Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4319: Fighting Uncle Ling!


Commander Long Zang looked around after hearing this. The thunder pool, which was originally surging, began to ripple, as if it was affected by an indescribable force. And the rolling thunder beast, under the suppression of this force, began to gradually calm down, as if it was restrained by a more powerful force.

Ling Feng raised his hand slightly, and the Wind Clan War Corpse, which was originally besieged by the thunder beast, suddenly burst into a brilliant light. A strong suction came from the war corpse, instantly pulling the entire thunder pool into a huge vortex.

The raging thunder beast was directly torn into pieces under this suction, and rushed to the center of the vortex.

In just a moment, the surging thunder source in his body was suppressed by the terrible vortex.

He even had a feeling that once he activated his magic power, his original power would probably be drained instantly by the terrible vortex like those thunder beasts!

Commander Long Zang's face changed drastically, "How... how is this possible? This is definitely not the Broken Class, no, the Immortal Class can never master such power!"

"You are not the only ones who can master the weapons left by the Celestial Gods."

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and his figure slowly floated into the air and stopped in front of Commander Long Zang.

However, even at such a close distance, Commander Long Zang was unable to attack Ling Feng.

He even had no strength to lift a finger.

He was completely suppressed by the terrible vortex and could not get out.

And this is certainly not the ability that a mere Immortal Class biochemical war corpse can have.

When Ling Feng appeared, he actually pulled Commander Long Zang into his God Eater.

"Welcome to the God Eater, you can be regarded as the first... enemy to enter here!"

Ling Feng snapped his fingers lightly, and then, the originally dark void suddenly lit up with rows of dazzling lights.

When Commander Long Zang came to his senses, he found himself firmly bound to a giant metal pillar by a special metal tentacle.

The endless sea of ​​ice and the sparkling waves under his feet were just the constant changes of light and shadow.

It turned out that when Commander Long Zang caught up with the Wind Clan War Corpse, he was illuminated by the light similar to "spiritual illusion" stimulated by the God Eater, and was immediately drawn into the illusion.

When Commander Long Zang thought he was showing his divine power and chasing the Wind Clan War Corpse and urging the Sky-patrolling Mysterious Thunder, he had unknowingly fallen into the soul-binding cage of the God Eater step by step.

When Commander Long Zang suddenly woke up, it was too late.

His Dantian had been completely sealed, and his life and death were controlled by Ling Feng's thoughts.

He couldn't even explode himself.

"Despicable, shameless!"

Long Zang Commander cursed, "Let me out if you have the guts, I will fight you for three hundred rounds!"

"You can barely be considered an opponent who can fight. If I fight you head-on, it will take some effort. Unfortunately, I don't have the time or the mood to do it now."

Ling Feng smiled coldly. The reason why he captured Long Zang Commander was certainly not because Ling Feng had any special hobby of binding in a secret room.

"Tentacle monster, it's time to start!"

"Yes, Master!"

As Ling Feng gave an order, the next moment, the tip of a tentacle that was originally bound to Long Zang Commander was like a python, sticking its head out and stopping directly in front of Long Zang Commander.

Then, a red light flashed, and Long Zang Commander felt as if his soul had been sucked away, and his whole body suddenly went limp.

If he hadn't been entangled by the metal tentacles, he would have collapsed to the ground at this moment.

"Master, all the biological information of this guy has been collected."

After saying that, the tentacle monster wrapped around Ling Feng's shoulder again, and a drop of liquid similar to the essence of blood slowly oozed out from the tip, and slowly flew in front of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng put on a sneer and let the drop of blood seep into his brow.

The next moment, the flesh on Ling Feng's face began to wriggle rapidly, and his whole body suddenly changed.

In the blink of an eye, an old man who looked exactly like Commander Long Zang appeared in front of Commander Long Zang himself, both in appearance and breath, they were exactly the same.

Without any mistake, Ling Feng could perfectly control even the thunder essence of the Thunder Clan, as if he were using his arm.

"How about it, am I like you now?"

Ling Feng spoke slowly, and his voice was exactly the same.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Long Zang Commander's eyes widened, "You want to replace me? want to sneak into the Heavenly God Black Tower?"

"It seems that you still have some brains."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I will take you back with me!"

As he said, he turned his head and glanced at the Wind Clan War Corpse standing beside him.

With a thought, the whole body of the Wind Clan War Corpse turned into droplets and rushed directly towards the body of Long Zang Commander.

The next moment, Long Zang Commander's appearance completely changed into the appearance of the Wind Clan War Corpse.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "In a while, I will personally escort this intruder back, and then we can enter the Heavenly God Black Tower naturally."

"Dream on, don't even think about it, don't even think about it!"

Commander Long Zang roared hysterically, Ling Feng snorted coldly, and pressed his palm into Commander Long Zang's body, which was possessed by the wind clan's war skeleton.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die just yet. Your life fire has to maintain this form for me."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and sealed the soul origin of Commander Long Zang directly in the depths of the spiritual sea.

In this way, Commander Longzang could clearly "see" everything happening in the outside world, but he was unable to resist at all.

Because his body was completely controlled by the Wind Clan war skeleton.

"no no!"

Commander Long Zang's soul was sealed, and he could only roar in despair and unwillingness.

It's a pity that everything is just in vain.

Half an hour later.

The figure of Commander Long Zang emerged from the depths of the seabed.

In his hand, he was holding a limp monk whose limbs seemed to have been broken.

Of course, this Commander Long Zang had already been replaced by Ling Feng.

And the monk who looked like he was dying was actually the real leader of Long Zang.

After a while, Ling Feng used his identity as Commander Long Zang to sneak directly into the black tower.

The last time, Ling Feng fought until the last moment and was almost completely wiped out, but he could not reach this point.

Looking at the huge tower towering high in the sky, Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

The next moment, Ling Feng kicked out and kicked Commander Long Zang directly onto the island where the Black Tower of the God was located.

Just hearing a loud "bang", a billowing smoke suddenly rolled up on the coast of the isolated island.

Several patrols from the Thunder Clan who were patrolling the sky immediately flew forward to investigate.

Immediately afterwards, he saw "Commander Long Zang" stepping on Xuan Lei and arriving in an instant, with his usual aloof expression on his face.

"See the Lord Commander!"

The patrols immediately knelt down to Ling Feng, and one of the captains, who had a slight wink, even complimented him: "As expected of the commander-in-chief, you captured the intruder so quickly as soon as you took action. All the commanders are still fighting hard.”

"Hmph, I am the Great Elder of the Dark Sect. Isn't this a matter of course?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, imitating the tone and demeanor of Commander Long Zang, and said impatiently: "Take this intruder and go to see the commander-in-chief!"


Captain Xunwei responded with a serious face, and immediately asked two of his subordinates to pick up the "intruder" who had fallen on the ground.

"The strength of the Commander-in-Chief is truly unparalleled in ancient and modern times. I think, apart from the Emperor and the Commander-in-Chief, among my Thunder Clan members, you are the one!"

The captain was smiling all over his face, and his flattery was clearly evident.

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, but his face showed a look of great benefit, "Okay, okay, I know that you are motivated, after that, come to me and be your personal guard!"

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!"

The captain suddenly felt as if he was blessed by God, and his little mouth felt like honey, as he knelt down and licked it crazily.

After boasting all the way, Ling Feng finally successfully entered the black tower and successfully reached the highest floor of the black tower through the main elevator of the central control.

Ling Feng was cautious all the way, restraining his emotions and expressions, and did not dare to explore the whereabouts of Empress Qingluo and Fairy Qingsuo.

Let’s wait until we meet that “Uncle Ling” in person.

"Just wait here!"

Ling Feng looked back at the squad leader, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and then dragged the real leader Long Zang and strode towards the main control room.

The guard responsible for guarding was naturally polite to Ling Feng, the fake commander of Long Zang. After a routine inspection, he opened the door to the main control room.

"Subordinate Ryuzo, please see the Commander-in-Chief!"

After entering the door, Ling Feng threw Long Zang aside and then bowed in the direction of Uncle Ling.

Uncle Ling was staring at the light curtains in front of him, frowning from time to time. After a long time, he raised his head and glanced at Ling Feng.

"What, is something wrong?"

"My subordinates have captured a few intruders. They are hereby brought back and handed over to you, the Commander-in-Chief, for their punishment."

"You can just handle these little things yourself."

Uncle Ling frowned slightly, "Go out, nothing is more important than activating the black tower again. There is not much time left before Emperor Zun's deadline!"

"Of course, this matter is of course the most important. However, the people who broke into the restricted area of ​​the Ice Abyss Sea this time include the Xantian Wind Clan, the Xantian Ice Clan, the Xantian Mountain Clan and the Xantian Fire Clan, and there are four of them. Immortal level, the matter is so important that my subordinates cannot handle it on their own.”

Ling Feng said solemnly: "I suspect that the few Wind Tribes who escaped last time rebelled and said something nonsense, which made the Ice Tribe, Mountain Tribe, and Fire Tribe all feel rebellious."


Uncle Ling finally raised his head and stared at Commander Long Zang who had transformed into the Wind Clan War Skeleton. He took a deep breath and walked directly in front of the "Wind Clan War Skeleton" and looked at it carefully for a long time.

The original power of Xantian Feng Clan is not fake at all.

"Don't these four tribes want to unite and rebel?"

Uncle Ling frowned slightly and was silent for a long time. Then he looked back at Ling Feng and said slowly: "This matter really needs to be investigated carefully, Long Zang, you did a good job in this matter!"

At this moment, the Wind Clan warrior skeleton, whose limbs had been broken and seemed to be dying, suddenly burst into violence.

Uncle Ling was caught off guard, and with a fierce palm, not only did he fully stimulate his own Wind Clan essence, but also the life essence of Commander Long Zang, which was directly burned.


With a loud noise, it was as if the earth was cracking and the sky was collapsing, and the wind and thunder intertwined, turning into a pitch-black dragon, and directly crashed into Uncle Ling's chest.

"Looking for death!"

Uncle Ling's face changed, and the yin-yang fish floated in his left eye.

Then, although time did not stop directly like when Ling Feng used time stagnation, the flow of time seemed to be slowed down hundreds of times.

The palm that was originally coming with great momentum was directly slowed down to the point where it seemed like a snail climbing.

The next moment, the flow of time returned to normal, and Uncle Ling had perfectly avoided the palm of the Wind Clan War Corpse, and at the same time, he slapped the Wind Clan War Corpse on the forehead.


A mouthful of blood gushed out, and the body of the Wind Clan War Corpse seemed to have shed a layer of liquid skin, and then a familiar face appeared in front of Uncle Ling.

It was actually Commander Long Zang!

At this moment, Commander Long Zang's eyes were wide open, but gradually lost their luster.

He would never have thought that Ling Feng would keep his life just to let him be killed by the commander-in-chief himself!

Uncle Ling's face changed, and he turned back suddenly, only to see that Ling Feng had already returned to his original appearance.

At the same time, the third vertical pupil suddenly opened, and with a flash of blood, time was directly paused.

"Time is still!"

With a low roar, Ling Feng's three pupils bleed at the same time.

To pause Uncle Ling's time, the price paid is naturally extremely tragic!

He used Commander Long Zang to launch a sneak attack just to trick Uncle Ling's trump card.

Now, Uncle Ling has already used the time slowdown once, and he will surely be able to severely injure him with the secret technique of time suspension!

To be honest, Ling Feng has no confidence in his heart in a head-on confrontation, and he will definitely lose.

After all, Uncle Ling also has the Eye of the Son of Heaven that he has.

Although Uncle Ling had said before that as long as he could enter the Black Tower, he would answer some of his doubts.

But Ling Feng preferred to take the initiative in his own hands.

First, seriously injure this person, capture him, and then interrogate him.

Although the means of sneak attack are not glorious, Ling Feng has always disdained it.

But at present, if he wants to deal with such a strong man, he can only use this dishonorable means.

"Nine Art of Heaven Punishment, Qiankun Yizhe!"

With a flash of dim light, the Ten Directions Annihilation in Ling Feng's hand suddenly appeared, and at the same time transformed into the form of a long halberd.

At such a close distance, coupled with the state of time suspension, the power that Qiankun Yizhe can burst out is almost hundreds of times more.


The void shook, and the long halberd in Ling Feng's hand, like a dragon leaping out of the abyss, with the terrifying power of destroying the sky and the earth, directly hit Uncle Ling's chest.

Ling Feng has absolute confidence. If this attack is implemented, even he will lose a few layers of skin.

This old man is very old, his energy and blood are weak, with his body, it is impossible for him to withstand this attack safely! (End of this chapter)

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