Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 917 Yunxin Dan! (4 more updates)

Tianwei Academy, East Campus Sword Team training ground.

Today, at the training ground, in addition to the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team undergoing necessary daily training, Gu Tengfeng, who was seriously injured, was also sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed by Xue Xiaolin to check on the team members.

In addition, all members of the Zhongyuan Sword Team also came to cheer for the Tianfeng Sword Team!

During the competition between the five courtyard sword teams, although the middle courtyard sword team outnumbered the east courtyard sword team, there seemed to be no grudge between them, and they had actually established quite a friendship.

Li Yunting, the captain of the Zhongyuan Sword Team, did not hesitate to inform the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team in detail about his knowledge of all the members of the Royal Sword Team, hoping that it would be of some help.

"Brother Li, you are determined."

Gu Tengfeng was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes full of gratitude, struggling to get up and thank Li Yunting.

"Brother Gu, you are injured, so don't move around." Li Yunting quickly stepped forward to support Gu Tengfeng, helped him sit up in the wheelchair, and said calmly: "You are all fighting on behalf of Tianwei University. ”

"Hey..." Gu Tengfeng sighed, "It's a pity that I'm like this now..."

Li Yunting patted his shoulder lightly, "The fourth prince really went too far. It was originally a fair fight, but he came to poach before the game and injured the opponent's captain. He simply despised the fairness of the game!"

"Hmph, he is a prince!"

Ye Nanfeng on the side was filled with hatred, but unfortunately he had no choice but to curse the fourth prince in his heart for giving birth to a child without vaginal eyes.

"By the way, why don't you see Brother Ling?"

Li Yunting looked at the crowd for a long time, but did not see Ling Feng appear, and finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

Mu Liufeng, Lu Qingshan and others also subconsciously stretched their ears, very curious about Ling Feng's whereabouts.

A few days ago, this guy high-profilely crushed a member of the Royal Sword Corps at the gate of the city. Could he be studying some killer move in seclusion now?

"It seems that everyone is very interested in my whereabouts?"

At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter came from the gate, and everyone looked around. If it wasn't Ling Feng, who could it be?

Yue Yunlan's eyes lit up. She had known for a long time that Ling Feng had gone to the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, but she didn't expect that he hadn't come back for so long.

"Brother! (Brother Feng!)"

All the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team were obviously a little excited when they saw Ling Feng's appearance. After all, before Ling Feng left, he asked Tuoba Yan to come back and deliver a message. When he came back, he would bring good news to everyone.

"Brother Ling!"

Li Yunting also kept an eye on Ling Feng. He hadn't seen him for more than a month. Ling Feng had been promoted to Huayuan Realm. Although it seemed that he was only at the early stage of Huayuan Realm, everyone knew clearly. Ling Feng's cultivation has always been used to confuse his opponents. If he were to be regarded as an opponent in the Huayuan realm, he would definitely die miserably.

"Captain Li, you're here too!"

Ling Feng looked around the field and found that all the members of the Central Academy Sword Team had arrived, and naturally Yue Yunlan was among them.

"Haha, I'm here to cheer you up." Li Yunting laughed loudly, "We can't go out in person to help out, but we also hope that our sword team from Tianwei Academy can defeat the Royal Sword Team and create a new legend!"

"Then it's good news for Captain Chengli." Ling Feng smiled lightly, with a look of confidence flashing in his eyes.

This battle must be won no matter what!

"Okay, I've said what needs to be said, and I won't disturb your practice." Li Yunting said a few words of encouragement again, and then prepared to leave with the team members.

"Wait a moment."

Ling Feng quickly stopped the other party, took out a Yunxin Dan from the Naling Ring, and said slowly: "Miss Yue, this is the Yunxin Dan, given to you."

Yue Yunlan bit her lips, nodded slightly, took the elixir, and nodded slightly at Ling Feng, "Thank you, Mr. Ling."

Regarding the use of Yunxin Dan, she had already learned about it in detail from Yan Cangtian.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng actually succeeded.

The eighth level elixir!

Soon, after the members of the Zhongyuan Sword Team left, Ling Feng took out all the Yunxin Pills and said with a loud smile: "Everyone, with the help of Mr. Yan and Miss Yue, I have learned that the last time I learned from the Ancient Emperor The efficacy of the elixirs brought out by the sect, this elixir is called the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill, which can greatly enhance the warrior's cultivation talent!"

Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Mu Qianxue and Tuoba Yan all changed their expressions. Among the eight finished "Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pills" that Ling Feng brought out, among the four of them, there was also Yue Yunlan. Yan Cangtian and Yan Cangtian got one respectively, and the donkey swallowed one.

Of course, there is also one of Ling Feng's own.

"Brother, what do you mean, can we take that pill?"

There was a hint of joy on Jiang Xiaofan's face. The battle was imminent. Any slight improvement in strength might be an opportunity to turn the tide of the battle.

"Yes." Ling Feng took out four more Soul-Resisting Pills from the Naling Ring, handed them to Jiang Xiaofan and others, and said calmly: "You just need to swallow the Soul-Restoring Pill before swallowing the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill. You can seal the power of the Holy Dragon Ba Blood Pill in your dantian and absorb it bit by bit, so that you won't be unable to withstand the terrifying power and explode to death. "

"Haha, great!"

Jiang Xiaofan immediately took the Yunxin Pill, a little eager to try it.

Li Bufan took a deep look at Ling Feng and didn't say much, but his eyes said everything. That is, in a battle with the Royal Swordsman, you must do your best.

Mu Qianxue and Tuoba Yan also received a pill each. It was impossible to say that they were not a little excited about getting such a peerless pill.

As for the other team members, although they are somewhat envious, there are only so many pills and it is impossible for everyone to have one.

"Xiaofan." Ling Feng thought for a moment, then took out a narrow black sword from the Naling Ring and handed it to Jiang Xiaofan.

"This is the sword that Senior Sword Chi asked me to give to you. It is made of the ten thousand refined steel that you have tempered. It is called the Jingji Sword."

Jiang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment, then quickly took the sword with both hands and said excitedly: "Haha, Master Sword said he would make a sword for me. I didn't expect it to be completed so quickly!"

Ye Nanfeng on the side said a little sourly: "Such a narrow sword, I'm afraid it's not suitable for a guy like you, Xiaofan? It looks light and airy."

Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and said with a smile: "It's okay. Although it's a little gentle, it's still Master Jian's wish."

Ye Nanfeng came up and said with a smile: "Xiaofan, can you show me?"

Jiang Xiaofan did not doubt that he was there, so he casually threw the Silence Sword over. Ye Nanfeng stretched out his hand to catch it, and heard a "wow" sound. It fell directly from Ye Nanfeng's hand and hit the ground hard with a heavy sound. Muffled sound.

"This...this..." Ye Nanfeng looked confused, "Why is it so heavy?"

Everyone looked at the Silence Sword on the ground in disbelief. How could such a narrow sword weigh so much?

However, with Ye Nanfeng's strength, he couldn't hold the sword at all. It must have weighed at least 50,000 kilograms!

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