Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 948 Just one move! (4 more updates)

"Hey, Senior Brother Du, have you been promoted to the sixth level of the Divine Origin Realm?"

Yue Yunlan blinked her beautiful eyes a few times and smiled lightly at the young man in green shirt who was leading the group.

"Well, I made some gains in a secret realm before, and after practicing in the Youyun Sword Forest for half a month, I was lucky enough to make a breakthrough."

Dewey bowed deeply to Yue Yunlan and said, "Thanks to the eldest lady for giving me the spot. I haven't had a chance to thank you, eldest lady."

"No need to thank me, this is also your own creation, senior brother." Yue Yunlan waved his hand. This Dewey is also considered a genius in Yanxia Mountain. He is only thirty years old and has already reached the sixth level of the Divine Origin Realm. His future prospects can be said It is limitless.

In fact, Yue Yunlan just declined her spot and made a special trip to watch the match between Ling Feng and the Royal Sword Team. As for who the spot was given to in the end, she had no idea.

"Since senior brother has made a breakthrough, let's go back and consolidate the realm. Although the concentration of heaven and earth energy in this Youyun Sword Forest is high, it is too violent and is not suitable for consolidating the realm."

Yue Yunlan smiled lightly at Dewey and signaled that he could leave.

But Dewey didn't seem to understand Yue Yunlan's implication. Instead, he looked at Ling Feng, frowned slightly and said, "Miss, this guy doesn't seem to be a disciple of our Yanxia Mountain. Outsiders are not allowed to enter Youyun Sword Forest. , Miss, if you do this, it seems..."

In fact, as soon as Yue Yunlan brought Ling Feng into Youyun Sword Forest, he immediately attracted the attention of others, and immediately informed Dewey, and this was how Dewey and Yue Yunlan had this "accidental encounter."

When Yue Yunlan took Ling Feng up the mountain, Ling Feng was already jealous of many young disciples of Yanxia Mountain.

After all, Yue Yunlan is the goddess in their hearts, but now their goddess is talking, laughing and behaving affectionately with a stranger. This of course makes those young and energetic teenagers extremely jealous, and they secretly make up their mind to give this kid a blow. That’s it!

Dewey is the descendant of a high-ranking elder in the Cangqiong Sect, and he also has a certain status among the younger generation of the Cangqiong Sect. When he heard that Yue Yunlan was walking closely with a man, he was quite unbelievable at first. Yue Yunlan was a famous iceberg. A goddess who doesn't show any pretense to any man, how could she be intimate with a man?

However, when he saw Yue Yunlan's gentle attitude toward Ling Feng, jealousy suddenly burned in his heart.

How could a boy with only Huayuan realm be favored by the eldest lady!

Moreover, this guy was actually brought to Youyun Sword Forest. Why should he get all the benefits by himself?

Dewey felt very unhappy, very unhappy!

Yue Yunlan frowned slightly and said with some displeasure: "Master agreed to this and gave her Caiyun token to Ling Feng. If you have any objections, you can go to my master."


As soon as he said this, he immediately blocked Dewey's words. Even if he borrowed the courage of the three of them, he would not dare to question Sword Emperor Yunmiao!

However, it is naturally impossible for Xiao Yunsu to hand over the Caiyun Token to a strange boy for no reason, so this must be Yue Yunlan's suggestion.

Thinking that Yue Yunlan actually took such good care of Ling Feng, Dewey became even more jealous.

Dewey glared at Ling Feng angrily, suppressing his anger and said: "Since Uncle Yunmiao personally approved it, I have nothing to say. But this Youyun Sword Forest has always been only open to the core disciples of our Cang Qiong Sect. "As an outsider, this brother must follow the rules if he wants to enter Youyun Sword Forest."

Ling Feng glanced at Dewey and knew what this guy was up to. He was obviously blinded by jealousy and wanted to take it out on himself.

However, I, Ling Feng, am not made of clay. If soldiers come to block me, if water comes and soil comes to cover me, no one is afraid of whom!

"I don't know how to comply with the rules?"

Ling Feng crossed his arms and curled his lips.

"Humph, since only core disciples can enter, it will of course be a test to test your strength. If you can persist in ten or eight moves under my hand, I will consider you to have barely passed."

Dewey snorted coldly. He could tell at a glance that Ling Feng was only at the Huayuan realm. He was already at the sixth level of the Shenyuan realm and could kill him with one slap.

Yue Yunlan and Qiaoqiao looked at each other and suddenly showed an expression that was half-smiling.

Challenge Ling Feng? Is this guy serious?

"Ten moves?" Ling Feng shook his head, raised a finger and said, "Ten moves are too many, just one move."

"Haha, that's fine!" Dewey felt contempt for Ling Feng in his heart. He originally thought that this kid would hold on even in front of Yue Yunlan, but he didn't expect that Ling Feng was actually a weakling who only dared to fight with him.

"One move at a time."

Dewey shook his long hair from his forehead and said with a cold smile: "For the sake of the eldest lady, I will definitely show mercy!"

"Pfft." Yue Yunlan couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed. Ling Feng had even defeated a monster like Xuanyuan Po Formation head-on. Although Dewey's realm was not low, it was far behind Xuanyuan Po Formation. And he actually thought that he had defeated Ling Feng, so he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Senior Brother Du, you..."

"Miss Yue, this is a matter between men." Ling Feng stopped Yue Yunlan from continuing.

Dewey suddenly became excited when he saw Yue Yunlan's charming smile, thinking that Yue Yunlan recognized him for his graceful demeanor.

"Are you ready?" Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and looked at Dewey.

"Hmph, you can start anytime!"

Dewey slowly drew out his sword, his eyes flashing with cold light, and he said coldly in his heart: If you dare to approach the eldest lady, I will definitely teach you a lesson you will never forget!


Suddenly, Dewey felt his cheeks heat up, and then a huge force surged in, and his whole body flew out uncontrollably. The terrifying power made his mind dizzy for a while, and then, his vision went black. He immediately lost consciousness.

"Hehe, once you say a move, you do it!"

Ling Feng clapped his hands and said with a faint smile: "Now, I am qualified."

The surrounding disciples who were watching the excitement were also in dead silence, and they all swallowed hard: a warrior of the Huayuan realm can slap away a warrior of the sixth level of the Shenyuan realm with one slap. Is there any justice?

Is this guy still a human?

evildoer! What a monster!

It took a while for Dewey to come back to his senses, and when he saw the backs of Ling Feng and Yue Yunlan walking away, his face turned red.

It turns out that this is what the boy said about the move!

"Qiao...Miss Qiaoqiao, who is that boy?"

Touching his burning cheek, Dewey swallowed hard and asked Qiaoqiao with a dark face.

"He doesn't even know. You deserve to be beaten!" Qiaoqiao pursed her lips, "He is Ling Feng! Okay, I won't tell you any more!"

With that said, Qiaoqiao stepped forward in the direction of Yue Yunlan and the others, and quickly chased after them.

"Ling Feng? It turns out to be him!"

Dewey's pupils shrank suddenly. Although he had never met Ling Feng before, these days, Ling Feng's name could be said to be like thunder throughout the imperial capital.

That is a ruthless person who dares to slap the prince in front of the emperor!

Thinking of this, Dewey was frightened. He just received a slap in the face, so he was already lucky!

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