Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 972 Audacious! (4 more updates)

Iron Wolf City, City Lord's Mansion.

Early in the morning, Lord Longxiao got up early and, as usual, prepared to inspect the training of the guards of the city guard regiment.

But today, the City Lord’s Mansion welcomed two special guests.

One of them was none other than Prince Jing.

When the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Army ordered the construction of Prince Jing's Mansion, Long Xiao naturally knew about it and also visited Prince Jing. Unfortunately, he never saw Prince Jing's face.

Unexpectedly, His Highness Prince Jing actually paid a visit in person today.

"Lord City Lord, Prince Jing is here to visit, shall we..."

The old housekeeper was hesitant in his words, obviously hesitant as to whether he should say something or not.

"Is it something? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Long Xiao glanced at the old housekeeper and frowned.

This old housekeeper is the housekeeper left behind by the previous city lord, so he naturally has some understanding of the situation in southern Xinjiang.

"According to your subordinates' wishes, City Lord, you'd better avoid seeing guests." The old housekeeper said slowly.

"Oh?" Long Xiao stared at the old housekeeper, "Tell me why this city lord wants to avoid His Highness Prince Jing."

"The city lord should understand the principle of protecting yourself wisely, right?"

The old housekeeper smiled cryptically and said, "Lord City Lord, this is what I have said. Of course, I will naturally follow the orders of the City Lord as to what to do specifically."

"Mingzhe protects himself?"

Long Xiao snorted. In the first three months since he came to Iron Wolf City, the old city lord told him a lot of things. In a sense, the army in Iron Wolf City did not completely belong to the local area. The garrison and the forces within it are all inextricably linked to the southern military.

Even though Long Xiao brought a group of black-armored cavalry brothers with him when he came, it didn't mean that he could truly be the master of the one-third of an acre of Iron Wolf City.

"We are all ministers of His Majesty the Emperor. His Royal Highness Prince Jing is from the royal family and is our master. When the master comes, how can there be any reason for the ministers to avoid seeing him?"

Long Xiao ignored the old butler's dissuasion and threw the spear he practiced every morning back on the weapon rack. After wiping his sweat, he strode to the main hall.

The old housekeeper sighed, shook his head and said with a smile: "You are still young after all!"

"Subordinates, see His Highness Prince Jing!"

Long Xiao walked out of the main hall quickly. Before anyone arrived, the voice had already reached him.

The next moment, Long Xiao stood still in the hall, his body straight. This was the military quality he had trained in the black-armored cavalry, and it would never change in his lifetime.

Above the main hall, Mo Feng, who was sitting on the main seat, quickly stood up and laughed loudly: "Lord Longxiao, I'm really sorry to bother you so early."

Only then did Long Xiao raise his head. His Royal Highness, Prince Jing, looked much weaker than expected. It was hard to imagine how His Majesty the Emperor could send such a prince to Southern Xinjiang.

How could he alone suppress an old fox like Yuan Tiangang?

However, when he saw the young man next to Prince Jing, his eyelids jumped suddenly and he exclaimed, "Brother Ling...Ling!"


Ling Feng smiled casually, "General Long, long time no see! No, he should be the Lord of Dragon City now!"

"What General City Master?" Long Xiao laughed loudly and said, "I'm just being polite when I say this, hahaha!"

That day, Ling Feng and Long Xiao met in Iron Wolf City, and Long Xiao repeatedly persuaded Ling Feng to join the army and serve the country.

Unexpectedly, we would meet again after only half a year.

"Brother, it's still the same as before, nothing has changed!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Mo Feng on the side was stunned. Ling Feng and the Lord of Longxiao City were still old acquaintances because of their good relationship!

Long Xiao smiled faintly, "No wonder I didn't want to join our black-armored cavalry army at first. It turns out that I am someone close to Prince Jing."

"Brother is joking. I didn't know Prince Jing back then."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled: "Speaking of which, Prince Jing and I met at Tianwei Academy."

Mo Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "Brother Feng, let's not talk about Prince Jing in private. Since the Lord of Dragon City is Brother Feng's brother, he is also the brother of this prince. After all, I have to call you Long. Where’s the big brother?”

"How can I bear this!" Long Xiao sweated secretly on his forehead and said quickly: "No, no, no, your highness is the prince, and his subordinates are just ministers."

"Privately, there is no need to treat me as a prince." Mo Feng smiled slightly and bowed to Long Xiao.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Mo Feng was quite good at it. He knew how to climb along the pole and make friends with Long Xiao first.

The three of them reminisced about old times and went back and forth. Long Xiao acquiesced to Mo Feng calling him Brother Long, but he would never dare to call him Brother Mo.

After all, there is a difference between king and minister!

After a while of pleasantries, Ling Feng got down to the topic and said in a deep voice: "Brother Long, you should probably know that His Majesty sent Prince Jing to the south to supervise the army, right?"

"Well, I've heard about this, but..."

Long Xiao glanced at Mo Feng, but still said bravely: "It's just that His Highness Prince Jing, as a supervisor, did not guard the fortress, but retreated to Iron Wolf City for refuge. This is somewhat unjustifiable."

Long Xiao was always upright. If he were an old man who had been in the officialdom for decades, he would not say these words anyway.

"That's the key."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "Brother Long, do you really think that Prince Jing himself is willing to withdraw from Tianmang Fortress and hide in the turtle shell of Prince Jing's Mansion?"

"Brother Ling, what do you mean by this?" Long Xiao frowned. After serving as a general for many years, he vaguely noticed something.

"That old fox Yuan Tiangang is a self-respecting soldier. He doesn't take the Ninth Prince seriously at all. He even puts the Ninth Prince under house arrest in Prince Jing's Mansion in disguise. What do you think this old fox wants to do?"

Ling Feng slammed the table and said indignantly: "This old fox, I think he wants to rebel!"


Long Xiao's eyelids twitched wildly. Ling Feng actually dared to say such things casually. He must be too courageous.

He swallowed hard and said with a smile: "Brother Ling, don't you dare say such nonsense!"

Even Mo Feng was shocked by Ling Feng's remarks.

Ling Feng is probably the only person in the empire who dares to say that Yuan Tiangang wants to rebel!

But if he has any objections, it is absolutely impossible. This old guy has not grown to that point yet.

"Disobeying His Majesty the Emperor's imperial edict, what do you think this is but rebellion?"

Ling Feng snorted softly and said seriously: "Then Yuan Tiangang treats His Highness Prince Jing as a fool and plays with him in applause. Even the prince dares to play like this. In this southern border, hasn't he become the emperor of the earth?"

"This..." Long Xiao frowned and looked at Mo Feng. Sure enough, he found that Mo Feng's brows were deeply furrowed. It seemed that what Ling Feng said was not entirely exaggerated.

"Brother Long, you should understand that the Black Armored Cavalry Army is directly under the command of the royal family, and now the Ninth Prince has no real power in the southern army, and he is not even qualified to set foot in Tianmang Fortress. Think about it, What will your situation be like?”

"There are monsters invading the territory right now, so Yuan Tiangang has no time to take care of you. Once the war stabilizes, I am sure that the old fox will not allow such a royal force like you to continue to be active under his nose, right?"

Ling Feng was heart-wrenching every word, and Long Xiao's brows were frowning more and more. Thinking back to what the previous city lord and the old housekeeper said to him, Yuan Tiangang's power in southern Xinjiang was indeed too great.

The reputation of the royal family in southern Xinjiang is far inferior to that of Yuan Tiangang.

It is undoubtedly a hidden danger to the royal family and the empire!

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