Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 918: Love and justice! (1 update)

Jiang Xiaofan quickly picked up the Silence Sword, frowned and said, "Is it heavy? Isn't it heavy?"

The corner of Ye Nanfeng's mouth twitched, "I'm too lazy to compete with you, a monster!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Although the sword looked narrow, it was very heavy and could not be wielded easily by ordinary people. Even he had a little difficulty.

"Xiao Fan, Senior Jian Chi asked me to tell you that this sword is a sword of great skill but no craftsmanship. If you can understand the secrets of the sword, he will accept you as a closed disciple!"

Jiang Xiaofan's eyelids twitched, he held the Silence Sword in his hands and said with surprise on his face: "Really?"

"This can still be false." Ling Feng patted Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder, "You must understand it carefully and don't let down the expectations that Senior Jian Chi has for you."

With Jian Chi's cultivation and status, if he wanted to recruit a disciple, I'm afraid countless people would squeeze their heads to join him. Ling Feng was naturally happy for Jiang Xiaofan to have such an opportunity.

"Well, I will definitely do it!"

Jiang Xiaofan's eyes flashed with brilliance as he firmly grasped the long sword in his hand and tried to swing it.


Ling Feng turned to look at Gu Tengfeng, walked over quickly, took out his Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill from the Naling Ring, and handed it to Gu Tengfeng.

"Captain, I have an extra Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill here, so I'll give it to you. Also, this is the Yunxin Pill. After your injury is healed, take the pill. It should be able to make up for your future. A loss that can open the sixty-fourth channel.”

"This..." Gu Tengfeng felt a little excited in his heart, his hands trembled a little, and he reached out to take the pill, but he quickly stopped, raised his head and stared at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Really? Ling Feng, please don’t lie to me?”

"Of course it's true, there's one more. But there's no more." Ling Feng shrugged and smiled helplessly at Ye Nanfeng and others who were looking at him eagerly.

"Okay, if that's the case, you're welcome." Gu Tengfeng grinned, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Okay, you can just swallow the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill here. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest first."

Ling Feng stretched, then turned and walked out of the training ground. Tuoba Yan's eyes flashed with a hint of brilliance, and he followed Ling Feng away in a flash.

"Big brother is really awesome, nothing can be difficult for him!"

Jiang Xiaofan had already put away the Jingji Sword and took out the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill. Then, without any hesitation, he took the Yunxin Pill first, clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth and said: "I must become stronger. I can't do it now." During the competition, hold me back!"

Li Bufan and Mu Qianxue did not hesitate any more. They must strive to enter a peak state in the battle tomorrow.

The rest of the people were standing by to protect them and prevent anyone from breaking in and disturbing their practice.

Miyagi crossed his arms, his eyes flashing, and lowered his voice and said to Gu Tengfeng: "Boss Gu, do you really believe that Ling Feng has an extra pill?"

"Whether it's true or not, Ling Feng is my lifelong good brother! As long as he says a word, I, Gu Tengfeng, will sacrifice my life without hesitation!"

Gu Tengfeng looked at the two round pills in his hand and felt that these two pills were simply heavier than two mountains.

After leaving the training ground, Ling Feng rushed directly to Yan Cangtian's elixir garden. Not long after he walked, Tuoba Yan caught up with him.

The woman glanced at Ling Feng first, and then suddenly said, "There is no more Holy Dragon Blood Pill, right?"

"Haha, I really can't hide it from you."

Ling Feng shrugged, shook his head and smiled: "Indeed, there is nothing more."

"Then you..." Tuoba Yan bit his red lips, somewhat confused as to why Ling Feng gave the last Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill to Gu Tengfeng.

"Because the captain needs this elixir more than I do." Ling Feng smiled lightly, "Also, do you think that with my talent, I need to continue to enhance it?"


Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, then suddenly reached out and took out his Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill, "Here you go!"

"Give me?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Why?"

Tuoba Yan bit her lips, thinking that she must be crazy to give up this precious elixir to Ling Feng, but she still gritted her teeth and said: "Anyway, I don't need to participate in that boring competition of yours tomorrow! "

"Hahaha..." Ling Feng smiled casually, took a deep look at Tuoba Yan, and shook his head, "Thank you, but no need."

"Why?" Tuoba Yan looked at Ling Feng with some confusion.

"I said, with my talent, do I need to continue to enhance it?" Ling Feng reached out and grabbed her palm, pushed it back, and said with a smile: "What's more, the things I, Ling Feng, have never given me. The reason to come back.”

After saying that, Ling Feng strode towards the elixir garden without looking back.

Now, he already has enough trump cards to advance to Huayuan Realm with the limit of 100 meridians, which is unprecedented!

His talent is already astonishing, and there is no need to swallow any more Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pills to add to his talent.

In addition, he has experienced two thunder tribulations to temper his body, and the body tempering effect of the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill is also greatly reduced. Although the effect is definitely effective, it is definitely not as good as letting others take it.

Instead of wasting it on yourself, it would be better to help Gu Tengfeng.

Ling Feng was never stingy with his companions, not to mention that when he was still relatively weak, Gu Tengfeng had helped him several times. In comparison, the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill was nothing at all in Ling Feng's view.

Tuoba Yan looked at Ling Feng's leaving figure and couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart: Only a man who values ​​love and justice is worthy of being entrusted with his life.

Thinking of this, Tuoba Yan's pretty face turned slightly red, she quickly shook her head, and secretly spat in her heart, "Bah, bah, bah, what are you thinking about!"

Touching his somewhat hot cheek, Tuoba Yan quickly spread out his body skills and followed Ling Feng's footsteps.

After returning to the spiritual medicine garden, Ling Feng gave the remaining Yunxin Pill to Yan Cangtian. Seeing that Ling Feng really brought the Yunxin Pill back, Yan Cangtian naturally sighed again.

Over the past year, Ling Feng has not only made great progress in the martial arts, but also has not fallen behind at all in the alchemy path!

"I actually made the eighth-level elixir for you, and even made eight of them in one go. You kid, you are not far from being an eighth-level alchemist!"

Yan Cangtian clicked his tongue and praised.

"Mainly thanks to Senior Alchemy Demon, otherwise the success rate would be less than 10% just by me." Ling Feng smiled modestly and said: "After practicing the elixir for so long, I am also a little sleepy, so I won't I’m bothering you too much, teacher.”

"Yeah, that's fine." Yan Cangtian nodded, "Boy, you have to perform well in the battle tomorrow. I will be there in person. If your performance is not good, I will expel you from the school!"

Ling Feng looked solemn and said quickly: "Then I must show my strength of 120,000 points!"

The two masters and disciples looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

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