Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 894 Return to the fortress! (1 update)

After leaving Zuowang Valley, Ling Feng encountered an army led by Fang Wentong when he returned to Luohe City.

It turned out that Fang Hai (a member of the team led by Ling Feng before, who was rescued by Ling Feng from the poisonous wolf) and two other elites of the Northwest Army returned to the fortress that day, and immediately told the truth about the Wuji Cave Heaven. Notified the top brass of the Northwest Army.

Only then did Han Li, the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army, understand that the reason why those demon clans were waging war was to send the demon clan geniuses into the Wuji Cave to gain a great fortune. In the future, when these geniuses grow up, they will naturally become powerful enemies of the Tianbai Empire.

In addition, if they bring the Spring of Spiritual Void back, they can create more masters. After ten or eight years, when a new batch of demon clan masters grow up, the Tianbai Empire’s garrison pressure will , will undoubtedly increase several times.

But now, it's too late to say anything. Those demon geniuses have already entered the Wuji Cave as they wished.

Now outside the fortress, the demon clan has not dispersed yet. It is impossible for them to send a large group of troops to blockade the Zuowang Valley, so they can only let Fang Wentong lead an elite team of 100 people to meet Ling Feng and others around the Zuowang Valley.

Unfortunately, they were really unlucky and met the Black Snake elder of the demon clan again. After losing their troops and generals, they all returned to Luohe City for repairs.

Therefore, there was a scene where Ling Feng met Fang Wentong in Luohe City.

"General Ling, you are finally back!"

Fang Wentong was still injured. When he saw Ling Feng and Wang Chuanjia coming back, he immediately came forward excitedly.

"General Fang, what's wrong with you?" Ling Feng saw Fang Wen's arm hanging on his shoulder, obviously seriously injured.

"It's just a minor injury. General Ling, what happened to you after you were in Wuji Cave? Have those demon clans transported the Spring of Spiritual Void out? And General Cao and the others..."

Fang Wentong asked a lot of questions in one breath, and Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "For the specific situation, let's return to the fortress. Now there is no need to seal off the Forgotten Valley. I think in a few days, those who guard the It’s almost time for the demon army outside the fortress to retreat.”


Fang Wentong nodded and immediately ordered the men and horses guarding Luohe City to return to the fortress.

Several hours later, Ling Feng and others finally returned to the fortress. Ling Feng directly asked all questions to Wang Chuanjia, then asked for news about Li Bufan and others, and immediately returned to the tent where he was temporarily staying.

I stayed in Wuji Cave for seven days. During this time, Li Bufan and others had naturally come out of the ancient pagoda forest.

After returning to the tent, Ling Feng immediately walked to where Tuoba Yan lived and found that in addition to Tuoba Yan, Mu Qianxue was also in the tent.

Tuoba Yan was seen sitting cross-legged on a cushion and doing exercises, while Mu Qianxue kept wiping the sweat on her forehead with a towel. Other than that, she could only worry on the sidelines.

"Brother Ling, you are finally back!"

Seeing Ling Feng coming back, Mu Qianxue immediately came up to greet her and said urgently: "Come and see Sister Yan'er. For some reason, she suddenly got a strange disease two days ago. All the military doctors in the military camp were helpless. ”

"I see."

Ling Feng walked quickly to Tuoba Yan. He knew without thinking that this woman was probably suffering from the attack of the mortal heart-eating poison in her body.

Although the remaining poison in her body has been completely eliminated, she did leave for a little longer.

Ling Feng put his hand on her back, slowly injected a burst of vitality, and roughly sensed the situation in her body, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Tuoba Yan is practicing a technique that seems to be able to temporarily suppress the poison in the body. Otherwise, once the poison breaks out in the body, the poison that has been almost eliminated by then will reappear.

At that time, it will be even more troublesome to completely eradicate it.

"When I practice the Divine Consciousness Technique, I should be able to help her completely clean up these remaining poisons."

Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart and gently held Tuoba Yan's shoulders. Seeing her weak appearance, his heart hurt, he clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry Yan'er, it's all my fault. "

The reason why Tuoba Yan's poison took effect was just because Ling Feng was not around. Now that Ling Feng has returned, the poison has naturally subsided. Although he is still a little weak, the feeling of "heart twisting" has gradually faded away. .

"No problem..."

Tuoba Yan gritted his silver teeth and found himself leaning in Ling Feng's arms. He struggled to sit up a little further and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'm fine."

"How long has it been and you still want to show off your strength!"

Ling Feng took out a row of golden needles and said solemnly: "I'm going to give you acupuncture now. You must cooperate and don't move!"

Tuoba Yan saw Ling Feng's angry and concerned look, and felt a little sweetness in her heart. She bit her silver teeth and said softly, "Well..."

Not long after, Ling Feng's Taixuan acupuncture technique quickly smoothed out the chaotic breath in Tuoba Yan's body, and Tuoba Yan's frowning brows relaxed again.

"Okay, sister Yan'er is finally fine."

Mu Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Brother Ling, your medical skills are indeed amazing."

"It's nothing." Ling Feng put away the golden needle and said calmly: "Qianxue, you have worked hard these days, go back and rest."

"I'm fine."

Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth, but she felt a little bit disgusted in her heart. She really wished that she was the one who got sick, so that Brother Ling would take care of her so carefully.

Just like in the Forest of Tianmai, Ling Feng carefully treated her wounds and wiped her scars.

Although Ling Feng was just treating an ordinary patient, from then on, Mu Qianxue could no longer erase everything about Ling Feng from her heart.

"Qianxue, thank you."

Tuoba Yan is usually quite taciturn, but these days, she can feel that Mu Qianxue is indeed very kind and truly cares about her partner.

From her body, she also felt a friendship that she had never felt before at Wuduan Mountain.

After all, growing up, she was only regarded as a tool to compete for power and status by Elder Heiyu, and she never felt a trace of warmth.

However, since following Ling Feng and leaving Wangduan Mountain, she has gradually experienced this kind of warmth. This is why Tuoba Yan does not want the toxin of the Red Dust Heart-Eating Gu to be eliminated so quickly.

She has gradually become accustomed to being by Ling Feng's side, accustomed to that kind of light care.

"Everyone, have a good rest!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, helped Tuoba Yan to lie down on the bed, and then pushed Mu Qianxue back to his tent, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.


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