Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 962 Meet General Ling! (2 updates)


The corner of Zhao Dabiao's mouth twitched slightly, he held the bag of Yuan Jing in both hands, and said with a smile: "Sir...Sir, you are joking, I can't accept this!"

He is not a fool. He still knows who he can provoke and who he cannot provoke.

The consequence of being greedy and swallowing the elephant is a dead end!

"Oh? Isn't this the rule in the military camp?"

Ling Feng grinned. Each of these old fritters wanted to exploit each other and get some money from these students who had just come out of the academy. However, who was he, Ling Feng? His money, Not so easy to get.

I have oil and water. The question is, do you dare to try to fish for it?


Behind them, Lin Xian'er and Mu Qianxue couldn't help but laugh out loud. Even Tuoba Yan, a cold guy, couldn't help but curl up his lips.

"Ahem..." Zhao Dabiao's old face turned red from holding back, "What's the rule? I, Zhao Dabiao, have always been the most opposed to this kind of behavior that is very unfriendly to recruits. When I know who the bastard set this rule, I will definitely give it to his mother. Give him a hundred lashes!"

As he said that, Zhao Dabiao licked his face and came to Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "What do you call this young master?"

"Ling Feng." Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

"It turns out to be Mr. Ling."

Zhao Dabiao chuckled and said, "Please follow me, I will take some of you to see General Ding. Generally, the new recruits from the academy are arranged by the General."

"Then it's up to you, Commander-in-Chief Lao."

Ling Feng glanced at Zhao Dabiao and said with a half-smile.


Zhao Dabiao touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Wherever, please come with me."

Ling Feng and others looked at each other and immediately followed Zhao Dabiao to find the General Ding he mentioned.

After the group of people left, the soldiers on the patrol team swallowed their saliva and stared straight ahead.

"Good guy, Yuan Jing! That big bag, tsk tsk tsk, we can't earn that bag of Yuan Jing even if we are soldiers for the rest of our lives!"

"This is the world of rich people!"

"However, I didn't expect that 'Zhao Papi' would also fall in front of this guy, and he also had money that the guy didn't dare to accept, hahaha..."

One of the soldiers couldn't help but burst into laughter. Zhao Bapi was naturally referring to Zhao Dabiao. This guy was quite loyal to his brothers on weekdays. In one word, he was greedy!

"Speaking of which, Zhao Papi set the rules for plundering newcomers. Haha, I really want to see how he whipped me a hundred times!"


All the soldiers immediately looked at each other and laughed, feeling very happy when they saw "Zhao Papi" deflated!

Soon, Ling Feng and his party were brought into Tianmang Fortress by Zhao Dabiao. Since they were confronting the demon army in front, the atmosphere in the entire military camp seemed rather depressed.

"General Ding Shen's camp is just ahead."

Zhao Dabiao had a smile on his face, and he didn't dare to fart more than half a mile along the way. He was hunting geese all day long, but was eventually pecked by geese. This time, he was kicked onto the iron plate.

"Well, I'm done."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and nodded slightly at him.

He doesn't hate greedy people, and this Zhao Dabiao is also a smart man.

Smart people often have their own value.

Throwing a small bag of Yuan Jing into Zhao Dabiao's hand, Ling Feng said calmly: "Commander Zhao, please accept this."

"Thank you, Mr. Ling!"

Zhao Dabiao licked his chapped lips and looked at Ling Feng carefully before he dared to accept Yuan Jing and said with a smile: "Master Ling, I, Zhao Dabiao, remember your favor!"

Ling Feng shrugged. This kind of person might come in handy at some point. Even if it was useless, Ling Feng didn't care if he was bribed with a bag of Yuan Jing.

After walking a few hundred meters further, Zhao Dabiao stopped outside a large tent, bowed and shouted into the tent: "Zhao Dabiao, deputy commander of the patrol battalion, asks to see General Ding Shen!"

"come in."

A lazy voice came from the tent, and Zhao Dabiao nodded, pulled up the curtain, and waited for Ling Feng and his party to enter the military tent before he was the last one to go in.

The military tent was filled with bookshelves, and the shelves were all filled with volumes of bamboo slips, which contained the roster of the generals of the Southern Army.

I saw an old man in casual clothes, holding a handful of scratches in his hand, knocking on the bookshelf for a while, and taking out the bamboo slips to blow the dust on them. He looked very leisurely.

"It's Vice Commander Zhao."

The old man glanced at Zhao Dabiao out of the corner of his eye, and said indifferently: "Which school's young master is here to report today?"

"Reporting to you, sir, it is Mr. Ling from Tianwei Academy and several of his classmates."

"Master Ling?"

The old man turned back and glanced at Ling Feng. Zhao Dabiao was not so polite on weekdays. It seemed that this group of people had a good background.


The old man put the Tickle back into his sleeve, walked quickly to Ling Feng and others, and took a look at Ling Feng and others.

"Sir General!"

Ling Feng bowed his hands to the old man, and Li Bufan and others immediately bowed their hands as well.

"Yes." Ding Shen nodded slightly, then sat behind a desk and said calmly: "Give me the recommendation first."


Zhao Dabiao presented the recommendation letter respectfully, and the envelope of the recommendation letter was still intact. This was not something that a small commander like him could tear open and read.

Ding Shen tore open the envelope, took out the documents inside, glanced at it, and his expression suddenly changed.

He looked at Ling Feng over and over again, then stood up suddenly, knelt down in front of Ling Feng, and said respectfully: "Subordinate Ding Ruhai, please see General Ling!"


Zhao Dabiao was completely dumbfounded. How could a new recruit become a general the moment he arrived?

However, Zhao Dabiao reacted quickly enough and immediately knelt down. Good guy, this is not an iron plate. It is simply a steel plate! Diamond board!

Fortunately, General Ling didn't seem to want to deal with him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to chop off ten heads.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. It seemed that Tong Chengtai's recommendation letter mentioned that he was General Weiyuan.

Also, although I don't have any real power, I still have the rank of general, and I can get away with it no matter which military region I go to.

"Get up."

Ling Feng waved his hand, signaling the two of them to stand up.

General Ding Shen then stood up slowly, looked at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "General Ling, with your military rank, it may not be easy for your subordinates to make arrangements here. I am afraid that only the Grand Governor can personally appoint you."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Then take me to find the Grand Governor."

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