Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 904 Gathering together! (3 more)


For a moment, the members of the Royal Sword Corps in the room looked at each other and lowered their heads one after another.

One year...

Most of them are already twenty-seven or eighty years old. If they were the same age as Ling Feng, they would not even be as good as shit.

Of course, Yan Jinghong is an exception, but he has also started practicing since he was a child. It took him more than three years to go from the early stage of the Pulse Condensation Realm to his current level of cultivation.

"This Ling Feng is a talent."

The fourth prince's lips curled up and he said calmly: "Besides, I hope he is someone who is aware of current affairs."

"Fourth Prince, do you know that he is the person I must kill!"

After hearing the fourth prince's words, Yan Jinghong showed a hint of displeasure.

"It's just some minor conflicts. This prince has always cherished talents. If I can recruit you, a legend of the empire, why can't I recruit Ling Feng?"

The fourth prince stared at Yan Jinghong and said in a deep voice.


"Okay, I don't want to hear any more nonsense from you. I will find a way to resolve the grievances between you and Ling Feng. I will decide on Ling Feng!"

The fourth prince raised his hand, and Yan Jinghong choked when the words came to his lips.

Although he was arrogant and unruly, he also knew the fourth prince's methods and his unfathomable strength.

At this moment, there was a burst of extremely heavy footsteps outside the door, and Liu Fenyu was seen holding his chest and walking slowly step by step, with blood dripping from his chest.

Liu Fenyu took a deep breath and knelt down in front of the door, "Your Highness, the Fourth Prince, forgive me. I, my subordinate, have insulted the dignity of the Royal Sword Team and deserve death!"

"No, how can you insult the dignity of the Royal Sword Corps?"

The fourth prince said coldly without raising his eyes: "The Royal Sword Team doesn't need waste!"

"Your Highness, you..."

Liu Fenyu had a bad premonition in his heart. As soon as he raised his head, he heard a "swish" sound, and a flying knife as thin as a cicada's wing sank directly into his neck. A large amount of blood flowed out from the blood-letting tank. In just an instant, Liu Fenyu collapsed and turned into a cold body.

"Drag the body down. I, the prince, want to think about how to win over this Ling Feng. It seems that my father has been quite appreciative of this person recently, and even made him a Weiyuan general. He is so arrogant. …”

The cold laughter spread from the room, but it was like an evil ghost in the abyss, making people's hair stand on end.

On the other side, after Ling Feng defeated Liu Fenyu, he took Tuoba Yan and prepared to return to Tianwei Academy.

"Ling Feng, why do you want to expose your strength so early?"

Tuoba Yan hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "Perhaps it would be better if you hide some of your strength. I...I mean, you are reminding the Royal Sword Team to be careful about you. "

Seeing Ling Feng turning around and staring at him with a smile, Tuoba Yan's face felt slightly hot.

"Haha." Ling Feng smiled casually and said, "Did I reveal my strength? Just a little bit."

Tuoba Yan pursed his lips and couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ling Feng.

If you can kill a genius like Liu Fenyu in one move, is this still a little bit of strength?

Ling Feng shrugged and said indifferently: "It's just right."

"What's just right?" Tuoba Yan was slightly startled.

"Just enough to shock Yan Jinghong and the others."

Ling Feng walked forward and said calmly: "I just want them to know that the Dongyuan Sword Team will never attack a stone with an egg."

"It's up to you, but I think you might run into some trouble next time."

Tuoba Yan bit her silver teeth, feeling quite fond of Ling Feng's occasional domineering attitude.

Ling Feng pursed his lips and glanced at Tuoba Yan strangely. Why did this cold woman talk so much during this time?

"It's troublesome. Anyway, we only have less than three days."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickened his pace. After a while, the two finally returned to Tianwei Academy.

In the training ground of the East Campus Sword Team.

All the team members were busy, and the closer to the last moment, the more nervous atmosphere enveloped everyone's hearts.

At this moment, a tall figure appeared outside the door, trotted in, and greeted everyone loudly: "Captain, vice-captain, and everyone, I'm back!"

Listening to this voice, you knew it was Jiang Xiaofan without even thinking.

"Xiaofan, you are finally back."

When Gu Tengfeng saw Jiang Xiaofan's figure, he nodded, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Haha, yes." Jiang Xiaofan touched the back of his head, still looking naive.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Xiaofan, you guy, you actually stayed there for a full month!"

Lin Mochen walked around Jiang Xiaofan a few times and exclaimed: "Those two old lunatics and their perverted ways of torturing people, it's really a shame that you can endure it."

Yu Sixian and Ye Nanfeng nodded at the same time, and they went to Yangu together excitedly. However, within three days, the three of them left in despair.

"Brother Lin, actually Master Sword and Master Dan are both good people." Jiang Xiaofan showed a hint of displeasure when he heard Lin Mochen call Dan Demon Sword Maniac an "old madman".

"Okay, okay, they are all good people." Lin Mochen shook his head, "Look, you are several times darker and several times thinner, and yet you are still helping them speak."

It is true that Jiang Xiaofan is much thinner now than before he came to Yangu, but it is not an unhealthy kind of weight loss. On the contrary, he looks a bit more handsome than the big guy who was covered in tendons.

The bronzed skin all over his body is full of masculinity.

"The sword master said that a real swordsman's edge is hidden in the scabbard, and a real strongman should also get rid of the constraints of the body. He said that the muscles I had before were all brute force. He asked me to practice how to lift weights with ease. Then as I continued to practice, I lost a lot of weight, but my speed also became much faster.”

Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and said with a silly smile.

"Haha, Xiaofan has been studying with the two seniors for a month, and he speaks with a somewhat masterful demeanor!"

At this moment, a loud laugh came from outside the door, and everyone turned around to look. If it wasn't Ling Feng, who could it be?

"Haha, big brother!"


Everyone immediately showed excited expressions. Even Mu Qianxue, who had been teasing the little black cat Yeyi, couldn't help but stand up and softly called, "Brother Ling!"

"Haha, everyone is here!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and quickly walked into the training ground, while Tuoba Yan flashed and flew directly to a corner, returning to his original "keep away from strangers" attitude.

"Brother, you are finally back." Jiang Xiaofan looked at Ling Feng excitedly, "Thank you, brother, for letting me go to Yangu and Master Jian to practice. I have really learned a lot during this time."

"Well, it's good to be rewarded."

Ling Feng patted his shoulder lightly and looked at his friends. Apparently, everyone was ready to go.

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