Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 899 First involvement in god refining! (2 updates)

For a long while, Ling Feng showed a surprised look on his face, and stared at Tianbai Emperor's Dharma Appearance in shock, "Senior, this..."

"These are my insights on the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. With these insights, you can at least avoid making big detours. You only need to practice according to the content of "Soul Dividing Art" to about the fifth level, and you can almost try to condense it. The realm of my own consciousness. I can tell you responsibly that the power of the realm of divine consciousness is definitely comparable to the power of a sword!"

"Thank you, senior!" Ling Feng's face showed a hint of joy. This time he made a lot of money. Not only did he master the "Soul Dividing Technique", but he even gained insights into the Tianbai Emperor's method of refining the gods. This is The emperor is enlightened!

It can be said bluntly that even the true disciples of the Holy Land would not be treated like Ling Feng.

"I'm doing this just to get over it once and for all, and to save you from always coming to wake me up. I still want to live for two more years!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang gently stroked his beard and said calmly: "Boy, just follow the "Soul Dividing Technique" I just taught you and try to practice the content of the first level first. I want to take a look. With your profound knowledge, How effective can the first cultivation of the soul origin be. ”

"Uh..." Ling Feng was stunned, "But senior, I'm only in the Huayuan realm."

"What's wrong with the Huayuan realm? If you are a monk who specializes in cultivating the divine way, you can practice divine consciousness even in the Qi Condensation realm." Tianbai Emperor Faxiang snorted, "Just practice and see if the progress is satisfactory to me. , I can teach you another method of divine attack!"


Ling Feng felt happy and said quickly: "Then let me give it a try. If there is anything wrong during practice, I hope the senior will point it out."

"Of course." Tianbai Emperor Fa Xiang nodded. Ling Feng was his only descendant. If he didn't point out Ling Feng, who else could he point out? .

The next moment, Ling Feng took a deep breath and began to search for the contents of the "Soul Dividing Art" from the memories that Tianbai Emperor Faxiang had just passed on.

Soon, Ling Feng was deeply attracted by the mystery.

After half an hour, Ling Feng's energy and spirit returned to its peak state, and he began to practice according to the first level of the "Soul Dividing Art".

The first step is to sense the soul first, condense it first and then divide it. If the soul-splitting technique is forcibly performed before the soul is not condensed enough, it will only do more harm than good.


Ling Feng gritted his teeth and felt that the sea of ​​spirit was buzzing and trembling, and an unprecedented feeling swept through his heart.

Is this what it feels like to practice spiritual consciousness?

Ling Feng was slightly distracted when he felt a tingling sensation in his mind. He was so frightened that he quickly gathered his mind and channeled the power of his consciousness according to the method of "Soul Dividing Art".


"Gather it for me!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. This feeling was completely different from activating the true energy in his body. Even though Ling Feng had extraordinary understanding, the first time he ran the "Soul Separation Art", he still felt that his consciousness was like rootless duckweed. , it is already difficult to capture it, let alone compress and condense it.

Not long after, Ling Feng was panting from exhaustion and his forehead was covered with sweat. However, he still did not give up trying. After taking a breath, he started practicing again.

"You are acting recklessly like this. Before your spiritual consciousness can be successfully condensed, you have been exhausted to death." Emperor Tianbai frowned at the sight, "If your soul source hadn't been extremely powerful, you would have at least died if you acted like this just now. Coma for three days and three nights!”

"Senior, what's wrong with me?" Ling Feng looked at Tianbai Emperor's Faxiang in confusion.

"You have been thinking about how to concentrate, and how to really concentrate?" Tianbai Emperor Faxiang stared at Ling Feng with squinted eyes and said calmly.

"I've been thinking about..."

At the end of the day, Ling Feng seemed to have caught something. He took a deep breath again, and followed the method of "Soul Dividing Art" to draw out the power of spiritual consciousness.

This time, everything seemed to fall into place. I didn't feel as tired as before, but felt extremely comfortable.


Bit by bit, bit by bit, Ling Feng gradually found some feelings, and everything went in an orderly manner.


After about a stick of incense, Ling Feng suddenly felt that the consciousness he had worked so hard to condense was shattered. This attempt failed after all.

"Boy, it seems that I still overestimated you. You still haven't understood the essence!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and did not answer Tianbai Emperor's words.

After a stick of incense, Ling Feng failed again.

"Boy, did you listen to me seriously? Come again!"

Ling Feng nodded and cheered up again, not the slightest bit discouraged.

In fact, Ling Feng's progress has been called a monster. From the beginning, he was very inexperienced in sensing the power of his own consciousness, and now he has almost condensed his consciousness into shape. It only took an hour or two.

Ling Feng only tried three times, so how could he succeed.

You know, even he practiced the "Soul Dividing Technique" for the first time, and it took him three months of practice before he succeeded in the first level.

The reason why he was so harsh to Ling Feng was just to see where Ling Feng's limit was.

The fourth time, failed!

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang yelled: "Are you a pig brain?"

The fifth time, still failed!

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang sneered, "You'd better give up on refining the gods."

the sixth time……


Emperor Tianbai was about to scold Ling Feng when he was suddenly surprised to find that Ling Feng actually succeeded!

Suddenly, Emperor Tianbai's pupils shrank suddenly.

Six times!

This is only the sixth attempt!

One second ago, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang was still scolding him vigorously, but now he was completely dumbfounded. I think back then, when I tried to gather my consciousness for the sixth time, I couldn't even capture it.

Is this kid a monster?

Or maybe he was just pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. He had obviously come into contact with the God Refining Path a long time ago, but he was pretending to be a novice in front of him.

Otherwise, how could it be possible that this was only the sixth time?

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang suddenly felt a strong sense of loss in his heart. The achievements that he was proud of were wiped out by Ling Feng in a matter of seconds.

"Haha, senior, I seem to have succeeded. I have successfully gathered my consciousness. So this is what it feels like! I understand, I finally understand!"

Ling Feng was ecstatic. After condensing his spiritual consciousness, the next step was to divide the successfully condensed spiritual consciousness for the first time.

In this process, the power of divine consciousness is divided into two parts, but it is different from ordinary division and is almost an exact copy. The soul separation is successful, and the power of divine consciousness is doubled in an instant!

You must know that if you follow the normal cultivation method of a Qi Refining monk, even if you practice from the first level of the Divine Origin Realm to the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm until you die, the power of your divine consciousness will be about ten times stronger. And Ling Feng's "Soul Splitting Technique", But it can grow more than a thousand times!

This is the difference between the focus of the god-refining monks and the qi-refining monks. It is impossible to say who is better than the other, but the attack methods of the god-refining monks can definitely be described as unpredictable.

Just like the Tianheng magic method of the Tiance clan, it also belongs to the god refining method in a sense. Although Tuoba Yan's cultivation is not too high, once he is unprepared and is confused by Tianheng's illusion, even if he is King-level experts may also capsize in the gutter.

"Senior, thank you very much for your guidance, I was able to succeed so quickly!"

Ling Feng looked at the Tianbai Emperor's Dharma with excitement, and said with a smile: "It turns out that mastering the method of condensing spiritual consciousness is so simple, but I am really too stupid. With your level, senior, you must have successfully condensed spiritual consciousness within three times." Got it!"

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