on breaking the city defense formation, but he was still proud of himself.

After all, that was the puppet ancestor refined by Harrison Demon King, and it had almost reached the level of half-step ancestor!

"The magic circle has been broken, attack with all your strength!"

In the human camp, Wan Jun raised his arms and shouted.

Without the protection of the city defense formation, the demon army is already a piece of meat on the chopping board, just waiting to be slaughtered!

In an instant, all the major armies of the human alliance launched a charge at the same time. A shocking battle was about to break out.

At the same time, under the control of Demon Emperor Harrison, the puppet ancestor seemed to have targeted the Lord in White.

Waving the demon flag, he killed him again.

That Demon Emperor Harrison was desperate to kill the Lord in White.

The white-clothed master frowned and was about to form a formation to resist. At this moment, a terrifying roaring sound suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a suffocating aura swept across the entire battlefield, making everyone palpitate.

Even the puppet ancestor suddenly stopped.

Within the Star Source Fortress, all the high-level demons looked towards the sky, while the low-level demons with mediocre bloodline lay directly on the ground, trembling.

That is the sense of oppression coming from the depths of the blood, and it is an unstoppable nature!

"The ancestor has arrived! The powerful ancestor has arrived!"

The elder of an unknown clan suddenly shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, on top of the tower of Xingyuan Fortress, a powerful demon clan man, with excitement and fanaticism in his eyes, bowed in the direction of the ancestor's aura and worshiped him.

Demon King Harrison wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the next moment, he burst out laughing.

It’s Queen Keveli!

It must be Queen Keveli!

She has really been promoted to the ancestor level!

On the other side, the Demon King Udyr also widened his eyes and laughed ferociously, "Your death has come! Queen Keveli has been promoted to the ancestor! Together with the Void Overlord beside her, the two ancestors have arrived! Human beings, you have no chance to sing! Hahahaha!”

Ancestor level!

The four masters, the Immortal Emperors, all trembled in their hearts.

There is no way there is anything wrong with such terrifying demonic energy.

He must be a powerful person at the level of the ancestor of the demon clan!

Could it be that Keveli from the Gulando clan is really promoted to the ancestor?

Wan Jun clenched his fists tightly, God help me, I never expected that Na Keweili recovered so quickly, and actually went one step further and reached the ancestor level!

But Lord Emperor has returned to the Immortal Realm at this moment.

Without him, how could the human coalition fight against the ancestor of the demon clan?


The suffocating roaring sound came from far to near.

Amid the shocked gazes of countless people, a giant dragon as black as ink descended on the center of the battlefield.

Black dragon?

Everyone looked horrified. They had felt something was wrong from a distance before. The roar did not sound like Queen Converly's Ebert, but rather sounded like a dragon's roar.

Now, seeing it with their own eyes, everyone was shocked.

But what emanates from this black dragon is undoubtedly the extremely pure ancestral demonic energy!

But it does not originate from the Sea Demon King, but from the more powerful and terrifying ancestor of the Dragon Demon, the Dragon Demon King!

The figure of the black dragon gradually shrank.

The next moment, there was a young man wearing goggles, standing in the sky, his cold eyes scanning towards the camp of the human army.

When he saw the Shenlong clansmen entangled in chains and shackles, a trace of anger suddenly surged in his eyes.

He slowly raised his hand, and a black storm swept out.

Those humans who used their blades to press against the backs of the Shenlong clan were all covered in black fire. In an instant, they turned into ashes and completely dissipated.

"Young... Young Master! It's Young Master Xuance!"

Someone among the Holy Dragon Legion finally recognized this young master.

Even though the aura on Xuance's body was completely different from before, there was nothing wrong with that face.

He is the "reincarnated body" created by the previous generation Long Zun using the art of transformation.

Although even among the Shenlong clan, very few people know about it.

But there are still some clan elders who have witnessed the previous generation of Dragon Lord perform the art of transformation with their own eyes.

Now, with the return of the young master, the Shenlong lineage can finally be completely freed from the control and enslavement of the Xuntian Lei Clan!

The clan elder who recognized Xuance immediately knelt down and cried loudly in the direction of Young Master Xuance, "Welcome Young Master!"

"From today on, no one can enslave our clan again!"

Young Master Xuance's eyes flashed coldly, and he pointed lightly in the direction of the human army, "Dragon clan son, kill!"

As soon as the word "kill" came out, the Holy Dragon Legion's army immediately switched sides and attacked the human army.

The flames of anger had almost completely ignited them.

At Young Master Xuance's order, countless humiliation and resentment over the past tens of millions of years erupted.

The human race's formation was instantly dispersed by the furious Holy Dragon Legion. What was even more frightening was that the moment Young Master Xuance arrived, the Dragon Demon Domain had already covered the entire battlefield.

The strength of the dragon bloodline increased tenfold, while the human monks' cultivation was greatly reduced under the suppression of the dragon demon realm.

In this way, each of the Holy Dragon Legion, one to ten, killed the human coalition army and almost collapsed.

Wan Jun's face was gloomy. He had seen this Young Master Xuance before in Luan Lin Death Ze.

But at that time, he was far from as terrifying as he is now.

The power of the Dragon Demon Ancestor?

Wan Jun's eyelids twitched suddenly. It seemed that this guy must have plundered the original power of the ancestor of the dragon demon that was forcibly devoured and refined by Elder Shenglin.

It's just that he seems to be more perfectly integrated.

Compared to Elder Shenglin's state, it is probably many times stronger!

"Stabilize the formation and don't mess up!"

Wan Jun shouted loudly, but panic and turmoil spread rapidly among the human coalition forces, like a plague that could not be contained.

Even the four powerful masters of the Immortal Realm had an extremely dignified look in their eyes.

Where did this Young Master Xuance come from and possess such terrifying strength!

On the demon side, although the one waiting is not Queen Keveli, the other party seems to control the power of the ancestor of the dragon demon.

Moreover, he directly instigated the rebellion of the Holy Dragon Legion and attacked the human alliance.

It seems that they are friends rather than enemies.

Demon Emperor Harrison took a deep breath, flew forward, and saluted Young Master Xuance, "Thank you for your help!"


Young Master Xuance smiled coldly, flicked his finger, and wiped a blood mark directly on Demon Emperor Harrison's forehead.


Demon Emperor Harrison's expression changed, "Sir, what does this mean?"

Young Master Xuance raised his hand, and a cloud of black mist condensed into a dragon's claw as black as ink, strangling Demon Emperor Harrison's throat.

"Lord Demon Emperor!"

For a moment, all the elders of the Bannik clan frowned and stared at Xuance, and their swords were at war.

Demon King Udyr also activated his original demonic energy and was about to attack Young Master Xuance.

This guy is simply a lunatic. Does he still want to declare war on both the immortal and demon clans at the same time?

"Don't act rashly!"

Demon Emperor Harrison quickly stopped Demon Emperor Udyr and gritted his teeth and said: "What do you mean, sir? You seem to be the young master of the Shenlong clan. The Shenlong clan has been enslaved by humans for many years. The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. Between us, Shouldn’t it be a relationship between friends?”

"Friends?" Xuance smiled coldly, "Are you worthy? I have controlled the power of the ancestor of the dragon demon, and I am the ancestor of the new generation of dragon demon! In other words, I am your ancestor! I only give you Two choices, surrender or die!"

As he spoke, Young Master Xuance pinched Harrison Demon Emperor's dragon claws, increasing the strength, and said with an indifferent expression: "I don't mind, I'll give you Demon Clan some Demon Emperors!"

"Damn it, you little bastard, how dare you try to make me surrender?"

Demon King Udyr suddenly became furious and was about to hit Xuance with one punch.

Young Master Xuance smiled coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the aura of the Dragon Demon Ancestor suddenly burst out completely without reservation.

The ancestor-level demonic suppression immediately made Demon King Udyr tremble.

Even though Xuance is not a demon, the original power of the ancestor of the dragon demon has been integrated with his own bloodline.

As he said, at this moment, he has become the ancestor of the new generation of dragon demons.

This point is absolutely irrefutable.

"Cough cough cough..."

Demon Emperor Harrison was choked so hard that he could hardly breathe. Even though he felt a million unwillingnesses in his heart, he could only bow his head in the face of absolute power.

"If you can help my demon army retreat from the enemy, I would like to serve you as my master!"

Of course, this is just a delaying tactic by Demon Emperor Harrison.

Queen Keweili has yet to arrive, and at this moment, it is true that only Young Master Xuance has the strength to repel the human coalition.

For the time being, use this person to repel the human race. When the Queen arrives, if she is successfully promoted to the ancestor, plus the Void Overlord, the two ancestors combined, won't they be able to deal with this mere person?

Young Master Xuance smiled coldly. Regardless of whether Demon Emperor Harrison truly surrendered or not, all he needed was to control the entire demon clan and take revenge on Yi Ting.

This is what he said was his own way.

"Then, just keep an eye on it!"

Young Master Xuance raised his hand and untied the claws that were holding Harrison's throat. He turned into a black dragon again and rushed towards the human camp. He looked at the four human masters with a domineering look and spoke word by word. : "You guys, come together!" (End of this chapter)

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