Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 960 The Road to the Strong! (4 more updates)

Three days later, Ling Feng said goodbye to some friends and prepared to set off for the southern part of the empire.

Naturally, Tianwei Academy was extremely sad to see Ling Feng leave, but they also knew very well that with Ling Feng's current talent, continuing to stay at Tianwei Academy would hinder his progress.

There were not too many words of reluctance, and there was no farewell ceremony. When it was time to leave, Ling Feng took Tuoba Yan with him and set off directly from the General's Mansion and left the Tianbai Imperial Capital.

He left his own legend here, but the journey of a strong man is only the first step.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the south gate of the imperial capital. Ling Feng stopped at the gate and sighed softly.

"The path of the strong is destined to be lonely!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Tuoba Yan beside him.

At least, with such a "handmaid" by his side, he is not alone.

"Ling Feng, you and I haven't decided the winner yet, why are you trying to get rid of me now?"

At this moment, a figure in fluttering purple clothes walked out from under the city tower, holding a gleaming sword on his chest, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he didn't expect that this guy was waiting for him here.

"Hey, brother, there's me too!"

Then, another figure walked out from the shadow of the tower, and it was none other than Li Bufan.

"Xiao Fan!" Ling Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, "Didn't you go to Yan Valley to practice with Senior Jian Chi?"

"After practicing, I will come to see you, big brother!"

Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and said with a naive smile: "Fortunately, I met Feifan, otherwise I wouldn't have known you were leaving the imperial capital. Brother, if you want to go to southern Xinjiang, I will go with you. I said, I am Jiang Xiaofan This life is what you gave me, big brother!”

"You kid!" Ling Feng patted him heavily on the shoulder, "I originally wanted you to set off with me, but you were practicing in Yangu, so I didn't go looking for you. Since Senior Jianchi let you go, When you come out, I welcome you very much!”

After all, Jiang Xiaofan is a "freak" who has refined Xuanwu's precious blood. It would be great to have him as a brother fighting alongside him.

"There's me too!"

Then, another girl holding a black kitten came out with a peaceful smile on her face, "Brother Ling, you are going to southern Xinjiang to experience, can you count me in?"

This girl is naturally Mu Qianxue.

Tuoba Yan glanced at Mu Qianxue, with a slight smile on his face. The relationship between the two women had become so harmonious at some point.

"You guys!"

Ling Feng's eyes swept around these people, and then he laughed loudly and said: "Haha, I never thought that our Tianfeng Sword Team would finally get together again!"

"It's a pity that Captain Gu and the others went to the Northwest Army."

Jiang Xiaofan glanced at Ling Feng and said with some confusion: "Brother, wasn't the Commander-in-Chief very kind to you before? Why don't we go to the Northwest Army and go to the Southern Army?"

"Remember Feng Mo?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said lightly.

"Brother Feng!" Jiang Xiaofan nodded, "Isn't he the Ninth Prince?"

"Well, he has greeted me a long time ago. Now he is supervising the army in Southern Xinjiang. I promised him that I will go to Southern Xinjiang to help him. Moreover, I also happen to have some things to go to Southern Xinjiang to deal with."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and did not directly tell the story about the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor, otherwise, he would have to scare these guys.

"I see."

Li Bufan pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Brother Ling, do you want to participate in the battle between the Ninth Prince and the Fourth Prince?"

As the son of the Taiwei Mansion, although Li Bufan had never been interested in government affairs, he knew that the reason why the Tianbai Emperor sent the Ninth Prince to supervise the army in southern Xinjiang was to establish the Ninth Prince's prestige in the military. Competing with the fourth prince.

In the end, there will undoubtedly be a battle for the prince to inherit the throne. Unexpectedly, Ling Feng has already started to take sides so early.

"I'm not interested in those who seize the direct descendants but not the direct descendants." Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "I only know that the Ninth Prince is my good brother, Ling Feng!"

Li Bufan nodded slightly, knowing that Ling Feng's thoughts were not here. He and himself were in the same direction in some respects.

What they pursue is only the pinnacle of martial arts.

"Let's go!" Ling Feng smiled cheerfully, "The road to martial arts is not as lonely as I thought. At least I still have good friends like you!"

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and laughed innocently.

Mu Qianxue, on the other hand, pursed her delicate lips lightly, as if she had something on her mind.

The group was about to set off when they heard a rush of calls from behind. A girl in green clothes ran all the way and shouted loudly, "Wait for me, Ling Feng!"

Everyone turned around and saw that the person coming was none other than Lin Xianer!

Ling Feng couldn't help but frown. In order to avoid trouble, he basically told no one about his departure. He even asked Su Hongxiu to send a message to Lin Xian'er, asking her to help take care of Ling Shenzong's affairs.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xianer was still chasing after her.

Thinking about it, it must have been Tong Chengtai who told Lin Xianer.


Lin Xian'er was breathing heavily. Seeing that she was dressed in a smart outfit, she thought she was ready to go on the road with him.

"Xian'er, why are you here too!"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. There was a big gap between her strength and those of her teammates in the Tianfeng Sword Team. She was more suitable to continue to practice in Tianwei Academy.

"You're still talking about it!"

Lin Xianer glanced at Ling Feng, "You wanted to leave, but you didn't even tell me!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, "Isn't it because I didn't care about it for a while? Well, don't you also want to set off with us?"

"Of course." Lin Xian'er clenched her pink fist and gritted her teeth: "I have said goodbye to the teacher. Everything is ready, and I am ready to hit the road!"


Ling Feng looked at Lin Xian'er's determined look, and couldn't bear to dampen her enthusiasm, so he nodded, "Okay, anyway, according to the message sent back by Master (Duanmu Qingshan), he has already arrived. Southern Xinjiang, maybe during this trip to Southern Xinjiang, you can reunite as father and daughter. "

Lin Xian'er bit her silver teeth and gave Ling Feng a resentful look. This guy only has these things in his mind!

However, no matter what, I can finally go on the road with him. I will definitely have a chance to make Ling Feng understand my feelings in the future.

On top of the city tower, a young man saw Ling Feng and his group walking away from a distance. He raised his hand to cover his right eye and shook his head slightly.

"Fate, after all, is inescapable. No matter where you go, it's the same."

The next moment, the figure disappeared from the tower and flew towards the south, as if it had never appeared before.

If Ling Feng and others were here, they would definitely recognize that this young man is none other than Ye Weiyang!

(PS: Regarding Ye Weiyang, we have introduced it twice before. The first time is "Chapter 624: Because, I want to protect you!", and the second time is "Chapter 667 Jiuli God Clan". Ye Weiyang will be the introduction There is a clue to Mu Qianxue's true identity. You can pay a little attention to it in case you don't understand it later.

In addition, everyone should still remember that Blood Sword Lord Li Qingling and Ghost-faced Demon Lord Lin Canglang are both in southern Xinjiang, right? )

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