Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 910 Mu Qianxue’s thoughts! (1 update)

After working for a long time, Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. Gu Tengfeng's condition finally stabilized.

However, this guy will probably spend the next month or two in a wheelchair.

The group sent Gu Tengfeng back to his residence, while Xue Xiaolin stayed to take care of Gu Tengfeng. The other team members also went back to rest.

After what happened today, Gu Tengfeng would definitely not be able to play, and as the vice-captain, Miyagi would have to shoulder Gu Tengfeng's burden.

In terms of strength, Miyagi was not even as good as Ye Nanfeng, but since Gu Tengfeng chose him to replace the captain, he had to bite the bullet and take over.

After leaving the training ground, Ling Feng sent Mu Qianxue back to his residence as usual. Halfway there, Mu Qianxue suddenly gritted her silver teeth, turned to look at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Brother Ling, the captain's last blow, secretly helped the captain, right?"

"Oh?" Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly and he said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Indeed, at the moment when Gu Tengfeng broke through, the sudden burst of punch indeed stunned Dugu Lang. However, with Dugu Lang's strength and reaction, he would never be knocked off the ring so easily. But at this moment, His mind suddenly went blank, and when he woke up, he had already fallen onto the stage.

He didn't know why, so he thought it was Gu Tengfeng who had plotted against him, but in fact, it was Ling Feng who used the "Shocking Tribulation" ability to disturb Dugu Lang's mind, causing him to fall off the ring unprepared.

Originally, Ling Feng thought he had done it without anyone noticing, but he didn't expect Mu Qianxue to see through it.

"Sure enough it is."

Mu Qianxue bit her lip, "Actually, I don't know how you helped the captain, but I saw you swaying slightly before rushing to the ring, and I knew that your consciousness must have been affected. The backlash.”

"Haha..." Ling Feng scratched the back of his head, "I didn't expect you, Qianxue, to observe so carefully. The situation was urgent, and I couldn't care so much."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. A move like Jing Ming Jie cannot be practiced casually. Although Ling Feng studied it carefully in the misty ghost forest for a while, in the end, he is just a warrior in Huayuan Realm. , it is still a bit too strenuous to practice this kind of spiritual consciousness and secret technique.

For example, by using Jing Jing Jie, the boy almost drained about 70% of Ling Feng's spiritual power. Even though he seems to be quite energetic now, he has always insisted on healing Gu Tengfeng, until now. , he has almost reached his limit.

"Qianxue, it's fine if you and I know about this matter, but don't tell others, especially the captain." Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "The captain is actually more proud than anyone else. If he knows that I helped He will definitely settle the score with me."

As he spoke, Ling Feng's expression became a little weaker, and a thin stream of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

"Brother Ling, you are always so kind to the people around you."

Mu Qianxue quickly stepped forward to support Ling Feng. Tuoba Yan, who was silently following Ling Feng, also gritted his teeth and wanted to step forward to help, but when he saw Mu Qianxue's hand, he quietly retracted it. .

"Qianxue, you are wrong." Ling Feng shook his head weakly, "Actually, I have been hurting the people around me. If it weren't for me, the captain wouldn't have been hurt like this."

"Brother Ling..."

Mu Qianxue wanted to say something, but found that the two of them had already arrived in front of the other courtyard where she lived. Ling Feng raised his hand to interrupt Mu Qianxue, and said with a smile: "Qianxue, go back and rest, I'm fine. ”

"But..." Mu Qianxue's pretty face blushed slightly, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Brother Ling, you'd better rest here. I..."

Before Mu Qianxue could finish her words, Ling Feng's eyes turned white and he fell back straight up.

"Brother Ling!"

Mu Qianxue exclaimed, and Tuoba Yan on the side also hurriedly stepped forward to support him. The two women carried Ling Feng into the yard with all their hands. Then, Ling Feng's consciousness gradually blurred...

He is really too tired!


A pair of delicate white hands gently wrung out a towel, placed the wet towel gently on Ling Feng's forehead, and then carefully covered him with the quilt.

The owner of these palms is naturally Mu Qianxue.

"Qianxue, how is he...?"

Tuoba Yan gritted his silver teeth and watched Mu Qianxue busy here and there, wanting to help, but found that he was clumsy at all and could not take care of others at all.

"Brother Ling just over-exhausted the power of his consciousness and fell asleep due to exhaustion. He will feel much better if he takes a rest."

Mu Qianxue grinned and asked casually, "Sister Yan'er, are you very concerned about Brother Ling?"

"No... not at all."

Tuoba Yan turned around and said with a sullen face: "Who cares about his life and death?"

"Is this really the case?" Mu Qianxue pursed her lips and smiled. As a woman, how could she not understand the woman's thoughts.

Seeing Tuoba Yan denying it so categorically, it must be a disguised admission.

However, Ling Feng, this "idiot", doesn't seem to understand that there are so many good women around him who treat him...

"Just keep a good look at him. I'll go out and get some air."

Tuoba Yan rolled her eyes at Mu Qianxue. The feeling of being seen through made her very uncomfortable.

"Sister Yan'er, we are all women. You don't have to pretend in front of me. You just like Brother Ling, right?" Mu Qianxue looked into Tuoba Yan's eyes and said it straight away.

"You... what are you talking nonsense about? I didn't... didn't..." Tuoba Yan squeezed his pink fist, and at the end of his sentence, his voice became weaker and weaker.

"Sister Yan'er, although Brother Ling is a very good person, he is always a little clueless. However, I will feel relieved to have you by his side from now on." Mu Qianxue smiled, but her eyes Deep down, there was a hint of sadness.

"Qianxue, why do you say that?" Tuoba Yan was stunned for a moment, then blushed and said: "You... you don't have to do it because of me... I won't argue with you anyway."

"No. Because...because it's simply impossible for me and Brother Ling. I just hope that in the limited days, I can stay with Brother Ling and leave some memories, so...just this is enough."

Mu Qianxue gently touched Ling Feng's cheek. This was the first time she saw Ling Feng sleeping in such a sleeping state, as peaceful and peaceful as a baby.


A tear slipped down at some point and landed on Ling Feng's face, making him frown.

"Qianxue, are you hiding something from us?"

Tuoba Yan walked quickly to Mu Qianxue. Out of a woman's keen sixth sense, she always felt that there was some big secret hidden in Mu Qianxue.

"No, anyway, this is good."

Mu Qianxue grinned, "Nothing's wrong! Sister Yan'er, you can take care of Brother Ling here, and I'll prepare some porridge and side dishes. I learned a lot from Sister Hongxiu!"

After saying that, Mu Qianxue quickly left the room, leaving Tuoba Yan with her dark eyebrows slightly furrowed. She glanced at Ling Feng on the bed and hummed softly: "It's good for you, you slept soundly. Do you know how many women? Why……"

As he spoke, Tuoba Yan's face turned slightly red, he sighed softly, and did not continue speaking.


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