Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 892 Xue Ji’s lie! (3 updates)

While talking, the bitch used the "Smashing Melon Fist" again, directly hitting the crotch of Elder Xuan She.

This move was very lethal. The elder Xuan She was not paying attention and was hit by the stupid donkey for more than 500 consecutive moves. Even with his Demon King-level body, he was beaten until his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and his whole body was beaten. Embarrassed.


Elder Xuan She shouted violently and transformed into his true form, a giant python that was fifty or sixty feet long!

I saw that his whole body was covered with purple scales, and he had a pair of huge eyeballs staring at the donkey. He opened his mouth and bit hard at the donkey.

"Go away, donkey!"

As soon as the bitch saw this posture, he immediately ran away, shouting curses while running, "Damn it, you are also the peak demon emperor after all, but you still use the true form of the demon beast against an opponent like this beast who has just been promoted to demon emperor. You How shameless!”

Elder Xuan She was furious. If he wanted to lose face just now, his eggs would be at risk!

In his rage, the elder Black Snake directly sprayed out a stream of strong poison, which spread all over the mountains and plains. All plants, even those weeds with strong vitality, withered and decayed in an instant.

"Xuan She! Finally found you!"

At this moment, a figure flew from the east, and with a big hand, he directly brushed away the poisonous mist. The next moment, he saw a figure standing with his hands behind his back, hanging in the air, staring at the giant road opposite. Python, awe-inspiring and fearless.

"It's Uncle Wei!"

Jiang Biyi suddenly shouted, "Uncle Wei! Haha, you are finally here!"

"Senior Wei!" Ling Feng saluted Wei Wuyan. With Wei Wuyan here, they were finally completely safe.

"Yes." Wei Wuyan glanced at Ling Feng, as if he already knew that Ling Feng and Jiang Biyi were together. He just nodded slightly, then looked at Jiang Biyi, and said dotingly: "Girl Yiyi, Are you OK?"

"Hehe, with this bad guy protecting me, I'll be fine."

Jiang Biyi smiled and hugged Ling Feng's arm very affectionately.

However, Ling Feng felt a little uncomfortable and took his arm away without leaving a trace, making Jiang Biyi roll her eyes.


The face of Elder Xuan She on the opposite side was as dark as water. Now with Wei Wuyan and another black donkey, he had no chance of winning!

Elder Xuan She returned to his human form, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said bitterly: "Boy, I will remember you!"

At this moment, another white light shot up into the sky and flew towards this side. Everyone looked around and saw a stunningly beautiful woman flying over. Behind her, there was a snow-white tail. .

This woman is naturally Xue Ji.

"Elder Xuan She!"

Xue Ji quickly flew behind Elder Xuan She and glanced at Ling Feng without leaving any trace, with a somewhat complicated expression on her face.

"Xue Ji?" Seeing that only Xue Ji appeared, Elder Xuan She frowned and asked quickly: "Where are the others? Where is His Highness the Third Prince? And, where is my little grandson Zi Snake?"

Purple snake?

When Ling Feng heard this, he felt bad in his heart. The guy named Zi Snake seemed to have been killed by his sword.

"Elder..." Xue Ji bit her silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "Reporting to the elder, we entered the Wuji Cave as planned and found the Abyss of Death, the last moment, something unexpected happened in the Abyss of Death. There is a very terrifying monster inside, and it was that monster that almost caused our entire army to be annihilated.”

"Because the prince asked me to stay outside the abyss, I was able to escape, but the others..."

A trace of sadness appeared on Xue Ji's face, and she slowly said: "Everyone else was buried in the belly of that monster."


When Elder Xuan She heard this, he became furious and said, "Damn it! Damn it! How could this happen?"

I originally thought that with the help of the Demonic Dragon Prince and the nightmares of the Dream-eating Clan, even without his protection, I would be able to securely obtain the Tiance Spirit Spring when entering the Wuji Cave, but I never expected that something like this would happen. misfortune.

Especially the loss of his grandson made him almost crazy.

The reproduction ability of the Jade Scaled Emperor Snake clan is already quite poor, and it is even more difficult for a junior with outstanding talents like the Purple Snake to appear.

Once the Purple Snake died, the Jade Scaled Emperor Snake clan didn't know how much time and resources it would take to cultivate a qualified heir again.

On the other side, Ling Feng was slightly surprised when he heard Xue Ji's words.

Although he said he let this woman go out of kindness, he didn't expect that she would actually lie for him.

If she tells the truth, Elder Xuan She will definitely hate her to the core. Although Wei Wuyan is here today, he may not be in any danger. But as the saying goes, "If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves caring about you." If the Green Scaled Emperor Snake clan fights to the death with me and uses all the strength of the clan to go out, I am afraid it will be a big trouble, and it will also affect the people around me.

In addition, if the Northern Demon Clan becomes angry because of this incident and seriously attacks Qingtian Fortress, then the situation will be even more out of control.

"It seems that your grandson just died, you old weirdo. Hey, I miss you with white hair and give birth to black hair. Now you can get out."

Wei Wuyan snorted coldly. If they really wanted to fight, he and Elder Xuan She would only be on a 50-50 basis. Although the bastard was also the Demon Emperor, the two of them were not familiar with each other, so they might not be able to achieve much good results if they join forces.

Anyway, he couldn't kill Elder Xuan She, so he just wasted his energy on fighting.

Elder Xuan She clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and a purple light flashed around his body, shrouding Xue Ji. Without saying a word, he took Xue Ji and flew towards the north.

"Phew, finally gone."

Ling Feng finally let out a sigh of relief and said something in his heart.

"Hmph, bad guy, what kind of secret relationship do you have with that Xue Ji? She would actually lie for you!"

Jiang Biyi frowned and stared at Ling Feng, with an expression as if she was settling scores.

"Hehe, boy, I won't help you this time!" The bitch approached Ling Feng with a wicked smile, put his arm on Ling Feng's shoulder, and said with a smile: "When are you going to put this little The witch was also conquered?"

"Maybe it's because I gave her part of the Spiritual Void Spring."

Ling Feng shrugged and ignored the bitch's teasing. This guy's mind was full of male thieves and female prostitutes, and he was full of bad ideas!

Wei Wuyan on the side just smiled faintly. From the conversation between several people, he probably understood that the fox girl named Xue Ji probably hid the truth about the death of those monster geniuses.

However, these things had nothing to do with him. He walked slowly to Jiang Biyi and asked lightly: "How are you, girl Yiyi, has the mission been completed?"

"Yes, I got it!" Jiang Biyi nodded.

"That's good. I met Ye Xingnan outside Zuowang Valley before. He said that you and Ling Feng entered the Wuji Cave together. With Ling Feng protecting you, I feel relieved."

After saying that, Wei Wuyan looked at Ling Feng and laughed loudly: "Boy Ling Feng, Wei owes you another favor. This time I went out in a hurry and didn't get anything good. Since you have been promoted to Huayuan Realm, you want to come to Shenyuan Realm. It’s not far away, I have an introductory book on spiritual consciousness cultivation here, take it.”


Ling Feng was about to evade, but he heard Jiang Biyi frown and say: "Okay, Uncle Wei, is Yiyi so unimportant in your eyes? Is this the entry-level technique? How can this be enough?"

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