Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4315 Collaboration with the enemy!

"What's the matter with this power of faith?"

Ling Feng was stunned at first, but soon, he clearly felt that the source of these powers of faith came from Xuanling Continent!

When Tianhuang Shenhehua became the star core of Xuanling Continent, the "God" that Xuanling Continent believed in and respected was naturally Tianhuang Shenhehua.

And Tianhuang Shenhehua had already recognized Ling Feng as its master.

Naturally, this power of faith will eventually be tied to Ling Feng.

The power of faith of billions of lives gathered together. Under the blessing of this extremely pious and magnificent faith, Ling Feng's body gradually began to transform.

What surprised Ling Feng even more was that this magnificent power of faith actually indirectly opened several layers of seals of Donghuang Bell.

So that Ling Feng's soul origin could further merge with Donghuang Bell.

The infinite power contained in Donghuang Bell quickly repaired Ling Feng's soul origin that was severely damaged.

The power of faith and the power of the artifacts repaired Ling Feng's body and soul at the same time.

Undoubtedly, it won't take long for Ling Feng to return to the peak, and even...

Go one step further!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng quickly calmed himself down.

Although he was extremely worried about the situation of Yu Bingqing and the others at the moment, the most urgent task at the moment was to restore his strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, his fate would probably be to be killed by the "light prism shot" of the Black Tower of the Gods again.

Thinking about this clearly, Ling Feng was not in a hurry to leave this deep sea.

Thanks to the fact that the sea beast overlords in this sea area were almost completely killed before, Ling Feng could rest assured and restore his cultivation in this seabed.

On the other hand, far away in the battlefield outside the domain, since the young master Xuan Ce led the Shenglong Legion to rebel and joined the demon camp, the fairyland has already shown a trend of decline.

After all, after integrating the power of the Dragon Lord of the Divine Dragon lineage and all the inheritance of the Dragon Demon Ancestor, Master Xuan Ce has become the third ancestor of the world.

In terms of background, he may not be as good as Yi Ting, the emperor who has dominated the fairyland for tens of millions of years, and is slightly inferior to Ke Weili who controls the ancestor-level void overlord Ebot, but breaking the nine-layer realm is enough to prove his weight.

Although he chose to join the demon camp, perhaps for other purposes, but within a few months, there were as many as three human fortresses that fell into the hands of Master Xuan Ce!

Among them, there was Wangshu Fortress where Ling Feng was stationed before!

Facing the demon army attacking from the two directions of the Soul Burial Canyon and the Xingyuan Fortress, with Master Xuan Ce as the commander of the ancestor-level strongman, the destruction of Wangshu Fortress was originally destined.

After experiencing a series of extremely tragic battles, the nearly one million elite troops stationed in Wangshu Fortress were almost wiped out.

Du Zhongwei, the Grand Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies, also died on the battlefield.

If the Great Yu Saint Emperor had not personally rescued Prince Su, I'm afraid that the prince would have been ready to defend Wangshu Fortress to the death and fight until his blood was shed.

As a price, the Great Yu Saint Emperor was hit by the young master Xuan Ce and was seriously injured.

If the young master Xuan Ce did not intend to kill him, I'm afraid that the Great Yu Saint Emperor would have become the first master to fall among the seven major forces in the fairyland!

Upon hearing this news, even the Yuan Kun Emperor, who had a long-standing grudge with the Great Yu Fairy Court, did not add insult to injury.

After all, once the entire battlefield outside the domain was lost, the next step would be for the demons to invade the fairyland in a large scale.

By then, I'm afraid that the second battle to slay the demons will begin.

Unfortunately, Emperor Yiting was restrained by Keweili and the Void Overlord, and unless the other Overlord-level Emperors joined forces, it would be difficult for them to compete with the strength of Young Master Xuan Ce.

After experiencing one tragic defeat after another, the Overlords of the major forces, after unanimous discussion, finally decided to abandon all the fortresses on the front line, gather their troops together, and gather at the last pass in front of the Dead Soul Fortress, the Sky Flame Fortress originally belonging to the Sky Patrol Fire Clan.

In this way, the five Overlord Emperors can gather their strength to avoid being defeated by Young Master Xuan Ce one by one.

The Sky Flame Fortress occupies a geographical advantage, surrounded by high mountains on all sides, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, it is not too far away from the Yinlong Fortress where Emperor Yiting is stationed at the moment, so they can help each other.

It is not so easy for Young Master Xuan Ce to continue to advance the front line.

But everyone also knows that this is just a delay.

Since the Demon Queen Keweili was promoted to the ancestor and returned to the battlefield outside the domain, she not only boosted the morale of the demon army, but also brought back countless demon warriors who had been hiding from the world.

Among them, there are many old demons of the Broken Level and Immortal Level.

On the other hand, although Emperor Yiting of the Immortal Realm is more powerful than the Demon Queen in absolute strength, the opponent relies on the Void Overlord and does not fight with Yiting. Whenever he falls into a disadvantage, he immediately withdraws.

And once Yiting wants to move his position, Keweili immediately takes the offensive.

In this way, Yiting is firmly tied to the Yinlong Fortress and cannot leave at all.

Of course, what they don’t know is that Yiting actually suffered some injuries in the battle of Chaos Scale Dead Swamp.

In order to save Queen Qingluo, a lot of original power was consumed.

This means that Yiting’s current strength is actually less than 80% of the peak level.

In this way, the longer the delay goes on, the more disadvantageous it will be for the Immortal Realm.

This is why Yi Ting gave Uncle Ling a death order to restart the Black Tower of the Gods within half a year, and use the power of the gods in the Black Tower to help him ascend to the path of the gods.

This led to the subsequent plan to destroy the spirits, sending the direct line of the Patrol Thunder Clan to various star regions to ripen the roots of the gods.

This included the star regions where the Xuanling Continent was located.

At this moment, in a camp in the southwest corner of the Sky Flame Fortress.

Yu Bingqing walked quickly towards a military tent. Behind her, there was a woman in a green gauze skirt, who was the Qingluan beast under the seat of the Qingluo Empress.

Since the battle of the Ice Abyss Sea, Fairy Qing Suo was taken to the Black Tower of the Gods to take care of the Qingluo Empress. Qingluan lost her backbone for a while, so she chose to stay with Yu Bingqing.

As for that cheap donkey, he also started to practice hard for the first time.

At this moment, the camp that Yu Bingqing went to was the temporary residence of the founding ancestor of the Dayu Xianting, the Dayu Saint Emperor.

All the major forces gathered in the Tianyan Fortress, while the elders and generals of Dayu Xianting were temporarily settled in the southwest camp.

"Greetings to Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Seeing Yu Bingqing coming, the guards in charge of guarding the camp hurriedly stepped forward to salute Yu Bingqing.

But they crossed their hands and blocked Yu Bingqing's way.

"Get out of the way! I want to see the Emperor Ancestor, is it your turn to stop me?"

Yu Bingqing frowned and suddenly burst out with murderous aura.

At this moment, she had already perfectly integrated the power of the Blood Prison Dragon's blood essence. Once she fully activated her murderous intent, even ordinary immortal-level strongmen would be afraid.

What's more, they were just a few guards guarding the camp.


A guard on the right shuddered and said quickly: "Reporting to the princess, the Holy Emperor has ordered that no one should be seen during the retreat."

"No one, or only me?"

Yu Bingqing snorted and ignored the guards, and shouted into the tent: "Emperor Ancestor, if you insist on not seeing me, I dare not force you, but now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The five great masters are all gathered together. If not now, when? If you are unwilling to come forward, I will go to them myself!"

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.


At this moment, a sigh came from the camp.

Then, the voice of the Great Yu Saint Emperor came out slowly, "Let her in!"

"I obey the Holy Order!"

The guards stepped aside and bowed to Yu Bingqing, saying, "Your Highness, Princess, please!"

Yu Bingqing ignored the guards, turned back to look at Qingluan, and said in a deep voice, "Sister Qingluan, you wait here for a moment."

"Yes." Qingluan nodded slightly, "You go."

Yu Bingqing took a deep breath, then turned around and strode into the camp.

However, as soon as she entered the tent, the Great Yu Saint Emperor waved his hand and set up layers of barriers around.

Obviously, their next topic must not be heard by anyone.

"Bingqing greets Grandpa Emperor!"

Yu Bingqing bowed to the Great Yu Saint Emperor.

It seems that because of the serious injury suffered by the young master Xuan Ce, the Great Yu Saint Emperor looked much older at this moment, and his breath seemed a little weak.

Then the Great Yu Saint Emperor snorted coldly and said seriously: "Do you still have me, the Grandpa Emperor, in your eyes?"

"Bingqing has been asking for your opinion and dare not make your own decisions!"

Yu Bingqing gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "But I didn't expect that you, the Grandpa Emperor, would be so afraid of Yi Ting's..."

"Stop it!"

The Great Yu Saint Emperor's face changed and said in a deep voice: "Bingqing girl, some things should be said, some things should not be said, don't you even understand this?"

"If you don't say it now, do you want to watch the entire fairyland world completely destroyed because of that person's selfishness?"

Yu Bingqing clenched his fists. In fact, since leaving the Ice Abyss Sea, Yu Bingqing found Emperor Yu and explained to him about the collusion between Yi Ting and the Celestial God Clan.

When Emperor Yu heard it, he was shocked, but he didn't dare to believe it. In the end, he left it to the Great Yu Saint Emperor to make the decision.

After hearing this, the Great Yu Saint Emperor advised Yu Bingqing to keep these things to herself and not to tell anyone.

After all, this matter was of great importance. If it was not handled properly, the entire Great Yu Immortal Court might follow the footsteps of the Heavenly Dao Clan and be destroyed overnight.

"Now, the four rulers of the Sky-Punching Ice Clan, Sky-Punching Fire Clan, Sky-Punching Mountain Clan, and Tianzhi are all in the Sky Flame Fortress. Yi Ting is not here, which is a rare opportunity. As long as everyone can see the true face of that person, with the combined power of everyone, is there any need to be afraid of him?"


The Great Yu Saint Emperor shook his head and sighed, and slowly said: "Bingqing girl, things are not as simple as you think. Whether it is the Ice Clan, the Fire Clan, or the Mountain Clan, forget that they are all from the Sky-Punching lineage. Do they believe the one-sided words of a little girl like you?"

"Let's take a step back and talk about it. In the current situation of the battlefield outside the domain, the major forces in my fairyland are already controlled by the demon clan. The only one who has reached the ancestor level is Emperor Yi Ting. If we tear our faces with him at this time, what do you think will be the end of all of us? Even if it's not for my Great Yu lineage, do you want to see the entire fairyland suffer?"

Holy Emperor Dayu said, gently caressing the back of Yu Bingqing's head, and sighed: "I know in my heart that because of Ling Feng, who is from the Tiandao lineage, you must hate Emperor Yiting very much in your heart, but the matter is There are priorities. This matter needs to be dealt with slowly and cannot be rushed. "

"Then what if I say..."

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth, clenched her fists and said, "Are we not only joining forces with the other major immortal emperors, but also the queen of the demon clan?"


Holy Emperor Dayu's eyes widened, "Do you know that colluding with the demons is to collaborate with the enemy?"


Yu Bingqing smiled coldly, "Lord Emperor Ancestor, who do you think is the real enemy at this time? Even if the Demon Clan invades the Immortal Realm and fights like the Ancient Demon Slayer, the two tribes can still fight for several epochs. If we let That Yi Ting succeeded in attracting those so-called gods to come to the Immortal Realm, and the destruction of the Immortal Realm world may only take a moment! Who do you think is our real enemy? "

"I have told you about this matter many times. Without evidence and just relying on your words, is it like shaking the emperor's tens of millions of years of accumulated power? You think everything is too simple!"

Holy Emperor Dayu shook his head, "Let me handle this matter. From today on, you will not go out, just stay in my tent. Your talent is extremely high, and it is even more integrated. Ancestral dragon inheritance, I will personally guide you in your cultivation! If you want to defeat Yi Ting, then you must at least have the strength to defeat me!"

"Grandpa Dizu, you!"

Yu Bingqing's eyelids twitched, and she immediately turned around and wanted to break out of the camp.

It's a pity that even though Holy Emperor Dayu is injured, he is still the master of the eighth level of brokenness. How can Yu Bingqing escape from Holy Emperor Dayu's Five Finger Mountain.

"Hey, whether you want to complain or hate, Grandpa will let you do it, but I can't just watch you do something stupid! Go and die!"

Holy Emperor Dayu sighed softly and said slowly: "Practice well with Grandpa Ancestor. In the final analysis, your strength will determine the weight of your words." (End of Chapter)

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