Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 936 A New Legend! (4 more)

"Farewell, Your Majesty!"

Everyone hurriedly saluted the Emperor Tianbai. No one could have imagined that the king of a country could only swallow his anger and let others trample on his son.

Of course, Ling Feng knew very well that the reason why Emperor Tianbai chose to endure and not speak out was mostly because there were too many powerful emperors who supported him.

Among them were the leader of the Cangqiong Sect, General Weiyuan, and two hidden emperors from the Tianmeng.

Ling Feng has always been clear about gratitude and resentment. He will naturally remember the kindness today.

After Emperor Tianbai left, the whole audience burst into a roar like a tsunami.

"Ling Feng! Ling Feng!..."


Everyone was shouting Ling Feng's name, Li Bufan's name, and the name of every member of the Tianfeng Sword Team!

The undefeated legend of the Royal Sword Team was finally broken!

Although the battle flags of both sides had not been cut down, the situation on the scene was already very clear.

The eunuch chief steward Li Gonggong, who was in charge of presiding over this competition, flew down the stage, glanced at the fourth prince who was stepped on by Ling Feng, shook his head, pinched his orchid fingers, and announced loudly: "The winner of this competition is the Tianfeng Sword Team!"

After the voice fell, the whole audience was boiling again.

The three ministers, the deans of the four universities, the civil and military ministers of the court, and countless wealthy families, royal nobles, and young talents all stood up and applauded.

This victory was really hard-won.

"Win! The Tianfeng Sword Team won!"

Ouyang Jing, Wang Yishan, Lin Xian'er, Qin Wanwan...

Countless companions of Ling Feng all left extremely excited tears. This battle was too difficult to win. Almost all members of the Tianfeng Sword Team were scarred, including Gu Tengfeng in the audience.

The members of the Central Courtyard Sword Team all applauded, and the Hailan Academy and Wenyuan Academy, who had been defeated by the Tianfeng Sword Team, were completely convinced at this moment.

They defeated the legend!

They are the new legend!

Everyone shouted, but all the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team were not too excited.

Gu Tengfeng struggled to stand up, and with the help of his teammates, he stepped onto the ring and rushed straight to Gong Cheng.

The wound on Gong Cheng's body had stopped bleeding, but his breath was very weak, so weak that he couldn't even sense the existence of a trace of true qi.

His Dantian Qi Sea was completely broken.

Even though he didn't understand medical skills, Gu Tengfeng understood what a broken Dantian meant.

He was useless!

He could never practice martial arts again for the rest of his life!

"Gong Cheng..."

Gu Tengfeng clenched his fists tightly, hating his own powerlessness in his heart, tears flashed in the corners of his eyes, and his voice was a little choked.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and stepped hard on the face of the Fourth Prince again.

"Kneel or not!"

Rage surged in Ling Feng's eyes, and he said coldly: "Although I will not kill you today, your father also said that I will do whatever I want with you. If you don't kneel down and apologize to Gong Cheng today, I will destroy your Qi Sea and make you a useless person forever!"

"You dare!——"

The Fourth Prince coughed up a mouthful of blood, looked up and stared at Ling Feng's eyes, but his heart couldn't help but shudder.

He was scared!

Ling Feng's gaze made him feel like he was falling into an ice cellar, and his whole mind seemed to explode, as if a golden needle had pierced his soul.


With a pig-killing scream, the Fourth Prince bled from all seven orifices, lying on the ground like a pool of mud, twitching constantly.

Yunlai, just when Ling Feng looked at him, suddenly launched a shocking robbery.

The Fourth Prince, who had already been severely injured, could not resist the terrifying piercing power of Jingmu Jie's spiritual consciousness. In just a moment, the Fourth Prince almost died of pain.

The audience around were all stunned. A Fourth Prince was beaten like a dead dog. This Ling Feng was really bold!

Although King Tianbai endured this breath today, he would definitely have a grudge. From now on, he would never really trust Ling Feng.

I'm afraid that the position of General Weiyuan is the pinnacle of Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng didn't care about these. At this moment, he just wanted to get justice for his good brother.

Not killing this Fourth Prince was already his biggest setback.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and stepped hard on the Fourth Prince's face again, saying coldly: "Kneel down! Otherwise, I will let you try the taste just now again!"

"No... Don't!"

The Fourth Prince trembled all over, climbed up tremblingly, and knelt in front of Ling Feng, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"Kneel to him, not to me!"

Ling Feng kicked out. His body was almost at its limit, but he had gritted his teeth and held on without falling.

Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan, who were standing by, supported each other and walked forward. Li Bufan's right hand was still shaking constantly, and the wound on his shoulder was shocking.

Li Bufan was even worse than Jiang Xiaofan. His recovery ability was completely incomparable to Jiang Xiaofan. Every inch of muscle in his body seemed to be completely torn. The backlash of the "Heart Sword Avenue" also began to make him dizzy.

However, they still gritted their teeth and walked to Gong Cheng's side.

Indeed, his strength may not be strong enough, but he is also an important member of the Tianfeng Sword Team, and he even defended the glory of the Sword Team with his life.

He is a well-deserved vice-captain!

No one stopped Ling Feng's move, even if the other party was the fourth prince, he was still no match for Miyagi's hair.

Eunuch Li on the side turned away and couldn't bear to look any further. However, even the emperor couldn't control him. What qualifications did he, a eunuch, have to control him?

After all, under the eyes of those powerful Human Emperors in the sky, his peak king level is far from enough.

The fourth prince was stunned by the kick. It took a lot of effort to get up again. He knelt in front of Miyagi and gritted his teeth and said: "I'm sorry, I... was wrong!"

"Wrong? What's wrong?" Ling Feng slapped him in the face, and the crisp sound of the slap made everyone in the audience swallow hard.

He is a prince after all! Is this beating a dog?

"I...I made the mistake of stabbing someone in the back! Pfft..."

The fourth prince covered his cheek and spat out a mouthful of blood. Ling Feng slapped him and knocked out several of his teeth.

"Wrong!" Ling Feng kicked him to the ground and said coldly: "You are wrong, you are nothing worse than a pig or a dog, get out!"

This kick directly kicked the fourth prince to the edge of the sword-fighting platform and threw him to the ground. The dignified prince was kicked off the sword-fighting platform without dignity. He lost the dignity of the royal family and even more. All the dignity of a warrior!

Immediately, many guards came forward to help him. The fourth prince struggled to stand up, clenching his fists tightly, and looked back at Ling Feng with a fierce look in his eyes, filled with incomparable malice.

"Ling Feng, today's humiliation will be repaid a hundred times a thousand times in the future!"

The fourth prince spat out a mouthful of blood again, and with the help of the guards, he staggered and slowly left the square.

(PS: The chapter about the Sword Team has turned a page, and a new chapter will also open. And the true road to strength has just begun!)

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