Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 954 Ling Feng’s epiphany! (2 updates)

"Will and Wenyao are one in origin. Therefore, Wenyao's cultivation relies on the power of divine consciousness, not Yuanli, let alone the Yuanqi of heaven and earth as everyone mistakenly believes."

Mu Qingchen continued: "The mind determines the will, the will determines the pattern, and the pattern determines the soul. Everyone needs to keep this in mind."

Just as Mu Qingchen was explaining his experience to everyone, Ling Feng suddenly stood up, looked at Mu Qingchen, and asked slowly: "Excuse me, brother pastor, what is spiritual thought?"

Everyone looked at Ling Feng and couldn't help but started talking.

"Who is this kid? What qualifications does he have to interrupt two peerless geniuses while they are sitting and talking?"

"It's just that this guy is very handsome. I'm afraid he's not a genius in our sect, and his cultivation level is no higher than Huayuan Realm. How dare he speak on such an occasion?"

Most of the geniuses in the sect world traveled thousands of miles from the sect and rarely stayed in the imperial capital, so they basically didn't know Ling Feng. Those who knew Ling Feng sat aside with smiles, waiting for Ling Feng's shocking move.

"This idiot doesn't even know what spiritual thoughts are! Divine thoughts are just..."

A genius from the Nine Heavens Sect was halfway through speaking when his words suddenly stopped. It seemed that this so-called divine thought was really hard to explain clearly.

"I don't seem to be very clear about what the Divine Mind is..."

One person was confused, and soon, other people were surprised to find that all the great principles they seemed to understand suddenly turned into nonsense, because they didn't even know what divine thoughts were, and how could they use divine thoughts? It's not nonsense to use the power of thought to cultivate Wen Yao.

Seeing the confused faces of the young talents in the audience, Mu Qingchen frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

What is spiritual thought?

This question seemed very simple, but it silenced both Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen. Given their height, they naturally looked at the problem from a different perspective than ordinary people.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingchen slowly said: "People in the world often say that spiritual thoughts are the soul, but in my opinion, divine thoughts are the embodiment of the soul's will. The reason why humans have consciousness and thoughts comes from To one’s own soul. The spiritual thought is the spiritual connection between the cultivator’s soul and the natural manifestation of all laws. What the soul sees and touches, all these insights will strengthen our soul.”

"For example, one's own understanding, the mystery of time, the dharma of the great road, everything."

Mu Qingchen paused and continued: "So, in my opinion, spiritual thoughts are a medium that strengthens the soul."

"No no no."

Jiang Qingge shook his head at this moment and said slowly: "In my opinion, divine thoughts are the soul. The perception of divine thoughts is one with the soul. If the divine thoughts are strong, the soul will be strong. If the divine thoughts are damaged, the soul will be damaged. God. The mind perceives the world and continues to sublime, and the soul naturally sublimates accordingly. On the other hand, if the mind dies, how can the soul exist?"

Jiang Qingge smiled faintly and nodded towards Mu Qingchen, "I wonder what Brother Pastor thinks?"

"I still stand by my opinion."

Mu Qingchen is a prominent figure in the world, so he naturally has his own paranoia and will not be easily interfered with by other people's will.

While Mu Qingchen and Jiang Qingge were arguing endlessly, Ling Feng seemed to have some realization and stood there blankly, with all kinds of mysterious lights constantly appearing in his eyes, and the surrounding vitality seemed to be inspired, and he actually gathered... A terrifying tornado of vitality kept circling around him.


The young talents around him all looked at Ling Feng with envy. The state of enlightenment was extremely rare and could only be encountered but not sought. Some people have an epiphany overnight, and their realm soars like crazy; some people have an epiphany, and comprehend the supreme sword intention.

In short, epiphany means some kind of transformation. Once you wake up from epiphany, you will definitely get incomparable benefits in a certain field.

Xuanyuan broke through the formation, and Li Yunting and others all had a look of envy in their eyes. Unexpectedly, Ling Feng's understanding was so high that he actually entered a state of enlightenment just by listening to Mu Qingchen and Jiang Qingge's argument.

Yue Yunlan's beautiful eyes flickered as she looked at Ling Feng, who was standing there with a solemn look on his face. She stood up silently and stood by his side.

During the process of enlightenment, there must be no interruption. Yue Yunlan naturally understood this, so she consciously protected him to prevent some young people from having evil intentions and wanting to destroy Ling Feng's enlightenment.

Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen looked at each other, nodded, and smiled lightly at the many young talents in the audience: "This brother has an epiphany because of the discussion between the two of us. He must have a unique understanding of divine thoughts." We will wait patiently until he wakes up, and I would like to hear his opinions!"

With two monsters taking the lead, the talented people in the audience didn't dare to complain, so they had no choice but to wait with peace of mind.

After about half an hour of meeting, the surrounding vitality tornado finally dispersed. Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, only to see countless eyes around him staring at him, and the pretty faces of Yue Yunlan and Qiaoqiao were very close to him. , like a curious baby, his eyes swept around his face.

Ling Feng reached out and touched his cheek, and said with a smile: "What's wrong, are there flowers on my face?"


Qiaoqiao spat lightly and asked urgently: "Master Ling, tell me quickly, what did you understand when you had your enlightenment just now? So your realm has not improved, and there has not even been a slight change."

Yue Yunlan also stared at Ling Feng, very curious about what he gained in the process of enlightenment.

"It turns out that the state just now was an epiphany."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a faint smile: "I didn't understand anything, I just wanted to understand some issues."

This epiphany did not last long. Ling Feng almost felt as if his soul had left his body for a moment, and then immediately returned to his original body. This state of dissociated soul made him realize a lot.

Yue Yunlan's clear spring-like eyes looked at Ling Feng, her lips parted slightly, and she said, "Then what do you want to understand?"

Yue Yunlan's question immediately made everyone on the scene prick up their ears. The state of enlightenment is so precious. Some things that can be understood casually are probably also great truths. If you understand a few things, it might also be a miracle. Not a small blessing.

Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen also looked at Ling Feng, waiting for his answer.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ling Feng smiled and said, "Since everyone wants to hear it, I will tell you some of the vulgar insights I gained during my enlightenment just now."

Ling Feng thought for a moment, sorted out his words, and then said: "For example, when we condense Yao Yao, we use our spiritual thoughts to activate the power of heaven and earth to condense some kind of vision in the sea of ​​spirit. Whatever is condensed is condensed. What is Wenyao? Another example is when we practice martial arts and use our spiritual thoughts to guide the movement of our limbs and bones to increase our own cultivation."

"Thoughts come from the heart. Divine thoughts are the embodiment of our own will. Whatever you think it is, it is whatever it is. It can be a mountain or water. At a critical moment, it is the sword in your hand and the Yuan we have cultivated. force."

Ling Feng paused and continued: "It is in our hearts and is controlled by me. Therefore, it is all laws and phenomena. Whatever you want it to be, it will be!"

(PS: One thing to note is that I don’t have much experience in this cultivation of immortality. Don’t think I’m talking nonsense. I’m really just talking nonsense! I’m just trying to make it as similar as possible. As for these theories of cultivation of immortality It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, just look at the results.)

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