Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 961 Tianmang Fortress! (1 update)

All the way south.

Ling Feng released the donkey and used his demon cloud to travel. In just five days, he entered the scope of the Sky Demon Forest.

Passing through this forest, you can reach Tianmang Fortress, the base camp where the southern military is stationed.

In Tianmang Fortress, there are about 60 million defenders stationed, relying on natural dangers such as swamps, miasma, valleys, etc. to deal with the demon clan.

The entire fortress stretches for more than a hundred miles, strictly guarding the boundary between the demon realm and the human race, and protecting the human race people behind the fortress.

Of course, there is also a buffer zone between the fortress and the demon realm. Here, the demon clan and the human race are active all year round and regard each other as prey.

Generally speaking, as long as both sides do not use strong men above the king level, it will not destroy the balance between humans and monsters.

Previously, due to the constraints of Demon Emperor Qiongqi, there had been no major conflicts in the Southern Border Demon Territory for decades. Unfortunately, with the death of Demon Emperor Qiongqi, the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor took away what originally belonged to Demon Emperor Qiongqi. The territory and the war began.

The group spent about three days traveling through this large forest, and finally, a towering fortress appeared in front of them.

Hundreds of miles outside the fortress, there are layers of passes and heavy security. It can be said to be very difficult to enter the fortress.

Ling Feng and his group approached the pass, and a small team immediately stepped forward to intercept them. After Ling Feng showed the recommendation letter from Tianwei Academy, the soldiers immediately became more respectful.

After all, those who can get letters of recommendation from the four major universities to go to the military are naturally elites in the universities. Unlike ordinary soldiers like them, these elites do not need to work hard as pawns to join the army. He can also be a centurion.

Ling Feng's official rank is already that of a general, but after all, he has not made any military exploits and does not belong to any establishment.

To put it bluntly, he is a polished general, so no matter he chooses to join any of the five major military regions of the empire, he is completely free.

"It turns out he is an elite student from Tianwei Academy."

The team leader bowed respectfully to Ling Feng and his party, "Recently, the fortress has not been peaceful, so everyone is worried. Please don't take it off."

"It doesn't matter."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "The captain is also doing his duty faithfully. I have just arrived at the fortress, and I wonder which general should I go to for the new recruits to report?"


The squad leader was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "There are no generals in the new recruits' registration. Forget it, give me your recommendation letter, and I will help you find the deputy commander of our patrol camp. The deputy commander should give it to you. You arranged it.”

"Thank you very much."

Ling Feng nodded and handed over the recommendation letter casually. He remembered that when he was at Qingtian Fortress, there were generals who came to entertain him, but how could he be stopped by the little commander at the door like now.

And he’s also the deputy commander!

Sure enough, although he was very prosperous in the north, few people in the south knew his name as Ling Feng.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a burly man wearing black armor and a broad sword at his waist was seen walking leisurely towards Ling Feng and the others with several guards.

The big man had a ferocious scar on his face, and he looked calm and powerful.

Finally, the scar-faced deputy commander walked up to Ling Feng and the others, and glanced at everyone. When he saw the three Mu Qianxue girls, his eyes clearly lit up, his Adam's apple rolled, and he swallowed.

Men like them in the military camp have never seen such a beautiful woman.

Although martial arts talent does not distinguish between men and women, there are still relatively few real female warriors, especially in the military. Female warriors are even more pitiful. Soldiers like them rarely even have women, let alone these. She is such a delicate beauty.


The scar-faced deputy commander coughed dryly, holding Ling Feng's letter of recommendation in his hand, grinning widely and saying: "Boy, are you from Tianwei Academy?"

"Not bad." Ling Feng bowed to him and replied lightly.

"Hmph, it's not bad. I actually have a letter of recommendation from the Heavenly Academy." Deputy Commander Scarface grinned, "Guys, have you notified in advance which general in the military camp will come to receive you? I can pass the message on your behalf. one time."

"Well..." Ling Feng frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head, "Probably not."

"No?" Scarface looked at the people behind Ling Feng, "What about you?"

"Of course they don't either." Ling Feng frowned and asked, "Master Commander, does this have any impact?"

"Nothing, just routine."

The scar-faced commander chuckled, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and said slowly: "This recommendation is a recommendation, do you understand the rules?"

In his opinion, the fact that no general-level dignitaries came to receive him meant that these people were just like fat sheep that could be slaughtered.

"Rules?" Ling Feng was stunned, "What rules?"

"Of course it's the transmission fee!"

The scar-faced man put the recommendation letter in his hand and patted it, "Think about it, everyone is very busy. These days, there are recruits from Tianwei Academy, True Dragon Academy, and Wenyuan Academy who came to our Tianmang Fortress to join the army. There are so many, of course our brothers can’t work for you in vain, right?”

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and rubbed it in front of Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "I, Zhao Dabiao, are always the most fair. There are six of you here in total. I will charge you this amount for each person. Isn't it too much?"

As he spoke, he raised his palm and gestured with five fingers.

This guy is also very scheming. He didn't quote a specific price, but by observing his words, he could know how much profit these people had to make.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said casually: "Five hundred yuan crystals per person?"

"Yes, it's five hundred yuan crystals..."

Zhao Dabiao laughed first, then froze for a moment, and glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, "You mean, five...five hundred yuan crystals?"

"What's wrong? Did I say too much? Lord Commander?" Ling Feng curled his lips and said lightly.

Zhao Dabiao's eyelids were twitching wildly, and he felt that his eyeballs were about to fall out.

Five hundred yuan crystals!

Good guy, his annual salary combined, converted into Yuanjing, is only one or two Yuanjing!

You must know that the value of one yuan crystal is equal to a thousand top-grade yuan stones, and for such a small deputy commander, his annual salary is only one or two thousand top-grade yuan stones.

He originally thought it would be good to kill five hundred top-quality Yuan Stones by one person, but he didn't expect that when he opened his mouth, it was Yuan Jing, and there were five hundred of them!

"Yes, what's wrong? Lord Commander?"

Ling Feng glanced at Zhao Dabiao thoughtfully, casually threw a bag of bulging Yuan Jing towards him like trash, and said with a half-smile, "A little?"

Ling Feng did not have a specific number for this bag of Yuan Jing, but the quantity was not the key. What was important was that Zhao Dabiao was completely confused.

I saw him holding the bag of Yuan Jing in both hands, and his whole body was trembling.

Although he is greedy, he is not a fool.

Can someone who can throw out such a large bag of Yuan Jing casually be an ordinary person?

The forces and families behind them would probably scare the shit out of me!

And do you dare to accept their Yuan Jing?

Although this Yuan Jing is good, it is hot to the touch!

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