Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 968 Game of Thrones! (4 more updates)

After three rounds of drinking, Yuan Tiangang didn't mention a word about arranging any position for Ling Feng in the army. He just praised Ling Feng. If he was an ordinary young man, he might really want to do this. I was fascinated by the enthusiasm of the governor, and I was grateful for his appreciation.

For example, Jiang Xiaofan, when he got to the table, he opened his belly and ate all kinds of stuff. When he heard Yuan Tiangang's compliments, he immediately nodded his head, thinking that the governor was pretty good.

However, Ling Feng was very clear in his heart. This old fox was not willing to give him any military power. To put it bluntly, he just didn't trust him.

As everyone knows, Yuan Tiangang has been observing Ling Feng, hoping to see some clues from Ling Feng's expression. Unfortunately, Ling Feng only smiled lightly from beginning to end, giving him an unpredictable feeling.

The generals knew what the governor was thinking, so they just kept making jokes and urging him to drink. After a long time, they didn't say a word of value.

"Hmph, this kid has some skills. He doesn't show loyalty or any dissatisfaction with his arrangements."

Yuan Tiangang touched his chin, but looked at Ling Feng a few more times, looked at Ling Feng, and asked tentatively: "General Ling, I wonder what General Ling thinks after coming to Tianmang Fortress this time. If you have any ideas, please tell me. Haha, I would like to see if there are any vacancies that General Ling can take up immediately."

"How can this junior have any opinions?" Ling Feng bowed his hands to Yuan Tiangang and said, "Everything depends on the arrangements of the Governor."

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes and asked in a nonchalant manner, "Oh? I have heard that General Ling and Prince Jing have a close personal relationship!"

Prince Jing refers to the Ninth Prince Mo Feng.

Since King Tianbai sent him to the Southern Military Supervisory Army, he naturally had to be given a reasonable identity. Although the prince represents the royal family, he does not have any real rights, but Prince Jing is different.

The ninth prince was named Prince Jing, which meant that King Tianbai gave him the power to command the entire southern army to a certain extent.

It's a pity that now it seems that the Ninth Prince is completely isolated. Although Mo Feng is not stupid, it is a pity that he is still a little green when fighting against an old fox like Yuan Tiangang.

"Prince Jing..."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, knowing that the real highlight was coming, he laughed and said: "Junior and Prince Jing know each other from Tianwei Academy, and there is naturally some friendship between them as classmates. Junior is also curious, His Majesty the Emperor sent Prince Jing came to supervise the army. Why is it strange that His Highness Prince Jing is not seen during such a battle today? "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the big tent became a little solemn.

The murderous intent even lowered the temperature in the commander's tent by a few points. Even Jiang Xiaofan, who had been devouring the food, couldn't help but shiver.

This situation doesn't seem quite right.

Li Bufan picked up a wine glass, put it to his mouth and tasted it lightly. It seemed that Ling Feng had made his choice.

However, this was the Ling Feng he knew.

Never abandon your companions at any time.

Sure enough, Yuan Tiangang's expression changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down and said with a faint smile: "Of course Prince Jing has returned to Prince Jing's Mansion. There are frequent wars in the border areas. I can't let Prince Jing risk a huge amount of money." The risk remains in the fortress. Therefore, let him return to Prince Jing’s mansion for the time being. When we defeat the demon clan, we will naturally invite Prince Jing to come back. This is also what Prince Jing agrees with.”

Although Yuan Tiangang had a smile on his face, there was already a hint of indifference in his voice. He stood up from his seat and said slowly: "General Ling, you are almost drunk, but now the governor still has Important military affairs need to be handled. As for General Ling's job arrangement, I will consider it at his discretion. Okay, General Ling can be invited back."

"Then I will go back and wait for the good news. Farewell!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, knowing that this old fox had already listed himself and the Ninth Prince as his companions. It seemed that he would not be of any importance in Tianmang Fortress in the future.

However, Ling Feng didn't care.

The purpose of his coming to Southern Xinjiang was just to kill the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor and help his brother the Ninth Prince.

If the Ninth Prince himself had no intention of doing this, why should he work for Yuan Tiangang?

If it were Han Li, he could still consider it.

After Ling Feng and his entourage left the commander's tent, the one-eyed general Li Qing immediately slapped the table and snorted coldly: "This kid doesn't know how to show appreciation at all. Grand Governor, in my opinion, let this kid tame animals and nourish our war horses." !”

"Haha, what a great idea! Let him be Bima Wen. Don't think that it's great to be a general at a young age. You are playing tricks here. When I go to battle to kill the enemy, he is still wearing open crotch pants. !”

The scar-faced general Wang Meng also immediately nodded in agreement.

"Nonsense!" Yuan Tiangang glanced at the two men and said coldly: "Your Majesty personally appointed General Weiyuan, and you asked him to raise horses? What would your Majesty think if he knew about it?"

"Hmph, as the old saying goes, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. Ours is Tianmang Fortress!" Wang Meng said carelessly.

"The bravery of an ordinary man! Short-sightedness!" Yuan Tiangang glared at him, looked at the middle-aged scribe beside him, and asked slowly: "Commander Sun, what do you have in mind?"

"Don't take it seriously." The middle-aged scribe shook his feather fan lightly and said calmly: "The young master Li Bufan of the Taiwei Mansion is the grandson of Taiwei Li after all. Let him go to the Qianfeng camp to become a captain and the governor first. What do you think?"

"Haha, the military advisor really wins my heart."

Yuan Tiangang laughed loudly and moved Li Bufan away from Ling Feng first. It would naturally be much easier for him to do things in the future.

"What about this Ling Feng?"

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes and looked at Sun Boce with a half-smile.

"Of course General Ling is a young hero and must be used, but there is no general available at the border at the moment, so we can't force him to place a seat, can we?" Military Advisor Sun said with a faint smile.

"Oh, it's a pity, it's a pity! Such a young hero, let him be his general in the recruit camp!"

Yuan Tiangang pretended to sigh sadly and sighed.

"The Governor is wise!"

"The Governor is wise!"


All the generals looked at each other and laughed. Even the Ninth Prince was toyed with by them and applauded. How could the little Ling Feng still want to rebel against him?

Yuan Tiangang picked up the wine glass in his hand, drank it all in one gulp, and then slammed the glass down on the table.

He is the local emperor in this southern border. Before being loyal to the empire, he must be loyal to Yuan Tiangang. Otherwise, even if you are a dragon, I will take good care of you!

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