Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4320 Eye of the Ancestor!

With time standing still, Uncle Ling had no way to escape and had no time to react.


The halberd was like a meteor from the sky, penetrating through the galaxy and universe, annihilating all things in the stars, and the void collapsed inch by inch.


Following Ling Feng's low roar, the halberd finally hit Uncle Ling's chest.

It was almost foreseeable that under this blow, not only would the body of this aging man be destroyed, but even the origin of his soul would be severely damaged.

However, just when the halberd was about to touch Uncle Ling's chest, an undetectable ray of light burst out from Uncle Ling's left eye, forming an invisible barrier.

This barrier seemed to descend from the endless void, carrying an ancient and profound aura, forming a sharp confrontation with the power of time suspension exerted by Ling Feng's Eye of the Emperor.

Ling Feng was shocked. He could feel that this barrier contained a power similar to his own Eye of the Emperor, but it was purer and deeper.

The next moment, he discovered to his horror that he had lost part of his control over Destruction in All Directions.

No, strictly speaking, it should be that the fragments of Tianchu that were destroyed and fused in all directions have lost control!

The moment the power of Heavenly Punishment touched Uncle Ling, it disappeared instantly.


There was a loud noise, and the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques, which had lost the power of Heavenly Punishment, were no longer as powerful as ten.

Although there is a huge hole in Uncle Ling's chest, for the Broken Powerhouse, any injury that does not damage the origin of his soul can only be regarded as a superficial injury.


The next moment, Ling Feng withdrew the halberd that Shi Fang Ji De had transformed into, and stared at Uncle Ling with blood-heaving eyes.

In his current state, it is no longer enough to activate the ability to stop time again.

The wound on Uncle Ling's chest was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His slightly indifferent eyes slowly fell on Ling Feng, neither happy nor sad.

It seemed that Ling Feng's sneak attack on him just now couldn't cause him any emotional fluctuations.

"Descendant of Heaven, you are indeed not dead!"

For some reason, Ling Feng could even feel a hint of... joy in this person's tone?

He shook his head and threw away his distracting thoughts. He glared at the other party, gritted his teeth and yelled: "How can you suppress my Heavenly Punishment Power?"

"Yours, the power of Heavenly Punishment?"

Uncle Ling smiled coldly, "It must be the power of Heavenly Punishment from Ling Taixu, the founder of Heavenly Dao!"

The Eye of the Emperor in his left eye flashed with a chaotic light, and then he slowly said: "If I tell you that this left eye of my man is derived from Ling Taixu, the ancestor of the lineage of Heaven, would you believe it? Don’t believe it?”

" is this possible?"

For a moment, Ling Feng stared at Uncle Ling as if he was struck by lightning.

The Eye of the Emperor, the ancestor of Heaven, was actually robbed by the old man in front of him?

Is this possible?

However, it seems that only for this reason, he can easily suppress the power of Heavenly Punishment integrated in the Destruction of All Directions, and turn the world around in an instant.

"Now that you know that my Eye of Heaven comes from the ancestor of Heaven, do you still dare to take action against me?"

The invisible pressure on Uncle Ling was suddenly released.

The kind of suppression originating from the bloodline made Ling Feng almost unable to straighten up.

After all, the opponent he faces now is almost half the ancestor of Heavenly Dao, Ling Taixu!

"Why don't you kneel down and submit to me?"

Uncle Ling's low drink was like a divine order from the sky. Ling Feng's body began to lower his head and bend his knees uncontrollably.

"No! No matter how you got the Eye of the Emperor from the First Ancestor, you acted as an aide to the tiger, helped the old dog Yi Ting, and poisoned the world. Are you worthy to be compared with the First Ancestor? If I want to kneel down, you are not worthy!"

At this moment, deep in Ling Feng's spiritual sea, the dragon roared endlessly.

Taixu Zhoulong!

Blood Hell Dragon!

Taichu Fate Dragon!

The ultimate emperor dragon!

The demon dragon that purifies the world!

The will of the five ancestral dragons guarded the origin of Ling Feng's soul, directly crushing the suppression originating from the ancestor of Heavenly Dao!

"A sword of chaos in heaven and earth!"

In an instant, Ling Feng regained control of his body, and the overbearing immortal and demon energy surged around his body. Under the urging of the Great Killing Technique, he slashed out the strongest sword so far!


There was a loud noise, and the sword edge hit the invisible barrier, bursting out with a dazzling light.

But Ling Feng's attack disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

Uncle Ling smiled slightly and shook his head gently: "Descendant of Tiandao, your methods are still too young."

However, before he finished speaking, the invisible barrier actually "clicked" and shattered into a crack.

Then, there was another series of explosions, and the next moment, the entire barrier shattered like an eggshell. Uncle Ling's body was blown away hard, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!

However, Uncle Ling laughed loudly instead, "Hahahaha, good! Good come!"

Amid laughter, Uncle Ling slowly raised his right hand and waved it lightly.

Time seems to have slowed down a thousand times again at this moment!

Ling Feng felt an overbearing and fierce aura coming towards him, as fast as thunder and lightning, but his body could not keep up with his own perception.

In a flash of lightning, the whole person flew out like a kite with its string broken, and hit the thick wall of the main control room heavily.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Ling Feng's mouth. He struggled to stand up, but his body seemed to be bound by an invisible force and could not move.

When Uncle Ling waved his hand, Ling Feng felt an indescribable sense of oppression. He struggled to get up, but the invisible force was like an iron clamp, tightly clamping his body.

Uncle Ling slowly walked in front of Ling Feng, his eyes full of scrutiny.

He gently raised his right hand, and a glimmer of light appeared in his palm, as if gathering some kind of power.

"Descendant of the Heavenly Dao, your courage and strategy are worthy of praise for being able to enter this place, but your strength is still far from enough!"

Uncle Ling's voice was calm and deep, as if it could penetrate a person's soul.

"Maybe, it's not that far away!"

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely, shouted, and struggled violently, and actually broke free from Uncle Ling's restraints and stood up again.

The Donghuang Bell burst out with dazzling golden light. The vast power of faith not only healed all his injuries in an instant, but also increased his soul power several times to a certain extent!

"The power of faith?"

Uncle Ling's eyelids jumped, "You are reborn with the power of faith? Very good! Very good!"

The next moment, Uncle Ling raised his arm high again, accompanied by the dazzling blood light flashing in the Eye of the Son of Heaven. With only one Eye of the Son of Heaven, he could actually open the state of the Bloody Eye of the Son of Heaven!

The terrifying pressure came again like a tide.

However, this time, Ling Feng also had his own support.

After the Donghuang Bell was unsealed again, it was no longer a transmission tool with only auxiliary functions.

The many heaven-defying features it showed had even far surpassed the strongest source of the Dao in the world!

"Donghuang - Zhutian Sword!!"

Ling Feng tightly grasped the Ten Directions Annihilation, and his figure flashed, turning into a golden afterimage and rushing towards Uncle Ling.

Last time in the Land of Exile, Ling Feng integrated the Great Killing Technique and created the Heaven and Earth Chaos Sword.

At this moment, under the blessing of the vast and majestic power of faith of the Donghuang Bell, Ling Feng was blessed and finally created his own second sword move!


Uncle Ling laughed loudly, "Good, come on! Come on!"

He didn't dodge or evade, and slapped his right palm lightly. The power of the origin of the way of heaven burst out instantly and collided with Ling Feng's sword move.


The endless sword energy was annihilated, and the entire control room was shrouded in a blazing white light. All the sounds, all the light and shadows, and even time and space were frozen at this moment.

After a brief blindness, Ling Feng suddenly spit out a mouthful of reverse blood with a muffled groan, and the whole person flew backwards again and hit the wall heavily. This time, he could no longer stand up, and could only collapse on the ground, gasping for breath.

All the bones in his body seemed to have been shattered at this moment.

On the other side, Uncle Ling retreated dozens of steps, his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and seven orifices bleeding!

Especially the Son of Heaven's Eye on his left eye, which turned gray in an instant, as if it had lost its light.


The defensive barrier of the main control room was also under this terrible impact, and it was obviously hit hard.


With a loud bang, a huge gap appeared in the wall behind Ling Feng.

You know, this black tower of the gods is a product left by the gods. It took Yi Ting tens of millions of years to build this black tower, and it is unknown how many star cores of the star domain planes were plundered.

At this moment, with the defensive ability of the black tower, a crack was blown open.

The collision between Ling Feng and Uncle Ling just now was almost comparable to the confrontation at the ancestor level in a certain sense!

At this time, the door of the main control room was pushed open, and more than a dozen guards rushed in quickly, each of them was on edge and looked serious.

After all, with such a solid defensive barrier of the Black Tower, it was actually so damaged that it was hard not to wonder what happened inside.

"Commander-in-chief, what happened?" a guard asked anxiously.

"Get out!"

Uncle Ling shouted, and the terrifying murderous aura suddenly swept over.

The guards were shocked and dared not ask any more questions. They immediately retreated, fearing that they would be crushed into powder immediately if they were a step slower.

Uncle Ling wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Ling Feng again, and walked over slowly, "It seems that you have used all your strength."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, with an unyielding light flashing in his eyes. He struggled to get up, but this time, even a trace of strength was completely exhausted.

"No need to struggle. You have proved your strength by forcing me to this point."

Uncle Ling coughed a few times. "With the Eye of the Son of Heaven, within thirty moves, even Yi Ting at his peak state can't defeat me. You can survive three of my moves and even injure me. Just barely, you have touched the threshold of the ancestor level."

"Heaven and Earth Chaos Sword!"

At this moment, another low roar erupted from behind Uncle Ling.

Then, a sharp sword light cut through the void, and another Ling Feng was seen, waving the Ten Directions Annihilation, slashing heavily at Uncle Ling.

It was the Heavenly Demon Yin Body!

This was also the killer move that Ling Feng had hidden until the last moment.

"Is it the secret technique of the Gulando clan? If you can really advance to the ninth level of the Broken Layer, this Heavenly Demon Yin Body can kill me. It's a pity..."

Uncle Ling turned his head slightly and dodged the attack lightly. He moved his body and instantly appeared behind the demon's Yin body Feng, and then slapped out with a palm.


The seemingly soft and weak palm actually annihilated the demon's Yin body directly.


Ling Feng spit out blood again due to the backlash of the demon's Yin body being destroyed. He looked up and stared at Uncle Ling. At this moment, he was at his wit's end and had no room for resistance.

After Uncle Ling slapped out that palm, his body staggered slightly. Obviously, the injuries he suffered in the previous confrontation with Ling Feng were not light.

Or maybe it was because his Eye of the Son of Heaven did not come from himself, and forcibly urging it would naturally consume more than the Tiandao clan.

However, his expression was still as calm as when he first saw Ling Feng.

He slowly walked in front of Ling Feng and slowly raised his palm.

Ling Feng clenched his fists, and finally closed his eyes as if he accepted his fate.

He was defeated by a strong man who possessed the Eye of the Son of Heaven, Ling Taixu, the ancestor of the Heavenly Dao. It was not unfair for him to lose.

However, Uncle Ling's palm was not to attack Ling Feng, but to infuse him with a gentle and pure Heavenly Dao source power.


In an instant, Ling Feng's spirit was lifted. He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Uncle Ling in disbelief, "What do you mean?"

"You have proved that you have the strength to come to me. Now, I will fulfill my previous promise. You can take Qingluo and the younger generation of the Wind Clan away, and I can also guide you to open the road of revelation and obtain the true inheritance of the Heavenly Dao!"

As he said this, Uncle Ling coughed violently again, and this time, he even coughed up blood.

"You... I..."

Ling Feng's eyes condensed, and he was a little at a loss. Is the person in front of him an enemy or a friend?

Now, he can't tell.


Thousands of doubts finally turned into three words.


Yes, why did he help Yi Ting build the Heavenly God Black Tower?

Why did he know the price of building the Black Tower, but still chose to be an accomplice?

Why did he have the Eye of the Son of Heaven from Ling Taixu, the ancestor of the Heavenly Dao?

Why did he clearly have the ability to wipe himself out, but at the last moment, he helped himself open the road to revelation?


Uncle Ling shook his head and smiled, "Yes, why? Why? Why is it me? And why is it you? There are many doubts in your heart, right? But there are always so many whys in this world!"

Uncle Ling coughed up blood again, and the next moment, he suddenly inserted his finger into the left eye socket.

Then, he fiercely dug the eyeball of the Son of Heaven's Eye out of the eye socket.


In an instant, blood dyed the left half of Uncle Ling's cheek red, but from beginning to end, Uncle Ling didn't even hum.

He gently handed the eyeball of the Son of Heaven's Eye to Ling Feng, and said with a bitter smile: "This eye is now the only key that can open the road to revelation. It will guide you to find the location of the road to revelation."


Looking at Uncle Ling with blood all over his face, Ling Feng clenched his fists, but couldn't help but said with concern: "I...I will heal you first."

"You won't die yet."

Uncle Ling shook his head, and then handed Ling Feng a black disc, "This is the secret key that can release Qingluo. I believe that with your ability, you can find Qingluo."

"Go, the eyes of the ancestor of the Heavenly Dao will find the answer for you. Do what you think is right. Nothing else matters!"

After saying that, Uncle Ling was already sweating profusely, and he sat on the ground powerlessly. The whole person seemed to have aged a hundred years in an instant.

Ling Feng sighed softly, but he couldn't bear it after all. He took out a few pills and gently placed them in front of Uncle Ling. Then he bowed to Uncle Ling and walked out of the control room.

Looking at Ling Feng's departing back, Uncle Ling's eyes gradually became tearful, and he murmured: "Master, this burden is too heavy for me after all. From now on, everything will depend on him..." (End of this chapter)

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