Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 969 You should go! (1 update)

After returning to the barracks, Li Bufan just looked at Ling Feng deeply and said nothing.

He knew very well what Ling Feng's choice meant, but since it was Ling Feng's decision, he wouldn't say anything more.

In a sense, he and Ling Feng are the same kind of people. The only thing they pursue in their hearts is power.

As for the attitude of the senior officials of the Southern Army towards them, it does not mean much to them.

He came to the military just to sharpen his will to fight in a life-and-death battle, to continuously make breakthroughs and become stronger.

The two looked at each other and already understood each other's thoughts.

This is how smart people communicate. Of course, there is also the straightforward Jiang Xiaofan and the three girls Mu Qianxue, but they are confused about today's banquet.

"Brother, when we went to the Governor's tent this time, we didn't seem to have anything substantial except for a meal. The Governor didn't arrange any duties for us."

Jiang Xiaofan patted his belly and muttered: "Besides, I haven't eaten enough yet!"

"You..." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Don't worry, the Governor will not assign any duties to us. As for Bufan, if my guess is right, someone will come to convey the Governor's order soon. Take Bufan away from me."

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, he heard footsteps coming from outside the tent. A commander led a team of people to gather in front of Ling Feng's tent. The leader shouted loudly: "Deputy Commander of the Forward Battalion, the last general." Zuo Song, see General Ling."

"This is coming."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and led everyone out of the camp. He saw Zuo Song kneeling on the ground with a respectful expression. The soldiers behind him were holding wooden boxes one by one, looking very serious. .

When the surrounding recruits saw this posture, they all gathered around and started talking about it.

"Wow, that's amazing. With this posture, he must be at least a captain of thousands!"

"I just said that I am optimistic about Brother Ling. If he can control the situation, he will definitely be a general in the future!"

"What captain? Didn't you hear people call Ling Feng a general? Oh dear, I already know that Ling Feng is the young genius who defeated the Royal Sword Team. Unfortunately, I was out training at the time and didn't watch. What a wonderful battle!”

"Damn it, is he that Ling Feng? I thought he had the same name!"

Li Yunting and others also gathered around. Hearing these comments, they were secretly amused. However, no matter who defeated the Royal Swordsman, in the eyes of these people, that person would be akin to a myth.

"After all, he is still a general appointed by His Majesty himself, and the Governor has to pay attention to it!" Lu Qingshan pursed his lips and said with envy: "We people are not so lucky, we can only kill them out with our own swords. "

Li Yunting turned around and glared at this guy, frowned and said: "Okay! You have to change your bad mouth in the future. Do you think Ling Feng's generals came for nothing? If you have the ability, you Are you going to defeat the Tianyang Empire's envoys? "

Lu Qingshan smiled coquettishly, "I'm not envious in my heart, haha..."

In the eyes of everyone with great envy, Zuo Song, the deputy commander of the forward battalion, said with a smile: "Which one is Mr. Li Bufan?"

"I am." Li Bufan held his sword and took a step forward.

Zuo Song immediately bowed and said: "Congratulations to Captain Li. From today on, you will be the captain of our forward battalion. These are your armor and official seal. Will you follow us to take office immediately, or will you take up the post in three days?" , shall we pick you up again?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

This group of people actually came to appoint Li Bufan. What about Ling Feng?

Especially Li Yunting and those students who knew the identity of General Ling Feng Weiyuan were even more incredible.

Ling Feng is also a general!

Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and stepped forward very straightforwardly and asked: "Well, there are only extraordinary appointments? What about me? And where is my elder brother? Has his appointment come?"

"Sorry, no." Zuo Song shook his head and said slowly: "The Governor asked me to send a message to General Ling. The Governor asked General Ling to live here temporarily and wait for arrangements. The Governor also said that he would definitely give it to you. A satisfactory arrangement.”

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, this old fox wanted to retreat from the difficulties!

Zuo Song bowed his hands to Ling Feng, looked at Li Bufan again, and said respectfully: "Captain Li, you..."

"Go back and tell your Commander-in-Chief that I, Li Bufan, am not interested in being a Captain!" Li Bufan glared at Zuo Song, and a murderous aura came over him, which scared Zuo Song.

"Feifan, you should go."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "The position of Captain of the Forward Battalion is a high official!"

"You..." Li Bufan frowned, "You clearly know Yuan Tiangang's intention."

"That's why you should go." Ling Feng patted Li Bufan on the shoulder and smiled lightly: "Go, don't forget your purpose of coming to Southern Xinjiang, you have to become stronger!"

"You and I, brothers, advance and retreat together!" Li Bufan frowned and spoke loudly.

"Hahaha!" Ling Feng laughed loudly, "Don't worry, one day sooner or later, you will be transferred to my command and become a captain, no, deputy general in my general Weiyuan camp! Just wait and wait. This day won’t be long!”

Li Bufan took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "You are my lifelong rival, Li Bufan, and I believe you will not let me down. Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After that, Li Bufan reached out and grabbed his official seal and shirt into the spiritual ring. He stared at Zuo Song and said coldly: "Lead the way!"

"Yes Yes."

Zuo Song trembled and secretly broke into a cold sweat. After Li Bufan became his superior, this life would probably be difficult.

"Okay, this kid Bufan finally has a good place to go."

Ling Feng stretched, turned around, and returned to the camp. He looked unhurried and unhurried, but he still had the heroic attitude when he and Li Bufan made their promises just now.

The recruits around were confused for a while. This was a crazy situation. Could General Ling be a general in the recruit camp?

Time passes day by day.

Gradually, the people in the new camp left one after another. Li Yunting and others were transferred to the elite Golden Fire Cavalry Battalion, and Shen Yidao was also transferred to the Red Knife Battalion.

Then, Jiang Xiaofan, Lin Xianer, and Mu Qianxue all had their own places to go, and were persuaded to leave one by one by Ling Feng. Only Tuoba Yan was left by his side.

This was because Tuoba Yan could not leave his side for a long time, otherwise, Ling Feng would probably have to persuade her to leave.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye, and the new barracks became deserted. There were only two or three kittens and puppies left, but Ling Feng still looked carefree.

On this day, Tuoba Yan finally couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart and asked Ling Feng: "General Ling, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

"You'll know right away."

Ling Feng smiled casually. He did not meditate or practice swordsmanship in the camp, as if he was waiting for someone.

Finally, there was a burst of footsteps outside the camp, and then, a familiar figure opened the door curtain. It was Zhao Dabiao, the deputy commander of the patrol camp.

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