Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 971 Dream Partner! (3 updates)

"Brother Feng, do you still remember? The first time we met in the library, that time, I was reading a book "The Romance of Emperor Ji", haha, you actually broke it!"

"That time, I remember that Junior Sister Qin Wanwan and Qin also came, and you helped me out! From that time on, I recognized your Brother Feng as my brother!"

"Do you still remember what we said in the Tianwei Mountains? We will always be good brothers..."

"I really miss that time!"


At the wine table, Mo Feng kept drinking wine, constantly mentioning the things he had done at Tianwei Academy. He must be holding back a lot of depression in his heart.

These depressions obviously come from the senior officials of the Southern Army and from that old fox Yuan Tiangang.

Normally, he had no one to talk to or confide in, but today, he had a hearty talk.

"Feng Mo, you were imprisoned in Prince Jing's Mansion by Yuan Tiangang, right?"

Ling Feng grabbed Mo Feng's wrist, took the wine glass from his hand, and asked in a deep voice.

Even though he already knew Mo Feng's true identity, he still thought of him as Feng Mo, the scheming Feng Mo.

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Mo Feng slowly raised his eyelids and smiled bitterly, "It seems that Brother Feng has already been to Qingtian Fortress."


Ling Feng shrugged, "Thanks to you, my reputation as General Weiyuan is quite difficult to use in Tianmang Fortress."

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I... have burdened you."

Mo Feng clenched his fist and gritted his steel teeth.

"What's the drag?" Ling Feng stared at Mo Feng and said in a deep voice: "If it weren't for you, because of my brother, what would the Southern Army have to do with me?"

"Brother Feng, I..."

A trace of tears welled up in Mo Feng's eyes, "I thought I could occupy a place in southern Xinjiang and wait for you to come over. The two of us brothers can wipe out those monsters together!"

"But, Brother Feng, do you know?"

Mo Feng's body gradually began to tremble with excitement, "I am too incompetent, so incompetent! I have accomplished nothing at all for half a year!"

"Ideals are beautiful, but reality often slaps you in the face."

Ling Feng patted Mo Feng's shoulder lightly, "You are not incompetent, but weak. Of course, you still lack a little something when fighting against an old fox like Yuan Tiangang."

Mo Feng's eyelids twitched, "What?"

"Crazy!" Ling Feng smiled casually, "I can give you the crazy you don't have! But before that, I want to ask you a question."

"Brother Feng, tell me, no matter what the problem is, I will tell you frankly."

Mo Feng gritted his teeth. In the past six months, he had truly understood the pitiful status of a prince with no real power in front of these veteran generals.

"Is your heart still as it was when we were drinking at General Weiyuan's Mansion?"

Ling Feng stared into Mo Feng's eyes and pointed straight into the depths of Mo Feng's heart every word.

Mo Feng took a deep breath, looked into Ling Feng's eyes, and fell into a long silence.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Ling Feng remained silent. He was waiting for Mo Feng to truly awaken.

Time passed little by little until dawn, and Ling Feng, Tuoba Yan, and the maid named Mo Hongzhuang also sat with them all night.

Finally, Mo Feng raised his head, a look of incomparable determination flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Feng, I didn't want to fight before, but now, I understand that being born in an emperor's family, you have no choice but to fight!" Mo Feng clenched his fists.

Before the fourth prince, there were originally the eldest prince and the second prince.

Unfortunately, the eldest prince died in battle and the second prince went crazy. Between him and the Fourth Prince, there were the Sixth Prince and the Eighth Prince. These two were idiots who couldn't hold up the wall.

The battle for the crown prince will definitely be between him and the fourth prince.

He has always understood this, but has been unwilling to face it. It was not until he came to southern Xinjiang that he gradually understood the importance of power.

"Brother Feng, I hope you can help me!"

Mo Fei's words were extremely sincere. With the blood of the royal family flowing in his veins, he had to fight for it.

"If I don't help you, I won't come."

Ling Feng picked up the wine glass in front of him, drank it all in one gulp, and laughed loudly: "This is also the answer I hope to hear."

"Why?" Mo Feng was stunned, "I know, Brother Feng, you are never interested in the struggle for power in the court."

"It's very simple. I think the fourth prince is very unhappy! If the Tianbai Empire has a new king in the future, I hope it will be you, not the fourth prince."

Ling Feng always remembered the look in the fourth prince's eyes full of hatred when he kicked him off the ring.

Being obsessed with a cruel prince is not a pleasant thing.

"Fortunately, you and I will be friends first. Brother Feng, thank you!"

Mo Feng smiled lightly. At least, there was a Ling Feng beside him, a Ling Feng who was good at creating miracles.

"Between brothers, there is no need to say thank you."

Ling Feng patted Mo Fei's shoulder lightly and said with a faint smile: "Let's go, follow me to meet someone."

"Meeting whom?"

Mo Feng blinked, not quite understanding what Ling Feng meant.

"You don't think that just the two of us can fight that old fox Yuan Tiangang, do you?"

Ling Feng smiled casually, "We need to find a dream partner to work with us!"

"Dream partner?"

Mo Feng's eyelids twitched. This statement was quite new. Yes, right now, if he wanted to control the Southern Army, it was just an unattainable dream.

It's just that this partner...

He really couldn't think of anyone in southern Xinjiang who would be willing to partner with him?

"Brother Feng, please stop showing off." Mo Feng said with a wry smile.

"So, you still don't understand your father's intention."

Ling Feng shook his head, "That emperor of yours is much smarter than your kid. He has arranged chess pieces for you a long time ago, but you don't know how to use them. What's the point of hiding in your house and sighing all day long?"

"A chess piece arranged by my father?"

Mo Feng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, "You mean, the Lord of Longxiao City?"

"Hey, you're not hopelessly stupid after all."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "My Ninth Prince, the Black Armored Cavalry Army is directly under the orders of the royal family. It is the only army that is directly under the orders of the royal family besides the Divine Guard Battalion. More than half a year ago, your father was transferred The black-armored cavalry general came to Iron Wolf City to guard the city and further replaced the original Iron Wolf City Lord. What do you think his purpose is? "

Ling Feng stared at Mo Feng and said word by word: "Your smart father knew a long time ago that Yuan Tiangang would definitely not delegate power to you, so he paved the way for you, but you don't understand your father's intentions at all. Intention. So, you can’t blame others for your misfortune.”

"Uh..." Mo Feng said with a bitter look on his face, "Brother Feng, it's already this time, please stop making fun of me."

"You don't lack wisdom, you just lack courage."

Ling Feng patted Mo Feng on the shoulder and said slowly: "Brother, since you have made a decision, let's go crazy together from today on! Let that old fox Yuan Tiangang see that you are not a bear. Pack a soft egg!”

"Brother Feng, I listen to you! Let's have a big fight!"

Mo Feng nodded heavily. From this moment on, he would truly transform and become a butterfly.

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