Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 893 Donglingxian Pond! (4 more updates)

"You girl, your elbows are really turned out!"

Wei Wuyan smiled bitterly, "Ling Feng is not a disciple of the Holy Land after all. What's more, even if it is just an introductory technique, it is priceless to the outside world."

Jiang Biyi pursed her lips and kept complaining: "You are just stingy anyway! Stingy and stingy!"

"Senior, don't listen to Yiyi's nonsense. Senior is willing to give me the secret book. I am already grateful."

Ling Feng bowed his hands to Wei Wuyan. He indeed lacked the cultivation method of spiritual consciousness. Since he had the cultivation method of the Holy Land, even if it was just for beginners, for the time being, it was more than enough for him.

"You're the little guy who understands the truth." Wei Wuyan nodded, looked at Ling Feng up and down, and said with admiration: "After a few months of separation, your cultivation has actually broken through to this point. Not bad, not bad."

"Senior, that's ridiculous." Ling Feng smiled modestly.

Wei Wuyan laughed loudly, "I, Wei Wuyan, have always said that with your talent, it would be a pity to stay in the Tianbai Empire. If you are interested, you can go to Donglingxian Pond to find me with such a token in the future. I will naturally recommend you to join the Holy Land."

As he spoke, Wei Wuyan threw out another token. This token was made of unknown materials, with the word "Dong Ling" engraved on it.

"Thank you, senior." Ling Feng cupped his fist and saluted Wei Wuyan, "After this junior has finished handling some trivial matters, he will definitely go to the Donglingxian Pond to find senior."

Since we want to pursue the peak of martial arts and set foot on the immortal path, we naturally cannot sit in a well and look at the sky. With his own growth rate, sooner or later he will leave the Tianbai Empire and enter a wider world.

However, before that, he still has some things that must be resolved.

He decided to give himself another year or so. During this year, the Yan family of the Eastern Capital, the "Blood Sword Lord" Li Qingling, the "Ghost Faced Demon Lord" Lin Canglang, and the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor of Southern Xinjiang...

We should deal with all these enemies in the open and hidden as much as possible to avoid leaving any hidden dangers.

"Well, I think with your talent, it won't take long to become a true disciple of the Holy Land."

Wei Wuyan patted Ling Feng's shoulder lightly and was quite optimistic about Ling Feng's future.

On the other hand, Jiang Biyi bit her lower lip and said reluctantly: "Uncle Wei, are we really going back to the Fairy Pond?"

"Yes, now that the Yuxu ring has been retrieved, there is no need for you to stay in the Tianbai Empire. The Lord must have missed you very much after being away for so long."

Wei Wuyan said calmly.

"She doesn't know how!"

Jiang Biyi pouted, knowing that she had to go back to the Dongling Fairy Pond this time. She turned around and glanced at Ling Feng, gritted her teeth and said, "Hey, bad guy, you must come to the Fairy Pond early."

"Uh..." Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I will."

"Also, when you arrive at the Immortal Pond, you must come to me!"

"When I arrived at Donglingxian Pond, I am not familiar with the place. I will definitely come back to find you as my friend, haha..."

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head, feeling that something was wrong with this girl's expression.


Jiang Biyi raised her beautiful eyes and took a deep look at Ling Feng, as if she had made some kind of decision. Suddenly, the girl rushed out, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Ling Feng on the cheek like a dragonfly touching water.

Then, the girl ran wildly out of the valley as if she were running away.

"Haha, this girl..."

Wei Wuyan stroked his long beard, looked at Ling Feng with a half-smile, and said with a smile: "Boy, work hard!"

After saying that, Wei Wuyan's figure flashed and flew out in the direction where Jiang Biyi rushed out.

The next moment, he was seen grabbing Jiang Biyi's shoulder with one hand, rising directly into the sky, and disappearing in an instant.


Watching the old man and the young man leave, Ling Feng's mind fell into a brief blank. The token of "Dongling Fairy Pond" in his hand felt more and more hot to the touch.

"What's going on..." Ling Feng touched his cheek, which felt slightly hot. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Can I still go to the Donglingxian Pond?"

"Go, why don't you go?"

The bitch held his hooves in front of his chest and said with a smile: "Donglingxian Pond is a good place. It became famous a thousand years ago. It is the place where all the geniuses in the entire Dongling Domain gather. Only in There, you can continue to maintain this terrifying cultivation speed. Otherwise, if you stay in the Tianbai Empire and practice with such a thin spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this place, you will probably be nothing more than a human emperor. "

"I know, it's just..." The scene of Jiang Biyi blushing and kissing him flashed in Ling Feng's mind, and his old face turned red again.

Girls nowadays are more proactive than the other!

"What are you afraid of? That little girl won't eat you!" The bitch chuckled and said happily: "You kid, you are quite lucky. There are little girls around you one after another, and they don't always have the same one! Watch your waist!"

"Shut your bitch."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at the bitch, thought for a moment, and decided to return to Qingtian Fortress to check the situation first.

After being away for so many days, I don't know if the mortal heart-eating Gu in Tuoba Yan's body has taken effect.

Just when he was about to set off, he saw Wang Chuanjia walking out from the depths of Zuowang Valley. He obviously also saw the figures of Ling Feng and Jianlu, standing on a hill on the edge of Zuowang Valley, his eyelids suddenly opened. One jump.

"Ling...General Ling?"

A look of disbelief flashed in Wang Chuanjia's eyes, he walked forward quickly and exclaimed: "General Ling, you... aren't you?"

"Hey, you guy, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Bitch glanced at Wang Chuanjia. Although Wang Chuanjia ran away at the last moment, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, no one wants to be locked up in one place for three thousand years.

However, with the bad ass's urine, it would be inevitable for him to make some sarcastic remarks.

"Okay." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Vice General Wang, now that we are out, let's return to Qingtian Fortress together."

It just so happened that Wang Chuanjia was here, so that I wouldn't waste any time explaining to the generals of the Northwest Army. If I had anything to do, just ask Wang Chuanjia.

"Yes!" Wang Chuanjia nodded quickly, "General Ling, it's great that you guys came out. I thought you would miss the time."

"Haha, I'm pretty lucky, I just happened to come out at the last moment before the door to the secret realm closed." Ling Feng said casually.

"Oh, all right."

Wang Chuanjia was doubtful, but he didn't think much about it. After all, other than that, he couldn't think of any other way to directly pass through the barrier of the secret realm.

"It's just a pity, General Cao and the others..."

Wang Chuanjia sighed lightly, if Cao Meng could pay attention to Ling Feng, maybe he would not die tragically in the abyss of death.

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