Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 897 Wen Yao! (4 more)

"Hey, kid, once it's old, it'll be old again, then I'll get serious!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang smiled, but seeing the smile on his face, Ling Fenglao felt a little scared.

This kind of thing is not something that happens once or twice, but is extremely "exciting" every time!

"Sit cross-legged and I will plant the fourth and fifth Hunyuan Locks into your body together!"

Hearing this, Ling Feng took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, and saw Emperor Tianbai extend his palm, and two slender golden needles shone brightly.

Even though I was mentally prepared, when I saw the two golden needles, I couldn't help but sweat a little on my forehead.

"Starting from the fourth lock, since the true energy has transformed into vitality, this Hunyuan Lock will compress the vitality in your body to a higher degree. However, after the Hunyuan Lock is opened, the increase in power will be even more terrifying!"

The light on Emperor Tianbai's palm flickered, and he turned his palm over. At the same time, two golden needles, one on the left and one on the right, penetrated Ling Feng's two temples directly into his skull.


Ling Feng couldn't help but groan, and his whole mind buzzed at the same time, falling into a blank.

The next moment, Ling Feng felt as if he had been sunk to the bottom of the lake. It was calm at first, but the next moment——


His whole mind felt like it was exploding. Ling Feng gritted his teeth, but he still kept shaking. This was no longer a pain on the physical level, but came from the depths of his soul.

"Even back then, when I was implanted into the fourth Hunyuan Lock, I almost died of pain."

Emperor Tianbai stared at Ling Feng, a hint of admiration flashing in his eyes.

Even with such severe pain, Ling Feng was still able to remain motionless and sit in place. This perseverance was amazing.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. Every time he took a breath, it seemed that he had exhausted all his energy. The clothes all over his body were wet with sweat. In just a quarter of an hour, Ling Feng's face turned pale.

That kind of pain is like a tide, one after another. Just when you feel you can take a breather, the next wave of pain from the soul and body will come at the same time.

And even in this kind of "inhumane" pain, Ling Feng persisted without saying a word.

An hour...

Two hours...

Ling Feng didn't know how long it took in the kind of pain that made his scalp numb even just thinking about it. When he woke up, he was already lying on the spot, breathing heavily.

However, although the pain this time was worse than the first time, Ling Feng's physical fitness was not as good as before. After a short rest, Ling Feng got up from the ground again, clenched his fists, and felt all over his body. The power was directly compressed dozens of times, as if it fell directly from the peak of the Huayuan Realm to around the middle to late stage of the Huayuan Realm.

"Yes, you woke up quickly this time, beyond my expectation."

Emperor Tianbai looked at Ling Feng's body up and down, and said with admiration: "It seems that your body has been tempered very intensively, that's why you can recover so quickly."

"It's okay, I was just struck twice by lightning."

Ling Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said weakly.

"Two thunder tribulations..."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang's expression froze slightly. It didn't matter that the Pulse Condensation Realm triggered a thunder tribulation. It was just one look twice. It was just...

This brat is so offensive!

After giving Ling Feng a blank look, Emperor Tianbai asked in a deep voice, "How do you feel?"

"The cultivation level has been reduced a lot, and the multiple is greater than before!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Hey, that's natural. When you open the five Hunyuan Locks at once, the vitality in your body will increase by more than a hundred times!"

There was a hint of pride on Emperor Tianbai's face. Only he could come up with such a genius idea and peerless technique.

However, in his own body, he could not fully demonstrate the heaven-defying aspects of this technique, but in Ling Feng's body, he had the opportunity to completely perfect this Qi Forging Hunyuan Lock.

Therefore, when he looked at Ling Feng now, he was naturally filled with joy as if he were looking at his own outstanding work.

"By the way, senior, I want to wait until I get used to the fourth and fifth Hunyuan Locks, then I can directly attack the Shenyuan Realm. By then, won't I be able to add a few more Hunyuan Locks?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and looked at Tianbai Emperor's Faxiang with some eagerness.

"Hey, kid, you need to know that practicing a skill requires gradual progress. Although you are extremely talented and can quickly reach the Divine Origin Realm, from my point of view, I do not recommend that you directly break through to the Divine Origin Realm."

Emperor Tianbai stroked his long beard and said slowly.

"Why is this?" Ling Feng was a little surprised, "I have reached the limit of the Hundred Meridians, and my foundation is deep enough to break through the Divine Origin Realm in one fell swoop. If it weren't for the need to plant the Hunyuan Lock, I would have already reached the limit when I transcended the tribulation that day. Breaking through the divine realm."

"So, what do you think is necessary for the existence of Huayuan Realm?" Tianbai Emperor Faxiang narrowed his eyes and smiled at Ling Feng.

"Is it necessary for Huayuan Realm to exist?"

Ling Feng was stunned, "Senior, please give me some advice!"

"Wen Yao!"

Tianbai Emperor Fuxian flicked his sleeves, stood with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "Most practitioners do not understand that in the Huayuan realm, whether or not the radiance of the pattern is condensed is related to the level of the soul that will be awakened in the future. "

"This..." Ling Feng glanced at Tianbai Emperor in surprise, "What is Wenyao?"

"I didn't expect you didn't even know this. You are so ignorant!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang shook his head and said slowly: "The so-called Wen Yao is formed by the warrior's own insights after he is promoted to Huayuan Realm."

As Emperor Tianbai explained the Dharma, Ling Feng gradually understood Wenyao.

Generally speaking, those who can condense Yao Yao are all monster-level characters.

Being able to condense Yao Yao in the Huayuan Realm means that the Yuan Soul awakened in the future is far more powerful than the masters of the same level. Although the existence of Wen Yao cannot directly enhance the strength of Huayuan realm warriors, the longer Wen Yao is cultivated, the more condensed the awakened soul will be when he is promoted to Shenyuan realm in the future.

Even in ancient times, there were monks who awakened their souls and refined their souls to be almost the same as other people's five-refined souls!

Wen Yao is almost an important indicator of whether the soul will be strong or not in the future.

However, only the juniors of those large and powerful families have the opportunity to know this secret.

Although Ling Feng was extremely talented, he only came from a ninth-rate sect like Wenxian Sect, so he still lacked some background.

Of course, the reason why Yan Cangtian didn't mention this to Ling Feng was because he felt that Ling Feng was still too far away from the limit of the Hundred Meridians, and at the same time, it was impossible for him to be directly promoted to the ninth level of Huayuan Realm as soon as he broke through.

"You just need to remember that if you fail to successfully condense the Yao Yao, you must never break through to the Shenyuan realm. Otherwise, you may regret it too late in the future."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang warned with a serious look.

Ling Feng nodded heavily. Since Tianbai Emperor Faxiang regarded himself as his successor, he would naturally not harm himself.

At the same time, I felt a little scared. Fortunately, I asked one more question this time. Otherwise, I would have regretted it too late.

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