Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4312: Divine Light of Heavenly Punishment!


Above the sky, wind and thunder intertwined, and in the wild wind, the screams of the entire world seemed to echo.

The lifeless world has lost most of its color, the sky and the earth are dark, and the sun and moon have no brightness!

Rufeng held the sword of heavenly fusion in his hand and raised his head to the sky with a roar that shook Cangming!

"Xiao Hui, let's go!"

A roar resounded like thunder throughout the heaven and earth.

Xiao Hui raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, the sound shook the surrounding areas. In an instant, the hair all over his body burned like flames. Its four hooves broke through the void and turned into meteors together with the wind, flying towards the huge sacred tree giant.

The golden eye of the emperor burst out with brilliant divine light, and in resonance with the sword of heavenly fusion, she instantly understood the exclusive sword skills of her humane heavenly weapon!

In an instant, an ancient chant seemed to resound between heaven and earth. The voice was low and deep, as if it came from an ancient era, crossing the boundaries of time and space, and instantly blending into the depths of the wind-like spiritual sea.

That mysterious and unparalleled sword skill seemed to be an innate instinct, flashing in Rufeng's mind.

"Blood Li Ge!"

Rufeng's figure soared into the sky, with a blood-colored Dharma statue suspended behind him. Its outline looked very much like the adult Rufeng from the future time and space!

At the same time, Xiao Hui's Spring Breeding Divine Power poured crazily into the bloody dharma form within Rufeng's body, and instantly turned into a ten thousand-foot-long golden sword light that cut through the void, shattered the world, and swept away in the direction of the sacred tree giant.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Chu Chaonan and Luo Hanzhou had countless chains of heaven and earth extending from their bodies, carrying the supreme will of the world and suppressing the giant of the sacred tree.


The screams and roars of Immortal Lord Yueyuan resounded through the void. He looked down with a ferocious smile and let out a ferocious roar, "Jie, Jie, Jie, remnant of heaven, is this your last trump card? You actually sent a female doll to die! Go! Die!"


The void trembled, and the giant sacred tree raised a huge palm that covered the sky and the sun, and slapped it heavily in the direction of the wind.

"Don't even think about it!"

Jiang Xiaofan shouted loudly, and the chain stretched out from his chest tightly wrapped around the tree man's arm. With a loud shout, he grabbed the arm and pulled it in the opposite direction!

"Attack with all our strength, we will contain it for you!"

Li Bufan also gritted his teeth, even though his whole body was covered in blood mist, he still struggled to hold on.

Rufeng's sword of chaos fusion is them...

No, it is the last hope of the entire Xuanling Continent!

"Thank you everyone!"

Rufeng stared at the direction revealed by the sacred tree giant, with a look of determination flashing in his eyes.

This sword must succeed!

"Li Luanyue Slash! Break!"

With a loud shout, the Heavenly Fusion Sword instantly shot out endless sword energy, like the Milky Way falling, piercing the head of the sacred tree giant.

The sacred tree giant let out a thundering roar, and its whole body emitted extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

It frantically extracts the original power that belongs to this world. The desperate gray light extends crazily, and the sky and the earth are eclipsed. Countless creatures are turned into ashes and annihilated.



Under the crazy struggle of the sacred tree giant, the chains of heaven and earth shattered. Jiang Xiaofan and the four of them vomited blood. While the will of heaven and earth was blessing them with the power of heaven and earth, it was also squeezing their life source.

After persisting until this moment, the four of them were almost at the end of their strength, and even the extra chains of heaven and earth could not be reunited.

Seeing that the palm of the sacred tree giant had been raised again, Jiang Xiaofan let out a hysterical roar and actually hit the extremely huge palm with his flesh and blood body.


There was a roaring sound in the void, Jiang Xiaofan's Xuanwu Hegemony was activated to the extreme, and a tortoise shell with mysterious inscriptions condensed behind him.

But even so, the moment his body came into contact with the palm of the sacred tree giant, it exploded directly and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

But the violent impact still knocked back the giant's palm!


Ling Feng's eyes widened as he watched Jiang Xiaofan's body turn into a shower of blood, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

That honest and simple Orion boy, that brother who always stands by his side no matter what!

Ling Feng's heart felt as if a piece of it had been torn away. The hollow feeling made him suffocate.

He knelt on the ground weakly, tears mixed with blood sliding down his cheeks.

We must not let Xiaofan's sacrifice be in vain!

"Rufeng, this sword stabs the left eye of the giant sacred tree!"

Ling Feng looked up to the sky and roared. In his eyes, the yin and yang fish floated. He saw through the weakness of the Emperor's Eye, and he had accurately found the core of the roots of the god.

Li Bufan, Chu Chaonan and Luo Hanzhou also used their last strength to grab the few remaining chains still wrapped around the sacred tree giant and drag them backwards.

"Go, Rufeng!"

The three of them roared at the same time. Their last hope and last belief were tied to the sword like wind!

"It must succeed!"

Rufeng bit her lip. How could she not know that Jiang Xiaofan gave her the only chance to strike a fatal sword with her own life!

In the lightning and flint, the bloody sword light like the wind directly penetrated the left eye socket of the sacred tree giant.


Violent thunder filled the void, the sacred tree giant's body was ignited with blazing flames, and countless vines and branches shook off one after another.

Its vitality is rapidly fading!

It seemed that because of that blow, the roots of the gods were successfully blocked from continuing to extract the star core origin power of Xuanling Continent.


A violent thunder suddenly surged around the giant tree.



The last few chains of heaven and earth were all broken, and Li Bufan, Chu Chaonan and Luo Hanzhou were bleeding crazily and were heavily shaken away.

In the eye sockets of the giant tree that were pierced, an extremely huge vortex was rolled up, as if it was going to swallow up the entire world.

In an instant, the roots that had originally stagnated seemed to be agitated again, and the sound of heartbeats could be vaguely heard.

Obviously, Rufeng's sword had severely damaged the origin of the roots of the gods, so that it was already extremely weak and had to expose its own existence, speeding up the extraction of the star core origin of Xuanling Continent.

"No... No... I am your master, how dare you even me..."

At the top of the giant tree, the roar of the Immortal Master Yue Yuan suddenly became desperate.

For the Heavenly God Root, he has lost his value.

At this moment, the Immortal Master Yue Yuan can only turn into nutrients and merge into a part of the tree.

He naively thought that he had already controlled the tree, but he didn't know that from beginning to end, he was just a puppet of the tree.

The voice stopped abruptly, and the Immortal Master Yue Yuan was finally trapped in his own cocoon.

However, the rampage of the Heavenly God Root did not stop because of the death of the Immortal Master Yue Yuan, but became more violent!


Amid the roar of the void, the terrifying suction force released by the vortex in the left eye of the giant tree has firmly locked Rufeng.

And the sword just now has almost drained all the strength of Rufeng and Xiaohui.

At this moment, there is no more extra strength to break free from the terrifying suction.

Once Rufeng was drawn into the vortex, the consequences could be imagined.


At this critical moment, Li Bufan burned out the last bit of his vitality and shot out a chain of heaven and earth, which entangled Rufeng and Xiaohui.

Then, he pulled hard and pulled it back in his direction.

But Li Bufan finally ran out of energy and slowly closed his eyes.

The fire of life was extinguished!


At the same time, Ling Feng widened his eyes, and he didn't know where the power came from, and he jumped up and soared into the sky.

At the moment when Jiang Xiaofan died suddenly and Rufeng was facing the threat of death, under the strong stimulation, Lingfeng's fusion with the origin of the soul took another big step forward!

It finally reached the level that was enough to open the Five Elements Palace!

"Zi Feng!"

With a loud shout, the next moment, the colorful divine light flashed, and Zi Feng's figure appeared in front of Ling Feng.

Without any hesitation, Ling Feng directly performed the secret art of beast soul fusion and merged with Zi Feng!

The moment he merged with Zi Feng's spiritual power, a purple light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and a star-like eyeball suddenly tore open above the sky.

It was the Eye of Heavenly Punishment!

Ling Feng's figure trembled violently, and he could sense that Li Bufan's life fire had been extinguished.

Although Ru Feng was temporarily out of trouble, the price was something Ling Feng didn't want to bear anyway!


The giant of the sacred tree roared, and countless blood vines and branches shot at the Eye of Heavenly Punishment in the void at the same time.

Although it did not have much intelligence, the power of heavenly punishment released by the Eye of Heavenly Punishment made it feel a trace of instinctive trembling.

After all, all its power was extracted from the origin of the star core.

Even the will of heaven and earth bred by the origin of the star core was also afraid of the power of heavenly punishment!

Before the Eye of Heavenly Punishment was completely formed, the God Tree Giant was like a madman, and he wanted to destroy it at all costs.


Bleeding gushed out of Ling Feng's eyes, ears, mouth and nose at the same time. Zi Feng's power was also suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth in this world.

And before the will of heaven and earth in Xuanling Continent was completely destroyed, this suppression could not be lifted.

After all, once this suppression disappeared, it would mean the complete "death" of Xuanling Continent.

Using the mana of the Immortal King level, forcibly activating the Eye of Heavenly Punishment was beyond the capacity of both Ling Feng and Zi Feng.



Under the terrifying power of Heavenly Punishment, the huge body of the God Tree Giant began to collapse rapidly.


The God Tree Giant roared wildly, and the Heavenly Punishment Light released by the Eye of Heavenly Punishment made the roots of the God shrink in the "turtle shell" of the God Tree Giant, and dared not move.

At the same time, after Rufeng directly merged with Xiao Hui, he activated the Chaos Fusion Sword and slashed out again.

In an instant, the sword light seemed to merge with the divine light of heavenly punishment, and continued to sink into the body of the giant tree.

Bang, bang, bang!

Endless explosions resounded throughout the world.

Rufeng's figure kept jumping and shuttling in the void, and finally, a sword fiercely stabbed into the core of the roots of the gods.

It was like a heart covered with blood vessels and veins, beating "dong dong", making a dull and deep sound.

"Blood Moon Remnant Rainbow!"

Rufeng roared, and the edge of the Chaos Fusion Sword finally landed on the core.

In an instant, countless blood vines shot out and entangled with Rufeng.

These blood vines could not even be cut off by the Chaos Fusion Sword.

Unable to avoid it, Rufeng was rolled into a ball by the blood vine, and was dragged directly by the core of the god's root, and jumped into the vortex of the left eye of the giant tree.


With a loud bang, the giant tree exploded completely under the control of the god's root.

The power of the self-detonation of the huge monster across the sky can be imagined.


Boom boom boom boom boom!

The sky, the earth, the mountains and rivers, the stars, the sun and the moon, all seemed to explode at this moment.

The eye fluid of the sky punishment was shattered in an instant by this violent impact.


At the same time, Ling Feng was hit by the backlash and blood spurted wildly.

However, he didn't care about his own injuries at all, and stared at the direction where Rufeng was swept away. The place where a huge giant originally stood was now left with only a deep purple vortex.

"Time stops!"

Tears of blood instantly gushed out of Ling Feng's eyes. At the moment when time and space stopped, he used the secret technique of time and space replacement and appeared beside Ru Feng.

However, when Ling Feng wanted to take Ling Feng out of the vortex, time actually resumed its flow. Blood vines entangled and dragged Ling Feng into the depths of the vortex.

In an instant, Ling Feng felt that the origin of his soul seemed to be stripped away by the terrible tearing force, and his body began to turn into countless tiny particles and began to break apart!

Obviously, the reason why the god's root dragged them into this space and time was probably to annihilate all the existences that could threaten it! (End of this chapter)

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