Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4321 The last hope!


As the door of the main control room slowly fell, at this moment, the Dark Sect elders of the Patrol Thunder Clan had already surrounded the door.

Although they didn't know what happened in the main control room before, they knew very well that an intruder appeared in the Heavenly God Black Tower!

This has never happened in tens of millions of years!

Except for the elders who were still fighting with the biochemical war corpses, almost all the high-level combat forces in the tower gathered here.

If the commander-in-chief (Uncle Ling) could handle it, it would be the best.

However, as the door opened, the person who appeared was not Uncle Ling, but...

" are..."

The leader was the fourth elder of the Dark Sect, who had also besieged Ling Feng with Commander Long Zang that day.

At this moment, seeing the face of the intruder clearly, he was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

"Aren't you dead?"

The remnant of the Heavenly Dao, who should have been annihilated by the light prism, is now standing in front of everyone!


The fourth elder couldn't believe his eyes.

"Get out of here! I don't want to kill people now!"

Ling Feng was covered in blood and looked exhausted.

But his eyes, as cold and fierce as a beast, made the battle-hardened elders of the Dark Sect shudder.

What a terrible murderous aura!

"What a big tone!"

The fourth elder's face turned fierce, thinking that Ling Feng was at the end of his strength. He immediately summoned a thunder sword and rushed towards Ling Feng, shouting, "No matter how you escaped, you will not be able to escape this time!"

As the fourth elder gave an order, the other Dark Sect elders also rushed up.

There was a faint light flashing, and it was the Wind Clan War Remains that reappeared and directly blocked Ling Feng.

Although Uncle Ling's palm had hit Commander Long Zang hard before, the Wind Clan War Remains had already liquefied in advance, avoiding most of the damage, so only Commander Long Zang was killed by Uncle Ling.

At this moment, the Wind Clan War Remains finally condensed into shape again, and immediately returned to Ling Feng's side to protect him.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the Ten Directions Annihilation in his hand slashed out a sharp and unmatched sword energy.

A fierce battle broke out again.

Out-of-domain battlefield, Tianyan Fortress.

Let's say that Jianlu finally found Si Chen, and then rushed to the tower, ready to leave Tianyan Fortress with Si Chen's God of War Badge.

Because the situation of the war alliance was not optimistic at the moment, the martial law in Tianyan Fortress was more than ten times stricter than before.

Si Chen and his group of three (strictly speaking, it should be one person, one donkey and one bird) immediately stopped the guards on the tower as soon as they approached the tower.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

The general guarding the city was the former commander of the Xuntian Fire Clan, and Si Chen was just a newly promoted war god, so it was normal that the other party did not recognize her.

As for Qingluan, she was originally the divine bird under the seat of Empress Qingluo. She rarely showed her human form on weekdays, so naturally even fewer people knew her.

What's more, Qingluan was just a mount and did not have the merits of a war god.

"I, Si Chen, the war god, have been ordered to go to Beiluo Gorge to inspect the enemy situation!"

Si Chen was not in a hurry, and directly showed his war god badge, and used the words he had prepared long ago to get away with it.

Anyway, after leaving this time, she didn't think she could come back alive again.

"It turns out to be the War God Sichen of Tianzhi."

The guard on the tower bowed to Sichen from a distance, but still shook his head and said: "War God Sichen, please go back. According to the latest regulations, even if you are a War God, you cannot leave the Tianyan Fortress without a joint transfer order from the expedition alliance. The war is imminent, I hope that War God Sichen will forgive you."

"Why, your rules are rules, but my military orders from Tianzhi are not rules?"

After all, Sichen is a close attendant of the White-Robed Lord. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, he has also learned some of the majesty of the White-Robed Lord. At this moment, the kingly aura of this superior swept over, and the guard immediately felt pressured.

"God of War Sichen, please don't make things difficult for a small guard like me. This is also the rule set by the superiors. I really can't open the door for you. However, if there are more than two tribes of God of War strongmen, forming a team, it is in line with the emergency plan. Otherwise, you can find another God of War from other forces to go to Beiluo Gorge with you?"

Si Chen frowned, and the donkey slapped his thigh and stamped his chest and said: "I should have called Yan Jinghong along earlier. Now it's good, I have to go back again!"

However, at this moment, a clear whistle came, and the next moment, a chill came, and then a familiar back appeared in front of the donkey.

"Then, how about adding me?"

The person who came was Yan Jinghong!

Yan Jinghong directly showed his God of War token.

It was already a three-star God of War medal!

Seeing the attitude of the guard of the three-star god of war, he immediately became more gentle and said with a smile: "Since there are two gods of war, they can leave naturally. Come on, ask the people below to open the small door on the side and let them in!"

"Good guy!"

When the donkey saw Yan Jinghong, he immediately stepped forward and hooked his shoulder, grinning: "You have made it to three stars, not bad, not bad, much faster than this woman!"

Yan Jinghong avoided the donkey's hoof without leaving a trace and took a look at the two women beside the donkey.

He had met Si Chen a few times before. He was an elder of Tianzhi and had a close relationship with Ling Feng.

Although the other woman deliberately suppressed her aura, Yan Jinghong could still feel the terrifying aura on her body.

I'm afraid, at the very least, he is a broken strong man!

However, she still exudes a strong demonic aura and should belong to the lineage of demonic beasts. Therefore, even if her cultivation level is extremely high, according to the rules of the Conquest Alliance, she is only a spiritual pet or a mount, and cannot be awarded by the Conquest Alliance. Xun, named the God of War.

But at this moment, Bitch is here, accompanied by two women who look a little solemn, but Ling Feng is missing?

Although Yan Jinghong was full of doubts, he immediately stepped forward after sensing Bian Lu's aura, just in time to catch up with Bian Lv and the others who were unable to leave the city.

Therefore, Yan Jinghong didn't think much and directly revealed his identity as the three-star God of War.

With Yan Jinghong's help, the group finally left Tianyan Fortress smoothly.

It wasn't until he flew hundreds of miles away that the stupid donkey turned back and looked at the fortress filled with heavy soldiers from a distance. He spat lightly and cursed: "Grandma, I didn't expect it to be easy to get in. Once you get out, It’s so troublesome!”

But in fact, it is not easy to enter the Sky Flame Fortress. However, they had the eldest princess of the Great Yu Immortal Court beside them before.

With this level of identity, one can move freely.

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath, and then finally asked: "Bitch, why are you here alone, where is Ling Feng?"

As soon as Ling Feng was mentioned, Bian Lu sighed again.

The bitch had an old face and sighed: "Don't mention it, that kid is gone!"


Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched slightly, "What do you mean?"

Obviously Yan Jinghong didn't think that a monster like Ling Feng would perish before him.

Perhaps, it was just because Jianlu had a conflict with Ling Feng that he deliberately cursed him, saying that he was dead.

After all, this bitch has a bad mouth and bad breath, and it’s not just a day or two.

"It's gone, it's gone. What else can it mean? The person is gone, dead, exploded, and his soul is gone. Do you understand?"

I saw that Bitch's face was filled with sadness, while Si Chen and Qing Luan were frowning and silent.

Only then did Yan Jinghong realize that this bitch was probably not joking.

"He...he is serious..."

Yan Jinghong suddenly felt as if his heart had been grabbed hard by a big invisible hand. A severe suffocation sensation came over him, leaving him completely breathless.

It seemed that in an instant, all goals in life were lost.

He used to hate Ling Feng the most and wanted to tear him into pieces.

At this moment, after hearing the bad news about Ling Feng, a huge hole seemed to appear in my heart.

He was a person who should have died a long time ago, but because he practiced the "Heavenly Demon's Forgetting Love Curse", he was resurrected by Ling Hanyang. From then on, he followed Ling Hanyang and started a new life.

From that moment on, his fate became entangled with the Tiandao clan.

Later, Ling Hanyang was captured by the Xantian Fire Clan, and Yan Jinghong became Ling Feng's "traveler", although Yan Jinghong kept saying that he was following Ling Feng just to surpass Ling Feng.

But I don't know since when, Yan Jinghong has already regarded Ling Feng as his brother.

Otherwise, he would not have risked sneaking into the Xantian Ice Clan to find out about his mother for Ling Feng.

"Hey, why do you think we came out this time?"

The bitch shook his head and sighed: "We came out this time just to avenge that kid!"


Yan Jinghong clenched his fists tightly, "How did he die?"

Si Chen's eyes also looked at Jianlu. She only knew that Ling Feng was dead, but she didn't know the specific reason.

After all, the Sky Flame Fortress is not a suitable place to talk.

Jianlu carefully checked the surrounding environment, and then raised his hand to place several layers of barriers around the area. Then he finally told Si Chen and Yan Jinghong the whole story.

Among them, it naturally includes everything that the Great Immortal Wuji said before.

About Yi Ting's conspiracy with the Celestial Clan, about Yi Ting's willingness to sacrifice all the heavens and realms in exchange for the power of the gods' ascension.

Everything, the bitch said it all without any reservation.

Ling Feng was "dead", and he kept this secret in his heart.

Since Si Chen and Yan Jinghong are both people trusted by Ling Feng, they should tell them all the causes and consequences.


After hearing these words from Bitch, Si Chen and Yan Jinghong were both shocked and gasped. They never expected that Yi Ting would be so heartbroken.

Although Ling Feng's death was not directly caused by Yi Ting, this debt must eventually be settled on Yi Ting's head.

"What a good old Yi Ting dog!"

Anger surged in Yan Jinghong's eyes.

Whether it is for Ling Feng's revenge or for the entire Immortal World, this person must be killed.

Compared to Yan Jinghong, Si Chen was relatively calm. He gritted his teeth and said, "That Emperor, he is serious..."

"Hmph, whether he did it or not, he knows in his heart that the Black Tower of God is built deep in the Sea of ​​Ice Abyss. If there is no evil in his heart, why should he seal the Sea of ​​Ice Abyss?"

The stupid donkey snorted coldly, "I might as well tell you directly that we left Tianyan Fortress this time to find the Demon Queen! Regardless of whether the Demon Clan or the Immortal Clan, they are all creatures of this world. Even if It is better to let the demons invade the fairyland than to let those so-called gods descend!"

"Unexpectedly, Ling Feng is actually related to the demon clan."

Yan Jinghong immediately nodded, "Yi Ting is known as the strongest man in the Immortal Realm. With our ability, we really can't do anything about him. Using the power of the demons is our only hope!"

"Perhaps, we should inform your Majesty of this matter now and then make a decision."

Si Chen frowned, still instinctively wary of the demons.

This matter is of great importance and is related to the safety of the entire Immortal Realm. Your Majesty should be informed.

"Pull him down!"

The bitch shook his head repeatedly, "Those old guys in the Immortal Realm are more greedy for life and afraid of death. If they are really tough, wouldn't they have just faced Yi Ting like the Qingluo Empress? Don't be naive, that stupid woman Yu Bingqing , even if you naively believe in her emperor grandfather, now that everyone has been detained, I think your emperor is not much different!"

The bitch said, and snorted coldly, "Humph, you can go or not anyway. This divine beast has already come out, so let's go find the witch! I think she is much more reliable than those old guys in the fairyland. At least, it’s not that hypocritical!”

Si Chen hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed softly.

Now the Lord in White is also seriously injured. As for the other Immortal Emperors who dominate, I am afraid that all of them have evil intentions.

Perhaps, the Demon Queen is indeed their last hope.

...(End of chapter)

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