Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 919 Prelude to the decisive battle! (2 updates)

The day of the decisive battle to challenge the Royal Swordsman finally arrived as scheduled.

Almost everyone in the entire Imperial City was discussing the topic of this game.

Originally, with the Royal Sword Team's historical strength, everyone was almost overwhelmingly on the side of the Royal Sword Team, thinking that there was no hope for the Tianfeng Sword Team to win.

However, just three days ago, Ling Feng used a crushing gesture to suppress Liu Fenyu, a member of the Royal Sword Team.

Although Liu Fenyu is only a relatively low-ranking figure in the Royal Sword Team, he can be selected into the Royal Sword Team after all. His strength cannot be underestimated.

Ling Feng was able to kill Liu Fenyu instantly, which suddenly added a hint of suspense to the game.

The dark horse of the Tianfeng Sword Team has fought its way out of the Tianwei Academy's Fifth Academy Sword Team competition. Is it possible to go all the way to "darkness" and finally defeat the undefeated legend?

This game undoubtedly touches the heartstrings of countless people!

Early in the morning, Vice Dean Tong Chengtai gathered all the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team, cheered them on, and said a lot of impassioned words to boost morale. It was nothing more than that if he won the competition, he would not only bring glory to the college, but also You can also get a lot of rewards from Tianwei Academy.

Among the crowd, the Tianfeng Sword Team's support team was already ready to go.

Wang Yishan, Ouyang Jing, Zhou Kai, Liu Yunfei and others all had red ribbons tied on their heads with the word "Must Win" written on them. They also organized a large number of students to cheer for the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team.

As for the female support team such as Lin Xian'er, Qin Wanwan, Zhou Yun, and Su Hongxiu, they no longer care about the image of ladies, they just look like fanatical little fans.

Of course, within the entire Tianwei Academy, basically all students regard the Tianfeng Sword Team as their heroes.

In any case, this is the closest Tianwei Academy has come to the final championship. Every student of Tianwei Academy has a feeling of "honor".

"Hahaha, did you see that among the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team, three of them were brought out by me, Leng Jianfeng!"

"Hey, Professor Wang, didn't you say in the past two years that I was so unlucky that I was assigned to be a teacher in the East Campus? Hehe, does your face hurt?"

"Tsk tsk, isn't this Instructor Song? Didn't you say before that a genius came out of your South Campus? Why isn't he here today?"

"Hey, Teacher Li is here too? I wonder who said that the mud in the east courtyard can't hold up the wall!"


Leng Jianfeng, standing in the team of instructors, would sarcastically sneer at the instructors on the left and right from time to time, but those instructors who were more senior than him had nothing to say.

Ling Feng, Jiang Xiaofan, and Li Bufan are all students of this guy!

The instructors and students could only stand silently, with expressions on their faces as if they had eaten flies.


Leng Jianfeng just felt comfortable all over. This feeling of elation and elation was so good!

At this moment, he saw a familiar figure appear in front of him, and he quickly said: "Teacher Su, you also have a share of the credit for this!"

It turned out that it was Su Qingxuan, the beautiful tutor, who was also here.

Su Qingxuan was walking slowly towards this side. When she heard Leng Jianfeng's voice, black lines shot up on her forehead. She held her forehead with her jade hands and showed a look of "I don't know this guy" on her face.

Although she didn't hate Leng Jianfeng, it was just that this guy was a bit too coquettish sometimes, with a sarcastic face and a strong ability to attract hatred. Standing with him would easily attract hatred.

Su Qingxuan quickly walked to the team of female instructors and looked at Ling Feng, her beautiful eyes shining with brilliance.

This boy's growth is so fast that it's almost unbelievable. A year ago, when he first arrived at Tianwei Academy, who would have thought that today's Ling Feng could fight on behalf of Tianwei Academy.

Feeling Su Qingxuan's burning eyes, Ling Feng looked back. Their eyes met, and Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Su Qingxuan.

Ling Feng was still very grateful to this mentor Su.

She is undoubtedly a good mentor. She has taught him a lot of knowledge and helped him learn the "Nine Refinements of Mysterious Fire". It is because of her that he is fortunate enough to have Su Dongling, the number one poison master in the empire. Due to his appreciation, he obtained his true biography, "The Prescriptions of Ten Thousand Poisons".

When Su Qingxuan saw Ling Feng's gaze, she gritted her teeth and cast a cheering look at him.

Ling Feng nodded slightly and quickly looked away. He was determined to win this battle!

"Ling Feng, I can't play in person, but I believe that with you, we will definitely win!"

Although Gu Tengfeng could not leave the wheelchair, he still insisted on asking Xue Xiaolin to bring him. He had to witness the game with his own eyes.

"Captain, don't worry, we will definitely win!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Gu Tengfeng and said in a deep voice, "Just watch with peace of mind."

Gu Tengfeng laughed loudly, looked at Miyagi again, and said slowly: "Miyagi, you have always been very outstanding, but you are not confident enough. Remember, you have to take my Let’s fight together for an ideal!”

Miyagi nodded heavily, "Captain, I will do my best."

Jiang Xiaofan on the side was holding the Silence Sword, swinging it a few times from time to time, but he kept frowning, as if he was troubled by some problem.

"Xiaofan, what's wrong with you?" Ling Feng saw Jiang Xiaofan's appearance and couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

"It's nothing..." Jiang Xiaofan paused and then said: "It's just that the sword Master Sword gave me always feels weird, as if I can't always master the key to using it."

"Haste makes waste." Ling Feng patted him on the shoulder, "The game will start soon, don't think too much."

"Oh." Jiang Xiaofan nodded, "Then I'd better use the original heavy sword."

Although the Silence Sword is good, if it cannot exert its true power, it is also a good choice to use the weapon you are most comfortable with.

"Qianxue, are you nervous?"

Ling Feng looked at Mu Qianxue next to him again. In today's decisive battle, her long-hidden trump card was finally revealed. It can be said that to a large extent, she was the biggest variable that affected the outcome.

"It's okay." Mu Qianxue squeezed her pink fist. She was a little nervous at first, but when she saw Ling Feng's eyes, she calmed down.

With Ling Feng by his side, there was nothing to panic about.

"Let's work together!" Ling Feng saw that she was still holding the black cat Ye Yi in her arms, and couldn't help but remind her: "By the way Qianxue, you are not allowed to use demon pets during the competition."

"I know." Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth, leaned into Ling Feng's ear, and whispered softly: "However, Ye Yi is not only my companion spirit beast, but also my weapon. In addition to being able to take the form of a monster beast, he can Besides fighting, I can also turn into a magic weapon."

"Become a divine weapon?"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at Mu Qianxue in disbelief, and then at the little black cat in her arms. I'm afraid Mu Qianxue's background is quite extraordinary, and there is something different about her in every aspect. .

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