"Okay, I have passed down the Hunyuan Lock for Forging Qi. If nothing happens, you can leave first. I don't want to use up the last bit of consciousness and disappear before you set foot on the immortal path."

After Tianbai Emperor Faxiang finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and gave Ling Feng an order to expel the guests.

"Senior, to be honest, I have one more thing, I hope senior can give me some advice."

Ling Feng bowed to the Heavenly White Emperor and said respectfully.

"Oh? What else is there?" Tianbai Emperor Faxiang glanced at Ling Feng impatiently.

"This junior is about to break through to the Divine Origin Realm, so I sincerely ask my seniors to give me some pointers on how to cultivate my spiritual consciousness." Ling Feng said respectfully.

"Oh? You are quite impatient."

Emperor Tianbai nodded and smiled, "That's fine, you will have to ask sooner or later anyway."

"Thank you, senior!" Ling Feng quickly bowed and expressed his gratitude.

"The way of spiritual consciousness is very involved. For a moment, I don't know where to start. Do you have some secrets on the cultivation of spiritual consciousness? I can help you correct a few things and avoid you taking detours in the future."

"Yes, yes!"

Ling Feng nodded quickly and took out the Holy Land Divine Consciousness Introductory Technique given to him by Wei Wuyan from the Holy Land from the Naling Ring.

"Introduction to the realm of divine consciousness?"

"Introduction to the pressure of divine consciousness?"

That day, Faxiang Baidi opened the book and flipped through a few pages. He immediately threw the book on the table and said, "Bullshit, bullshit, it's all shit! Boy, where did you get the secret book? Sure enough, yes, yes We can’t hold any hope against the spiritual consciousness cultivation techniques that have been handed down now!”


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. After all, it was an entry-level spiritual consciousness technique in the Holy Land, but it was criticized as shit by Emperor Tianbai.

"Haha, I picked it up." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"It's a good thing you didn't practice according to the above, otherwise I would have had to work hard to eliminate the power of your spiritual consciousness first."

Emperor Tianbai glanced at Ling Feng and said calmly: "This book is only suitable for ordinary losers, but it is not suitable for you who have the power of a perfect soul. Do you understand?"

"The juniors must remember the teachings of the seniors." Ling Feng nodded quickly and refined a large amount of the spring of spiritual void. He was right to say that he was an almost perfect soul source.

"Senior...is there really no merit in this book?" Ling Feng asked weakly.

"I can't say that there is none at all, but it's not suitable for you. If you practice according to the above, it will be a waste of your talent. It's like a magical weapon that can kill demons but is used to kill pigs. You understand. What do I mean?"

"Junior understands."

"Huh, this method of getting started in the realm of divine consciousness is barely enough for a warrior with a sixth-grade divine soul talent or below. However, your divine soul talent is probably as high as the holy level. If you practice this method, it will be equivalent to your own. Ruin your future. However, if you don’t want to join the path of refining the gods, just pretend I didn’t say that.”

"Refining the Gods? Senior, the more you talk, the more confused I become." Ling Feng was puzzled.

"You don't know this, but it's normal."

Emperor Tianbai narrowed his eyes and explained calmly: "In ancient times, body refining, qi refining, and god refining were the three major branches of all warriors' cultivation. However, as time goes by, body refining and god refining gradually has declined, but Qi refining has been widely passed down, which is the way we now refine Qi into Yuan Qi and advance step by step."

"The two schools of body refining and god refining have become small paths, and few people practice them. Firstly, it is because the difficulty and threshold are much higher than that of qi refining, and secondly, the materials required for body refining and god refining are too huge. , which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he asked doubtfully: "Senior, after reaching the Shenyuan realm, don't current warriors also need to condense their spiritual consciousness and improve their cultivation? Isn't it considered to be refining the gods?"

"Boy, you think of refining the gods too simply. Ordinary Qi refining monks condense their spiritual consciousness just to strengthen the source of their souls in order to achieve breakthroughs. But the true god refining monks use the method of spiritual consciousness more than I don’t know how much more profound it is.”

"I see." Ling Feng nodded, "Senior, do you want me to embark on the path of refining gods?"

"Yes, the origin of your soul is so condensed and strong, it's like a piece of jade. If you don't step into the path of god refining, you will be wasting your natural resources!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang took a deep look at Ling Feng and said calmly: "Of course, the final decision is still yours. If you are pursuing a quick breakthrough, it doesn't matter what the God Refining Method is."

"Of course not. What I pursue is only strength. What's the use of just a breakthrough in realm!" Ling Feng said sternly: "Since this junior is suitable for cultivating gods, and that secret book is not suitable for my cultivation, senior... …”

Ling Feng couldn't help but rub his hands, with a faint smile on his face.

"You kid, you know how to take advantage of others."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang stroked his long beard and said, "Okay, in that case, I will teach you a method of spiritual consciousness cultivation. This method is derived from a scripture taught by my deity to each Dharma Xiang. I am from From those scriptures, I gained some understanding and created my own "Soul Dividing Technique".

""Soul Separation Technique"?"

"That's right! Back then, my true self was able to create such a technique as the "Ten Thousand Paths and All Transformations Heavenly Scripture", and it was absolutely inseparable from the method of dividing souls."

A proud look appeared on Emperor Tianbai's face, and he continued: "The "Soul Dividing Technique" I taught you is different from any other spiritual consciousness cultivation method. It can only infinitely strengthen the power of your spiritual consciousness."

"As the name suggests, Soul Splitting is divided into two parts. However, through the practice of Soul Splitting Technique, the power of the split spiritual consciousness can be filled back to the original consistent state. In this way, the power of the spiritual consciousness is equivalent to twice the increase. ! Moreover, the most incredible thing about this technique is that it increases the power of divine consciousness at an exponential explosive level, dividing one into two, and two into four..."

"There are ten levels in the "Soul-Splitting Technique". That is to say, when you reach the tenth level, once you use the "Soul-Dividing Technique", you can instantly explode a thousand and twenty-four times the power of your spiritual consciousness. Tell me, is this a heaven-defying spiritual consciousness cultivation technique?"

"It's against the sky..."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, "One thing is that the power of my spiritual consciousness is indeed huge, but what happens next? It seems that there is no way to use it?"

"Boy, do you want to learn to run before you can even walk?" Tianbai Emperor Faxiang rolled his eyes at Ling Feng and said slowly: "That's all, with your kid's understanding, even if you walk, you will run away. You Come here."


Ling Feng hurriedly walked to Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang. He saw Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang raise his hand and point directly at the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows. A huge amount of information suddenly poured into Ling Feng's mind.

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