Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 909 A reversal of blow! (4 more updates)

Boom boom boom!

Dugu Lang's fists fell crazily like raindrops. Gu Tengfeng was knocked down again and again, and struggled to get up again and again. His eyes were always as firm as before.


Gu Tengfeng spat out a mouthful of blood foam, and the expression on his face was a little distorted, but he still sneered and said: "Your fist is getting weaker and weaker. Why, can't you hit it?"

After saying that, Gu Tengfeng roared again and pounced towards Dugu Lang.

"You idiot!"

Anger surged in Dugu Lang's eyes. The guy in front of him was simply an immortal little strongman!

"I'm going to break your legs this time and see how you get up!"

Dugu Lang snorted coldly, grabbed Gu Tengfeng's neck, slashed with his palm, and hit Gu Tengfeng's thigh bone directly.

Hearing a scream, accompanied by a "click" sound of broken bones, Gu Tengfeng almost shrank into a ball, and the severe pain made him completely unable to move.

"That's it!"

A cold light flashed in Dugu Lang's eyes. If it weren't for the fact that Gu Tengfeng was the young master of the Gu family army, he wouldn't dare to kill him. Otherwise, Gu Tengfeng would have died long ago.

But he didn't expect that Gu Tengfeng would be so tenacious, suffering such serious injuries and still struggling.


A trace of fanaticism flashed in the eyes of the fourth prince, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Ling Feng, did you see it? This is your captain, lying on the ground like a dead dog. What's the point of following such a bunch of trash? You Now promise this prince..."

However, before the fourth prince could finish his words, a roar suddenly came from the stage. Gu Tengfeng punched out and hit Dugu Lang hard on the abdomen. The power of the punch actually knocked Dugu Lang out Zhen flew out and fell directly onto the ring.

"This...this is impossible!"

The fourth prince's pupils shrank suddenly. Gu Tengfeng was already at the end of his strength, how could he still unleash such a punch and knock down Lone Wolf from the ring.

"Win! Captain, you win!"

Ling Feng was the first to rush onto the ring, supported Gu Tengfeng's body, and injected a force of energy into his body.

All the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team could no longer bear to see Gu Tengfeng being beaten like a sandbag, but when they heard Ling Feng's shouts, they all looked at the ring in disbelief.

After winning, Gu Tengfeng actually won. He knocked the Dugu Lang of the Royal Sword Team off the ring with one punch!

According to the rules of the swordsman competition, falling off the ring or admitting defeat is considered a failure.

Gu Tengfeng won this battle!

"Haha, captain wins!"

Jiang Xiaofan, Gong Cheng, Lin Mochen, Ye Nanfeng, Yu Sixian...

All the members of Tianfeng Sword Team rushed to the ring and won. Their captain really won.

Even Li Bufan, who was usually the most aloof, had a smile on his lips, and at some point, a tear rolled down from his eyes.

"Captain, is this what you have been insisting on? I understand."

Li Bufan stood aside with his sword in his arms, keeping an eye on the Fourth Prince and others with vigilance, just in case these guys refused to admit defeat.

The Dugu Lang was knocked off the ring and remained in a daze for a quarter of an hour before covering his chest with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

The next moment, he rushed to the fourth prince, knelt on the ground and kowtowed for mercy, "Your Highness, I... I didn't expect that Gu Tengfeng actually chose to break through the Huayuan realm at the last moment. With that last palm, I... I It was plotted!"

"You are a loser who fails to achieve anything but fails more than you do!"

The fourth prince was furious and raised his palm, wishing to kill the lone wolf with one palm.

"Your Highness, think twice."

An older man next to him quickly knelt down to plead for Dugu Lang, "The competition is about to begin. Even if Dugu Lang is at fault, we can spare his life and let him redeem his merits during the competition."

This person is the most senior and strongest member of the Royal Sword Team, Xuanyuan Po Zhen.

At this time, he was the only one who had some say in front of the fourth prince.

"Hmph!" The fourth prince glanced at Xuanyuan Po Formation, flicked his sleeves, and said in a cold voice: "Dugu Lang, I will spare your life this time! If you make any mistakes next time, you will not be spared!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, and thank you, Brother Breaking the Formation!" Dugu Lang breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he could save his life.

"In the future, I will make up for it for His Royal Highness."

Xuanyuan broke the formation and nodded slightly to Dugu Lang. He looked towards the stage and showed a hint of admiration for Gu Tengfeng.

This Gu Tengfeng is a real man of iron and blood.

"Ling Feng, you are lucky this time. However, since you have chosen to be the enemy of this prince, let's wait and see. The competition in three days will definitely be exciting!"

The fourth prince glared coldly at Ling Feng on the stage, flicked his sleeves, and said coldly: "Let's go!"

Soon, the Fourth Prince's people left the training ground.

This guy is a prince after all, so he still keeps his word after all.


Gu Tengfeng spit out a mouthful of blood, a smile appeared on his face, and said with difficulty: "How is it, I...I won, is it awesome?"

"Awesome, very awesome!"

Ling Feng grabbed Gu Tengfeng's palm. His injuries were too serious, and in addition, he forced a breakthrough at the last moment, which was almost tantamount to self-destruction.

Originally, Gu Tengfeng had at least a chance to break through the sixty-four meridians, but now, he only opened the sixty-three meridians before being forcibly promoted to the Huayuan realm, without fully tapping his potential.

His sacrifice was too great.

Everyone's eyes were more or less moist, especially Miyagi's. The two were old friends for many years, and they worked together, so they could be considered brothers.

Only he can understand Gu Tengfeng's thoughts best.

"Boss Gu, take good care of yourself. Ling Feng's medical skills are so powerful, he will definitely...definitely be able to cure you!" Miyagi's voice was choked with sobs.

"I...I never...doubted...doubted that."

Gu Tengfeng smiled hard and said: "However, I... I'm afraid... I won't be able to participate in the competition in three... three days."

"Yes, Boss Gu, you have been waiting for so many years, you can definitely do it! You can definitely do it!" Miyagi grabbed Gu Tengfeng's palm and cried bitterly.

" doesn't matter. I...I have already defeated the Royal Swordsman once. The left to you, my...good brother!"

After saying that, Gu Tengfeng's consciousness gradually blurred, and finally passed out.

Ling Feng quickly tapped Gu Tengfeng's back a few times to straighten his bones. His internal and external injuries were almost enough to keep him in bed for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's miraculous medical skills were enough to restore him to his original state. However, he had already broken through the Huayuan realm and would never have the chance to open the sixty-fourth meridian gate and break through the second natural chasm. Achievements will definitely be affected in some way.

This is all Gu Tengfeng's sacrifice for everyone, and everyone must remember it in their hearts.

With the captain's determination, he will definitely defeat the Royal Swordsman team in the finals three days later!

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