Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 955 Egg of Chaos! (3 updates)

"The divine thought is the thought. Whatever you want it to be, it will be!"

Ling Feng looked around and said calmly.

After saying this, everyone was stunned. Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen both looked at Ling Feng blankly. Anyone with such an idea is either a madman or a genius.

"Your Excellency's insights are refreshing, but..."

Mu Qingchen shook his head and said slowly: "To practice together, only by uniting knowledge and action and constantly verifying it can we arrive at the truth. Otherwise, even if you talk too much, it is just rhetoric and will only lead people astray."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. He had no intention of convincing them that he was right anyway. The reason why he wanted to find out what divine thoughts were was because he had doubts about why he had condensed the egg-shaped pattern.

After this epiphany, he seemed to have grasped something. This was what he needed to prove, instead of having a pointless dispute with Mu Qingchen and the others.

Ling Feng made a sword salute to Mu Qingchen and Jiang Qingge, and said with a faint smile: "Two senior brothers, I still have some conjectures that I would like to find you to confirm. I wonder if you two senior brothers are willing to help me."

Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen looked at each other, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Lingfeng's gourd.

Mu Qingchen frowned slightly and asked, "What do you want Brother Jiang and me to do?"

Ling Feng slowly walked up to the high platform, bowed his hands to Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen, and said, "Brother Pastor! Brother Jiang! In the process of enlightenment just now, I seem to have gained something, but it is not true. I hope you two can use your will for me. With all my strength, I can play a song together and integrate the two’s understanding of Yao Yao and the creation of heaven and earth into the sound of the piano. Perhaps, I can understand the last layer of shackles.”

"Do you want Brother Jiang and I to help you cultivate Wenyao?"

Mu Qingchen was so smart that he immediately understood what Ling Feng meant.

"That's right." Ling Feng nodded, "I have some doubts about my tattoo, so I would like to ask my two brothers to give me some advice."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience, and everyone looked at Ling Feng with mocking faces.

"Who does this kid think he is? First he boasted nonsense, and now he actually wants Mu Qingchen and the others to help him cultivate Wen Yao. Why is he so big-faced?"

"Hehe, just wait for him to be rejected. I have seen many such shameless people. They say they want to prove some truth. To put it bluntly, they don't want others to help him cultivate Wen Yao for free. Huh, it's all a conspiracy! "

"Yes, Brother Pastor, don't pay attention to this idiot. Let's continue talking about how to cultivate Wenyao. Don't let this kid ruin Yaxing."


The young talents in the audience were all talking, mostly with bad words. They thought Ling Feng had enlightened on something good, but Ling Feng gave them a lot of nonsense. They didn't understand a word. In their opinion, Ling Feng was completely crazy.

Therefore, their resentment towards Ling Feng is naturally quite large.

However, a scene that shocked those young talents happened!

"It's a trivial matter." Mu Qingchen smiled, "But could you please show me the pattern? I'm very curious about what kind of pattern you have condensed."

"My request is the same as Brother Priest." Jiang Qingge also nodded, "Based on your understanding of spiritual thoughts that is beyond the times, I think your pattern will be quite shocking."

"Um..." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a little embarrassment: "My tattoo is a bit special. However, since you two insist on seeing it, I have no choice but to show my shame."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and with a thought, he activated the egg-like pattern in the sea of ​​spirit. Suddenly, a milky white egg-shaped shadow slowly floated above Ling Feng's head.


As Ling Feng showed off his tattoos, the young talents in the audience couldn't help laughing.

"With this kind of thing, as Wenyao, the future Yuanhun will also be an egg, right? No wonder this kid is so good at bullshitting. He has such a good relationship that even Wenyao is an egg!"

"I admire it, I admire it! No wonder you said that spiritual thoughts can be anything. It seems that your divine thoughts are also eggs! Hahaha..."

The voices of ridicule were endless, but Ling Feng shrugged indifferently. How could the dragon flying in the nine heavens care about the ridicule of the tortoise playing in the water?

When Jiang Qingge saw Ling Feng's Wen Yao, although he did not ridicule him in every possible way like those in the audience, he still showed a hint of disappointment. He really couldn't imagine how powerful an egg Wen Yao could be.

Only Mu Qingchen, looking at the egg-shaped shadow behind Ling Feng, fell into deep thought. Gradually, a trace of solemnity flashed in Mu Qingchen's eyes, and he asked Ling Feng: "I wonder if your Excellency caused any strange phenomena in the world when you condensed Wen Yao?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Could it be that Mu Qingchen saw the origin of this Danzhuang Yao?

"When I was condensing the Wen Yao, I caused the stars to change, and nine stars connected in a row. Does Brother Mu know what Wen Yao this is?"

"I'm not sure." Mu Qingchen shook his head, "It's just that I seem to have seen similar records in an ancient book. At the beginning of chaos, there was a powerful person who merged thousands of laws and condensed the egg of chaos. It’s shaped like an egg.”

"Chaos Egg?"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank, this was somewhat close to his guess.

On that day, Ling Feng imprinted all the thousands of visions in the Wenyao Holy Monument into the sea of ​​spirit. All the visions merged into a ball and turned into chaos. Later, under the guidance of Wenyao's light and divine thoughts, Finally, a milky white egg condensed.

Ling Feng had always been puzzled before as to why it was an egg, but in his sudden realization, Ling Feng seemed to have thought of something.

It can be said that all his talents are derived from the blood of the Emperor. In the ancient cave of time, he got another seed of chaos. After this seed of chaos entered his body, he felt that something different had happened to him. The change.

This kind of change has always been something he couldn't explain, but at the moment when Wen Yao condensed, he seemed to notice a clue.

It made sense that his pattern had turned into an egg shape due to the influence of the Chaos Seed.

Thousands of visions turn into chaos, and primitive power reshapes the world!

The influence of that Chaos Seed on him that day finally began to show.

If Ling Feng's guess is correct, this "egg" should be a chaotic world inside.

Before the world was opened, everything was chaos, and the thing that gave birth to the chaos must be what Mu Qingchen called the "egg of chaos".

The reason why Ling Feng wanted Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen to help him cultivate his brilliance was because he wanted to open up the chaos, open the eggshell, and reveal his true brilliance - the origin of chaos!

"But, does this kind of tattoo really exist?"

Mu Qingchen murmured to himself, staring at Ling Feng, and then slowly took out a jade flower from his sleeve, nodded to Ling Feng and said: "I am willing to help you cultivate Yao Yao with all my strength, maybe, today, I am lucky enough to see Wenyao, who only exists in myths and legends!"

"I will also try my best to help you."

Although Jiang Qingge didn't know what the Egg of Chaos was, he also knew that Mu Qingchen's expression was so solemn, which was certainly not a trivial matter. If he was lucky enough to witness it, it would be a beautiful thing.

"Thank you very much!"

Ling Feng bowed and made a sword salute to the two of them. These two were determined to pursue the truth. Although they were a little stubborn, they were worthy of admiration.

Let me ask, if ordinary people have cultivation experience, they will naturally not teach it to their relatives and friends, but they are willing to sit down and discuss the Tao, and teach each other what they have learned, without taking any benefits. This noble integrity alone is worthy of admiration. In this way People are worthy of deep friendship.

"Haha." Mu Qingchen looked up to the sky and laughed, looked at Jiang Qingge, and said loudly: "Brother Jiang, it is the mountains and the flowing water that know the elegance. How about you and I playing a song together?"

"I think so too!"

Jiang Qingge also smiled casually, slowly sat down cross-legged, stretched out his hand and started playing the guqin in front of him.

(PS: Some people may have guessed it before. Indeed, the title of the book is called Chaos Heavenly Emperor Jue. It must be related to chaos...)

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