Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 905 Tianfeng Sword Team! (4 more updates)

"It's rare that everyone has gathered together today. It's soon the day when our East Campus Sword Team will challenge the undefeated and legendary Royal Sword Team. It's time for us to discuss how our sword team should get a resounding name! "

Gu Tengfeng laughed and said: "Vice President Tong came to see me a few days ago. After all, we have to represent Tianwei University in the competition. This is also the first time in the past ten years that our Tianwei University has won the challenge to the Royal Sword Team. To qualify, we must have a resounding name. Calling it the East Campus Sword Team is a bit unflattering."

"That's right, the East Campus Sword Team is indeed not powerful enough."

Ye Nanfeng and others nodded in agreement.

"Then, let's all think about what name we should give. Anyway, we can't lose to the Royal Swordsman in terms of momentum."

Gu Tengfeng looked at everyone and said slowly.

"Tch, captain, look at the way you dress, you must have already thought of a name. Can you tell me about it?"

Yu Sixian raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"You're such a slut." Gu Tengfeng punched the guy rudely, rolled his eyes and said, "I thought of a name. After all, we are also students of Tianwei Academy, so we have to have Tian in our name." It means a school, so I suggest calling it the Heavenly Sword Team, what do you think?"

Yu Sixian rubbed his forehead, which was sore from Gu Tengfeng's hammer, and said with a dark face: "Captain, are you too unruly? Tell me, how many benefits did the vice-dean give you, and how can you return the Heavenly Sword?" Team? Why don’t you call it Tianwei Academy’s Sword Team?”

"Ahem..." Gu Tengfeng blushed, "I am the vice-dean after all, so I have to give him some face."

"No, no, no, I don't agree with the Heavenly Sword Team. It's too commercial!" Yu Sixian shook his head repeatedly.

"I don't think it's very good either." Miyagi, who had always been calm, also shook his head and disagreed.

Gu Tengfeng glanced at Xue Xiaolin again and found that Xue Xiaolin was also snickering and not helping him, so he could only sigh softly: "Okay, okay, I'm just giving you a suggestion, so do you have any other good suggestions?" ”

After everyone thought for a moment, they saw Lin Mochen put the dice cup into his palm and suddenly said: "Yes, I thought of one!"

"tell me the story?"

Everyone looked in Lin Mochen's direction.

"Tianwei Academy would like to mention that our East Campus Sword Team must also perform well, so let's call it the Tiandong Sword Team." Lin Mochen laughed.

"I'm still in winter! It's too unpleasant!" Ye Nanfeng immediately protested.

"What's wrong with Tiandong? Why is it so unpleasant?" Lin Mochen looked dissatisfied.

"Not domineering at all!" Ye Nanfeng rolled his eyes, suddenly looked at Ling Feng, and said loudly: "Brother Feng must have contributed a lot to the reason why our East Campus Sword Team can reach this stage. So. , I think it should be called Tianfeng Sword Team!”

"You guy!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes and shook his head repeatedly, "Let's forget it. Captain Gu is the one who deserves the most hard work. If only he were called Tianfeng Sword Team, Tengfeng Wind."

"Don't be humble this time." Gu Tengfeng laughed loudly, "I think the Tianfeng Sword Team is very good, and I vote for Nanfeng!"

"Haha, naming the Tianfeng Sword Team after my eldest brother, I definitely agree!"

Jiang Xiaofan naturally had no objection and nodded repeatedly.

"Tianfeng Sword Team, okay, I agree." Lin Mochen, Yu Sixian, Miyagi, and Xue Xiaolin also nodded one after another.

"Hehe, I also think Tianfeng Sword Team is good." Mu Qianxue on the side also smiled and nodded.

"Tianfeng Sword Team, not bad." Li Bufan was still careful about his words, but he still expressed his agreement.

"The unanimous vote passed, okay, then our sword team will officially be renamed Tianfeng Sword Team."

Gu Tengfeng laughed loudly. Although he was the captain of the sword team, everyone knew very well that Ling Feng was the core and real soul of their team.


Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. However, seeing the sincere expressions on the faces of these companions, Ling Feng was still quite touched.

"Brothers working together can cut through gold!"

Gu Tengfeng stretched out a palm, spread it flat in front of him, and said loudly: "No matter how powerful the Royal Sword Team is, together we can definitely defeat him!"

"Defeat the Royal Swordsman!"

Everyone stretched out their palms, folded them together, looked at each other, and could see the determination in each other's eyes.

"What a scene of unity and unity!"

At this moment, a very discordant voice came from outside the training ground. Then, a man in a golden robe was seen striding towards him, surrounded by more than a dozen guards. Every step he took, An invisible aura swept across quietly, making everyone's expressions freeze.

And among the crowd, everyone saw a familiar figure.

Yan Jinghong!

"It's the Fourth Prince!"

Gu Tengfeng's expression changed slightly and he whispered to everyone. He quickly raised his hands and responded, laughing and saying: "I don't know that His Highness the Fourth Prince is coming here. It's really disappointing to welcome him from afar."

"Is he the Fourth Prince? He is indeed not an ordinary person."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

That day, before heading to southern Xinjiang, the Ninth Prince Mo Feng (Feng Mo) told himself to be careful of His Highness the Fourth Prince.

Because he is the captain of the Royal Sword Team and the junior with the most outstanding martial arts talent among the royal family.

This fourth prince was indeed very powerful, definitely much stronger than Yan Jinghong. Among the geniuses of his generation that he knew, perhaps only Feng Yan from the Tiansheng Empire could rival him.

Of course, Feng Yan is a few years younger than him. In terms of talent, Feng Yan is probably better.

However, talent is only one aspect. After all, the Royal Sword Team's challenge is not about talent, but a head-to-head competition of strength.

"Are you Gu Tengfeng, the young master of the Gu family army?"

The fourth prince glanced at Gu Tengfeng and said with an indifferent expression: "Why, I just heard that you want to defeat the Royal Sword Team?"

Gu Tengfeng clenched his fists. He was very annoyed by the fourth prince's domineering attitude. However, due to the status of the fourth prince, he could only take a deep breath and said calmly: "Our Tianfeng Sword Team and the Royal The battle between the Sword Team is a foregone conclusion. Why, in an open and fair arena, only the Royal Sword Team is allowed to win, but our Tianfeng Sword Team is not allowed to win? "

"Hmph, you are quite sharp-tongued."

The fourth prince sneered and looked away from Gu Tengfeng, staring straight at Ling Feng.

"Are you the Ling Feng who killed that good-for-nothing Liu Fenyu with one move?"

The fourth prince's deep eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, looking at him carefully, as if he wanted to see through what kind of secrets this young man had. In just one year, he could be so transformed.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng had no intention of paying attention to him. He didn't even look at him. He just shrugged to himself, as if he didn't hear the fourth prince's words at all.

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