Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 902 makes you tremble! (1 update)

Seeing Jiang Xiaofan's figure walking away, Jian Chi couldn't help but take a deep breath and muttered to himself: "What a silly boy!"

"Yes, he is a stupid boy, and you are also a stupid master."

At some point, the Alchemy Demon had already walked up to Jian Chi and said with a smile: "This Heavenly Craftsman Hammer is a treasure passed down by your ancestors. You can give it away as soon as you say it. Do you think you are even more stupid?" ?”

“I’ll give my stuff to whomever I want to give it to!”

Jian Chi glanced at Dan Mo, "What's the matter? I don't want to give in and want to fight!"

"There's no need to fight. I'm a polite alchemist, different from a stinky blacksmith like you."

The Alchemy Demon snorted softly, and then said: "However, this silly boy is really good. We teased him so much before, and now he is still grateful to us. Such a disciple is hard to find even with a lantern!"

"No matter how good he is, he is still my disciple!" A look of pride appeared on Jian Chi's face.

"Yo yo yo, didn't you hear what that kid said just now, I am his alchemy master!"

"Shameless thing, how could I remember that you taught him how to clean the ashes?"

"Ah, I still have some skills that I can teach you about how to keep things under control. Do you think you, a stinky blacksmith like you, only know how to blacksmith!"

"Damn, you know how to practice breaking pills a few times!"

"You can only hit the rotten iron twice!"

After a disagreement, these two disrespectful guys started fighting again.

However, this has almost become a daily routine for the two of them. They feel uncomfortable every day without moving their hands!

Tianbai Imperial Capital, north of the city.

Looking at the majestic city gate in front of him, Ling Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he was finally back!

On that day, after Ling Feng received the two secret techniques of "Shocking Tribulation" and "Soul-Splitting Art" from Emperor Tianbai, he had been practicing in the misty ghost forest for more than ten days before he finally came out of seclusion.

After leaving the customs, he rushed to the imperial capital through the forest of Tianmai without stopping.

Fortunately, I hurriedly hurriedly and finally didn’t miss the finals.

"Let's go, return to Tianwei Academy to meet everyone first."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and counted the days. Li Bufan and Mu Qianxue should have returned to the imperial capital long ago. As for Jiang Xiaofan, he didn't know what he had learned from the "old treasures" of Dan Mo Jian Chi.

Speaking of which, Ling Feng was somewhat looking forward to Jiang Xiaofan's growth.

As for the captain and the others, I don’t know what kind of changes have taken place in this month.

Tuoba Yan followed Ling Feng and nodded slightly.

As the two walked along the streets, almost everyone was talking about the final battle three days later.

At this moment, in the imperial capital, I am afraid that no one does not know that the East Campus Sword Team of Tianwei Academy is going to challenge the Royal Sword Team.

"Haha, have you heard? The odds between the Royal Sword Team and the East Campus Sword Team have exploded. The odds for the East Campus Sword Team have reached 1 to 3,000!"

"Wow, that's so outrageous. You pay three thousand for one? If this is an upset, can those casinos afford to pay?"

"Haha, the Royal Sword Team will lose? This is the biggest joke since the founding of the Tianbai Empire for hundreds of years!"

"That's true. How could the Royal Sword Team lose? Just one empire legend, Yan Jinghong, is enough to sweep everyone on the other side!"

"That's because you think that the legend of the empire is for nothing. A legend is a legend. Even if the Dongyuan Sword Team is a dark horse, that's the end of it. In the face of absolute strength, no one will have any luck."

As he said that, the warrior patted his chest and vowed: "Three days later, it's still on this street. If the Royal Sword Team loses, I'll eat it on the street! Eat a bucket!"

"Digging holes, why don't you bet so big!"

"Hahaha, it's fun to watch!"

The onlookers around him couldn't help laughing, but no one thought that he would have a chance to eat this bucket of Xiang.

After all, compared to the Royal Sword Team and the small Heavenly Academy East Campus Sword Team...

This is not a sword team of the same level at all!

"A bunch of boring guys." Ling Feng shrugged, shook his head and said, "Yan'er, let's go."

"Oh." Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and glared at the guy who just vowed to bet on Chixiang. As a result, the guy laughed and choked on a mouthful of saliva. Then he tripped his left foot and his right foot, and fiercely When he fell to the ground, he landed directly on a pile of feces.

A stench hit him, and the guy almost vomited out his overnight meal, and said angrily: "Damn it, whose beast is soaring on the street! I curse your whole family to death!"

"It's my young master's Wu Zima. Why, do you have any objections?"

Just then, a wealthy young man passed by on a black horse. When he heard these words, he rode back directly and asked his men to beat the guy violently.


In the distance, Tuoba Yan couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, with a proud look on his face.

"You! When did you start doing such boring things?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He still didn't know why the guy was so unlucky just now because he must have been cursed by Tuoba Yan with the Avenue of Disaster, and then he became so miserable.

"Who made his mouth smell so bad?" Tuoba Yan bit his lower lip and snorted softly.

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan. This woman could actually be so temperamental, and she seemed a little bit inexplicably cute.

"Haha..." Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "I just want to say, well done! However, next time you should not use the Avenue of Disaster for such trivial matters. The power of the Avenue should not be abused, otherwise it will backfire. It’s not good in itself.”


Tuoba Yan bit her red lips. Although she was scolded by Ling Feng, she felt a little sweet in her heart. After all, Ling Feng also cared for her.


At this moment, another familiar figure appeared directly in front of the street. This guy stood in the middle of the main road, with a pair of cold eyes fixed on Ling Feng's direction, with a hint of murderous intent.

"Is it you? Liu Fenyu!"

Feeling the other party's gaze, Ling Feng had a sneer on his lips. It seemed that the other party was well prepared and it was not just a random encounter on the street.

This Liu Fenyu is a member of the Royal Sword Team. He helped Yan Shuying provoke Ling Feng once before, but he was repelled by Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan. This time, he actually did it again Come to the door.

"You are finally back!"

Liu Fenyu stood with his hands behind his back, slowly drew out the sword from his waist, and said bitterly: "Last time, you cheated me, and I lost my face at the hands of this woman. This time, I want to fight you one on one. , you dare to fight!"

"Single challenge?"

Ling Feng burst out laughing, "I'm afraid your Fourth Prince heard that I was going to Qingtian Fortress and got some chance, so he sent a guy like you here to find out the truth, right?"

"You..." Liu Fenyu's expression changed slightly after Ling Feng said it, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what you are talking about, but if you don't dare to fight me, then just get under my crotch." , I can consider letting you go!"


Ling Feng smiled coldly, took a step forward, looked up to the sky and roared: "Okay, then I'll trouble you Royal Sword Team members to take a closer look at how much strength I, Ling Feng, have! Is it enough to make you feel trembling--"

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