Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 947 Youyun Sword Forest! (3 updates)

"Okay, no wonder the sect leader, a strict person like him, would not hesitate to break the sect's rules for you and let you come to Yanxia Mountain to practice."

Xiao Yunsu nodded secretly in her heart, a little more approving of Ling Feng. In the Xuanling Continent, the strong are respected. With the talent that Ling Feng has displayed, as long as he does not fall, he will definitely be a dominant figure in the future. If this precious disciple of mine marries him, it will not be considered an insult.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunsu looked at Ling Feng even more favorably, and there was a bit of a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law in her eyes.

When Ling Feng saw Xiao Yunsu's gaze, he couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "It's because Sect Master Yue is too kind."

"Now that you're here, feel free to be a guest here. All places in Yanxia Mountain are completely open to you."

Xiao Yunsu smiled at Ling Feng, "Just in time, I can also let Lan'er take you around the Yanxia Mountain. Haha, it would be good for young people to cultivate more affection."

"Master!" Yue Yunlan hugged Xiao Yunsu's arm and shook it coquettishly, her pretty face still blushing.

Ling Feng laughed twice. No matter how slow he was, he could still hear what Xiao Yunsu was saying, but he could only turn a deaf ear to it, so as not to let Yue Yunlan have any unnecessary reveries.

"That's right!" Yue Yunlan's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, as if she remembered something, and she quickly said to Xiao Yunsu: "Master, in the Yanxia Mountain, Youyun Sword Forest is the best place to help condense Yao. All the places you mentioned Open to Mr. Ling, it also includes Youyun Sword Forest, right?"

Hearing Yue Yunlan's words, Xiao Yunsu looked dumbfounded and said: "Youyun Sword Forest, non-core disciples of the Cangqiong Sect are not allowed to enter. It's not like you don't know this rule. The Three Rings and Six Cave, Yunlai Immortal Peak, these places are not included. Too bad.”

"That's not as good as Youyun Sword Forest!" Yue Yunlan hugged Xiao Yunsu's shoulders, shook him vigorously, and said coquettishly: "Rules are dead, but people are alive! Master..."

"You!" Xiao Yunsu frowned slightly and pinched Yue Yunlan's little face, "That's all! I think I'm afraid of you!"

Xiao Yunsu took out a token with three colorful clouds engraved on it from the space ring and handed it to Yue Yunlan. He shook his head and smiled: "Okay, okay, don't shake it, I will shake this old bone to pieces."

"Hehe, Master is not old at all."

Yue Yunlan happily took the token and kissed Xiao Yunsu on the cheek like a dragonfly. As if she was afraid that she would regret it, she quickly walked to Ling Feng and then said with a sweet smile: "Master, let's go first."

"You girl." Xiao Yunsu's eyes were full of smiles, but he secretly sighed for no reason: It's great to be young!

Not long after, Yue Yunlan took Ling Feng to a stone forest where the vitality of heaven and earth was extremely rich. According to Yue Yunlan, the Youyun Sword Forest was actually a stone forest of sword monuments.

The reason why Yanxia Mountain is called the Holy Land of Cangqiong Sect is because this area has several treasured cultivation places, among which Youyun Sword Forest is the most important.

Practicing here, you can understand some of the mysterious mysteries between heaven and earth from those strange stone tablets, which will be of great help in condensing Yao Yao.

Previously, Ling Feng learned for the first time what Wen Yao was from Tianbai Emperor Faxiang in the misty ghost forest.

The so-called pattern is the pattern of the soul, which is also the prototype of the soul. Generally speaking, after a cultivator reaches the realm of divine origin, the divine essence can take form and awaken the soul. Some people, however, first condensed the pattern yao when they were in the Huayuan realm. Although this pattern brilliance cannot directly enhance their strength, it can greatly broaden the path of martial arts after the Shenyuan realm.

In other words, cultivators who have condensed Wenyao can continuously nourish and refine the prototype of their soul while in the Shenyuan realm. In this way, once they set foot in the Shenyuan realm, the awakened soul will naturally be far away. Far more powerful than those warriors who failed to condense their Yao.

The reason why Yanxia Mountain can become the Holy Land of Cangqiong Sect is inseparable from the Youyun Sword Forest.

This Youyun Sword Forest has also created countless geniuses for the Cangqiong Sect. This is why disciples of the Cangqiong Sect who are both in the Divine Yuan realm can often crush other sects.

In the Youyun Sword Forest, there are many strange rocks, and each of them has some mysterious lines. These lines are the key for practitioners to understand the pattern.

The pattern cave constantly collects the vitality of the world. If you look carefully, you can even see various wonderful visions. Of course, these are just hallucinations produced in the sea of ​​spirit.

Yue Yunlan pointed to the stone forest in front and said softly: "Ling Feng, this is the Youyun Sword Forest in our Yanxia Mountain where we cultivate Huayuan Realm powerhouses."

"This Youyun Sword Forest is a treasured place for our Cangqiong Sect to train the younger generation. Not only is the vitality of heaven and earth richer than other places, it is at least a hundred times richer. It also has various mysterious patterns of heaven and earth. If you understand these mysterious textures, you will have The probability of condensing Wen Yao is about 20%."

As Yue Yunlan spoke, she led Ling Feng into the Youyun Sword Forest.

Ling Feng looked at it carefully and couldn't help but admire it in his heart.

According to Tianbai Emperor Faxiang, if an ordinary cultivator wants to condense the Yao Yao, in addition to practicing extremely high-level skills, he also needs to have an extremely evil genius to have a one-thousandth chance of successfully condensing it. Wen Yao, and in this Youyun Sword Forest, the probability of condensing Wen Yao is as high as 20%!

"Thank you so much, Miss Yue!" Ling Feng bowed his hand to Yue Yunlan. If Yue Yunlan hadn't interceded for him, he might not have had the chance to come to such a treasured place.

Yue Yunlan bit her red lips and said slowly: "Actually, I'm not all here to help you, because my cultivation level has also broken through to the Huayuan realm."

"Oh?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. In recent times, Yue Yunlan's cultivation has progressed very rapidly.

Especially after awakening the Red Lotus Holy Body, Yue Yunlan's aura became more condensed and more powerful.

"Haha, let's start practicing at the same time and see who can successfully condense Wenyao first."

Ling Feng laughed loudly, he couldn't wait to know what his tattoo was.

"Yeah, okay!"

Yue Yunlan nodded, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

As the two of them continued to go deep into the Youyun Sword Forest, Ling Feng felt that the rich vitality of heaven and earth had almost condensed into a liquid state. Walking in it was like swimming far away from the ocean, and every pore in his body was emitting an incomparable feeling. A great feeling of comfort.

It’s simply better than taking a bath!

If you practice in a place like this, even a pig can reach the Huayuan realm.

Ling Feng secretly admired him. He was about to say something when he saw several people walking towards him. Their eyes swept over Ling Feng and then fell on Yue Yunlan. They bowed respectfully to Yue Yunlan and said, "Have you ever seen a big man?" Miss."

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