Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 935 Kneel down! (3 updates)

Almost at the same time, Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan each defeated their opponents, but they were also scarred and struggled to stand on the sword fighting platform, having exhausted all their strength.

In the center of the sword fighting platform, as a gust of strong wind swept by, the last wisp of smoke was blown away.

Everyone saw a cold and arrogant figure, strangled the fourth prince's neck with one hand, raised it high, and choked him until he could hardly breathe. His twisted face turned purple from the suffocation.

King Tianbai clenched his fists, but there was no hint of joy or anger on his face.

"Oh my god, Ling Feng actually beat the fourth prince like this?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, incredible..."

All the spectators were stunned. There was almost no suspense about the outcome of this game. Tianfeng Sword Team made a strong counterattack, but it seemed that the game was not that simple.

Ling Feng actually completely ignored the Fourth Prince's identity and dared to treat him like this.

It is true that the prince's status is so noble, not to mention that this is in front of King Tianbai and the Queen Mother!

This matter is serious!

" dare to treat this prince...ahem..."

Ling Feng stared at the fourth prince angrily, and kept increasing the strength of his palms. At that moment, Ling Feng only felt anger burning in his chest. Coupled with Mu Qianxue's increase, his strength almost reached an unprecedented level. the height of.

No matter how the Fourth Prince attacked with all his strength, he broke all the Fourth Prince's attacks with just one punch, and completely subdued the Fourth Prince with one move.

However, this anger still could not be dissipated. A bloody red line almost appeared on his forehead, which was a sign that the Eye of Shura was opened.

Fortunately, he suppressed this anger in time, but in just a moment, he broke the fourth prince's hands and feet, and his originally handsome face had been completely beaten into a pig's head by Ling Feng.

Seeing that the fourth prince was almost killed by Ling Feng, Yue Zhonglian, who was high up in the sky, quickly reminded him loudly: "Little friend Ling Feng, don't act recklessly!"

Old General Deng also quickly said in a deep voice: "Ling Feng, although the fourth prince is at fault, there is no way you can kill him!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked up at the seven powerful men in the sky, and finally his eyes fell on Yan Cangtian.

Yan Cangtian was shaking his head slightly towards himself.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. If he killed the fourth prince today, he would undoubtedly become the enemy of the entire empire.

Although he was relieved, he would be dragged down by the entire Tianfeng Sword Team, and even all his relatives and friends.

From now on, the entire Tianbai Empire will no longer have a foothold of its own.

Strength, after all, is still insufficient!

One day, those who have the power to defy the Empire, damn it, must die!

"Thank you seniors for reminding me!"

Ling Feng took deep breaths several times, and his furious mood gradually calmed down. The blood line on his forehead finally disappeared and he regained his composure.

Ling Feng bowed his hands to the seven powerful men in the air. They were able to take action when he faced danger. This kindness must be kept in mind.

"As long as you don't do anything stupid."

Old General Deng shook his head. If it weren't for the special status of this fourth prince, let alone Ling Feng who wanted to kill him, even he would have disliked this fourth prince for a long time.

"Save your life!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, raised his arms, and threw the fourth prince heavily in front of Miyagi. In a flash, he stepped on his head into the ground.

"However, you must kneel down in front of my companion and admit your mistake!"


The fourth prince spat out a mouthful of blood, but still gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "You are dreaming, Ling Feng, do you know that you are in for a big disaster!"

He kept struggling and yelled, "Father, why don't you help me put this traitor to death? How dare he do the following!"

"Shut up, you evildoer!"

King Tianbai stood up angrily from the dragon throne, and then everyone in Tianwei Square also stood up.

The king stood up, so there was no reason for them to sit down.

The fourth prince was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at his father on the high platform, but what he saw was an angry face.


King Tianbai glanced at Ling Feng and took a deep breath.

If those seven powerful men hadn't taken action, Ling Feng would have beaten the fourth prince to such a miserable state today and ruined the reputation of the royal family. Even if he didn't execute Ling Feng, he would definitely make Ling Feng suffer torture.

But now, not only could he not punish Ling Feng, he also had to reward Ling Feng heavily.

"General Ling!"

King Tianbai fixed his eyes on Ling Feng and said slowly: "This match is won by the Tianfeng Sword Team! All rewards will be sent to Tianwei Academy. Also, your talent is unparalleled in ancient and modern times." , The name of General Weiyuan is well-deserved. From now on, your military rank will be promoted from Zhonglang General to General."

King Tianbai flicked his sleeves and said calmly: "General Ling, from now on, you can be regarded as the youngest general in the army!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Ling Feng bowed his hands to King Tianbai to express his gratitude.

"Yes." King Tianbai nodded slightly and continued: "I am an incompetent prince who hurts people with secret arrows and needs to be taught a lesson. As for your companion, I will definitely ask the best god to deal with the injuries he suffered. The royal doctor of the country will treat his injuries. As long as I have all the treasures of heaven and earth, I will not be stingy."

"Thank you again, Your Majesty!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist and looked at Gong Cheng. Fortunately, the fragments of the sword blade did not penetrate his heart. With his medical skills, it was no problem to save Gong Cheng. However, his Dantian Qi Sea was destroyed. I am afraid that he will never be able to practice again in this life.

"Okay, in this case, General Ling, please let this useless thing go. I will teach this rebellious son a lesson."

There was a trace of undetectable anger in the eyes of the Tianbai King. His son was stepped on by others. As a king, he had to greet him with a smile. This kind of frustration was unbearable for ordinary people, let alone the king of a country.

"If this is the case, please take back all the rewards! The fourth prince must kneel in front of my companions today and kowtow to admit his mistakes!"

Ling Feng's right foot was still firmly on the face of the fourth prince, and he continued to increase his strength, making his face almost completely deformed.

All the audience were stunned. The king had already lowered his status and tried to persuade Ling Feng. He didn't expect that this guy would not even give the emperor face.

"Good boy, you are so loyal!"

Dan Mo Jian Chi smiled at each other and looked up to Ling Feng again.

Yue Zhonglian, Deng Xian and others frowned slightly. Ling Feng was still too impulsive.

They couldn't help but look at Dan Mo Jian Chi, the two mysterious masters. They never knew that there were such masters in the imperial capital, and they had never seen them before.

Their appearance was probably the reason why King Tianbai was afraid and didn't dare to touch Ling Feng.

Only Yan Cangtian could vaguely guess that these two great masters were probably Dan Mo Jian Chi who lived in seclusion in Yan Valley.


A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Tianbai monarch, and he looked up at the seven powerful men in the air, and then threw his sleeves, "Okay, very good! General Ling, since I have spoken, all rewards will count. As for this evil son, you can do it yourself!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, no longer bothering to care about the life and death of the fourth prince.

No matter whether Ling Feng wanted the fourth prince to kowtow or admit his mistakes, at least, out of sight, out of mind!

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