Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 970 Prince Jing! (2 updates)

Tianmang Fortress, the commander's camp.

Yuan Tiangang, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, was discussing tactics with the veteran generals in the camp on how to deal with the three demon emperors' coalition forces. Outside the door, messenger soldiers suddenly rushed in.

"To the Commander-in-Chief, the mighty General Ling Feng left Tianmang Fortress last night."

The messenger loudly announced the report.

"Leave? Hahaha..." Wang Meng couldn't help but laugh, "This kid can't stand it any longer. All the people around him have been transferred away. If this kid is not stupid, he should be sensible. Left. Humph!"

The one-eyed general Li Qing on the side also grinned and said: "It is still the clever method of Military Advisor Sun and the Grand Governor to let this kid retreat in spite of the difficulties."

Yuan Tiangang's eyes gradually retracted from the strategic map, he gently touched the goatee on his chin, squinted his eyes, and said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If the governor's guess is right, this son , I’m afraid he went to Iron Wolf City to find Prince Jing.”

"Looking for Prince Jing?" Wang Meng laughed loudly: "What's the use of looking for Prince Jing? Are the two of them hugging each other and crying together? Hahahaha..."

Not to mention he is a small and mighty general, even the Ninth Prince of the Empire, a bunch of self-respecting old oil men, dare to say that isolation means isolation. Even if Ling Feng goes to find the Ninth Prince, he is nothing more than an old coquettish guy. Just a few complaints.

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Prince Jing is not as weak as you think."

"His Royal Highness Prince Jing is indeed a forbearing person."

Military advisor Sun Boce nodded slightly, "Compared to the fourth prince, the ninth prince has more potential to become a king."

"If it's just like this, it's not enough!"

Yuan Tiangang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Let them make trouble, I really want to see what kind of changes the arrival of Ling Feng can bring to Prince Jing!"

His eyes were extremely deep, and no one could see his thoughts through these eyes.

Cangshan Mountain and forest sea stretch endlessly.

A full day has passed since leaving Tianmang Fortress.

"Ling Feng, where are you going?"

Tuoba Yan has been following Ling Feng, and she feels that she can't understand Ling Feng more and more.

Last night, after Ling Feng asked Zhao Dabiao some questions, he left the fortress overnight. Under the cover of Zhao Dabiao, the deputy commander of the patrol camp, he wanted to leave without anyone noticing.

"Iron Wolf City, Prince Jing's Mansion!"

Ling Feng looked back at Tuoba Yan and said with a faint smile: "I want to see what my good brother is thinking in his heart."

"Then what?" Tuoba Yan blinked his beautiful eyes and asked slowly.

"Take one step and look at it." Ling Feng shrugged, "Plans can never keep up with changes, can they?"

Tuoba Yan pursed her delicate lips and said nothing more.

However, she vaguely felt that Ling Feng seemed to have a very crazy plan in his heart.

He is such a crazy person, there is nothing he dare not do.

Perhaps this is where his charm lies.

"finally reached!"

Ling Feng stretched for a long time, and when he saw the majestic city in front of him, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Speaking of which, he and Iron Wolf City have a close relationship.

However, he was still a lone ranger before, but this time, his identity has changed and he has become a general.

I still remember that when I left Iron Wolf City, the general Long Xiao of the black-armored cavalry army repeatedly invited me to join the army. I did come. I don’t know if this general Long Xiao has successfully succeeded the old man. City Lord, became the new Iron Wolf City Lord.

After entering the city, Ling Feng was familiar with the roads and was quite familiar with Iron Wolf City.

After all, he was considered the most famous figure in Iron Wolf City back then.

He killed the three gang leaders of the Skeleton Gang and completely uprooted the Skeleton Gang's power. Ling Feng is still praised and praised as a hero by people in Iron Wolf City.

"I wonder how Uncle Wang from the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce is doing now."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. He originally thought about going to see this old friend, but after thinking about it, he decided not to. His precious daughter Wang Caiwei probably wouldn't be too willing to see him, lest it stir up some bad things. memories.

After asking a random passerby, Ling Feng learned the location of Prince Jing's Mansion and took Tuoba Yan to the door of Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Yuan Tiangang, this old fox, has really invested his money!"

Looking at this extremely luxurious mansion in front of him, Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh. It was quite rare to be able to build such a mansion in a borderland like Iron Wolf City.

"What are you doing!"

The guard guarding the door saw Ling Feng and the two approaching and immediately stepped forward to stop them, "Prince Jing's palace is an important place, and no one is allowed to come near!"

"Is anyone waiting now?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "Go and ask your Highness Prince Jing for instructions. Just ask, am I, Ling Feng, considered an idler?"

The guard looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice, "You wait here, I'll pass the message."

After a while, Mo Feng was seen rushing out. Seeing that Ling Feng was indeed coming, he immediately rushed to Ling Feng, grabbed Ling Feng's shoulders excitedly, and laughed loudly: "Brother Feng, It’s really you!”

"I said I would come, and it will come naturally." She grabbed his shoulders with her backhand and said with a smile: "You are a lot thinner, kid."

"Oh, don't mention it." Mo Feng sighed softly, and the joy between his brows was instantly diluted.

"Brother Feng, come in with me quickly. I'll ask my servants to prepare a banquet for you to catch the wind and wash away the dust!"

Mo Feng smiled faintly, looked at Tuoba Yan behind Ling Feng, and chuckled: "Miss Tuoba is here too, haha!"

Ling Feng gently patted Mo Feng on the shoulder. It could be seen that this guy was no longer the heartless Feng Mo who just wanted to escape.

He is always a royal, so he needs to face his own destiny.


Mo Feng smiled and led Ling Feng to the side hall. After ordering his servants to prepare the banquet, he ordered everyone to retreat, leaving only a maid who was serving wine.

The maid looked pretty and pretty. She was dressed in red and her beautiful eyes were always fixed on Mo Feng.

It can be seen that she is not just an ordinary maid.

"Hongzhuang has been with me since she was a child. She is one of my own." Mo Feng gently picked up the wine glass, drank it down, and said slowly.

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded slightly and looked at Mo Feng. His eyes were a little more resolute.

It seemed that I had come to the right place this time.

In the past, Mo Feng would never show such a look.

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