Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 896 You are such a freak! (3 updates)

After leaving the fortress, Ling Feng and his party split into two groups. Ling Feng naturally went to the Misty Ghost Forest to plant a new Qi Hunyuan Lock. As for Li Bufan, according to the original plan, he first went to Luohe City, and then returned to Tianwei Academy with the help of the teleportation circle.

"Brother Li, I still have some matters that I must return to the sect to deal with. You and Qianxue should return to the imperial capital first."

Halfway there, Ling Feng suddenly asked Li Bufan that he would take Tuoba Yan back to the sect, while Li Bufan and Mu Qianxue returned to Tianwei Academy.

Li Bufan naturally had no objection to this. As for Mu Qianxue, although she wanted to follow Ling Feng, she was always shy and couldn't say these words.

At this time, she was a little envious that Tuoba Yan could follow Ling Feng as a maid. At least, I can have more time with Ling Feng.

"Then let's separate here."

Ling Feng patted Li Bufan on the shoulder and said calmly: "Brother Li, Qianxue, take your leave. And Brother Li, you have to take good care of Qianxue."

After saying that, Ling Feng looked back at Tuoba Yan and said calmly: "Yan'er, let's go."

"Brother Ling..."

Poor Mu Qianxue screamed countless times in her heart, but she couldn't get back Ling Feng's turning back.

After Ling Feng and the two walked away, Li Bufan turned back to look at Mu Qianxue and said calmly: "Junior Sister Mu, it's time for us to set off."

"Oh..." Mu Qianxue gritted her silver teeth, but in the end she could only look at Ling Feng's figure, fading away.

In the dense forest.

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan. Originally, he was not going to let anyone know about the Misty Ghost Forest, but Tuoba Yan couldn't leave his side yet, so he had no choice but to take Tuoba Yan with him.

After experiencing so many things and sharing life and death, Ling Feng no longer had any wariness about Tuoba Yan.

Except for the matter of the Son of Heaven, there is nothing to say about other things.

"Yan'er, I'm going to take you to a place this time. When you get there, just wait for me outside for a while."

Ling Feng looked back at Tuoba Yan and said lightly.

Tuoba Yan just tilted his head slightly and didn't say much. His face was cold and indifferent.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He first summoned the donkey, and then took out the token given to him by Emperor Tianbai. After opening the magic circle, he returned to the realm of the misty ghost forest not long after.

"Hey, hey, he's back again!"

Returning here again, Bitch's mood is completely different at the moment. He used to hate this ghost place, but now he feels like coming back once in a while is like going home.

Ling Feng threw Xiao Qiongqi to Jianlu and said calmly: "Jinlu, this is your place, just greet Yan'er properly, I'm going to find senior."

The bitch picked a flower directly from the ground and held it in his mouth. He chuckled and said, "I think it's time for you to plant a new Hunyuan Lock. I hope you can't survive this beast and just burp!" "

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. When this guy opened his mouth, he was still as mean as ever!

"Yan'er, just stay here."

Ling Feng said a few words to Tuoba Yan, and then used the water-proof beads to separate the lake. Soon he came to the depths of the Yuanshi vein and entered the inheritance cave of Tianbai Emperor's Dharma.

"Senior, I'm here again!"

There was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and Ling Feng was sucked in by a vortex again. When he came back to his senses, the figure of the White Emperor appeared in front of him again, standing with his hands behind his back, the expression on his face was calm and intimidating.

"You boy, you really survived a disaster!"

Emperor Tianbai narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng. He seemed to be relieved when he found that he had no missing arms or legs.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that when he entered the tomb of Emperor Tiance, he was attacked by the dead soul of Emperor Tiance. Fortunately, Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang left a spiritual body in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he was able to sustain himself for a while. , give yourself a chance to turn things around. (PS: See "Chapter 614 The Emperor's Will" for details)

"Junior hasn't thanked senior enough yet. If it hadn't been for the protection of senior's spiritual body last time, I would have been in trouble."

Ling Feng said, and quickly bowed deeply to the Heavenly White Emperor.

"After my mental body collapsed that time, I almost thought you were dead." Tianbai Emperor Faxiang smiled bitterly, "But fortunately, seeing you come back alive, I finally feel relieved."

"Senior is worried."

"Hmph, you are my only descendant. If you die, who will I pass on my skills to?"

Emperor Tianbai laughed loudly and said again: "Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to see me this time?"

"It's not an important thing." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"It's nothing important, why are you here?" Tianbai Emperor Dharma Prime Minister frowned, blew his beard and glared: "Do you know that once I wake up, my life will be shorter!"

"Um..." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said quickly: "Senior, I have broken through to the peak of the Huayuan Realm, so I hope you can pass on the Hunyuan Lock that the Huayuan Realm can withstand at once!"


Tianbai Emperor Faxiang was obviously stunned for a moment, looked at Ling Feng carefully, and showed a look of disbelief, "Boy, you... what is the limit of your hundred meridians?"

"Breakthrough has occurred."

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Tian Bai Di Fa Xiang, and immediately opened his veins. Hearing a burst of "dong", the pulses spread out, and Tian Bai Di Fa Xiang was shocked from ear to ear.

"It's really the limit of Baimai!"

When Emperor Tianbai first heard that Ling Feng was going to break through the limit of the Hundred Meridians, he was somewhat disapproving of it. Although with the help of the energy of the Nine-Xuan Creation Fruit, Ling Feng broke through the Eighty Meridian Gate, he was still far away from the limit of the Hundred Meridians. It can be said to be out of reach.

However, Ling Feng actually did this kind of thing that even the gods couldn't do!

After all, I have found a successor who defies heaven!

"It's only been half a year!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang swallowed hard, and the shock in his heart could not be described in words.

This is truly unprecedented!

"Boy, you're such a freak!"

After a long time, the shock in Tianbai Emperor Faxiang's heart calmed down a little, and he suddenly uttered a sentence.

"..." Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he smiled bitterly: "Actually, seniors can say that I am a genius or a monster..."

"Neither genius nor monster is worthy of you. You are just a freak!"

Emperor Tianbai laughed loudly and said, "Okay, very good! If you can reach the height of me, maybe I can save a small life!"

"Uh... Senior, what do you mean by this?" Ling Feng was slightly startled.

"Although I only have the last ray of consciousness left, if you really cultivate the immortal way, you will not have no chance to reshape my body for me." Tianbai Emperor Faxiang said with a serious face: "Boy, if that day comes..."

"If that day comes, this junior will never forget the kindness of my seniors in cultivating me, and I will definitely reshape your body for you!" Ling Feng said sincerely and sincerely.

"Haha, although this matter is too illusory, I finally have some hope." Tianbai Emperor Faxiang took a deep look at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Okay, since you have reached the Huayuan realm, I will take the Huayuan realm. The two forging Qi Hunyuan Locks from the Yuan Realm are implanted into your body in one breath!"

"Boy, the pain this time will not be reduced at all. Are you ready?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and nodded heavily, "Come on!"


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