Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 903 Instant kill! The posture of dominance! (2 updates)

"What's going on with this momentum?"

Liu Fenyu's pupils shrank slightly and he stared at Ling Feng in disbelief. A month ago, Ling Feng's momentum was far from so terrifying. It seemed that he had indeed obtained a weapon in the ancient pagoda forest of Qingtian Fortress. Great fortune.

Although everyone is not optimistic about the East Courtyard Sword Team, the fourth prince has always been cautious in his actions, so he was sent to find out the details of Ling Feng.

If Ling Feng was not as good as him, then it wouldn't be a concern at all. But on the other hand, if Ling Feng can defeat Liu Fenyu, then the Dongyuan Sword Team must attract attention.

As a symbol of the royal authority, the Royal Sword Team must not fail!

Liu Fenyu took a deep breath and stared at Ling Feng. The young man in front of him gave him a sense of oppression that made him suffocate.

"Oh my god, it turns out he is that Ling Feng!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the dark horse Ling Feng of the East Campus Sword Team and Liu Fenyu of the Royal Sword Team are actually going to fight. Come and take a look, everyone!"

Soon, countless good people gathered in the streets and alleys to watch. On the eve of the battle between the East Campus Sword Team and the Royal Sword Team, they actually had the opportunity to watch such a contest.

This is undoubtedly of great significance for weighing the strength of the entire East Campus Sword Team.

Everyone can't wait to see whether the East Yard Sword Team will fight against the stone or whether it will have a close contest with the Royal Sword Team.

"I heard that Liu Fenyu was defeated by Ling Feng before. Do we still need to fight this battle?"

"You know what the heck, last time it was a mysterious maid next to Ling Feng who took action, and I was right there at the time! That maid was pretty, and she was also ridiculously strong!"

"But this time it's Ling Feng and Liu Fenyu competing, and the maid will definitely not be able to take action, so it's still very interesting!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up and go to the north of the city to have a look!"

"I'll rub it, it's so exciting, I want to go and have a look..."

For a time, the news of the battle between Ling Feng and Liu Fenyu spread almost everywhere.

Liu Fenyu clenched his sword tightly, looked at Ling Feng with great solemnity, adjusted his breathing repeatedly, and comforted himself in a deep voice: "It's just the early stage of Huanyuan Realm, I am the second level of Shenyuan Realm! And with sixty-six A genius who has been promoted to the Divine Origin Realm through his veins!”

However, no matter how Liu Fenyu comforted himself, the hands holding the sword were already soaked with sweat.

The aura emanating from Ling Feng's body was exactly what he said, making his soul tremble.

"Why, don't you take action?" Ling Feng swept the sword in his hand and said calmly: "Then, I'll come first."

Liu Fenyu swallowed, "Humph, Ling Feng, don't think that you..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Feng's figure flew out with a "swish".

The terrifying speed even left an afterimage on the spot, making it impossible for anyone to react.

"The fifth Hunyuan Lock, open!"

Ling Feng directly opened all the Hunyuan Locks, and the energy in his body suddenly surged a hundred times. An extremely terrifying air wave burst out, like a raging wind. The surrounding onlookers, who were weaker, were directly swept away by the strong wind. When I went out, even the houses next to me trembled a few times, and the eaves were almost swept away by the strong wind.


Countless swallowing sounds came and went.

"This... what kind of power is this?"

"Oh my God, how can I be so strong!"

"Compared to the competition between the sword teams of the four universities, Ling Feng's strength has improved at least ten times!"

Everyone looked at each other, Qiang!

too strong!

Is this Ling Feng's strength?

Opposite him, Liu Fenyu couldn't help but tremble all over, and then heard a "click" sound as the silk ripped. The clothes on his chest were directly cut with a long incision by the sword energy, and the pores on the skin inside stood upright.

The next moment, Liu Fenyu groaned, and a stream of blood spurted from his chest. Liu Fenyu's whole body went limp, and he could barely hold on with his long sword.

One move, instant kill!

Liu Fenyu was trembling all over and looked at Ling Feng in shock.

He didn't understand that if Ling Feng was willing, the sword just now could cut him in half!

It has only been a short month. Has Ling Feng's strength actually reached this point?

"Go away, go back and tell Yan Jinghong to wash your head and wait for me!"

Ling Feng snorted softly, sheathed his sword and stood up, with this domineering and stern light shining in his eyes, making people tremble wherever he looked.

What kind of look is that? Just one look at it makes people feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts, like falling into an ice cellar.

Liu Fenyu covered his chest, gritted his teeth and stood up, took a deep look at Ling Feng, staggered, and left with a faltering step.

Everyone was still in deep shock. When they came to their senses, Ling Feng had quietly left with the stunning "maid" beside him.

"When it's over, just brush off your clothes and go away, hiding your merits and fame, so cool and unrestrained!"

"I think he can kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace behind for thousands of miles! Domineering!"

"Perhaps, this is genius! A peerless genius who is not inferior to the legends of the empire!"

A gust of cold wind blew by, and everyone's eyes shone with admiration.

Perhaps, that undefeated legend will really fall in the hands of this monster!

On top of a tall building, a man of about thirty years old wearing a golden robe held a luminous cup in his hand, which was filled with nectar and jade liquid.

He had a pair of deep eyes, calm and intimidating. Standing on the edge of the window sill, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Your Highness the Fourth Prince, Liu Fenyu has been defeated!"

Outside the door, a guard reported urgently.


There was a crisp sound, and the luminous cup in the fourth prince's hand shattered into powder. Then, his cold eyes stared at the guard who sent the message, and he coldly uttered two words: "A few moves!"

"One... one move!"

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura of the fourth prince, the guard couldn't help but shudder. With the fourth prince's character, if he was displeased, his life might be in danger.

"A move!"

The fourth prince slowly blew away the flying powder in his hand, looked out the window, gently waved his sleeves, and said calmly: "You, go out."

"Subordinates resign!"

The guard breathed a sigh of relief and bowed out of the room, finally saving his life.

"Your Highness the Fourth Prince, Liu Fenyu is just a waste in the Royal Sword Team. Even if Ling Feng defeated Liu Fenyu with one move, it would be nothing special."

In the room, a man in purple attire slowly stood up and said to the fourth prince, "His Royal Highness the fourth prince has no intention of worrying at all."

"Yes, Ling Feng is just a waste. Even if he becomes a little stronger, he is still just a waste. When the competition comes, I will kill him with my own hands!"

Yan Jinghong was also in this room, but in front of the fourth prince, his arrogance was somewhat restrained.

"Oh, is it so?"

The fourth prince sneered, "This Ling Feng, it has only been a year since he entered Tianwei Academy. He has grown from a wild boy from a remote country to a monster who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the members of our Royal Sword Team. It only took a lot of time." In one year's time, let me ask..."

The fourth prince turned around suddenly, glanced at everyone present, and said coldly: "Can you so-called geniuses do it?"

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