Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 963 The first level of officialdom crushes people to death! (3 updates)

"That's natural, but there are frequent border wars now, so the Governor probably doesn't have much free time."

General Ding Shen said slowly: "How about this? I will arrange for the general to go to a place where there are many elite students from Tianwei Academy and maybe your friends."

Ling Feng nodded, "That's all we can do."

"Then my subordinate sent someone..."

"Wait..." Ling Feng thought of the Ninth Prince Mo Feng who was ordered to come to the Southern Military Region to supervise the army half a year ago, and asked: "Where is His Highness the Ninth Prince? Where is he now?"

"Your Highness the Prince..."

Ding Shen's eyes clearly twinkled, and he said with a smile: "The Ninth Prince is naturally in Prince Jing's Mansion."

"Wow, Brother Feng has his own mansion!"

When Jiang Xiaofan behind him heard this, he couldn't help but get excited. The royal palace must be more luxurious than Ling Feng's general palace.

Ling Feng saw something in General Ding's eyes and asked casually: "Is He also building a mansion in Tianmang Fortress?"

"Of course Prince Jing's Mansion is not in the fortress, but in Iron Wolf City. His Royal Highness is a rich man, so naturally he cannot suffer hardships with these rough guys in this fortress. Therefore, half a year ago, the Grand Governor personally ordered the construction, and the Ninth Prince Later, I moved into Prince Jing’s Mansion. It’s safe and I don’t have to suffer in the fortress, don’t you think?”

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, Mo Feng came to the Southern Military Region to supervise the army, and was directly sent to Iron Wolf City by the Chief Superintendent. He was supervising a shitty army!

Moreover, based on my understanding of Mo Feng, he is not the kind of person who cannot bear hardships. On the surface, he is building a mansion for the Ninth Prince. In fact, it is because the senior officials of the Southern Military Region are unwilling to delegate power to the Ninth Prince, so Just isolate him as the supervisor.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and was noncommittal.

It seems that Mo Feng's life must not have been easy in the past six months.

General Ding Shen glanced at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "General Ling, should you stay in the fortress first, or go to Iron Wolf City to find His Highness the Ninth Prince. If you want to go to Prince Jing's Mansion, my subordinates can also make arrangements. Someone will take you there.”

"No need, I will wait for the Grand Governor's reply right now at the fortress."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said slowly.

"Okay, okay!" General Ding Shen smiled with a smile on his face, then looked at Li Bufan and others, and said respectfully: "Please tell me your name and origin, so I can register you."

After a while, Li Bufan and others also shared their basic information. When they found out that Li Bufan was actually the son of the Taiwei Mansion, General Ding was shocked again.

After the information was registered, General Ding Shen said with a smile: "General Ling and Young Master Li are in a special situation. They have to wait for the appointment by the Grand Governor. As for Young Master Jiang, you can first go to the forward camp to be the assistant general. What do you think? how?"

"What kind of general? I think I'd better stay with my eldest brother." Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and said with a naive smile.


General Ding Shen swallowed his saliva and assigned Jiang Xiaofan the title of Adjutant General as soon as he arrived. This guy actually didn't want it!

You know, when an ordinary Tianwei Academy student comes to the military, he is a centurion at the beginning, and the rank he assigned to Jiang Xiaofan as a general is already two levels higher than that of a centurion.

Zhao Dabiao on the side had a look of envy on his face. I think of him, Zhao Dabiao, who worked hard in the army for seven or eight years before he became the deputy commander of a small patrol battalion. However, Jiang Xiaofan was promoted to the rank of deputy general when he first arrived, but he was still dismissed.

How come the gap between people is so big!

"Then let's wait a little longer." Ding Shenjiang smiled and looked at the three Mu Qianxue girls, "Girls, our Southern Army also has female officers, you..."

“We don’t need allocations either.”

Before General Ding Shen could finish speaking, Lin Xianer and the others interrupted him. Anyway, General Ling Feng was here, so just hang out with him!


Ding Shenjiang had a wry smile on his face. After decades of being a general, this was the first time he encountered such a weird thing.

It must be the first time in a long time that he came to join the army directly with the rank of general!

It is said that one level of official rank kills people, but Ling Feng is a general, who is so many levels higher than a general like him, so he has no right to speak in front of Ling Feng.

"That's fine."

General Ding Shen coughed a few times, looked at Zhao Dabiao, and said slowly: "Then Deputy Commander Zhao, you should take General Ling and the others to the barracks where Tianwei Academy is located."


Zhao Dabiao nodded, and then led Ling Feng and his party out of the barracks.

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party came to a relatively remote barracks. Here were the recruits who had not yet been formally assigned. However, because they were all candidate generals, the conditions in this area were not bad.

Before entering the camp, I saw many people gathered together in an open space outside, seeming to be sparring.

This is the place where graduates from the four universities live temporarily. Generally speaking, students who graduated from the same college will naturally be more united with each other. Especially when they first arrive in the military camp, they will still treat each other as a unit based on the college. There is some friction between them.

In comparison, you are young and energetic!

"Haha, you made General Ling laugh."

Zhao Dabiao looked at Ling Feng and said with an embarrassed smile: "The generals are very busy these days, so many students have not had time to be assigned to each battalion, and they are all hoarded here at once. All, sometimes for the sake of competition In a larger barracks, they fight with each other. This is also the acquiescence of the superiors. After all, we soldiers must be a little bloody. "

With that said, Zhao Dabiao said quickly: "But don't worry, General Ling. Your status is different and you don't need to participate in these boring battles."

"Why don't you need it?" Ling Feng shrugged and looked at the temporary ring with a smile on his lips.

At this moment, one of the two people fighting in the ring was quite familiar to him.

I saw the flames raging around him, but he was not the talented swordsman of the Central Academy Sword Team, Mu Liufeng!

The loudest shout from the audience was none other than Lu Qingshan, the deputy captain of the Intermediate Court Sword Team, and Li Yunting was also among them.

"It turns out that all three of them chose the Southern Army!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, smiled casually and said, "Let's go over and have a look!"

"Okay! Hey, my Silence Sword is already thirsty!"

Jiang Xiaofan's blood was already boiling when he heard those shouts. This guy is a fighting maniac at heart!

The same is true for Li Bufan.


Mu Qianxue and the three girls also looked at each other and smiled. Knowing that Ling Feng and the others had seen "old rivals" like Li Yunting, they naturally couldn't hold back their excitement.

Then Zhao Dabiao also quickly followed. He now regards Ling Feng as a noble person in his life and follows Ling Feng wholeheartedly. In the future, he will definitely no longer be just a small deputy commander!

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