Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 900 Shocking disaster! (3 updates)


Emperor Tianbai's old face felt slightly hot.

three times?

Three times your sister! It took me three full months!

However, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang couldn't say such embarrassing words. He straightened his face, looked at Ling Feng seriously, and said enigmatically: "There is no need to show off this kind of thing. "Soul Dividing Art" Although it was created by me, it comes from a heavenly book, which means it has infinite possibilities. If you try to break through the limits as soon as possible, you might be able to take this technique to the next level!"

"Senior is right."

Ling Feng nodded quickly, feeling that Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang was indeed a master.

As everyone knows, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang secretly sweated in his heart: Fortunately, Xuan was fooled, otherwise if Ling Feng knew that he had practiced the first level of the "Soul Separation Art" for three full months, his majesty would be lost.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that you do have some talent in refining the gods, but even though I praised you a few words, you can't be arrogant and complacent. The world is bigger than you think, and there are definitely more geniuses than you think. .do you understand?"

"The junior must remember the teachings of the senior." Ling Feng chuckled, and then looked at the Tianbai Emperor Faxiang with a smile, "Well, the senior just said that if I have some talent in refining the gods, you can teach me a spiritual consciousness. means of attack."

"Hmph, I always mean what I say." Emperor Tianbai stood with his hands behind his back, a ray of light bursting out of his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "I will teach you a secret technique of spiritual attack now. If used properly, even King-level experts, even peak kings, can use this trick to plot against you!"

"so smart!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he was at the peak king level!

Although he has seen many human emperors and demon emperors, in fact, in the entire Tianbai Empire, there are not many powerful people who have reached the peak king level.

In the past, Yan Cangtian was trapped in the half-step emperor level for a long time and was unable to take that step. He knew how difficult it was to advance from the Divine Sea Realm to the Creation Realm.

A trick that can assassinate the peak king level is definitely considered abnormal.

After all, the current Ling Feng is only in the Huayuan realm.

"Hehe, of course it's just a plot, and it's a very lucky situation. So you kid, don't even think about plotting against the peak king level. Strong men who have reached the king level are not that easy to deal with."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang's words were like pouring cold water on Ling Feng, making Ling Feng feel a little disappointed.

"Your current spiritual consciousness training is still shallow. If you practice the "Soul Dividing Art" to the seventh level or above, the power of spiritual consciousness attacks will begin to be truly reflected."

Tianbai Emperor Fuxiang pursed his lips, "How about it, do you still want to learn it?"

"Learn, of course you have to learn!" Ling Feng nodded hurriedly, "Senior, please give me some advice."

"Hmph, I have this secret attack technique of spiritual consciousness called "Shocking Tribulation". It condenses into needles, which are emitted from both eyes and directly pierce the sea of ​​the opponent's consciousness. It can cause serious damage to the opponent's consciousness. It can range from coma to severe. Then the soul will be destroyed and there will be no recovery, so it is called a shocking disaster!"


Ling Feng's eyes flashed, this is the so-called "killing you, only one look is needed"!

"The practice of Jingmu Jie is extremely difficult. I also saw that you have some talent, so I made an exception to teach you."

Emperor Tianbai stroked his long beard, stretched out his hand and touched the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows, passing on the cultivation method of "Shocking Tribulation". He then flicked his sleeves, turned around, and said slowly: "Okay, it's time. I have taught you everything. If nothing happens, you can leave first. I need to take a good rest this time."

"Then I'll take my leave." Ling Feng bowed deeply towards the back of Emperor Tianbai, and saw Emperor Tianbai wave his sleeves. Ling Feng was immediately sucked in by a vortex, and the next moment, he was sent out of the inheritance cave. .


After sending Ling Feng away, Emperor Tianbai secretly breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed: "What a little monster. He can refine his spirit, his energy, and his body at the same time. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk, Could it be that there is another all-powerful Immortal Emperor in this world? Hum, if that is the case, things will be very troubled in the Immortal Realm from now on.”

After being sent out of the Cave of Inheritance, Ling Feng left the lake alone. As soon as he broke through the water, he saw the woman Tuoba Yan sitting cross-legged on the shore, as if she had been waiting for him.

Seeing Ling Feng coming out, Tuoba Yan's eyes clearly flashed with joy, but he quickly restrained himself and even looked away, pretending not to care.

Ling Feng fell back to the shore, walked towards Tuoba Yan, and said with some concern: "How is it? The poison in your body shouldn't be acting up, right? It should be that you haven't exceeded the limit distance."

"I'm fine." Tuoba Yan shook his head, fixed his eyes on Ling Feng, and asked a little strangely: "Why is your aura decreasing instead of increasing?"

"That's because this kid has practiced the "Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock". Whenever he breaks through the realm, he returns to this place to plant a new Hunyuan Lock. The vitality in his body is compressed, and naturally his cultivation level seems to be greatly reduced. . However, once the Hunyuan Lock is opened, this guy's strength will increase exponentially. If you underestimate him based on his cultivation, it will be very miserable..."

At this moment, I saw that that mean donkey was already pacing over with its tail swung, followed by Xiao Qiongqi, who also imitated the look of the mean donkey, standing upright, but walking a little reluctantly.

When Ling Feng saw Xiao Qiongqi's appearance, he couldn't help but shook his head. As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black. In a few years, Xiao Qiongqi will probably become the second cheap donkey.

If that Qiongqi Demon Emperor had known about it, I wonder if he would die in peace.

"You're the only one who talks too much." Ling Feng rolled his eyes, looked back at Tuoba Yan, and said calmly: "It's almost the same as what the bitch said."

"No wonder..." Tuoba Yan thought back to when Ling Feng entered the tomb of Emperor Tiance with her. Even though Ling Feng's aura was pitifully weak, he dared to negotiate terms with himself and seek skin from a tiger. Now that he thinks about it, who is the tiger and who is the tiger? It’s a sheep, I’m afraid it’s hard to tell.

"Your boy has recovered well this time. It seems that you will be able to adapt to the new Hunyuan Lock in a few days."

The bitch said casually.

"Almost, but I am also planning to practice the "Shocking Tribulation", which may take some time. Anyway, this misty ghost forest is full of spiritual energy, so it is also a treasure place for cultivation."

"Damn, shocking calamity!"

Bitch’s expression suddenly changed. "That dead old ghost actually passed on all the shocking calamities to you. This is the old guy's famous stunt. Back then, he once stared the enemy's army of 500,000 to death with a single glance. It was precisely because of this battle that he conquered it all at once. We have won the submission of several powerful emperors, otherwise, the original Tianbai Holy Dynasty might not have been able to be established so easily."

"Stare an army of five hundred thousand to death with one glance..."

Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, the master of refining gods is still awesome!

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