Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 906: Different ways, don’t work together! (1 update)

For a moment, the fourth prince was left aside by Ling Feng, with a slightly displeased look on his face.

"Ling Feng, are you deaf? The Fourth Prince is talking to you, but you dare to ignore the Fourth Prince!"

Yan Jinghong's eyes flashed fiercely and he shouted coldly at Ling Feng.

"Humph, some people like to be dogs and bark at their master's feet. It doesn't mean that I am the same as him." Ling Feng shrugged, looking unconcerned.

"What did you say!"

Yan Jinghong's pupils shrank suddenly, and his murderous intent surged, "You are looking for death!"

"Back off!"

The fourth prince turned around and glared at Yan Jinghong. This arrogant and unruly genius clenched his fists and finally stepped back, swallowing his anger.

"Ling Feng, you are too proud of your talent!"

The fourth prince narrowed his eyes and stared at Ling Feng again.

Ling Feng sneered, then looked at the fourth prince, and said with a faint smile: "Your Highness, the fourth prince, I am not arrogant, but I am a member of the Tianfeng Sword Team. The captain hasn't let me speak yet. How am I qualified to speak?"

Just now, it was clear that the fourth prince did not take Gu Tengfeng seriously, but Gu Tengfeng could not get angry because of his identity, so he could only swallow his anger.

But Ling Feng's move can be regarded as giving face to Zugu Tengfeng.

The corner of the fourth prince's mouth twitched slightly. This Ling Feng was obviously giving Gu Tengfeng a bad breath.

Gu Tengfeng glanced at Ling Feng gratefully, stepped forward quickly, and explained with a smile: "Your Highness, the Fourth Prince, Ling Feng has such a temper. Please don't take it personally."

The fourth prince took a deep breath, ignored Gu Tengfeng, and simply said: "Ling Feng, this prince knows that you are by no means a thing in the pool. The small Tianzhi Academy is not suitable for a genius like you. From now on, please stay with me."

"Hahahaha..." Ling Feng glanced at the fourth prince and suddenly laughed, "Your Highness, are you joking?"

"Are you kidding?" The fourth prince swung his sleeves, stood with his hands behind his back and said, "I never joke. Ling Feng, after I learned about your talent, I personally paid homage to you and even came to pick you up at this Heavenly Academy. This is already a gift to me." It’s enough for you, but no one else, not even Yan Jinghong, has such an honor. Aren’t you satisfied?”

"Oh?" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, "Then don't I have to thank His Highness the Prince for his love?"

"Humph, there's no need to thank you." When the fourth prince heard Ling Feng's words, he thought Ling Feng had agreed, and immediately laughed and said: "From now on, you only need to do things for me, and your benefits will naturally be indispensable in the future. Ha. Ha ha……"

Gu Tengfeng, Li Bufan and others around them all frowned.

The fourth prince actually came to poach Ling Feng at this time. If Ling Feng left the Tianfeng Sword Team, how could they have the capital to fight against the Royal Sword Team.

Although they absolutely do not want Ling Feng to become the fourth prince's lover, if Ling Feng does not agree, then the fourth prince may not give up.


Li Bufan clenched his fists, feeling extremely unwilling to believe that Ling Fengfeng chose to abandon his partner.

"I'm sorry, you'd better love others. I, Ling Feng, can't bear it."

At this moment, Ling Feng shrugged, looking uninterested.

"What did you say?"

The fourth prince's expression suddenly changed, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. He stared at Ling Feng coldly and said in a cold voice: "Say it again!"

"I never say my words a second time."

Ling Feng pointed at the gate and said calmly: "Please leave wherever your highness the prince comes from. There are still things that need to be discussed within our Tianfeng Sword Team."


There was a trace of anger in the eyes of the fourth prince, "You actually rejected me, just for the so-called Tianfeng Sword Team? Hahaha..."

The fourth prince pointed at Gu Tengfeng and others and said with a wild smile on his face: "Do you really think that just these guys can fight against my royal sword team? You are so naive!"


As the fourth prince laughed loudly, the royal swordsmen and the accompanying guards couldn't help but laugh wildly.

No matter how you look at it, except for Ling Feng, this so-called "Tianfeng Sword Team" is just a bunch of ragtag people, a bunch of trash.

With a bunch of trash, you want to challenge the Royal Sword Team?

It’s just a ridiculous dream!

"No matter who they are, they are all my teammates, and they will be my only teammates, not anyone else!"

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he met the fourth prince's gaze without any fear at all.

"Humph, you are indeed not an ordinary person!" The fourth prince laughed, "If you had easily agreed to my request, I would have looked down upon you, but now it has been proven that you are still a loyal enough person. The prince needs loyal people!"

"Loyalty is mutual. If you treat people like dogs, how can people be loyal to you?" Ling Feng smiled coldly, "You and I have different paths and cannot conspire against each other."

"What a difference!" The fourth prince laughed, "You must challenge the Royal Sword Team because of Yan Jinghong's bet, right? Don't worry, my prince said, this bet will You can leave it at that. Also, if you come to this prince’s side, he will definitely look at you differently! Is sincerity enough?”

"Your Highness, you!" Yan Jinghong gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng. How could this waste have a higher status than himself?

"Get out! You have no right to speak!"

The fourth prince swung his sleeves, locked his eyes with Ling Feng, and said slowly: "The Royal Sword Team is invincible. You were going to lose anyway. It is unwise to lose your life because of a boring bet! This prince has always cherished talents. In the future, when this prince ascends the throne, you will be a high-ranking official. Even if you want to command the three armies, it is not a problem."

"It's not dark yet, Your Highness, are you dreaming? Isn't this bad?"

Ling Feng's face remained unchanged, but he said lightly: "If there is nothing else, Fourth Prince, I'm sorry to accompany you."

"You Are you really not going to submit to me?" The Fourth Prince's aura suddenly surged, "It seems that you really think that you are qualified to challenge the Royal Sword Team just because you defeated Liu Fenyu? You don't understand at all the gap between your so-called sword team and the undefeated legend! You are just a bunch of trash!" "Shut up!" Gu Tengfeng took a deep breath, stepped forward, stood beside Ling Feng, and roared loudly: "The Tianfeng Sword Team is not trash!!!" Everyone was stunned for a moment, staring at Gu Tengfeng. Unexpectedly, Gu Tengfeng dared to ask His Royal Highness to shut up! The Fourth Prince is a prince, a member of the royal family, while Gu Tengfeng is just the son of a general, a minister, and a slave of the royal family. And he dared to roar at the prince like this. However, none of the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team retreated, and all stood behind Ling Feng and Gu Tengfeng.

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