Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 956 Chaos begins! (4 more updates)

The top of Wanren Gufeng.

Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen smiled at each other, took out their musical instruments, nodded at Ling Feng, and started playing leisurely.

Ling Feng sat down cross-legged, and the shadow of Wenyao behind him slowly rose, emitting a milky white light, which sprinkled on Ling Feng's body, illuminating him with incomparable sanctity.

Mu Qingchen pressed his fingers lightly on the jade Xiao a few times, and the next moment, the leisurely sound of the cave flute floated up. The sound waves spread out like ripples, which contained his understanding of the creation of heaven and earth. The artistic conception was long, and everyone who heard it felt like I am so drunk that I seem to be immersed in the sound of Xiao Sheng.

The sound wave vibrated and fell next to Ling Feng, and the shadow of Wen Yao behind Ling Feng also trembled slightly. Circles of ripples penetrated it. Ling Feng's Wen Yao rotated crazily in the sea of ​​​​spirit, blooming with divine light. . The light of pattern shines through the body, and thousands of strange images gather around him.

At this moment, Ling Feng seemed to have transformed into a holy monument with Yao Yao. Thousands of visions gathered together, leaving the young talents in the audience dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Can't a person only be able to condense one kind of tattoo? Why are there so many strange things on his body? Are these all his tattoos?"

Yue Yunlan's beautiful eyes flickered as she looked at the countless visions around Ling Feng. This guy also said that he had only imprinted a few visions. The visions he has evolved now are all-inclusive. Copied it again!

Yue Yunlan bit her lower lip, staring at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes, and two big words came to her mind: Against the Heavens!

At the same time, Jiang Qing's singer's fingers began to pluck the strings. The strings vibrated, and the sound of a golden sword and an iron horse suddenly sounded. It was completely opposite to Mu Qingchen's ethereal and elegant sound. This time, Jiang Qingge put his own The will of the piano is integrated into the artistic conception of the sound of the piano, resounding throughout the sky like a drum shaking the sky.

The high-pitched sound also vibrated out and reached Ling Feng's side. Two completely opposite sound waves continued to vibrate in the space around Ling Feng. One ripple after another rippled around Ling Feng, driving him along. The shadow of Wen Yao also kept shaking.

The two artistic conceptions contain their respective perceptions of the creation of heaven and earth, and are constantly absorbed and evolved by Ling Feng's pattern. If Ling Feng feels something, while his spiritual thoughts continue to sublimate, the egg-shaped pattern seems to have been baptized. As the light shone, a crack appeared on the "eggshell" for the first time!

"Is it as I expected?"

Ling Feng was so excited that the eggshell cracked, and the source of chaos inside would take its place!

As if they saw a crack appearing in Ling Feng's "Egg of Chaos", Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen played faster and faster, and the ripples vibrating from between their fingers became more and more dense. Two Completely opposite artistic conceptions continued to merge into Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts. His understanding of the creation of heaven and earth became clearer and clearer, and there were more and more cracks on the eggshell.

However, half an hour later, although there were more and more cracks on the eggshell, it still had not reached the level of cracking. If this continued, even if it bounced for another three days and three nights, Ling Feng's "Egg of Chaos" would still be broken. It is absolutely impossible to truly break through and release the source of chaos.

"Two senior brothers, it is now!"

Ling Feng's pupils suddenly opened, and countless mysterious patterns flashed in his eyes. The mysterious mysterious patterns fluctuated with a mysterious aura. The shadow of the patterns behind him was already covered with dense cracks. He had a premonition that once the egg Shell cracked, that would be a whole new level!

Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen nodded heavily, and they naturally discovered that Ling Feng's Wen Yao had reached the critical point.


When the time came, Mu Qingchen's melodious and ethereal Xiao suddenly changed and became extremely shocking, like thunder in the nine heavens, with the momentum to shake the mountain top. It was crazy and surging, the sound waves spread, and ripples penetrated into Ling Feng's body. The virtual shadow suddenly bloomed with nine-colored divine light and soared into the sky.

As Mu Qingchen's artistic conception changed, Jiang Qingge's piano music suddenly turned aside, and the sonorous sound of the golden horse suddenly turned into the sound of flowing water, beautiful and pleasant, and leisurely in the empty valley.

Movement and stillness are a cycle, the cycle of heaven, the cycle of the great road, the beginning of chaos, and the beginning of the world!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The speed of Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen's playing became more and more frantic. The sound waves continued to merge into Ling Feng's body, and countless ripples vibrated out like a tide. Under the infusion of such terrifying will, it was no less than enlightenment one after another.

Avenue! world! good fortune! nature!

Finally, return to chaos...

Bits and pieces of understanding continued to become clear in Ling Feng's heart, bit by bit, all integrated into Wen Yao. For ordinary people to cultivate the Yao, they basically need to rely on themselves to perceive the creation of heaven and earth, continuously strengthen the Yao, and make it condensed. How could he be like Ling Feng, who could be directly taught by two monsters with all their talents? Coupled with his previous enlightenment, half an hour was almost as good as other people's more than ten years of hard training.

Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen were both playing wildly at this moment. Everyone could see that they had pushed their will power to the extreme. Success or failure depended on this.

The sound of piano, the sound of Xiao, the sound of harp and music are completely different, but they all originate from the perception of the great road.

The fingers of the two moved as fast as lightning. With such terrifying power of will, they actually affected the sky. Black clouds came over the city, strong winds blew up, and the pattern behind Ling Feng rose higher and higher. High, rising higher and higher, until the entire Tiansheng Peak is completely enveloped.

As time passed, the wind and clouds changed color, and the clear sky turned into a sky full of stars. Nine twinkling stars moved in a strange trajectory. Gradually, the nine stars connected in a row and formed a line!


The color of the sky and the earth changes, wild thunder emerges, the thunder dragon splits the sky, and explodes the sky!

Yue Yunlan's expression changed drastically. It was like this strange vision again. It was a hundred times more terrifying than the last time in Youyun Sword Forest.

"This time, will Ling Feng's Wenyao finally be born?" Yue Yunlan murmured in a low voice, looking at Ling Feng who was blooming with divine light on the high platform, countless little stars flashed in his eyes.


The string is broken and the string is broken!

At that moment of thunder, the will of Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen was instantly replaced by the will of heaven and earth.

Can the will of heaven and earth, especially ordinary people, be able to shake it? Ling Feng's pattern finally reached the critical point of transformation under the influence of this kind of enlightenment. It triggered the phenomena of heaven and earth that appeared when the Chaos Egg was born.

"From now on, you can only rely on yourself."

Mu Qingchen and Jiang Qingge glanced at Ling Feng at the same time, abandoned their instruments, and jumped off the high platform in a flash, because they saw a Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder as thick as a bucket, cracking down from the air and heading towards Ling Feng. Coming on the run.

Suddenly, the entire Tiansheng Peak was filled with thunder clouds and thunder.

The power of the origin of chaos, the evolution of Hongmeng, and the creation of all things are the great creation of heaven and earth. This kind of power of creation is not allowed by the world rules of Xuanling Continent!

Just like the Flying Immortal who has to overcome the tribulation needs to survive the thunder tribulation, the birth of any original power will naturally have its own calamity.


Purple thunder, red thunder, black thunder, and three-color calamity thunder rolled forward, twisted and twisted, and struck down hard towards Ling Feng!

Cut it down hard!


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