Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 967 Yuan Tiangang! (3 more)

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. On the third day, a general went to the new barracks to summon Ling Feng and others to the commander's tent to meet with the Southern Army Commander-in-Chief, Yuan Tiangang.

Judging from the sound of war horns in the past few days, the demon clans in the Southern Border Demon Territory have indeed frequently invaded the fortress. It is no wonder that Governor Yuan is so busy.

At this moment, more than half of the generals of the Southern Army were gathered in the commander's tent, while the other half were still fighting with the monsters on the front line.

"Grand Governor, the situation is not optimistic. In addition to the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor, there are two other demon emperors among the eight demon emperors in Tianyao City. They have also joined the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's team. The pressure from our southern army is , getting bigger and bigger.”

A general with thick eyebrows and a hideous scar on his cheek slammed the table with anger. His right arm was still wrapped in a bandage. He had obviously just retired from the battlefield.

"Oh, I really miss the days of the nine demon emperors. With the restraint of the Qiongqi Demon Emperor, our border has not launched a battle above the third level in more than 20 years!"

Next to the thick-browed general, there was a one-eyed general with an eyepatch on his left eye. He sighed lightly. His eye was the one that was shot out a few days ago.

"It's a pity that the Qiongqi Demon Emperor suddenly died violently. Hey, a majestic and peak demon emperor died at his will. I think it was probably the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor who did it!"

"Okay, no matter what happens within the demon clan, the first thing our army has to face is the fierce offensive of the three demon emperors!"

Yuan Tiangang looked at the map in front of him and said solemnly: "The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor wants to swallow up our Cangyun City and Iron Wolf City in one go. In this way, his territory can take over the sky. The demon forest is connected, so that the area outside the demon forest will no longer be allowed to be touched by our human race. "

"They have such a big appetite! This treasure land of Tianyao Forest is rich in materials and has always been an important strategic material collection point for our southern army. Why should they take it at their word?"

The scar-faced general said bitterly.

"So, this battle must be fought fiercely and not give in an inch!"

A fierce look flashed in Yuan Tiangang's eyes, "These monsters look fierce, but in fact they are also afraid that the Tiansheng Empire in the south will attack them! We are just wasting our time, and I think the Tiansheng Empire also understands that the lips are cold and the teeth are cold. The truth of death!”

"That's right. The empire's elite black-armored cavalry troops have also been transferred over one after another. With the intervention of this team, unless the three peak demon kings attack at the same time, they will never be able to break through our fortress!"

Next to Yuan Tiangang, there was a middle-aged scribe, dressed in white and holding a feather fan. He was obviously the military advisor of the Southern Army.

At this moment, the messenger soldiers rushed into the camp and shouted: "To inform the Governor, Weiyuan General Ling Feng and his men are already waiting outside the camp."

"Yes." Yuan Tiangang took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "Invite them to kiss me."

In the big tent, the generals suddenly started talking.

"General Weiyuan? Why haven't I heard of this person before?" The scar-faced general said with disdain.

"I have some impression. It seems that he defeated the eleventh prince of the Tianyang Empire, so he was conferred the title of general by His Majesty the Emperor."

"Those of us who lick blood with our swords and risk our lives in return for our military exploits may not be able to become generals in ten or eight years. This guy just defeated a little prince. Is he now a general?"

The one-eyed general snorted and said with a displeased look on his face: "Damn, you are so lucky!"

"Li Qing! You're damn right. I'm really not convinced anymore. Does this kid have three heads and six arms or something? A little kid who has never even fought in a battle is still a general? The same goes for His Majesty the Emperor. He thought he was a general. Isn’t it a child’s play?”

General Scarface also cursed.


Yuan Tiangang slapped the table, "Wang Meng, His Majesty the Emperor, are you allowed to discuss this?"

The scar-faced general's expression changed, and he quickly explained: "Grand Governor, I didn't mean that, I'm just angry!"

"Okay, I have to keep my mouth shut!"

Yuan Tiangang glared at Wang Meng fiercely and said slowly: "The governor has been hanging him for several days, but it is not in vain. He has already found out the details of this kid."

"This guy has accomplished several beautiful things in the Northwest Army and is quite capable. However, it seems that he is a member of the Ninth Prince. This must not be ignored."

Inside the camp, the expressions of all the officers and soldiers changed.

The identity of the Ninth Prince is indeed quite intriguing.

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

Unlike the Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Army, the Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Army is known as the "Tiger" among the five major military regions of the empire. He is the most courageous and domineering among the five Commander-in-Chief of the Empire.

And this Yuan Tiangang was called the "Silver Fox".

As the name suggests, he is the most cunning and the most sophisticated among the five governors.

However, precisely because of this, he was able to securely hold the southern frontier of the empire without the natural dangers of mountains.

Half a year ago, the Ninth Prince was sent to supervise the army, but to this day, the Ninth Prince is still isolated on the fringes of the power hierarchy. From this alone, you can see a little bit of the old fox's skills.

The door curtain opened, and Ling Feng, Li Bufan and others entered the handsome tent one after another.

"Ha ha……"

Before a few people could stand still, Yuan Tiangang on the main seat burst out laughing, "General Ling, Mr. Li, I have been a big name for a long time. Come on, come on, take a seat quickly, take a seat quickly!"

Yuan Tiangang walked up to Ling Feng, grabbed Ling Feng with one hand and Li Bufan with the other, and personally brought the two of them to an empty seat aside.

However, this seat is at the bottom right corner.

According to imperial custom, the left is the seat of honor and the bottom right is the seat of honor. The meaning of this is self-evident.

This obviously means to isolate them from the center of power.

Ling Feng shrugged. He had experienced the military's behavior before in the Northwest Army.

For these guys who lick blood from their swords, the only thing they believe in is strength!

His young face and excessively elevated military rank naturally made these generals very unconvinced.

However, the behavior of the Southern Army Commander made Ling Feng look down upon him.

After all, this person was not as broad-minded and magnanimous as Han Li, the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army.

"Sorry General Ling, I am very busy with military affairs these days and I really can't get away." Yuan Tiangang said with a smile: "I didn't expect General Ling to be willing to join our Southern Army. I am very happy in my heart!"

"Humph!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, but his face remained calm as he said calmly: "I'm so impressed by the Governor."

"General Ling, there is no need to be modest. You are a general at a young age, and you are undoubtedly the number one person in the empire."

Yuan Tiangang patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Come on, drink first, drink!"

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